#I’ll probably try to push through the discomfort to see more of whatever those fruity ass doctors got goin on
corvids-corner · 10 months
Local stupid gay bitch with a mild medical phobia gets tricked into watching a medical drama by the promise of weird gay tension, many such cases
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So the planets have aligned, the moon is just right, and I finally managed to finish this “drabble”…that turned out to go to 5479 words but that’s beside the point. Hope you don’t mind and that I did it justice~ :3 This is probably set some time after the events of Dark Fate, maybe post-Heaven scenario? Full disclosure, I’ve only played MB/LP/DF, in case that is relevant to anyone /shrug/. The featured Bitch-chan can be Yui, an OC, anyone you fancy!
Enjoy! :D
The fragrance is a rather peculiar one.
It’s a little distracting, honestly.
Sitting at his desk, browsing the latest notes that Reiji had set aside for him from the demon world, Laito can’t help but feel his mind wander. He should really have known better, seeing as Bitch-chan’s cardigan is still hanging on the back of his seat, wreathing him with her comforting smell and no doubt providing the biggest distraction possible.
But perhaps it’s not just that. Bitch-chan’s aroma aside, he could say that he had gotten used to it. After all, he was the one constantly crooning for her to come to his bed at night, snuggles giving way to more intimate touches that had her both blushing and crying for more…
This wasn’t really helping at all.
“Really now…I would have thought after so long, I could have endured this…,” Laito clicks his tongue as he reaches over to the adjacent chair, taking hold of the soft woolen fabric to knot his fingers into. The feeling brings back many a memory – both pure and sullied, of course – but the scent…that is the real kicker. Never one to deny his urges, he allows himself to be enthralled by it, sinking deeper into his thoughts.
It’s a homely sort of smell, very befitting of the domestic nature Bitch-chan likes to maintain as she cooks and cleans and behaves like the perfect little housewife. But while he would have otherwise paid it no heed, there comes undertones of something more natural, an underlying aroma of milk and skin that he couldn’t have said piqued his nose before. Dare he say a caring scent…not that he knew too well what that was, but it made him feel small…the similarities he had witnessed when out on the prowl for a new girl to suck dry, seeing young women holding tightly on the hands of squealing children...
It reminds him of something he hadn’t dared think about for years.
There was no way…surely…was it even possible?
Laito had considered the likelihood in the past – halfway down to Hell with his hips rutting and whatever dirty thoughts he had spilling from his mouth - but now that he remembers more, it had always seemed like an unobtainable feat.
But now that the thought had burrowed its way into his mind, it was suddenly rather hard to shake. He wasn’t sure why…but given that he still had a hold of her cardigan, imbued with her scent, he was quick to try and pin it down.
Laito was no stranger to the ins and outs of reproduction. Indeed, he could quite comfortably say he understood the biological processes of procreation quite well. But while coitus was certainly his favorite part, he could not say he had given much thought to the later stages. Most of the brides would have died by then anyway…even when he had tried to keep them alive, the rush of hormones and insatiable hunger that flooded his senses during the full moon often turned a night of perversion into a lonely blood feast.
And yet, this time was different. His Bitch-chan had surpassed all expectations; surviving this long wasn’t something to turn one’s nose up at, nor was the fact that she was now potentially carrying his child inside her. Bitch-chan had the entire deck stacked against her, and still came out on top.
Interesting…no, remarkable. Downright miraculous.
If Laito had been inclined towards faith, he would have offered a small prayer of gratitude.
Of course, Bitch-chan hadn’t confirmed it yet. Even when he corners her in a state of undress as she prepared for a bath – the best time to catch her off-guard – she seems unwilling to meet his gaze.
“Bitch-chan’s scent…are you wearing a new perfume?”
“…E-excuse me?”
