#I've already settled that they're all purple blue or pink
commandermeg · 1 year
I want to draw more Dal-type augments but I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to draw their hair consistently.
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fyrefrostanimus · 5 months
Le Voices
I have been trying to figure out their designs for months and I think I've finally figured them out.
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I really hope this is readable, but I will give little design notes on each of them.
When it came to The Voices overall, I knew I wanted to stick with a few conventions: something small that can stay out of the way of The Hero's view despite being able to see them (because why not? this is the fandom side and I'm not going to be a stickler for accuracy), mostly one color on each of them, and a white marking on some of them if there's something that fits. So little birds really did work. I chose to have some sort of not-black/white color on the, because sometimes The Voices can take control (such as how Voice of the Cheated does in Chapter III onward in The Razor, or Voice of the Smitten decides that if The Damsel isn't alive, no one should be) and it would be nice to have some way of telling just by looking even if you can't see it. So now onto the individuals!
These go from left to right, top row to bottom row.
Voice of the Hero
While I haven't posted my design for The Hero yet some things are settled like the way the feathers are set on the head/chest. The Voice of the Hero has the same features as The Hero and the same eye color since it's almost like his own conscious, but not quite. He's there all the time so it makes sense they have a common design element other than bird.
Voice of the Contrarian
While it's Voice of the Skeptic who actually says "wink" aloud, the actual facial expression definitely matches Voice of the Contrarian more. And a bright, maybe slightly obnoxious yellow is definitely what I think he'd be like.
Voice of the Stubborn
Voice of the Stubborn would not take care of his feathers. They're all roughed up from squabbles, although whether it was with The Princess or the other Voices is up for debate. He has a spur on each of his wings like a lapwing does, and red-orange eyes like his burning will to fight.
Voice of the Smitten
Of course Voice of the Smitten has pink eyes, what other color would have worked? His feathers are in much more rounded shapes than the other Voices. Voice of the Smitten has some markings around his chest area that end up in a heart shape, although they're more like stab wounds referencing how you get from Chapter I to The Damsel.
Voice of the Cold
Voice of the Cold was originally going to have a gray-blue as his eye color (that now belongs to Voice of the Paranoid). But man, seeing the way he's almost proud of the fact he killed someone in at least The Burned Gray just immediately made me decide he was going to have purple instead (I was not kidding when I said his behavior in that specific route reminded me of William Afton). The X marking is the same as The Spectre's.
Voice of the Opportunist
Before anyone asks, the cat ears are on purpose. Brown was chosen as it's a neutral tone: Voice of the Opportunist is almost always neutral before he sucks up to the person he believes has the most power. The markings on his wings resembling the pristine blade are physical representations of his willingness to backstab anyone as soon as he gets the advantage.
Voice of the Cheated
Not really sure I like the red eyes, but honestly The Razor is one of the bloodiest route in the game. And what color is blood? Red. Plus it's one of the two colors the symbols on playing cards can be, and since all the Voices are already completely black minus their markings and eye color, it just leaves red. The Voice of the Cheated has wings where the feathers almost look like they were cut short with a knife.
Voice of the Broken
Voice of the Hunted originally was going to have the broken wing, before I slapped myself after remembering VOICE OF THE BROKEN literally exists. While Voice of the Hero has neutral white eyes to match The Hero and Voice of the Opportunist has neutral brown eyes because he can't pick a side until he sees who has power, Voice of the Broken has gray eyes because whatever color was there was beaten out of him just like his wing was broken.
Voice of the Hunted
Green eyes because nature, let's get that out of the way. Voice of the Hunted's feathers are shorter, and almost more natural-looking. He's prey, and the bite mark on his neck isn't going to let anyone forget that.
Voice of the Skeptic
I didn't know why I gave Voice of the Skeptic blue eyes at first, but he keeps a really cool head even when under pressure. And blue is a cool color. It's just brighter to contrast with Voice of the Paranoid. Voice of the Skeptic has a constant raised eyebrow expression.
Voice of the Paranoid
There wasn't much to Voice of the Paranoid when I first sketched him, but the frazzled-looking feathers stuck. He doesn't need a marking when he constantly looks spooked.
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obriengf · 11 months
6 or 9 or maybe both together because i feel like they bleed into one another a bit.. with Joel maybe? please and thank you a million times. you're a fantastic writer — I adore everything you post.
send me a prompt for some oblivious love blurbs ✩ CLOSED Notes: first of all - thank you my lovely! second, I've gone with 9!
