#I was really rooting for Kenneth and Brittany
titus-androgynous-87 · 3 months
Almost all caught up with Love is Blind (just a bit left in the last newest episode). And all of these men are garbage. Like these women made a wish over a bunch of overflowing dumpsters and now they have to teach these trash monsters how to be humans
The women have their own flaws and issues, for sure. But these men make my butthole pucker, as my mother likes to say. None of them ever have anything positive or kind to say about ANYONE, let alone their partners. And constantly trying to fuck other people from the pods
Lying about being engaged, lying about their jobs and looks and goals. And for what? A few hundred more IG followers and a damp dick that don’t work because you drink more vodka than water?
A half-baked reality circuit career where no one falls for your shit because you can’t act to save your fucking life (y’all can’t even gaslight effectively, how you gonna sigma alpha bro your way out of situations of your own making)? An ego boost you clearly don’t need? External validation because your dad never hugged you or said he was proud of you? Forcing people to spend time with you because your toxic personality has alienated everyone around you, but it can’t be YOUR fault! No! It’s not YOUR fault you’re a raging narcissist fuckstick who only views women as holes to pathetically fail stick your aforementioned broke wet rope dick into and then cum on her knee and tell her she should feel grateful you fucked her because she’s ugly (all while looking like a melted tickle me Elmo with your coke-and-alcohol flush and botched chin implants)
I’m sorry I just really hate straight men, and fuck these assholes in particular. This season is a disaster, and not in a fun way
Between this and the Sandoval Apology Tour 2024, I’m so tired and done with reality TV
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