#I've never built a house (but I've made furniture from scratch) before so I might be wrong here
Everything wrong with John building a house
It's my 2nd playthrough and I still can't understand what John's doing. Idk if it was supposed to be wrong and funny or if it was just an overlook. If any of you can justify these things please speak up, I want to know.
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First thing: Laying this beam on nothing, there's nothing supporting it.
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Nailing it to nothing, there's nothing under where John is hammering the nail onto.
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Nailing the beam onto brick??? (3 or 4 instances of this)
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Setting up some windows in what seems to be like the inside of the house.
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Nvm, he's going to nail a plank across the window (also he just starts nailing them at random heights?).
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And now, time to nail the ceramic tiles 😭 (also in random order).
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