bdybag · 9 months
@gnarledbite asked . 3D for Iati or 4B for Prox? X3
Expression doodle.
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Vila Real - Fundação da Casa de Mateus
Visita à Fundação da Casa de Mateus, com inicio na própria Casa passando pelas diferentes salas que fazem parte da exposição permanente, a belissíma Capela do século XVII e a finalizar um pequeno passeio pelos belos jardins. Encontre um Alojamento em Vila Real Tour à Fundação da Casa de Mateus A IATI Seguros tem uma excelente gama seguro de viagem (com coberturas COVID-19) para qualquer…
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444names · 2 years
egyptian deities + natural satellites BUT excluding "ng" and similar to "salmonella"
Aegebaath Aeone Aeonthi Aiargan Akeliaq Akhber Amaash Amaat Amake Amakhme Amaldeus Amara Amarte Amasto Amenuti Amhertu Amhori Ammip Amunes Anaitea Anarie Andensu Andordeia Andori Anehezmu Anhoria Anomet Anthy Antut Anubiade Anuphezmu Anymis Apereid Aperse Aphatus Aphnia Aphos Apissaxi Apiston Araet Aranthon Arbauto Arbes Areimat Armimet Arqeq Arviusa Ashtawy Astlat Astonaq Baahea Baahere Baastel Babis Babistla Bandapet Banped Bapeferet Batlat Bebdjwer Bebhi Bekau Bekhespis Benep Benus Benuttu Beret Berinat Beskaumet Bespi Betet Betser Bitawy Bukereshu Calari Calbi Calia Calthyond Caretse Cariet Carnsut Carpon Carpone Castla Celichet Choebet Chornsnut Corax Corus Crenemon Creshe Culibashe Culis Cuphatepe Cyllenn Cyllenus Cylliet Cyllisto Dapis Dedemosir Deneh Denrio Detea Detet Diademet Diker Dikerme Dinoede Elessis Ercur Erditjeda Ergallist Ertum Erysid Euana Eukalypet Euras Eurax Euraxind Europak Eurtus Eurymeg Eurymessa Farcupid Fares Faria Farmimene Fenet Foreid Galadrax Garqeq Garqet Hafdeurax Halir Hallene Halyke Hapidia Hapinda Haris Harqet Harti Harvos Hatephnis Hatet Hathoe Hatlarvos Hatlas Hatmea Hauto Hebaat Hebanteb Hebebe Heheshat Hehimasid Hekhea Heladjet Helina Helxida Hemeheptu Hennus Heper Herke Heshekhe Hesmenebe Hesto Hetea Hetet Hethrymia Hiono Hitetea Hotebos Hotepwadu Hotheret Hysnu Hysnum Iadenet Iadra Iahephaet Iaphnis Iarbalit Iatis Ihyone Ihypsa Ihyrrira Ihyrrix Imeshari Imetawep Imhonsu Iorthebhi Issat Jandu Janoe Januto Jarbenhu Jarviuq Julia Julir Julithrys Jupis Kalia Kalibanu Kaliet Kalypsaxa Kalypso Kautenen Kautetis Kelia Kelirri Kerket Khedes Kheke Khelas Khephnia Kheshea Kheukaum Khmedus Khoebosat Kindet Korir Laseth Logebenu Logeliket Lysis Lysnu Mabis Madeuck Madunumeh Mafdeit Mafdesh Malinoe Malissath Malle Manamune Manum Marchand Marix Marmitjet Maser Masit Mastet Maston Matur Medemen Medet Megar Mehea Mehime Mehionome Mehmehede Mehmer Menetelia Merapist Merind Mermet Merrosati Meshaeg Methea Methot Minoe Mirielike Mnebdjet Mnebos Mneneg Monet Month Mosiphea Mosreso Munutis Mutis Namakhnu Namunus Nanda Nanehme