#I think Sunny keeps pace with Trent pretty well
The twins should’ve been zoo kids. Not because I want them to, but because of how the others were captured.
They’re on their own with no supers knowing about them as they’re coming into their powers. They’ve got strong powers. Sunny attracts attention because of his powers.
Zoe blows up tech which you would think would make them hard to find, but she doesn’t have control enough to make sure they aren’t caught on camera.
It would be a different story, because the zoo kids are only broken out because when a known cape kid is targeted. Would that still happen?
i don’t think the zoo kids would remain locked up. Look at the line up. You have Reaper’s Daughter, the heir to the sandman line, the heir to the coyote line, would have two from the superior line. And they would be getting stronger as they get older.
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