#I'll delete this when this blows over I don't want drama on my blog
marchy-emmet · 6 months
Was told this was going on behind my back secondhand. Some pretty horrible shit....? I suppose being in a fandom has its drawbacks.
Update: It was found out it seems like the person was using a VPN to hide their identity... Very telling info about what kind of personality they are.
He's also made an edit of my art, just letting y'all know, if that gets out of hand!
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lunaticus-platina · 2 years
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I'm only gonna talk about this once in ted tag cuz I don't wanna muck up the tag. Any other stuff related to the whole incident goes to the contedversy 2022 tag. 🚬 Oh almost forgot. Cheers to @verat9c for the awesome tag you go peep.
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Hey folks. I've had a long day. I usually get long days. My days are busy. I come home, stretch my joints, try not to let all the trapped screams inside my lungs leak out of its chambers. Or fall into the sweet temptations of substance abuse. I mean coffee. I ain't a smoker and forswore alcohol a year ago. Tho the urge for a cancer stick grows every week. Especially after smth like this.
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Only other addiction of mine is simpin. I open tumblr as usual and what do I see? Yeah. I peeked into Twitter all those years ago and said 'Yeah-ap. Not staying a single second longer in this hell.' And booked it. This place? At least it's fun here. But I keep forgetting most of social media's the same. But I gave away all my fucks I had in me some years ago........I'm just high on caffeine.
@tedraimisimp If ya reading this. I know you deleted your blog. I respect your decision. And no, what you did wasn't exactly wrong, you just shared your experience and ranted abit. We all do that. But you forgot, that this is tumblr.
I know you didn't ask but just so you know...that wasn't the best move. Deleting a blog after that post. People are just gonna pile on speculations and things are gonna go conspiracy level real quick. I know how it goes. Seen enough drama in my time. They already say you deleted blog because you felt threatened or some shit. You planted a ping-pong ball sized molehill, and look at em building mountain over it!
Every single social media that I've been on. Exact same pattern. Never fails once. Whether popular and well-known platform, or not. Doesn't matter. There's faintest blood in the water........piranhas gather.
What breaks my goddamned heart is a fan who excitedly prepared for an event and shared their sweet experience with us now deleted their posts over this shit. Do people not think about the consequences of their actions these days? No I ain't bashing tedraimisimp I just said what they did wasn't wrong. It's those who are blowing this outta proportion and making ops uncomfortable.
For those of you who didn't have an actual experience with Ted. Shut your goddamn trap. Fucking shut it. Let the ones who actually were there talk. I need more evidences to hear from both sides to decide what is valid or not, and all the noises are not helping.
Now the ones who posted about their actual, real, positve/negative experiences, not the 'oh someone posted and mentioned this this and this' idiots, are getting uncomfortable. Just shut the fuck up for once and learn to listen.
Someone shared their experience. That's all. Op wanted to rant because they thought this fandom was safe to talk about stuff and their concerns. You are not making it safe. Yes I like Ted Raimi as an actor. No accusing him of things when there is no actual proof is wrong. Stop making him sound like a predator.
You don't know how many people got their lives ruined over false accusations. Over here it's hella common. All I need is an evidence and I'll gladly shove all my words down my throat. It's innocent until proven guilty.
I was personally a victim of witch-hunting style bullying. One person started a rumor, things snowballed into 'That kid is mentally disabled and carries contagious disease. An orphan. They are a virus. Yuck! Hope they die so we don't have to deal with them in our class. They also steal stuffs. A thief. Check your bags!'
I never fully recovered from it. I was called a 'plague'. Reason of bullying was simple. I was a quiet bookworm. Never talked much, not smiling much. They called me a psychopath and jokingly said one day I'll bomb the school. My best friend now had a similar experience. Those who throw accusations have no idea what the fuck they are doing. People commit suicide over that shit. Fucking shut it, christ.
Now if any of you personally had an unpleasant experience with Ted. Sorry to hear that. But thx for sharing. I needed to hear more 'cuz no person is perfect and I wanted to know more flawed side of him too. If he really has a darker side, and if it's serious, it'll be revealed sooner or later. You don't get to call him terrible stuffs just because he follows someone on social media or flirted with people. Watch your language, don't say what you don't mean, although now that I think about it, that motto that I live by don't mean much on internet does it.
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God, fuck, gah my social battery is dying. All I wanted was to chill over wholesome stuffs but now I got this. Imma go watch horse feeding or smth cuz this just proves animals are better to deal with than humans. I can't even write fics in this state godhelpme
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