It had been a peculiar change for a while now. And change doesn’t tend to go unnoticed by someone of Laito’s caliber. He pushes at her shoulders in jest; the towel almost slips from around her chest – so close! – and he is fast to pick up on how she is so quick to move on the defensive. An indicative sign, perhaps? She is never usually so quick on the draw…
“Your scent has been a little different recently, Bitch-chan,” he croons, making sure to hold his words in teasing singsong. “so unlike how fruity you usually are!”
A flush of pink blooms over her cheeks; not quite as vibrant as when Laito seeks to truly humiliate her, but welcome nevertheless. “To say such a thing so casually…” she mumbles, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear to distract her fidgeting hands.
“Oh, Bitch-chan, would you have preferred me to go into greater detail?” He already knows the answer, it’s written all over her embarrassed expression! But he’s a wicked devil, she knows this well, and he is eager to comply. Hell, he just enjoys the proximity…and a good ‘excuse’ to get up close and personal. “Let me just get a better smell and I’ll be sure to be…,” He runs his tongue against his fangs, just for good measure. “absolutely exhaustive.”
“No, thank you!”
She claims sickness at first when he attempts to tussle and get her out of her towel, crying out when he pushes against her chest to assert she is feeling rather tender. The perfect opportunity to tease, Laito continues to poke and prod, on and on until she would give in and say something…
Until she manages to reach the nearby sink and vomit.
Laito had seen and done many things in his lifetime, but even he was grossed out.
Still, she endeavors to maintain this mask of health to his brothers, sitting with them at the dinner table and staying as quiet as possible. Laito can’t help but feel a little confusion at her act; they could surely pick up her scent, yet here she is, trying to behave entirely normal. Perhaps she was normal? Was it all a fluke?
He rocks back against the chair and closes his eyes. Humans are a curious breed.
There’s a clatter of cutlery as Bitch-chan finishes her meal, accompanied by what appears to be her tenth glass of water. “Reiji-san? I’m finished, please may I be excused?” She seems fidgety, constantly shuffling in her seat, to Kanato’s annoyance when she accidentally bumps his elbow.
“Honestly, what an undisciplined creature you are, can you not wait until the rest of us are finished?” the elder sighs, eyes not even leaving his plate as he eventually relents and waves her away with a flick of his wrist. “…Very well. You’re permitted to leave, I suppose.”
No time is wasted, as much as Laito would have liked to enjoy pestering his Bitch-chan for a few moments more. She announces her gratitude for the meal and quickly tucks her chair beneath the table, brisk steps carrying her from the dining room before giving way to fading rapid footsteps.
He suspects she is trying to find another bathroom to take refuge inside.
There comes a soft grumble from the table’s end as she departs; Shu opens one eye at the ajar door and adjusts his sitting position. “If she is going to vomit again, Laito, can you make sure it’s in one of the further rooms? The scent wasn’t pleasant earlier.”
The younger perks slightly at the use of his name. “Huh?”
“Well, it is your fault. You’ve finally gotten your newest plaything to bear, haven’t you?” Kanato was one of the first to pipe up as she left them in silence. A sharp whistle of air leaves him as he sucks through his teeth, no doubt catching Bitch-chan’s scent on his palate. “Her aroma has been different recently…”
Discomfort curdles the atmosphere as the brothers glance between each other, though most of their contemptuous glares are shot right at Laito. They all noticed too. He can’t help but sigh, reclining in the chair as he does so. “Are you angry that you didn’t get there first?” he teases. “Haaa…it was awfully fun watching how she squirmed that night, so I can’t blame you.”
Those lilac eyes boring into the side of his head narrow, while white-knuckled fists clench around Teddy. “How disgusting. Screaming infants are the worst creatures, with their ugly fat faces and their filthy habits. You had better keep that horrid little thing away from us when she squeezes it out, right?”
“You’d have another nine months of peace to yourself, don’t get yourself worked up so soon,” Laito huffs, twisting his fork between his index finger and thumb. It catches the light overhead when he stares down at the silver surface, his own emerald eyes staring right back. “Besides, we’re going from speculation…I want to confirm it myself.”