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"I can't believe we've come this far." Your words were spoken in a whispered tone, hardly enough to break the night's calm. Specks of light were disappearing under the blanket of clouds and sprinkling rain that hazed the view before you, two bodies sheltered as they sat beside each other. You could feel pearls of rain dripping from the tips of your hair, adding to the already saturated material of your shirt. You hadn't seen water fall from the sky for seven years - your life sheltered until recently, when you volunteered to join an ambitious friend as he journeyed across the Surface to find a girl. A lost love, that wasn't you. You heard a hum as warmth pressed to your side, the boy next to you leaning against your arm as a form of admiring acknowledgement. As your head dropped to his shoulder, you hoped that he couldn't feel the heavy thump of your heart - a juxtaposition to the serenity you selfishly burrowed within. Joel drew a deep breath, his sigh coated in contentedness, "It's crazy. Things have changed so much, everything we knew about the world is just... so non-existent, you know?" Time had been cruel, and it had isolated so many people as the Earth changed into unrecognisable land. Your families were gone, your homes destroyed, and your lives seemingly extinct since before the monsters had taken over. But at least you had Joel; your closest friend, your forever ally, your everything. And now Boy, a companion that was as loyal as they came.
You both jumped slightly as a beep resonated around your quiet space, Mav1s unknowingly reminding you that her power was draining and that she will soon be leaving you all. Her tone was calming, a feature that you were thankful for within the very brief moment you had spent together as you turned to peer at her screen, "Look, sky jellies! They're harmless and quite lovely."
The dying drops of rain brought back light; bright blues and pinks that glowed, flying jellyfish that created a beautiful sight that you were sure you'd only ever see once in your life. You were in awe as wide eyes took in the dancing colours before you looked at Joel, his lips curled high, just as enthralled as you were and possibly even more mesmerised.
Mav1s beeped again; her time was nearly at the end, but instead of trying to continue conserving her power, she used it for one last hoorah. "Joel, Y/N... would you like to hear a song?"
After you both answered with sympathetic affirmations, a familiar tune emitted from Mav1s' speakers - a tune that you had long forgotten, but had also quickly brought back a warmth of memories that settled so easily in your chest. You softly grinned, body slightly swaying, "I love this song."
When the night has come And the land is dark And the moon is the only light we'll see.
You were humming, nostalgia settling deep within your bones, and Joel could see just how fulfilled you were in that moment of bliss. It was hasty when he stood up; never once second-guessing, hesitance not even a playing card in his deck when he placed himself in front of you with an outstretched hand and lopsided smile that could make you fall to your knees. He cleared his throat, voice confident, "Dance with me."
It was an offer that could not be refused.
You accepted his offer graciously, your palm slipping against his, and he guided you under the stray drops that continued to fall and among the radiant neon gleam of the Jellyfish. They cast purple tones over his cheeks - a lavender haze that brought out the warmth in his eyes and the small golden freckles over his nose that is only recognisable when you're this close. Joel Dawson was many things; awkward, determined, impulsive, and brave, but also incredibly beautiful.
No, I won't be afraid Oh, I won't be afraid Just as long as you stand Stand by me.
You didn't miss the small shake in his hands before they settled slightly above your waist, and you only hoped that he wasn't regretting his choice to bring you out here. It prompted you to be nervous yourself when arms draped over his shoulders and around his neck, but he managed to sink into your embrace with ease. Bodies rocked from side to side and the moment, whether purposeful or not, turned intimate rather quickly.
Baby brown eyes flickered over your face as stray drops of water beaded from his hair, and Joel took a deep breath before his voice filtered out quietly, "I'm really happy you came with me. Even if we did almost die, like, five times already. I don't think I could've done any of this without you."
Your lips lifted, tone just as gentle to prevent breaking the bubble you both found yourselves in, "Joel Dawson. When are you going to learn that I will always be here for you? No matter how stupid your ideas can get sometimes." A chuckle followed your words and the same amusement pulled jovially at his facial features, his nose crinkling and eyes squinting in what would be pure happiness.
"Honestly, sometimes I wonder why you'd risk everything just to follow me 'cross the surface. And don't try to spare my feelings by saying it's just cuz you're my best friend. I get it, I'm not really the sole survivor type." Joel mused, both sets of feet carrying you both in a circular pattern as he released a laugh of his own.
Oh darlin' darlin' stand by me Oh, stand by me
You shook your head, feet stopping, hands sliding down until they rested over the boy's shoulders. With a quirked brow, you looked up at him, "You can't take a hint, can you?"
His head fell to the side in confusion, obliviousness weaving its way into his eyes and the minimal downturn of his mouth. Joel's hands slipped from your body and you instantly missed their warmth as he replied to you, "You know I only function properly when someone’s direct with me."
It was risky. Everything about the past few days with Joel was, but within this bubble, what you were thinking and what you craved was a recipe that when mixed... could potentially end in disaster. Alas, there was something so poetic about the delicacy that surrounded you two right here, right now. So, with tentative movements at first, you stood on the toes of your boots, a palm trailing up the side of his neck and settling on his cheek.
And then you kissed him.
It was short, but sweet. Lips slotting perfectly against the other, and you were so lost in the taste and feel of him that you didn't notice his hands grasping back at your waist. It was slow when you pulled back and your mind needed a second to catch up, but your nose dragged against his and your feet flattened.
"I don't think I can get any more direct than that." You mumbled, eyes finally fluttering open, only to be met with his still pursed lips but a furrow between his brows that you couldn't decipher. You dropped your hands and took a step back, "Joel?"
