#I'm so fucking dramatic FOR WHAT they're not even real๐Ÿ˜”
cassie-thorne ยท 6 months
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mlobsters ยท 10 months
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supernatural s8e1 we need to talk about kevin (w. jeremy carver)
new season, new me. *silent wish goes up for smaller sideburns*
of course they had to include "dick is coming" in the recap. we can't let the opportunity for a dick joke slip out of our hands
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very xfiles
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okay i threw this in lightroom real quick to make it less dark because what is going on here? it's very... strike a pose, for feral!dean. and the kids are like from a painting. it's very dramatic. maybe i will paint it some day.
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well the infamous benny appears. i also didn't realize purgatory was gonna be a time jump like hell. read something not too long ago that was fairly evocative of the environment of purgatory so i was thinking some of the show happened there (though i suppose flashbacks are also a possibility).
lol i'm already upset, broad strokes know how this goes with their reunion emotionally.
this is so ridiculous. i was just complaining how i felt so blah with the end of s7. well here we go, let's hurt my feelings with brother conflict stress and i'm gonna be upset about it? make up your mind
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okay so some fics i've read are like "sam didn't look for dean while he was in purgatory" but i did not pick up that for all intents and purposes, sam had no reason to assume he wasn't dead.
there's a lot going on in this scene. like the semi dodging the cas questions, how he got out, etc.
SAM Yeah. Yeah, I โ€“ you were gone... Dean. Cas was gone, Bobby was dead. I mean, Crowley even shipped off Kevin and Meg to parts unknown. DEAN So you just turned tail on the family business.
are you kidding me right now, dean? like he should carry on hunting because it's the family business??? i'll chalk this up to being mad and fucked up for being hunted for a year.
SAM Nothing says "family" quite like the whole family being dead. DEAN I wasn't dead. In fact, I was knee-deep in God's armpit killing monsters, which, I thought, is what we actually do. SAM Yes, Dean. And far as I knew, what we do is the thing that got every single member of my family killed. I had no one โ€“ no one. And for the first time in my life, I was completely alone. And, honestly, I-I didn't exactly have a roadmap. So, yeah, I-I fixed up the Impala, and I just... drove.
DEAN After you looked for me. Did you look for me, Sam? [SAM looks away.] Good. That's good. Now, we โ€“ we... always told each other not to look for each other. That's smart. Good for you. Of course, we always ignored that because of our deep, abiding love for each other, but not this time, right, Sammy?
well i can see now why fics harp on this point. so i'm assuming sam thought dean was in heaven. would dean expect sam to try to get him back from there too? tucking 'deep and abiding love' into my pocket
okay right i've talked about this before too, how sam is always the fuckup begging for forgiveness and dean is the righteous man. and i'm tired of it! this thing with the voicemails from kevin tran is just... cruel. i don't like the point they're making.
real life, anyone in sam's situation would be a fucking mess. i still don't really think sam would flake on the phones with kevin like that.
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whoa whole new desktop. so long untitled 1 and 2
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oh we get urls now in the new web browser! and look at that, already an invalid web url http://www.searchtheweb/main missing your tld, friend ๐Ÿ˜” 1 out of 2, at least
lying about the dog in the car too. all right
okay, purgatory flashback after all. umm. what happens when you die in purgatory? respawn there? or is that the way to the big empty i've heard about
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DEAN Hmm. So what was it, hmm? What could possibly make you stop just like that? A girl? Was there a girl? SAM The girl had nothing to do with it. DEAN There was a girl. SAM Yeah. There was. And then there wasn't. Any more questions?
*heavy sigh*
not getting through this episode tonight. reconvene tomorrow
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goyurim ยท 2 years
omg i'm so happy for you!!!! i could only watch through the live stream which was actually horrendous because the camera guy kept switching between the cameras and you know that gif of that very dramatic indian drama with the intense transitions that's what it looked like dkjsld but goddamn i'm so proud of them like those are my kids!!!!!!!! i raised them!!!! they literally were so happy like it was palpable and to be granted with such an honor of representing their country in front of the fucking president???? THEY DID THAT!!!! they are everything to meeeee...i can't wait for the world tour i hope they come to europe cause as god is my witness i am GOING like i need to confirm that they are real with my own eyeballs
omg pine ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ thank you this is so sweet!!!!!!! i'm so happy for myself too akjbfjhsbfjhrsfs
oh my god i know exactly what you're talking about bc i grew up on indian serials myself abjhsfbsrjf i am So Sorry you had to experience that ๐Ÿ˜” i really madly truly hope that you too eventually get to lay your two eyeballs on them bc they do, in fact, exist in the same world as us and it's truly a magical experience to exist, even momentarily, in their immediate vicinity.
'i'm so proud of them like those are my kids!!!!!!!! i raised them!!!!' akjnsjhbf SAME like you're absolutely right i mean they're gonna mark this day down in the history books, imagine making your president your fan like. what an achievement. i only see bigger things for them in the future ๐Ÿฅบ well deserved!! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿฝ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ
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