Subaru looks up from his own meal, revulsion contorting his expression. “Given how damn loud you are, I’d be shocked if she wasn’t.”
“Aww, have you resorted to listening to me, Subaru-kun?”
The wood of the table starts to splinter beneath the youngest’s hand. “You’re so damn noisy, I can’t get away from it!”
The table descends into petty squabbling as it always does, each brother deciding Bitch-chan’s current condition based on their nose and observations. So far, they present interesting ‘evidence’: Ayato seethes about how she is always going outside for fresh air, limiting his ability to trap her in a corner and terrorize her, while Shu tosses the occasional remark about how she is constantly clutching her chest and abdomen in pain. Nobody knows these quite as well as Laito does; acting as her second shadow and being meticulous in observations as he was, every little tweak in behavior was promptly noted and preyed upon.
Laito tries to stay out of the ensuing shouting match. He’s too busy trying to quell the sudden shared pain rising up from his stomach.
Two weeks pass since the monthly dinner, though the associated hubbub continues to hang over the Sakamaki mansion like a heavy blanket.
And still, Laito feels his stomach coil.
It’s a curious sensation, he ponders, snuggling beside Bitch-chan as the sunset gives way to the beginnings of the night. Cordelia had never given him this strange form of attraction, not that he could remember; a deep-seated pull from the stomach outward, not unlike a rope tied to his very core. He has the irresistible urge to maintain a physical connection – not even a sexual one…though that does happen often – and lavish her, make his mark on her bigger and bolder and more more more. It drags him close to Bitch-chan, keeps him close, keeps him…dutiful.
He can feel how his behaviors have softened, as if they were objects he could hold and manipulate between his hands. He feels more pliant than before, willing to bend to the lower threshold that his Bitch-chan maintains. She cries out more when he grabs at her chest, tires faster when he tries to break his previous naughty records, gives in easier as he clings to her side amidst the night terrors.
Months ago, he would have her clad in irons for the mere suggestion that he had taken too much blood.
Last night, he had capitulated to the weak heart fluttering in her chest, even when her mouth hadn’t protested.
Something wasn’t quite right with him.
“I feel like something’s pulling inside me. Deep inside, something feels like it needs to drape over her…ah, it’s hard to explain. Especially to someone as uptight as you, Reiji.”
Might as well take advantage of the only source of knowledge in the mansion.
Ignoring the slighted grumble of his elder brother, Laito slouches against the bookcase to admire the biology books hoarded over the centuries in the tight-packed laboratory. “As much as I may seem uptight,” Reiji seethes. “we cannot ignore the fact that by our very nature, we have an innate desire to continue our genetic line. Father wanted one of us to act as Adam for that exact reason.”
Ah, of course. That old codger, he’d probably be thrilled to find that one of his sons had decided to consummate with the newest bride. “I suppose his animal urges were far stronger than mine, given his success.” Laito forces a smile to carve over his lips, even though he feels his stomach turn and mood sour at the very thought of the wrinkled old bat. The idea that he is slowly walking the path his father once treaded is sickening…though he would never admit it.
Reiji’s footsteps are not far behind his. He collects the books Laito discards, restacking them with a furrowed brow. “I won’t say I would wish to replicate his tactics, but they follow tried-and-true patterns in nature.”
“Then this is the result of becoming Adam?”
“Perhaps. The process does cause primitive behaviors to resurface, such as the overwhelming desire to consume Eve’s blood. It would only be logical if you were to become more animalistic in your paternal instincts too.”
Emerald locks with ruby for a moment or two. “So I’m becoming a mindless beast by your standards? Reiji, you shouldn’t try to be so pious, everything seems like savagery with that attitude!”
“Males of many species in the animal kingdom possess paternal instincts that compliment those of the female’s maternal drives. A potential father becomes extremely possessive of his mate, ensuring no other males would eliminate his offspring while attempting to sire their own. He often lingers close by, providing her with food or protection to aid the development of his young. Indeed, some males choose to reclaim their mate with great vigor, hoping to increase his chances of success…”
“…Why did you stop?”