Oh stand now Stand by me Stand by me...
The abrupt silence was distraction enough from Joel's lack of reaction as you spun to face Mav1s, her power gone, and Boy's head tilting in his own confusion at her lack of liveliness. You needed to step away from your friend as regret bubbled inside of your stomach, provoking the sensation of bile to gather in the pit of your throat before you swallowed it down.
You wandered toward the robot and reached toward the buttons on her front panel, pressing them anxiously as if she'd magically wake back up. It was her, too, lack of response that brought the nausea back and for the first time in seven years, you wished you were held up in your bed back at the bunker. Your thoughts were interrupted as footsteps fell heavy behind you, and Joel gaped as he tried to think of words to say.
"I-I don't get it... is that why you came with me? Because you like me?" His tone was unsure and it shook you to know that the ground couldn't open up and swallow you whole.
"No... yes, not exactly." You sighed when you stood back to full height, turning to face him, however, your eyes remained cast at your shoes. "I needed to know that you'd be okay, Whether you could take care of yourself or not... I couldn't let you leave knowing that I could possibly never see you again. I care about you more than anything else, Joel. I always will."
"I care about you, too." His answer was swift, but carried uncertainty that felt like an arrow to the heart. You were waiting for the dreaded 'but' that would twist the arrow further down until it pushed your heart through your chest. And then it came, and it wasn't so forgiving, "But I came all this way for Aimee, my girlfriend. I love her, you know that..."
And you did, but you thought that after all these years, it would be something that he grew out of. It was selfish to wish that he wasn't in love, that somebody wasn't waiting for him. You didn't mean to grow feelings for the boy, either, but spending so much time with someone in such a limited space does wonders for making a heart grow. Only now, it's sinking, it's fracturing and soon it will be no more.
You willed yourself not to cry. Instead, you breathed sharply, head nodding, and you faced away from him before reaching out to stroke over Boy's head. You cleared your throat, "Well, we better get a good night's sleep then so we can get you to your girl."
"Y/N-" Joel tried, but you cut him off.
"Come on, Boy, let's find somewhere comfy, huh? At least Clyde isn't here to make us keep watch." You made sure to move past Joel without any sort of eye contact, or emotion, or anything as you know that the moment you peer into his sympathetic eyes you will only feel worse about yourself.
As if the guilt would eat you alive.
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bi-rising · 2 years
Happy belated birthday!! Happy to see you are still around here for this year bc your presence on the tl is refreshingly honest, comforting, and kind <3
If you’d like, I’d love to hear about a current fandom you’re in, top favorite thing about the fandom (be it a character or a ship, a trope explored in it, the people in it, anything), and maybe something that influenced your writing recently that helped improve or inspire you!
awww thank you!! this def means a lot to me <333 i'm so glad i can help brighten your day!!
and as for your questions, right now i'm enjoying The Disastrous Life of Saiki K! it's about a kid who has insane psychic powers, and him trying to keep them under wraps. despite how that sounds, it's a comedy anime alsdkfajsldkjf and i'm having so much fun with it!
i love the sarcasm and the wit, the way the characters are occasionally self-aware and break the fourth wall, and the range of interesting and unique characters ehehe. i've only got one ship, and that's aren kuboyasu and shun kaido, aka a former delinquent trying to be a good student and a cringe fail boy who is a precious sunshine boyyyyy, here look at them!!!!
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aren is the purple hair and shun is the blue hair (pink hair is saiki). they're fucking adorable; they're the ONLY ONES so far, in one and a half seasons that i've seen, that call each other by their first names <333 PLUS
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even though aren already knew how to ride one bc he's a former thug they got motorcycle licenses together!!! and they canonically spent the entirety of one of their summer breaks together!! theyre fucking ADORABLE, just the best dynamic, bc they inspire each other to do better
as for writing, i'll admit, i haven't been able to do much of it lately what with all the projects i currently have going on. but tbh i think there's also a lesson there, too. i have a tendency to want to rush through things, to get them done and as perfect as possible in one attempt, one sitting. but i think taking breaks and allowing yourself to just breathe sometimes, to do other things, can really help your writing! you gotta give your brain time to settle down, to work through things in the background. when you're (royal you) ready to come back to writing, then you will come back, especially if you love it. breaks don't mean you're giving up or anything. it just means you'll come back when you can, refreshed and reinspired <3
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Superheroes with Secrets: Hart Family … Helms Dynasty (Fic part 79) (Set in 2001)
Around 2000 Words. 18+ in places.
please inform me if you wish to be tagged/untagged from posts
Tags: @piratewithvigor
‘Giantess’ Kirby Roussimoff x Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms (Circa 2001)
Reference Posts: Shane ‘Hurricane’ Helms
Kirby ‘The Blacklight Bandit’ Roussimoff
Photo References 1
Notes: The story is set in 2001, which would make Helms 27 and Kirby 31. This story also blends Kayfabe and Reality. Certain people speak in different colours, Mainly: Helms is Green. Kirby is Orange. Kane is Red. Undertaker is Purple. Big Show is Blue.