Nanthepe Nanut Nanymr Nebdjede Negebuck Negir Neheket Neheur Nemaatit Nemet Nemonoe Nenet Nepep Nephan Nesmethek Nespid Nubion Nubione Obosia Obosporti Opdet Ophes Oraxin Ordion Orthortut Osret Paahe Paala Pakhorti Palashu Palikeris Palthry Panathy Panesto Pante Panymet Pastepet Pasto Pastyx Phafdemen Phalinan Phaum Phimeh Phimer Phnia Phnubi Phoristo Pluttune Pollede Ponetwep Porand Porax Poressaoe Porthyon Porti Porus Praxi Promet Prond Pronoe Prothorin Psaalype Psonet Ptanda Ptaret Qetse Randenenn Rapis Reida Reitah Resmehet Retea Rheger Rhemos Rheshel Rheuck Rhonda Rhotet Rokkivis Ropdeth Roterbas Roteur Saala Salaoe Salarpoll Salat Salin Salthryde Saoebe Sathoreth Segal Segel Segeriel Segirris Sekaut Seket Serene Seria Sertum Seskhe Sethet Shafdes Shalinaq Shate Shehit Shepedet Shest Sheus Siancasto Sidin Siphnum Siphorix Siscoria Sisir Skhbessat Sobet Sobos Sopereia Speris Spolyke Sporth Steti Stlather Stonnu Tanthea Tanuket Tariston Tatmene Tawet Taygeb Taygemir Tefenut Terme Tesheur Teteurtyx Tetset Theganpus Thegereit Thelastet Thelia Thelxina Thencis Thestet Thettu Thosate Tiapida Tiatgeri Tither Triapis Tuttu Tuturys Undapus Venet Venevis Venhu Wawep Wawer Waweth Weran Werape Weret Werethet Wetesto Wosiaper Wosre Xinoe Yamake Yamat Yamhelia Yamhon Ymirrhea
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am-tastat-aici · 2 years
Uneori viața se dezvoltă în așa fel încât singura ta cale se lovește brusc de un zid. Și aici există mai multe opțiuni.
Poți merge de-a lungul peretelui mult timp, într-o direcție sau alta (sau mai întâi într-una, apoi în cealaltă). Sperând să se termine undeva. Există pericolul ca timpul și energia să se epuizeze mai devreme.
Poți găsi oportunități și mijloace pentru a-l urca, a sări peste el.
Uneori devine sens și justificare în același timp. Sau muncă. Sau chiar o ispravă. Dar încercările nesfârșite rareori contează ca rezultat.
Poți să stai în fața unui perete și să aștepți. Aștepți ca ceva să se schimbe de la sine.
Sau va veni cineva mai deștept, mai puternic și mai curajos. Și iati așteptările pentru umilință. Sau pentru o lecție. Sau pentru practică.
Uneori totul se dovedește a fi prea simplu.
Ori nu există zid, ori aceasta nu este calea ta.
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pholeterion · 16 days
Misterioso il Divino È presente in assenza. Il Vivente non vive Ed è vita esistente. La magistrale invisibilità Satura le pause Intride gli iati Forma la brana Che unisce e separa Le singolarità vibranti. È ove nulla è, è Nulla, Potenza infinita del vuoto.
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mitchipedia · 2 months
Are we dating the same guy? Facebook groups offer intel but upend lives [Brittany Shammas and Marisa Iati / The Washington Post]. Trial by gossip works well but fails badly.