“Because I happen to know very well that you are vigorous. The walls are surprisingly thin, Laito.”
“When am I not vigorous?”
Reiji sighs as he finishes wiping grit and detritus from his glasses, fixing them once again over the bridge of his slender nose. “Anyway, it would appear that everything is hinting towards a successful conception. I would congratulate you on achieving the next step to becoming Adam, but I won’t do so prematurely. You haven’t even asked her to confirm it.”
Stifling laughter, the younger flickers through a few pages more, head cocked sideways at a woodblock image of a she-wolf nestling a litter of pups. “I want to bide my time, Reiji-san. Maybe I could ask her in public, somewhere that many people could see her confess? Oh, how her face would flush red!” He raises his hands to his cheeks and mewls; had he a pulse, it would surely be rocketing right now. “The humiliated look she’d have when I recall what I did to make her scream…haaa, it’s getting me all flustered~”
The elder’s nose wrinkles in disdain. He snatches the tome away from Laito with a sweeping motion, even going as far as to smack him atop the head with the leather-bound cover. “Don’t come back to me unless you have actual proof that you have sired. I can provide you with all of the supplements she may need.”
“What’s the matter? Too personal?”
“You were getting there. Unlike you, I make use of preventative measures.”
Not all of his brothers were quite so willing to stand at the sidelines.
He catches Ayato trying his luck later that night.
Laito had been hoping to pass by and see what Bitch-chan was up to, having seen only brief glimpses of her between rushes to the bathroom or the garden. Ayato seemed to have been thinking along the same lines…good thing their fraternal bonds were close enough for Laito to sense something was amiss.
He rounds the corner to her bedroom, mouth opened to greet her with the usual pet name, only to find it caught in his throat. Ayato has her pinned by the wrists, in spite of her clear efforts to fight him, clearing a space between her wavy locks to bite down and take his fill…
…Oh. Her neck is streaked with blood. He’s taken some already.
“Bet that pervert’s feeling proud of himself, huh?” he hears Ayato growl, the movements of his mouth sticky as he continues to salivate. It runs to the corners of his smirk and down his chin…a macabre imitation of a ventriloquist’s doll.
Bitch-chan bucks against him, but the blood loss has left her weakened. “I don’t know what you mean, I haven’t done anything wrong!”
“The fact you didn’t stick with me is enough. And now you’ve got his kid inside you?” Soft creaking betrays the tightening grasp he holds upon her. “You’re damn lucky I haven’t killed you yet.”
“What are y- agh!”
Thud thud thud.
Any other time, Laito would probably have played the part he usually did. A derogatory phrase, a silver-tongued remark, an invitation to a shared meal between himself and whichever brother had decided to pick on Bitch-chan for the evening. He was no stranger to sharing his spoils, even when a thick vein of possessiveness ran deep inside him.
And yet…his attempts to tap into his lighter side…are futile.
He feels…angry.
…Why? Why is he so angry?
“I mean, I could always spill your guts all over the floor, right?” Ayato pushes on further. He leans over Bitch-chan as he usually does, imposing his height over hers and forcing her into submission. “If I could see it for myself, then I’d know whether you’re lying or not. Chichinashi…would you like that instead?”
“N-no, I wouldn’t! And if I were, you couldn’t t-tell like that, it’d be too early!” Laito would normally snicker at such a remark – Ayato had never really excelled in biology class – but he finds himself only growing more infuriated by the second. He watches his brother’s nose wrinkle, lips pull back into a sneer, hands tighten their grip on Bitch-chan’s wrists overhead.
“You think getting knocked up by Laito means you can run your mouth to me?!”
“No, of course not!”
“And talking back too? My brother’s been slacking on his training if you think you can talk to me like that!”
Thud thud thud thud thud thud.
Reiji’s words echo louder, rivaling the pounding in his ears. Louder, louder, watching as Ayato traces a hand over her stomach, presses down, squeezes tight.