Other members of the BSK are also in purple.
Other women are in Pink.
DX Members are also in Green.
"Shane, I wanna kiss you endlessly right now." Kirby murmurs as she tries to catch her breath.
"Won't complain about that."
"God, I wish we could take a week off for an actual holiday or honeymoon." Kirby whispers, mostly to herself.
"We will. Eventually."
"C'mere baby." Kirby whispers.
He crawls up the bed and into her arms, snuggling her close.
Kirby messes with his hair before stroking it gently and kissing his forehead, "I love you, mon mari."
"I love you too, sweetheart."
"I wanna be your perfect wife, always and forever." Kirby whispers.
"You already are. Just be you."
"We should go out, buy something for each other, I dunno, maybe three outfits, like I buy you one outfit in your style, one in my style and then something we wanna see the other wear. Or maybe get something we like that the other might, like maybe you buy me a comic and I buy you a horror movie." Kirby suggests.
"I've seen games like that! We go to somewhere big like a Walmart and we each pick out one of the following for each other: a pair of slippers, a movie, a snack, a drink, and just one random item and then we have a movie night. Either stuff we think the other will like or the other should try, and it's a test to see how well we know each other."
"Oh that sounds perfect."
"Maybe the day after tomorrow? To wind down after the photoshoot."
"Yes, please." Kirby murmurs, pulling Helms into a gentle kiss.
"Good. Should be a great time."
Kirby pulls away slightly to settle down and sleep. Helms holds her tightly through the night, refusing to let her leave in the morning without wishing her good luck. Kirby wakes up at two-thirty in the morning (Mon 10 September '01) but finds herself unable to get out of Helms' arms. He's holding tight, almost clinging to her like a koala.
"Mon ange, your gothic queen needs to leave for work." Kirby murmurs, gently kissing his lips in an attempt to wake him.
"Don't wanna let you go yet..." He whispers. "Five more minutes?"
"Unfortunately not, mon roi, the vampire princess must leave, now." Kirby whispers as she softly kisses him again.
He opens his eyes a little bit. "Mm, tell me they're at least feeding you today?"
"I hope so, but I don't know." Kirby murmurs as she kisses him again, messing with his hair.
"Eat something now, then? Please?"
"I can't grab a snack unless you let me go."
"I'm already grabbing a snack for you." He gestures to his arms around her.
"You are gonna make me late, and you know how I feel about being late." Kirby pouts jokingly.
"Okay, okay." He relents. "Didn't mean to actually make you late. Just wanted to make sure you didn't leave without saying goodbye."
Kirby quickly gets dressed, grabbing her stuff and a snack from the Japanese treats they bought earlier in the week, as well as a bottle of Ramune, kissing Helms passionately before leaving, "bye baby, I have my phone if you need me."
"I know, sweetheart. You're gonna do great today; I love you."
Kirby closes the door behind her before heading to the minibus with the rest of the girls. (Chyna, Debra, Ivory, Jacqueline, Lilian Garcia, Lita, Molly, Stephanie, Terri Runnels, Tori, Torrie Wilson and Trish) They're all a couple sips deep into their respective cups of coffee and mostly tired and not pleased with Stephanie for making them wake up so early.
"Oh fuck, I forgot to say 'I love you' to Shane," Kirby mutters to herself as she sits next to Lita and texts Helms an 'I love you, my vampire king'.
He checks his phone as the message comes in, taking a break from the push-ups he'd been doing to quiet the ache in his heart from missing her already and smiles at the screen. 'I love you too, my gothic queen' he messages back.
Kirby smiles as she reads the text, "aww, mon mari." She whispers, mostly to herself, or so she thinks.
"That's so damn sweet." Chyna chuckles.
"I'm allowed to be sweet, he's my husband and I love him... god I love him so much." Kirby murmurs, already missing Helms.
"I'm not making fun. I think it's genuinely sweet the way you both look at each other. Like you've never met another person in your life who makes you half as happy."
"Well ... Shane kinda turned on a light for me, which is to say, I quite literally didn't know what love was like until I met him." Kirby explains, nervously.
"I hope to have something like that someday."
"Well, I don't have any advice to give, but I believe Shane would say something like go out and find your true love, don't wait for the moment, make the moment."
"I buy that. Just need to find a man worthy beforehand."
"Like, Matt and Lita, they're soul mates and you can see it from miles off." Kirby murmurs.
"I know. But I don't have a Matt or a Shane."
"Uhm, I don't know how to describe it, but don't fall for an 'Erik' type, men who get you ... addicted." Kirby whispers, as quiet as possible, refusing to let anyone see her cry.
"Wouldn't dream of it. I'll stay alone before I let a man drag me down."
"I've been around the worst of the worst, so I guess I'm finally getting rewarded for waiting so long for a good man." Kirby murmurs as she eats her snack, it's not much but she's glad Shane told her to eat something.
"Damn right. You found a great one."