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sociedadnoticias · 2 months
Gana IATI los premios GEMA 2024 a la mejor correduría de seguros de su categoría
Este prestigioso galardón se ha entregado en la clausura de la Semana del Seguro en Madrid. Por Verónica Estrada | Reportera Los Premios GEMA (Gestión Empresarial de la Mediación Aseguradora), los más prestigiosos del sector, se pusieron en marcha hace 21 años para reconocer proyectos promovidos por Mediadores de Seguros y que supusieran una mejora empresarial, una adaptación a la evolución del…
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theatrenews · 2 months
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Echo: Theatre-News.com 'Mask' as in 'Theater Mask' at IATI Theater - #iatitheater @iatitheater #ChrisBrowneValenzuela http://dlvr.it/T31RzL
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entertainmehub · 2 months
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Theatre-News.com 'Mask' as in 'Theater Mask' at IATI Theater - #iatitheater @iatitheater #ChrisBrowneValenzuela http://dlvr.it/T2yYLY
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pernambuconoticias · 2 months
Jovem com passagem prisional é executado a tiros após receber chamada telefônica
Foto: reprodução WhatsApp Um rapaz de 21 anos, que tinha passagem pelo sistema prisional, foi assassinado a tiros durante a noite desta última quinta-feira, 15, no centro de Iati, agreste de Pernambuco. A vítima foi identificada como Marcone Basílio da Silva, conhecido como ‘boião’. Com vida, Marcone chegou ser socorrido pelo Serviço de Atendimento Móvel de Urgência – SAMU -, mas acabou…
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guiavi · 4 months
lll➤ Opiniones de IATI Seguros en Estados Unidos 2024. ¿Merece la pena contratar el seguro de IATI para hacer un viaje por EEUU? 🗽
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escaladeur1 · 4 months
Conquering New Heights: The Best Climbing Shoes of 2023
Embarking on a climbing adventure requires the right gear, and at the forefront of essential equipment are climbing shoes. In 2023, the market is teeming with innovative designs and advanced technologies to enhance your climbing experience. Let's explore the best climbing shoes that are set to make waves this year meilleur magnésie liquide 2023.
Precision Perfected: La Sportiva Solution 2.0
La Sportiva has long been synonymous with high-performance climbing shoes, and the Solution 2.0 continues this legacy. With its precise fit and unparalleled sensitivity, these shoes are engineered for climbers who demand precision on challenging routes. The aggressive downturn and innovative P3 technology ensure consistent power on various terrains, making the Solution 2.0 a top choice for avid climbers in 2023.
Versatility Redefined: Scarpa Instinct VS-R
For climbers seeking versatility without compromise, the Scarpa Instinct VS-R stands out as a top contender. Whether you're tackling boulders, sport climbing, or trad routes, these shoes offer an optimal blend of sensitivity and support. The Vibram XS Edge rubber sole provides excellent grip, giving climbers the confidence to tackle diverse climbing styles with ease.
Comfort meets Performance: Five Ten Anasazi Pro
Five Ten has consistently delivered climbing shoes that strike a balance between comfort and performance. The Anasazi Pro takes this philosophy a step further, offering a redesigned heel and a medium-stiff midsole for enhanced edging capability. Climbers can now enjoy extended sessions without sacrificing comfort, making the Anasazi Pro a go-to choice for those prioritizing both performance and well-being.
Innovative Design: Black Diamond Zone LV
Black Diamond enters the spotlight with the Zone LV, featuring a low-volume design tailored specifically for women. The shoe boasts Engineered Knit Technology, providing breathability and a sock-like fit. The innovative Zone LV excels in both precision and comfort, making it a game-changer for female climbers looking to push their limits in 2023.
Eco-Friendly Excellence: Tenaya Iati Green
As sustainability takes center stage, Tenaya introduces the Iati Green, a climbing shoe crafted with environmental responsibility in mind. Using recycled materials without compromising performance, these shoes offer a downturned shape for maximum power on overhangs. Climbers can now make a positive impact on the environment without compromising their ascent.
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Passeio em Loulé
Pequeno passeio pelo centro histórico da cidade, caminhando pelas suas ruas estreitas e descobrindo alguns dos edifícios antigos com uma beleza arquitetónica única. Powered by GetYourGuide Booking.com EN// Short walk through the historic center of the city, walking through its narrow streets and discovering some of the old buildings with a unique architectural beauty. A IATI Seguros tem uma…
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linguistlist-blog · 5 months
FYI: Call for Book Chapters: Constructive News Across Cultures
Call for Book Chapters: Constructive News Across Cultures Co-editors: Ashley RIGGS and Lucile DAVIER We seek contributions for an edited volume on constructive news across cultures, to be published by Routledge in 2025 as the IATIS (International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies) Yearbook. Constructive news (Bro, 2023; Haagerup, 2017), or solutions journalism, is much more than “good” or positive news. It is news that applies the tenets of positive psychology – in a nutsh http://dlvr.it/Syt8mj
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saltysheepbluebird · 8 months
Airlines API Integration
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What is Airlines API Integration?