Other males would eliminate his offspring while attempting to sire their own.
He could, if he wanted to. Bitch-chan could kowtow to Ayato and give him an heir instead; a new project to mould into his ego-inflated image like their mother had done so frequently in their youth. And if she disagreed, he could always snuff her life out. All it would take was a flick of the wrist, and Bitch-chan would find half her insides suddenly dangling outside. Laito knew it, just as well as Ayato. They all had their bloody pasts, murder by disembowelment was probably included in there.
Thud thud thud thud thud thud THUD THUD-
“Tell you what! I’ll punish you in his damn place!”
He couldn’t let that happen.
It’s all a blur.
The sound of his brother’s jacket ripping between his fingers, the feeling of his ribs pressed to the back of his forearms as he clenches round the material and pushes Ayato down into the floor. Savagery by any other name, so unlike how Laito usually carries himself.
Recovering from the stars filtering across his vision, Ayato can’t help but huff a labored chuckle. “What’s this, Laito? Were you looking for a bite to eat, too?”
How he has the willpower to not gut Ayato where he’s lying right now, he doesn’t know. His hands are burning, blistering under the skin, pulling tighter on the material as he pushes his knuckles deeper into his brother’s chest. He’s done with horseplay right now; blood ties mean nothing right now to whatever beastly instinct has him seized between its talons.
“You’re done here. Go.”
Ayato grins...eyes flickering like gemstones, he beams up at the face of cold fury above him. “You really think you can stop me? I wanted a snack, I’m getting a snack!”
“She’s mine.” The cold monotone of his voice does nothing to deter his littermate, only making him writhe and spit like a trapped cat. So he pushes him harder into the floor, pressing his weight down and down and down…oh, how the fire inside him rages, licking up his insides and charring his thoughts. “Both are mine. They will always be mine, and you’re never allowed to feed from her again.”
Ayato was never a fan of rules. The very idea that his little brother would be the one to enforce them makes his stomach coil and jaw clench. His pupils narrow to slits, barely visible in the vibrant green. “It shouldn’t have been you who got her…what makes you any better than me?!”
“The fact I got here first is enough.”
As much as he would have loved to give Ayato a harsh bite as punishment, he hisses under his breath as his brother manages to wriggle away, disappearing in the blink of eye as he transports to another area of the mansion. Probably for the best; Laito couldn’t help but feel himself swinging at the end of his tether, ready to snap Ayato’s neck should he try again.
But the sound of his Bitch-chan whimpering softly has him reeling, almost falling over himself in an effort to cradle her in his arms and reaffirm his own mark. The fragrance of her blood is powerful, damn near suffocating, but only worsened as his brother’s scent seems to mix with it. She is frail in his embrace, barely registering how her feet no longer touch the ground as he sweeps her away to his room. At least here, he knows there will be some refuge; the scent of spilled blood will have surely gotten the attention of the rest of his brothers, who would no doubt descend upon her in search of an easy meal.
He needed to get rid of it. He needed to keep them safe.
It’s a frantic effort on Laito’s part, even if she tries to reassure him that everything is okay. But he can’t stop himself, his tongue scraping away every trace of his brother from her skin. Ayato’s scent dispels, the foreign musk replaced by his own familiar one with every press of his flesh to hers. An animal gets nervous when his territory is invaded; Laito feels sympathy for him, for he now knows why.
But it’s stronger than that. Territory is unmoving, unfeeling. His Bitch-chan responds to him so fervently, emotion tingeing her blood and sweat with a sweetness he finds addictive.
She squeaks between his fervent kisses and touches, lashes damp with tears as she struggles for breath when he sinks down the length of the bed. Pausing at her stomach, her breath catches. That is all the confirmation he needs. “I wanted to tell you…I-I didn’t know how to- and then the others, they-”
“-That doesn’t matter now,” He cuts her words off with a bite to the thigh. Softer than usual, taking care to make it as pleasurable as possible, he stole her voice and whatever traces Ayato had tried to place upon her. He had staked his claim; in a few months, he would see the fruits of his love and labor. “I need to get him off of you. You’re mine…both of you are.”
