#I'm just loving these cozy Jim HCs
fortheloveoffanfic · 2 years
okay things are blowing up between my sister and my dad so...it's Jim hc time I need the escape
alright we were talking about he liked it when you touch his hair and you mentioned that you were sure he smelt nice and yes, yes he freaking does fmkmfkpfqe
but it's not because he wears tons of cologne or stuff, actually I don't see him as the kind of man who loves putting those awful "manly" perfumes that are so strong they make you dizzy, no, it's not like our soft boy Jim and he's different lol
anywayyy he smells like home. literally. im not saying this to sound poetic or whatever. he genuinely smells like home with a soft hint of aftershave and soap, it's a bit musky but it's warm and comforting
you can add to that the smell of his clothes, the fragrance of laundry just mixing very well with the rest
and I hope it doesn't come out as weird but I think he naturally smells very nice, like his body smell is nice so baby Jim is just the softest even on a genetic point of view lol
now to be poetic: he smells like soft words whispered to each other in the night, he smells like coming home after a long day, like rainy afternoons spent on the couch. he smells like a haven would, like peacefulness. just from his scent, you know he is your safe place, any of his embrace just wraps you in the most soothing fragrance, easing away all your troubles
so anyway it's a bit short and messy sorry but I'll come back with something else very soon, promise
just as a conclusion, you'd love hugging him just because of his smell (among the other factors), it's all very relaxing and being in his arms is probably one of the best thing in the world ❤️‍🩹
Aw, I hope things are okay with you and your family. And I'm always here for an escape of you need one! (And to chat with if you need someone)
I also don't see him as the type that wears those over powered colognes, but passed that off as me projecting cause I hate them. The mild ones though, ugh, yes!
So when you say the soap and the aftershave mixed with the scent of detergent/fabric softer clinging to his clothes, I'm SOLD. The man smells so good. (So does his clothes lol)
The tshirts that he sleeps in sometimes.
The shirts/sweaters/tshirts you sneak from his drawers when you wanna feel extra cozy
Back to hugging him. Big agree on him smelling like home and all things comforting. And boy does he know when you need a hug or a good cuddle. Sometimes pulling you in on the sofa after a long day, maybe putting his arms around you while you're standing in the kitchen. And its just like, his warmth and the soothing scent of his embrace is just enveloping you and YES PLEASE.
As always, this was spot on and I just loved it 💕 And no need to apologize, good things come in small packages sometimes (I think that's the saying?) Take you time hun, I hope things straighten out soon and you're doing better by the time you see this
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