Airlines API Integration is a software solution that combines all flight-related searches in one location and displays the results based on the user's preferences. It provides more granular control over flight booking information and allows travel agents to customize their bookings. In other words, the Airlines API assists travel companies in decoding real-time search data and understanding the user's basic needs.
In response to the queries, the API-integrated website offers users a list of the best flight alternatives, deals, and discounts based on real-time availability. As a result, the customers will get what they want, and OTAs will get a great response and brand exposure for their business.
Airlines API enables travel agencies, tour operators, and travel agencies to access global flight deals. With technological advancements and increased demand for flight API providers, the Airline API has become the heart of the travel industry.
APIs facilitate interaction between data, applications, and devices. It transports data between devices and programs. It makes running a business easier while also helping users by offering real-time service access on their devices. API integration controls operations in many high-performing firms that keep data in sync, increase productivity, and manage income. An online flight booking platform isn't complete unless it integrates the Airline API.
How Does Airlines API Integration Work?
Airlines API is a global distribution system that enables online travel agencies (OTAs) to aggregate and distribute all flight-related information and services in one location. Our cutting-edge technology promotes quick revenue development, automates operations, and lowers the time and energy necessary to search for and book flights.
Airlines and global travel agencies employ Online Airline API Integration for their businesses because of real-time airline data, a vast network, and 24-hour availability. We understand travel agents' needs and concerns and work with GDS providers' technical teams to create end-to-end solutions.
FlightsLogic has been empowering online travel companies with its innovative API Integration technologies since its start. We work with established and startup travel companies to help their brands reach the ideal clients while lowering overall expenditures. We also strive to give you an end-to-end solution, ensuring that your airline booking system runs around the clock and providing your consumers with a hassle-free experience.
We offer airlines API Integration with all major flight providers. We have integrated Airline APIs for GDSs like Amadeus, Sabre, and Travelport and Flight Consolidators like Mystifly, Iati, and Multireisen. We allow you to connect various air suppliers into a single flight booking engine.
By implementing airline APIs into your online travel portal, you may enable B2C customers and agents to purchase airline tickets online using real-time pricing and availability.
Because global flight content is available on a single interface, there is no need to enter several supplier systems to find the best pricing for your clients.
FlightsLogic provides the most effective kind of Airline API Integration Solution to help your business thrive. Our airline API will connect your inventory with top-tier service providers, reducing the time and effort required to monitor and modify airline ticket bookings.
All travel portals and applications developed with our API are also very compatible with a wide range of devices and form factors, employing cutting-edge responsive technologies to adjust the display layout to meet the screen of the user device. Our platform can integrate with top Global Distribution Systems (GDS), Flight Consolidators, and Single Source API suppliers for your flight booking and ticketing requirements. It is best suited for Travel Agents, OTA's, Tour Operations, and TMCs.
In addition, we provide Amadeus API Integration, Galileo API Integration, and Sabre API Integration. All of our airline booking systems are automated and include sophisticated features and top functionality such as real-time booking, GDS connectivity, smooth inventory management, one-way, round trip, and multi-currency payment via numerous payment gateways.
FlightsLogic Airlines API Integration System enables B2B Travel Agents and B2C Travel Websites to search for and book GDS and LCC flights. Our intelligent caching solution assists B2C travel agencies in maintaining their look-to-book ratio with GDS providers. We offer a Hold PNR system based on the needs of the customer. Using our years of expertise, we provide the best Flight Booking System in the business via Flight API Integration.