Satisfaction was the one thing he had been chasing all these decades, riding high on the pleasures and pains of the flesh. But this was a new kind of pleasure, in knowing closeness and possession over Bitch-chan, in knowing he had more than just her life between his claws.
He couldn’t give a damn about the moral task of securing the Sakamaki bloodline…not when the instinctual side felt so damn good.
Subaru is the one asked to go and collect Laito from his room. Unwillingly, of course, but forced by Reiji’s hand. He spits a curse or two, threatens to crush a few of his elder brother’s bookcases, but ultimately trudges through the dimly-lit corridors like a galumphing ghost.
As usual, he makes his presence known in a brusque fashion. “Oi, pervert! It’s been a damn week!” Slamming his fist against the ornate door, Subaru feels the wood warp under his touch. No response…but the room is flooded with his fresh scent, creeping from the cracks beneath the door. “I can smell you in there, answer me!”
Entering the room with a clatter still heralds no reply. Even through the thick veil of darkness cast over the bedroom, however, his inhuman senses easily mapped out its contents. Green and white bed sheets pool over the surface of the bed and stretch out onto the floor, a mess of linen and satin tangled into loose knots that wreath a slowly shifting shape in the middle. Pale skin, marred by hatched scars and birthmarks, rises and falls as Subaru casts a long shadow across the floor, stretched over a form that immediately tenses at the new presence.
He wouldn’t mistake those green eyes for anyone else.
Laito’s voice is quiet…deep…monstrously so. It weaves a soft growling through the tension of the atmosphere, quite unlike the playful and laissez-faire pervert that he had last seen at the dinner table. He stares at Subaru with a face like thunder, fangs bared, draped over a heap in the bed sheets as if he were trying to defend it with his life. Half-naked and taut with fury, he refuses to budge from it.
His sacrificial bride? She doesn’t seem to be moving…
Subaru sneers right back, leaning against the door. “What’s the matter? You haven’t killed her, have you?” He’s dealt with far worse than some territorial bastard, so it doesn’t even seem to register at first. Laito tenses in response, spine arching slightly as he positions himself further over the body. “You mute now too?” It reminds Subaru of a feral beast, how he defends his prey; not that Subaru would bother snatching a kill from his elder brother to start. Who knows what he would’ve done to her?
And yet, her skin…it radiates with fresh blood. Subaru tastes the air against the roof of his mouth, imbued with the fragrance of life as the bed sheets shuffle and crease under Laito’s form. His bride is alive – surprising enough – and appears to respond to her lover’s sudden possessive stance. She pulls on his arms, still rigid above her, hoping to pull him closer and away from his half-brother.
“I’m here.”
Shockingly, he listens. The fire dies in those hazy eyes for a moment, and Subaru curdles at how his half-brother crumples atop her, seized by shivers and guttural moans.
When he finally speaks, his voice is still deep and rasping. “You’ll have to forgive me, Subaru-kun,” he thrums; his cat-like grin slowly spreads across his face. “I’m not in the mood for a threesome tonight.”
Lashings of pink streak over the youngest sibling’s cheeks. “When did I- I didn’t…!” he snaps, curling and uncurling his fists in an effort to keep his hands busy. “I was told by Reiji to fetch you. You’ve been here for a week, he wanted to know whether you’ve confirmed…,” God, this was awkward. “…you know.”
“Fufu…take a look, Subaru-kun,” He pulls a corner of the sheets back from the obscured body he guards, revealing the gown-clad human curled into his side. “she’s practically glowing. Perfectly healthy and carrying well.” She looks to Subaru with a flushed face, rouge hinting her cheeks as she struggles to find an appropriate greeting for the youngest brother in such a personal scenario. He feels the same, if he’s perfectly honest. But it comes as a surprise to see the blood running through her face and the strength of her renewed scent…indeed, Laito seems to have been taking good care of her. As if admiring his work, the triplet crooks a finger against his lips to stifle a purr. “Mmm, you’re looking a little hungry though…would you like to eat after having a little rest?”
