#It'll be soon time for my own Lucas to show his differences
pktearsoftazmily · 1 year
// I have such a huge arc planned for my sunflower boy and none of you are ready. None of you. It’ll involve Hinawa and Flint too, ohohoho...
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issytheamateurnerd · 2 years
Finally posting a Madeleine fanfic!
I'll be uploading it to my Ao3 account when I eventually get that set up, but for now, I'll be posting parts of my new fic here on Tumblr!
Disclaimer: I don't usually write from a first-person POV so, sorry if the writing is a little clunky😅
The Hitman's Daughter
Part One: Family Reunion
"Don't be long."
Tamara turned and walked away, no doubt saying something entitled to her bodyguards.
I really didn't know how my mother could stand her. If anything, it seemed she liked her to some degree. Which made no sense to me.
However, the two of us had more important matters to tend to, so I refrained from asking unnecessary questions. I had to focus.
Although it was a bit difficult, as the smell of the purple flower gardens that surrounded the extravagant wine factory and mansion, under the endless, blue-and-orange Argentina sky was quite distracting.
But my wandering mind finally focused once a familiar figure approached my mom and I.
“You got our message.” Said Mom, as he stood beside her, leaning his hand on the balcony railing.
“You’d never get caught on camera, especially if Madeleine was with you, not unless you wanted to be seen.” He replied.
It felt almost strange hearing his voice again, strange but…comforting at the same time.
“So, what’s the play?” He asked.
“You’re not the only one who’s been busy, 47.” Mom had that right.
“I’m this close to becoming the next Constant. I’ll be able to dismantle Providence from the inside.” Hearing this suddenly made our risky but genius plan feel so much more real. A knot appeared in my stomach.
“Only one man stands in my way; Don Yates.”
They continued to talk about Don Yates and Tamara Vidal, two people who, if removed, would set our plan into action.
Meanwhile, my mother knew exactly how to deal with the current Constant, Arthur Edwards. He wouldn't suspect a thing until it was too late.
While they spoke I began mapping the vineyard in my mind, seeing if I could recall things such as hiding places or areas to find tools and other materials.
But, as I suspected, my attention and thoughts were slowly drawn to 47. My father.
After everything that had happened with Providence, ICA, my Uncle Lucas….I hadn't seen my father in months. And the truth was, I’d missed him. I’d missed him a lot.
I suddenly felt the overwhelming urge to hug him, which was a bit strange because my father and I rarely hugged. Not that we weren't close, he just showed love in different ways.
However, my mother interrupted my thoughts,
“Whatever your plan is, we’ll help you in any way we can. Right, Madeleine?”
“Right.” I replied.
“You’re sure about this?” Dad asked.
“As sure as I’ll ever be.”
Mom then lovingly placed her hand over his and smiled.
It made me smile as well because my parents never showed affection towards each other in public. But then again, they were never with me in public for very long.
Yet, in that moment, I felt content. Because for the first time in over a year, our family was truly together. Even if it only lasted a few minutes, it was nice.
Memories from my childhood began to flash in my mind, and I recalled that it was always moments like these when I was the happiest. When it was just the three of us.
But the moment was cut short once my father turned away, signaling that it was time for our mission to start.
“Here, we got you an invitation.” I said, pulling a small, laminated paper invitation out of my dress pocket and handing to my dad.
My mom smiled again, “Just like old times. Come find me when it’s done.”
Dad thanked us and dissapeared into the crowd just as she said, “Good Luck, 47.”
Part Two:
Part Three:
Part Four:
Part Five:
Part Six:
Part Seven:
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