Features of Airlines API Integration
The airline industry is continuously growing and attempting to become more productive and efficient. The growth of technology has drastically transformed the business world, and the airline sector is no less competitive in embracing it.
The implementation of airline travel software has greatly helped the industry by enhancing operations, minimizing burden, boosting accuracy, and saving time. However, to provide excellent value and service to customers, your bespoke airline software should be seamless and user-friendly.
Airlines may expand their global reach by using an efficient and cost-effective distribution channel that caters to leisure and business visitors. It also provides airlines with quick and easy access to organizations, travel management companies, and global travel retailers.
Airlines API enables Travel Portal Companies to receive real-time flight availability and reservations. Clients may use this booking engine to check and purchase airline tickets at their leisure. Our Flight API is the most popular since our GDS integration is a complete solution concentrating on low-cost airlines.
The API integration assists you in increasing business productivity and income while improving operational efficiency. Because the API interface operates in real-time, you have several options to capitalize on new market trends, lowering operating expenses. We can assist you with integrating a flight booking API into your site, allowing you to sell large numbers of flights with no effort.
At FlightsLogic, we provide the most robust Airline API Integration Solution to modify and increase your online travel business capability. FlightsLogic is the premier Airline API Provider, providing the best Airline API integration solution for businesses in the travel sector.
Our airlines API Integration allows travelers to purchase airline tickets online, which is crucial in the current expansion of technology-enabled travel companies. Integration of Flight APIs helps travel portals access all currently available Airline options in one place. Our airline booking system will make it simple for your customers and agents to order online tickets.
Your consumers will be able to check flight times, rates, and availability all in one spot and order tickets at their leisure. Travel companies may provide their consumers with a seamless and fast airline booking experience by incorporating airline API into their systems.
Users may search for flights, compare costs, check available seats, and book straight from the travel technology platform, eliminating the need to visit various airline websites. The Airline API connection guarantees that the flight data given to users is up-to-date, accurate, and consistent with the information provided by the airlines.
Why Choose FlightsLogic?
FlightsLogic offers the most effective and user-friendly options for launching and expanding your travel business. You can quickly discover, book, and manage flights using a single platform. We work with our airline customers to provide a low-cost, quick software solution that supports critical airline systems like Sabre, Amadeus, and Galileo. All our solutions are designed to give airlines a digital platform that improves the customer experience while increasing employee productivity.
We have extensive expertise integrating major GDS Air Supplier APIs, Direct Airline APIs, and third-party consolidators. We offer a variety of Travel Portal Solutions based on the needs of our clients, including B2C travel portals, B2B travel portals, B2B2B travel portals, and B2E travel portals.
Our Flight API includes over 250 LCC airlines (low-cost carriers) and many more GDS carriers. We prioritize ongoing enhancements to our flight API to stay ahead of the competition.
It provides rich flight content aggregated from several IATA and non-IATA consolidators. Our Flight API is customizable and fully Web 2.0 compliant, allowing you to utilize these new features while also rapidly and easily integrating any future enhancements.
We elevate your business by giving the best solutions possible via the use of GDS Integration. It is an advanced technological solution to suit the changing needs and demands of travel agents, providers, and travelers.
Our Flight API offers a Software-as-a-Service solution and may be customized with various add-on modules and services based on your specific needs. Furthermore, the Flight API allows the development of whole processes ranging from payment and ticketing through rebooking, cancellation, refund, and revalidation of GDS flights.
Advantages of Our Airlines API Integration
Displays Global Airlines Inventory
Single Window Interface
Coverage in Global Market
Quick and easy connectivity
24/7 business monitoring facilities
Facilitates online direct sales.
Whether the customer is looking for a one-way flight, a round-trip flight, a multi-city flight, an airfare calendar, live ticketing and cancellation, SMS/email, ticket generation, boarding pass, web check-in, or a travel date reminder, a powerful airlines API integration can assist them in locating the best and most simple fly booking service.
Easy to set and use.