"He's already trying to add to our small family." Kirby chuckles.
"Already? Damn, he's an eager beaver."
"Apparently he's been trying all of last week, not like he succeeded, the handsome goofball."
"You don't know that yet. Most ladies don't until they miss a period."
Kirby decides to be a lil shit, "Hey Steph, what happens if I get pregnant?" She calls from the back of the bus, giggling like an idiot.
"Your kid becomes a legacy in twenty years and they never shake your shadow." She calls back.
"And what happens if I have more than one kid, what happens if I start my own Hart family?" Kirby chuckles.
"Think the name might be trademarked, but go ahead."
"The Helms dynasty." Kirby announces, trying her hardest not to laugh.
"If you're willing to make and train the kids, we'll likely be willing to give them a job."
"If I'm willing to make the kids? Stephanie I've been fucking the same dude for like a month straight."
"Hon, it's been maybe two weeks. Three at the most."
"Yeah, almost a month, pretty sure the amount of times he's fucked me might break a record for 'amount of times fucked in one night'." Kirby jokes.
"I doubt it, but if you wanna offer up a ladies' challenge, I'd love to see who wants to put their money where their man is."
"Oh damn straight we're making a challenge." Kirby states.
"Alright, five dollars pay-in to see who's gone on the longest with their man. Any takers? Don't have to put in your own name." Stephanie calls.
The bus soon gets to their destination, a completely empty beach with the crew already setting up.
Kirby eagerly hands Stephanie $5, "giant physiology never fails." She whispers.
"Betting on yourself, got it." Stephanie grins, tucking the 5 into a pouch.
As each girl gets off the bus almost all of them give Stephanie $5 to join the challenge.
It's a fairly hefty pot at the end. "Gonna ask each of you your hours and number of rounds. If anyone's numbers sound made-up, I'm gonna be checking in with the man in question, so no trying any funny business and no getting him in on it because no pot is worth lying to your boss over, ladies."
"Steph, one problem, I'm an actual giant." Kirby jokes, before she's dragged off by the photography crew.
The crew separates Kirby from the rest of the girls, taking her to a dark room to do some Blacklight photos, coating her skin in paint. It's a perfect photo for the Blacklight Bandit. Sexual, but not too much. The makeup crew seem to like taking Blacklight and dark photos of Kirby, and paint her skin green for the second photo. Stephanie's particularly excited by that one when she hears the concept. The black and green combo is giving beautiful Hurricane vibes. They decide to move on to 'identity obscuring' photos and switch to blue lighting for a photo. The identity obscuring ones are particularly gorgeous. They change the lights to a green hue and add in two smaller orange lights to the next one.
The day continues more or less in the same pattern. Eventually they get to the main reason they're there, sexy photos. Plenty of sexy photos by the beach. Right as the girls are done for the day, the sun starts setting and they're headed back to the hotel in the minibus, an envelope full of photos has been given to each of them, an envelope of only photos of them. Some of them aren't too sexual. But many are even too steamy for the magazine. Kirby knows just which ones to show Helms when she finally reaches the hotel room.
"Oh, Shaney? Honey I'm home?" Kirby teases as she opens the door.
He's asleep on the floor of their hotel room, topless and snoring lightly, but starts awake when she walks in. "Hey, babe." He grins.
"Why were you asleep on the floor?" Kirby asks gently, cocking an eyebrow in confusion as she closes the door behind her.
"Was working out... must've conked out a bit."
"Well, I have photos to show you, and a deep desire to make sweet loving to my husband." Kirby teases as she gets closer to him.
"Oh yeah? I'd like to see these pictures and make sweet loving to my beautiful wife."
"I'll start with a tame one" Kirby whispers as she hands him a picture.
"Jesus, this is the tame one?"
"This is the only other tame one." Kirby whispers as she hands him another photo.
"Oh geez..." Helms whispers, already having to squeeze his legs together.
"Then a little more risqué." Kirby whispers as she kisses him and hands him a new photo.
"Just how risqué do these get?"
Kirby hands him the close up, "this answer your question, baby?" Kirby purrs.
"Oh wow." He squeaks softly.
"Oh, and uh, I may have made a bet with Stephanie and the others that we fuck the longest." Kirby admits sheepishly.
Helms coughs a little in quiet surprise. "Well... did you win?"
"Well, there's only one way to make sure I win," Kirby purrs as she pulls Helms into a heated kiss, pulling away to get undressed.
"Mmm, I like this cheating strategy." He grins.
"I thought maybe we test your stamina, see just how many rounds we can go before you or I need to stop." Kirby whispers, kissing his neck and nipping at his flesh, snaking her hands down to his crotch and ass.
"A long, low and slow lovemaking with my beautiful wife? Sign me up!" He grins.
Kirby gets down to her knees, tugging down her husband's trousers and kissing at his flesh, "I love you, mon ange." She whispers against his skin.
"I love you too, sweetheart."
Kirby smirks, pulling down his underwear and hoisting his legs over her shoulders before standing up and kissing and licking his cock.
