#I was telling my boss about how butterwort eats flies by curling its leaves up and trapping them the other day
drumlincountry · 8 months
A thing I must remember is that I am a freak. I mean I am a freak (complimentary). Genuinely and truly a bit strange, though. A little odd. Even if we put aside the political radicalism and the queerness, I coo over carniverous plants. I'm curently in the process of buying a Goncharov poster. When I was 7 years old, I performed a poem about a dead fish on stage, in front of my whole town. I am, additionlly, diagnosably a freak, for what that's worth. These are good things! On tumblr, these are not notably strange things. But I MUST REMEMBER!!!! when I am out there in the world. That I am a freak. I must not be surprised when other people seem strange to me, or when I seem strange to them. I must own my freakness, and spend as little time as possible in spaces where being a freak is an unpleasant experience.
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