Provides fast and error-free online reservation facility.
Advanced API helps in tapping global markets.
Easy management of revenues and commissions
Travel Portal Solution offers a low-cost and flexible integration solution.
The custom design solution of our Flight API lets travel agents and OTAs customize their inventory.
Enables visitors to get detailed and real-time information through single API integration.
Best Airlines API Suppliers
Mystifly’s APIs
Mystifly's flight API integration is a widely used and trusted option for getting worldwide airfares, with a presence in over 190 countries. Mystifly collects data from over 750 airlines, including 200+ low-cost carriers. It operates in 80 countries spanning Asia, Australia, Africa, the Middle East, and North and South America.
KIU is a Global Distribution System (GDS) specializing in the Latin American market. As an IATA strategic partner and SITA-certified company, KIU is a reliable provider of cloud-based CRS and GDS solutions. In addition to delivering flight information and facilitating the sale of ancillaries, KIU interfaces with the Sabre and Amadeus reservation systems. The firm also provides an airport check-in platform, making it a full-service solution for the tourism industry.
Travel Boutique APIs
Travel Boutique Online Flight API, one of the leading Indian B2B Travel Portals, has everything. They provide travel services ranging from flight reservations, hotel bookings, transits, sightseeing tours, and holiday packages to insurance coverage. They enable travel agents to better serve customers by providing them with the most appropriate inventory. Travel Boutique API gives agents access to a global flight inventory from well-known air flight suppliers.
FlightStats is a global flight tracker that provides two API flight-tracking options. These APIs are tailored to a user's software's user experience and business requirements and support JSON, JSONP, XML, and SOAP formats. Companies in the travel sector may obtain real-time flight tracking information and make educated decisions by utilizing FlightStats' APIs.
Skyscanner APIs
Skyscanner is a popular flight search engine that offers its own APIs for searching and comparing flights. These APIs come in two versions: one for browsing flight price data and another for accessing live flight price data. Companies in the travel sector may get real-time flight pricing information and give their consumers the best rates on flights by utilizing Skyscanner's APIs.
Sabre APIs
Sabre GDS connects you to 400 airlines. It offers a B2B solution through Sabre Red 360, an online travel platform for agencies, suppliers, and developers that allows users to order a full range of services. Sabre acquired Abacus, Asia's leading GDS with headquarters in Singapore, in 2015. Sabre and eleven Asian airlines now own it. The GDS has the most data from airlines, including Chinese and low-cost carriers, and hotels in the Asia-Pacific area.
Travelport API
Travel agencies and management firms may aggregate their businesses with more upgraded and diverse selections of travel content for booking flights with real-time flight data and best deals using TravelPort Airlines GDS. Through recognized industry standards, network airlines' Travelport Platforms may interact with new API technologies. Airlines may begin sharing and advertising their unique content with Travelport registered travel brokers, corporate travel buyers, and travel developers who wish to access airline inventory.
For more details, Pls visit our Website:
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onetwistedmiracle · 9 months
cw: grievous harm to a child
somehow, another one who wasn't a drag queen
Ex-pastor confesses to abducting, killing girl almost 50 years ago, officials say
By Victoria Bisset and 
Marisa Iati
Updated July 25, 2023 at 3:34 p.m. EDT|Published July 25, 2023 at 10:16 a.m. EDT
Gretchen Harrington almost skipped Bible camp the day she was abducted — and then killed — while walking there.
Her sisters, who usually traveled to the program with her, stayed home on Aug. 15, 1975, because the family had a new baby. But 8-year-old Gretchen had a perfect attendance record, prosecutors said, and her family encouraged her to go alone.
���And that ended up being, as we can know, a fateful decision,” Jack Stollsteimer, district attorney of Delaware County, Pa., told reporters Monday.
Gretchen’s remains were found two months later, unnerving her southeastern Pennsylvania community and prompting a nearly 50-year investigation into the identity of her killer. Last week, prosecutors say, the pastor of one of the churches that hosted the camp — and a friend of Gretchen’s family — confessed to her abduction and murder.