"God, your mouth is magical"
Kirby smirks as she gets him worked up before gently slamming him onto the bed and climbing on top.
"Gonna top me today?" He chuckles.
"Anything my favourite person desires, he can have." Kirby whispers as she kisses his jawline, gently guiding his cock into her wet heat with her hand before sitting up to straddle him.
0 notes
So this is a good video with lots of details and it should help explain why and how these officers are arrested.
This goes back to George Floyd. Remember i said it didn't matter who and what George Floyd had done -- when those officers put on their uniforms and went to him as cops and purposely killed him in that manner it changed things
Every time I write about how we have specific requirements people have in their death for their criminal activity in lui of prison I write how we have specific people allowed to do it.
Now some demanded they be killed by cops. And i refused that in excepting where they "rat" out their cop friends or up to 4 regular friends or co-workers and we set and/or allow it to occur that way. And i stipulated that they must be off duty if they were going to do anything for the Earth. Off duty cops only. And to which a reluctant agreement and/or an immediate acceptance did occur. And they did rat out their friends already there. So that was in their favor so they accepted off duty out of uniform officers. I said that they could like be listening to the police scanner and then go on their own to a crime in place and then be unidentified in news articles. Just as their clothing did not identify them, the news media and other officers would not identify them either.
We had a whole rule sheet. Which we all 100% agreed to. African American. Caucasian. Hispanic. Latino. Zulululu. Tribeca. Original human. And more. It wasn't a just three or four people we had over 100 people with each and every minority race accept at least twice with 2 different individuals. I worked with the meanest. Moat stubborn and most dictatorial. Then others read over the document I typed as we talked and signed it on approval. 254 people. 10 non criminals signed off. 34% African American criminal.
Because we scheduled on the Black Lives Matter, we wanted a majority of African American of mixed alien and evil human to have their say. They will add the document onto this post. And likely blur the signatures for privacy.
This was a Middle man. He wasn't sure if he wanted to have his family suffer through jail time and all that for his sanity to know he's loved or cut and dry have it over for them immediately and them.
So they signed another form where it was not like the other which was just sign random like a year book. But in a list. At that time those who were undecided could be dismissed if they signed onto one or the other is fine whatever is Destiny is. Or if they were firm. Some like the one whom was hung stayed because he was one of the ones who fought for procedure for the criminals. Then we brought more People in to have their voices on other subjects.
So they were grouped as to how and why. Then at the end we emailed and said this is all we have. Your last time to vote is now. And so if they changed it, then they were taken single and asked why or did they want an option mix so it was a mystery zzz
George Floyd was there and he did rat out his police he was working with and we told him because they were police it was our choice. And we would not ever say he told.
George Floyd then brought over Rayshard and said he had death questions and that was all
And I said "well what are you doing George?! Don't mix him up! He was fine! Hes a strong good one"
"You know. You're so weird you give us love and support although you hate us" George Floyd replied. I didn't know what to say. I did. And it hurt my chest and it was exhausting and literally made me sick. But I still felt it was the right thing to do. But they broke my heart. I did give them all 100% of my love. And it nearly killed me. And I was grateful he noticed. I was killing myself for them and he knew. And he cared about that.
"You know I feel real When I've cared about you and well all the others, too. And you feel that? I've given you all my love as a friend as best i could. My tolerance and patience and I just want to say thank you that you noticed"
He blushed and he admitted that he wanted to get out of the life. And George Floyd, did.
In 2008. I told him, "George Floyd, talk to me. I have a feeling. I see you will die anyway because you're in a dangerous position. So if you are killed while trying to get clean, what do you want me to do for you?"
He was not thrilled and his head spun "by who?"
"Cops. Or someone you think is family. I see not a knife but a manual killing. Like its not an auto like gun But hand to hand but it's fast and you suffer..." I lowered my eyes from his beautiful face and looked down at my laptop key board... "Less" and I kept my head bowed to breathe. To not cry. To keep myself sane and we'll balanced. Then I took a deep breath. And tuned to my left where my officials were "hey I have a problem. He's going to be killed when he's innocent"
George Floyd asked for a riot. All i could tell him was it was a dark and suffocating but fast and nearly painless death. "Almost relaxing when you pass. There's something wrong with you isnt there? See now i actually thought you were a CIA agent sitting over there like under cover. But you die. I am feeling it now --- every thing is too wild inside of you, uncontrolled. Like you're...... Restless for lack of a better word. Here come sit next to me"
"But that's your daughter's chair"
"She will come to me. Sit in my lap if she doesnt like you"
"Is this a test?"
"No i want to talk to you and you're too tall and it's hurting my neck to look up at you"
"Oh it's too tall!"
They explained the bone structure in my neck and how then it had been broken 66 times and it was painful. He got nervous. I let him settle himself.