“…Wait…how the hell have you been feeding her?” Subaru ventures, knocking an empty bottle of water across the floor of the room as he steps further inside. He hadn’t caught the girl’s smell outside the room for over a week now, and as far as he remembered, humans needed to eat at a frequency much higher than that of a vampire. Especially if she had her…condition.
As if to answer him, there came a gentle tapping at the bedroom window, flickering shadows dancing between the branches of the trees outside. Slipping from the covers, Laito slinks to the window and unhooks the latch, letting a pair of shadow-cloaked creatures flit over to the desk and deposit a bag from between their hooked claws. Familiars?, Subaru muses, the bat-like creatures perching for a moment on their master’s arm as he whispers something into their furred ears. They chatter and squeak, wings beating the air as Laito sets them to task, back out into the night sky.
When Laito turns back to the small bag, he rolls his shoulders with a sigh. “Just fulfilling my new instincts, see? Bitch-chan is still a little tired today,” he hums, the muscles under his skin flexing and rippling as his hands shift around before him. Subaru pulls his lips back, catching the warmth of something new on his tongue. Human food, milder than the sweet tang he usually found blood would provide. “so I sent a few helpers out to get her favorite snacks. Saves me leaving her alone.”
“…Is this about what Ayato did?” The redhead freezes at the remark. “Don’t act so stunned, idiot. I could smell the blood and pheromones a mile off. Not to mention he’s been fuming about it all week.”
There comes hostility from Laito’s tone, strong enough to be detected even by his bride. “I see.” She leans across their shared bed toward him, as if hoping her proximity will calm his nerves. “Maybe I should have killed him then.”
“You think he’d try again?”
“If he does, he had better not venture too close to any high places any time soon. Until I can make sure Bitch-chan is going to be okay to move around, I’m not letting her go anywhere he could be skulking.”
“I don’t think you’re worried about her health, you’re more concerned about us.”
“Don’t take it personal. It’s just the natural way of things.”
Subaru doesn’t want to make it any more personal, it’s awkward enough as it is. If anything, he can respect Laito’s desire for privacy, in a similar vein to how he gets equally angry when his own possessions are threatened. Living or not, he supposes that he would’ve reacted in a similar fashion had Ayato decided to mess with his things…though it would have been very likely that they would have one less Sakamaki running around if Subaru was the one dishing out punishments.
“Yeah…sure…” At least he can go back to Reiji with somewhat positive news. He mumbles something along the lines of a goodbye to the bride – still beet-red and struggling to cover her face – and makes for the door; he doesn’t feel like he should invade somewhere so personal for longer than necessary, after all.
By the time the door closes, Laito is practically on top of his bride again; intent on rubbing his scent all over her body, mixing his with hers, he lathers her with kisses and licks, gentle nips with his teeth followed by the sharp prick of his fangs. But never quite enough to feed. As much as he would adore the taste of her blood right now – oh, he can smell it, the sweetness of it as she pulls on his hair – there’s something holding him back. The beating of blood through her veins commands him to only sample it through the small wounds he inflicts, rather than drink gluttonously as he would have done in the early days.
“I can’t wait…,” he soothes, voice like honey as his runs his nails down her sides, carving pale lines into the soft canvas of her skin beneath her cotton nightdress. “…I don’t think I can take it…,” He settles them against her stomach, snuggling deeper into their makeshift nest and entwining his legs with her own. “Being around you like this…it’s an entirely new pleasure.”
She leans back into his form with a low sigh. “Maybe it’s just…a natural thing?” Her hair slips down against the pillow as she moves, baring the faint silvery scars where Ayato had taken his fill a week previous.
Laito calms the internal murmurs with a swipe of his tongue, saliva painting her neck as it heals over the foreign wound.
“If that’s the case, I could get used to this.”
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