David Zandstra, 83, is charged with criminal homicide; first-, second- and third-degree murder; kidnapping a minor; and possessing an instrument of crime. A phone message left Tuesday for an attorney representing him was not immediately returned.
“He is every parent’s worst nightmare,” Stollsteimer said of Zandstra at the news conference. “This is a man who is a remorseless child predator, who acted as if he was a friend, a neighbor and a man of God. And he killed this poor little girl.”
Zandstra was the pastor of the Trinity Church Chapel Christian Reform Church in Marple, where the camp Gretchen attended began in the morning. Zandstra would then transport the children to the nearby Reformed Presbyterian Church, where Gretchen’s father was the pastor, for the rest of the day.
When Gretchen’s father became worried upon learning his daughter hadn’t arrived at camp, Zandstra was the one who called the police, prosecutors said.
In reality, Zandstra had offered Gretchen a ride when he saw her making the half-mile walk alone, authorities said. He was familiar to her; in addition to being the pastor at her camp, he was also the father of one of her best friends. She had no reason not to accept the offer.
But rather than taking her to camp, Zandstra drove Gretchen to a wooded area and asked her to undress, prosecutors said. When she refused, he allegedly performed a sexual act in front of her and then beat her with his hands.
Once Gretchen appeared to be dead, Zandstra allegedly tried to cover her body. Then, prosecutors said, he went back to Trinity Church and acted as if nothing had happened.
Gretchen’s remains were found Oct. 14, 1975, in Ridley Creek State Park in Media, Pa., about five miles from where she was abducted.
Zandstra was first questioned by police the same month. A witness had told police they saw Gretchen speaking to the owner of a green car — one that matched Zandstra’s green Rambler station wagon, prosecutors said. Zandstra, however, denied seeing Gretchen the day she disappeared.
“This man is evil,” Stollsteimer said. “He killed this poor 8-year-old girl he knew and who trusted him, and then he acted as if he was a family friend not only during her burial and the period after that, but for years.”
After leaving Pennsylvania in 1976, Zandstra served as a pastor in other states before retiring in 2005, according to the Christian Reformed Church.
A breakthrough in the case came in January, when investigators interviewed a childhood friend of Zandstra’s daughter who often attended sleepovers at the family’s home. The woman said she woke up during a sleepover when she was about 10 years old to find Zandstra groping her groin area. When she told Zandstra’s daughter, the daughter “replied that the defendant did that sometimes,” prosecutors said.
On July 17, investigators traveled to Marietta, Ga., where Zandstra lives, to talk with him again. He initially denied having a role in Gretchen’s disappearance, prosecutors said. But when investigators confronted him about other allegations of sexual assault against him, he allegedly admitted he had offered Gretchen a ride, drove her away and killed her when she refused to undress.
The confession appeared to lift a weight from Zandstra’s chest, Pennsylvania State Trooper Eugene Tray said at the news conference. Zandstra seemed “relieved,” Tray said, even when told he would be placed under arrest.
Zandstra was taken into custody in Georgia that day. He was denied bail and is fighting extradition to Pennsylvania. Officials said they believe that Zandstra may have sexually assaulted other people and that they took a DNA sample from him to compare with open cases nationwide.
Gretchen’s father did not live to see the man who allegedly killed her face charges. In a statement, her remaining family members said that anyone who met her instantly became her friend and that they were “extremely hopeful” her killer would be brought to justice.
“Even now, when people share their memories of her, the first thing they talk about is how amazing she was and still is … at just 8 years old, she had a lifelong impact on those around her,” the family said. “The abduction and murder of Gretchen has forever altered our family and we miss her every single day.”
Zandstra’s alleged crime, Stollsteimer said, will not go unpunished.
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“We’re going to try him, we’re going to convict him, and he’s going to die in jail,” Stollsteimer said. “And then he’s going to have to find out what the God he professes to believe in holds for those who are this evil to our children.”
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