"So what is it you want to talk to me about"
"Well you meddle ... No... You progress.. What im talking to you. I see you lurking over the lists and talking to everyone that passes and I'm wondering how they're taking it"
"Oh its good. It's good. Can i go now? I feel like I'm in the principal's office"
My daughter and Declan came preventing his escape. And my daughter accepted him, gave him a hug and sat on his long thigh
"That's not Snoop, you know that?!" I asked her
"Oh mommy you're so silly. I know snoop and this isn't"
She talked to him and judged him as "nice"
"So is it money that you're doing your life like this?"
"Oh what? Yeah" tears came from his eyes. "What's more is I didn't know what to do with myself. I was angry at the world. And i just.. Just.. Made a mistake. But I'm ready to admit to it and own up to it and so is he. But he won't stop, he told me. But i will. I'm thinking and that's what i been telling all them folks, the bros, "im stopping. You with me?" And oh woah. I feel so much better i was so nervous like what is with me and now i feel just a release! Thank you for caring about me"
He reminded me of Jesse James.
"What is your least way you want to die?"
"Oh by cop.I signed up for hanging because I knew you didn't want to and you'd check my file and hopefully then see I was worth living"
I felt this emotional turbine inside of me. A mix of extreme joy and sadness because I knew the world wouldn't work out for him but he was so simply amazing and Gracious and just one beautiful soul. And I told him so. Crying then laughing.
So with him we worked out, the last and worst death to be written in yellow. Then a second option, for I don't mind mystery in purple or pink. And the main option in black or blue.
The worst deaths were to be kept secret. In a seperate locked file that no one has access to but tree Which could release it for revenge sake.
I've felt George Floyd around me a lot since his death.
Rayshand Brooks signed on the same line both yellow and purple. For death by cop.
George Floyd wasn't supposed to die at all.
Rayshand. Was. So those that die in manner they dont want but were scheduled to die, we burn one of my buildings. We water the areas and business around the building we will burn before lighting the fire.
The reason why they're looking for our arson in Atlanta for Wendy's is because she didn't water and it was next to a gas station. And it was on her list of things to do. So the news report stating the 10k award to find her means that she will not be paid for that nights activity because the area around must be watered especially at a gas station. She didn't when push the emergency stop button at the station which is recommended if watering cannot be done. All she did was set the fire and it was a great fire. But she didnt do any other protocol. Only after 5 hours did she admit to not following safety practices. Another girl went and checked the gas station after the fire started and asked the cashier what to do and they decided together to push the emergency stop button and then water the areas around the pumps and in the parking lot with a hose.
It doesn't matter before or after but "recommended steps" means you're gonna recommend I pay you to do shit. I can't order you to do shit that is somewhat illegal to my own mind I can't ask someone to break the law. So all my orders are "recommendations" if you do one thing on the list, you do them all.
It was a $12k payout for the "arson and all the recommendations" it's an a la carte list, all jobs are. Each job pays the # at the end.
#1. Arson
#2. Water 6
#3. press emergency stop 4
#4. stick around to not observe but keep people safe 2
That was the order for Wendy's.
Class how much do we pay for arson? Nothing. The public finds it offensive and illegal.
Watering pays $6,000 if there's 10 people it depends on how much they do. All ten may get the full $6,000 and some may not if they were just standing by to be second hand water for emergency. Then it's at least $2k I have it all rigid and perfected but they pay how they do. Like sometimes you'll water but then someone else will come and you gotta pee and you get adhd and go talk to bystanders and go talk to cops and go drive in the car and check the hood. So you began watering with 2 others and a 4th came up. So you get $2k for 10 minutes plus then other pay. ESPECIALLY since it wasn't your job. CIA only.
Pressing the emergency stop. You can do that on your own then you must notify the gas station attendant of the danger they are in so they may flee (which was written in details) it pays $4,000 also you have to block the driveway to stop cars from entering. Using wet floor signs or traffic cones or water buckets for windshield cleaning what ever is available. I secretly then give businesses a GIFT if we have to close them and i label it under some kind of just good business neighborhood gift. For loss of income during our insanity. Which in this case is $10k for the gas station
Now the Wendy's burned so well due to the fuel inside. And this girl didn't have anyone to clear the Wendy's of financial records or goods. Computers and other Shit. I assumed she did.
The furniture inside should been removed due to vivid and it being a potential burn site. Nothing should,remained but the kitchen. The food in this case could been taken out as well. All you have to do is your jobs.
But whatever. People aren't thinking.
I didn't understand so much why the Mayor was so PISSED because i have a different view and job. And so now I see. Which we haven't got to that point yet.
Im going to continue on fire danger.
Wendys is full of oil. Which the storage oil for future use should be removed. As well as bread and vegetables and so on. What the fuck is the point to burn a big ole building of a restaurant if you're not gonna serve vegetable and cheese sandwiches in the parking lot while watching it burn?
A BBQ without the meat! A roast without the marshmallows!
Oil can be given to other fast food restaurants. Idc what i don't want is containers of oil exploding. Usually they're in plastic so they melt so its not a major issue but it needs to be checked.
Our CIA are given a key and the alarm pass code so they have time and ability to be very cautious in what is left inside.
This one did a "stick up" no hostages and lit the fire with the workers still inside. Waving a gun around
Protocol is waving a badge "this restaurant is now closed due to the proximity of the crime scene"
So we have to pay those particular employees for trauma now.
Which is coming 100% out of whoever told her not to do that shit. That she's supposed to do, as well as whatever I decide to pay her due to apparently now I hear some Jack ass running scores and thinking they know more than me. And since she code red at the store were going to evaluate what she was thinking.
And so I will continue. The oil baskets must remain uncovered and open to prevent explosions.
They can be drained to the floor but as long as they're open they don't have to be drained.
And there's a lot done for safety because of the potential for explosions.
So the point is that its an honor. Its lighting a torch. Like the statue of liberty for a bad example.
I asked George because some people walking by twisted my heart. I asked him to help me clarify. Because he would get nervous like. Antsy. So those particular people wanted to be good but they had blockages to prevent them. Deep psychological issues that stopped them.
So I asked for them to be honest and use the yellow.
This is how Mr Brooks took all his deaths and wrote his name on the topic death lists in yellow next to his colors.
It was about more money. But they had such conflict within themselves.
We had my daughter to verify character, i get so busy i like a clear mind to verify.
So like Mr Brooks was confirmed nice. "I don't like what you do but I hope you get better" Declan said and gave him a hug around his neck.
My mouth dropped open.
So our burning of buildings symbolizes the mental hell these people suffered and we continue in hope and prayer for their souls to be set free by then making a community park with freedom, free fresh food and so on.
"Freedom Parks, Miss Rosa Parks" may they find a goal worth suffering for.
And not suffering for money.
Its an extremely spiritual thing.
Its a movement like non other that has ever existed.
We got permission from most governors. When that didn't allow, we went to mayors and city council. To get permits and permission.
For Atlanta they blocked the fire truck's traffic.
I prefer fire truck on sight for community development. The sight of a fireman watering down the area around the burn site -- were not firemen we dont know how to put out a fire.
So protocol. Is watering the infrastructure around,the fire. Talk to by standers and make a community effort in being available and around and there for the community
Every now and again a certain type of not normally used full force blast to show the fire if sprayed directly (in that manner) will make the fire jump and burn higher. To show they're not stupid.
Because me? I'd be all wtf? Put the fire out!!!!
So there's a traditional way since the Black Panthers movement that it's done.
And so fire men are supposed to say "we're letting it burn out" if people ask "because it's safer" from me -.- muhaha.
Then I REALLY like firemen to let people try on and check out their fire gear and explain what happens and how they save people from burning buildings and stuff like that.
Usually i have a low key know it all lurking so he can help explain.
Its like a little carnival full of carnage.
Free food behind the fire truck and the firemen talking to people and "showing off" and so on.
That is what is supposed to happen.
We did that with black Panthers in NYC and so on. But we were extremely careful. 2 or more streets away we had a full street of vendors with food trucks and free food and drinks and some selling things very cheap like me and the shirts and candy and cokes.
Water was always free on fire nights. I was out even id the fires were not burning. And usually it was an abandoned building that wasn't fixable and wasn't historic and we built city parks. Playground mostly. And cashew trees. Nut as oppose to fruit trees Bec they're less messy than rotting fruit on the playground floor.
Sometimes white supremacy burned the buildings and then I would buy them.
That is how it started. The white supremacy began burning a building I just bought for apartments. But it burned too fast to save. I was devastated
I knew the only way to beat them was join them. Besides physically beating them in the street
But if a fire was burning they were happy. Didn't matter who started it they took credit.
Our buildings are death specific. And not many. Mostly for black men that are killed and killed by police in uniform or some how on the yellow
BUT it is A Specific Type of Person we burn for. And we burn to release their Hell. "The building is in inferno to represent Hell. Keep it out of your mind and soul and it will stay out of your life if you let it"
Then we put a Freedom Park that's community based and community benefiting to show them what they could done with the Hell on thier mind as opposed to what they did do.
Now simply Mr. Baker requested incarceration as opposed to death. He thought he could change in prison. Unfortunately he ran out of time.
Now for the officers being charged with homicide. The officers were in uniform.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
A CIA Agent could been requested
We could had a sniper. We could had one getin the car with Mr Baker and kidnap him.
What I saw was the police intervene as showing they had set him up and the kidnapping wouldn't go through because he was a set up.
It could been done in secret.
What happened was IN UNIFORM after being shot, laying down he was kicked in the head then his shoulder stood on. That is what CIA is allowed to do, not regular police men in uniform
That's why they're being arrested
As I've ranted on, CIA has extreme protocol.
Police do as well
I fire CIA, sometimes kill.
Police must be held accountable as well.
This particular girl who started the fire will not be paid. She got cash register and safe money which is supposed to be turned in.
So we will see how far she wants to take this not following rules business
Because we don't slap on the wrist this day and age.
I'll have her ass turned in myself and tell the agency to keep the 10k award.
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