johnhmcintosh · 7 months
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Running through the dream Unafraid of judging eyes
Discovering the timeless Beauty Of Freedom’s Presence
Abandoning all ‘how-to’s
Like a child whose every step Is a skip or a jump
Where work is Play and Joy
Lips that are ever smiling And eyes the shine
No rules or agendas The natural wisdom within Guides each step
The lightness of Being
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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watching-now · 2 months
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-John McIntosh
She strolls the endless beach in perfect rhythm with the ebb and flow of the gentle waves caressing her feet. Not far out to sea a dolphin executes an intricate acrobatic performance for her, laughing as it plunges again and again into the turquoise deep. A young family approaches, nodding and smiling as they exchange the customary greetings of happy dreamers, they do not ‘see’ her as the dolphin did. Behind them a small barking dog rushes up to her and stops suddenly, quietly tilting its head from side to side … it too ‘sees’ her. At her feet an ancient coral, sculpted by eons of the same caressing waves, displays its final form as a rocky heart. She smiles within.
Later, navigating the rough and rocky shores of a meandering creek, the many faces of Nature reveal themselves in leaves and branches, and in the warbling rush of the ever changing flow of watery life. Everywhere, the ONE Life ‘is’ … knowing IT SELF as the Love she effortlessly emanates. Birds of every color and size sing the Joyful melody of Unicity – Love Loving IT SELF in a myriad of forms, rising and falling in an instant to rise again in infinite disguises.
The dream surrounds her, but she ignores its seductive embrace, favouring the Silent Stillness to its cacophony.  It has lost its influence to the Emptiness of her Freedom.
-image by Solveig Larsen
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johnhmcintosh · 9 months
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In spiritual communities it is common to speak of ‘having or giving or sending’ unconditional love … but ‘this’ is NOT possible.
The false self [body-mind-identity] that most call ‘me’, is a ‘product-of’ conditioning [attachments, expectations, and identifications tied to memory [past] and imagination [future]]. Its very existence is a complex bundle ‘of’ conditioning and ALL [even so called well intended] efforts to ‘project’ unconditional love into the dream called this world, are tainted with covert as well as obvious conditioning.
Never is this more apparent than in ‘relationships [of any kind], which many will say ‘complete me’. In itself this ‘validates’ the illusory belief in ‘separation’ [the core foundation of all conditioning].
Unconditional Love ‘has’ no conditioning of any kind since it ‘is’ Who YOU Really Are [the ONE SELF] … Who is WHOLE – ONE – COMPLETE – INDIVISIBLE. IT/YOU, relies on nothing in the Grand Dream, which is actually a projection on the screen of Consciousness ‘within’ I/YOU. Nothing is missing. IT does NOT ‘send’ this Love … IT emanates IT SELF ‘to’ IT SELF always and in ALL ways without preference.
YOU ‘are’ already this but have forgotten, veiled by ‘conditioning’. The dissolution ‘of’ conditioning is your ONLY Purpose here until that occurs. For this … Self Inquiry/Surrender is the direct route.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 13 days
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Prayer and blessing usually defers to an ‘outside’ source [God by any name]. This is separation and where there this belief is present the manifestation of ‘contrast’ with its infinite variations, fosters chaos, confusion and conflict … good intentions gone awry. There IS only ONE SELF and YOU are IT. In order to bless and/or pray [so-called ‘effectively’] this Awareness ‘needs’ to be present.
For example: “May this person _ be uplifted [in whatever way] in the name of the ONE SELF – I AM.” This is ‘declaring’ rather than ‘asking’. And: “I bless this situation [whatever it is] in the name of the ONE SELF – I AM.” “Nevertheless, according to thy will” may be added, which ‘filters’ out any personal preferences the false self may have in the matter.
These kinds of small ‘adjustments’ have an enormous influence and do NOT ‘resist’ destiny [What Is]. This is ‘going with the flow’ even though that flow may not be obvious. It also ‘expands’ Awareness of the ONE SELF YOU Are while you are still yawning awake from eons of sleeping.
-image by Solvieg Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 15 days
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“God is within” or “The Kingdom of Heaven is within” is NOT a location. It is a statement of ‘Awareness’. It simply means that Truth is not ‘found’ … IT is ‘revealed’ as an ever-Present reality when the distractions of the dream world-universe are no longer given your undivided ‘attention’.
The body-mind-identity as well as the world-universe is a temporary holographic-projection’ on the screen of Consciousness.
Everything and every circumstance that ‘seems to be’ is within the ONE SELF YOU Really Are … but have forgotten through this ‘attention’
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 1 month
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Freedom, the Truth of Who You Really Are, is not found through the mind and its endless wanderings, its cacophony of noises, its concepts, its historical quotes, its certainties that are every-changing. Its restlessness is never ending, its angst ever brooding, its fleeting sorrows and vignettes of happiness slowly grinding away at any hope it has of finding, finding, finding that something that will give it rest … some semblance of peace – “whatever ‘that’ is” it wonders.
Freedom lies in ‘and’ around Silence. IT is everywhere and nowhere – yet Present. IT is not even found but revealed as ever-Present, seemingly hidden but never lost and always available NOW. It is the mind that hides Freedom from itself with its insistence that IT must be far away and impossibly difficult to attain. But Silence exposes this lie allowing no distraction to disturb ITs simple Stillness.
Silence is daunting to the mind that must always have company, unable to endure being alone, unable to dive beneath the frothy waves of limitation, littleness and the superficial comings and goings of ephemeral living. Silence is content to be alone, IT embraces it allowing emptiness to simply BE. Eternity lies in emptiness, Peace bathes in the Light of nothing-ness and all potential lies sleeping there, waiting for the theater of dreams to dance the dance of fleeting things and play again the infinite parts of All That Is.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 4 months
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To you who seek The Light of Life It is a fool’s journey … An endless search
Not found on paths of glory Or through magic mushrooms of any kind Not found in sacred practices Or harsh disciplines
It cannot be found in achievements Or years of denying this or that The world is full of possibilities Lo here, lo there it claims But offers only phantoms in return for your devotion
The search it self is a trap It validates your separate self And places the Light always Beyond your grasp
But stay a while in Silence The lonely quiet of Freedom Which beckons beyond your search Declaring Freedom Now
There is no searching required The Light you seek has never left IT is ‘who’ YOU Really Are With only one request
Give up this fantasy of a personal identity Dissolve this false self In the fire of Stillness Come Home to YOU Who has never left IT SELF
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 9 months
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The eyes of the world-illusion look out into the vast narrative and see you as limited. frail and isolated … but I ‘know’ YOU.
YOU are the SELF disguised – wearing countless masks that veil the ONE Reality. The great delusion dwells ‘within’ YOU, ‘as’ YOU. It morphs and shifts endlessly while the Awareness YOU are ‘watches’ but also ‘plays’ in its infinite field of dreams.
The dark dances with the light … one cannot exist without the other in dreams … but YOU Love it all, knowing that All That Is, ‘is’ YOU.
The endless stories do not sway YOU … YOU know their origins are deeply rooted in the separation-belief … but ONE cannot be separated and has no levels.
I ‘know’ YOU, YOU are ME, I AM YOU, We are ONE, not connected but indivisible.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 7 months
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In the illusion of ‘time’, the future is VERY Bright.
Humanity looks around at the Grand Dream [that most call reality] and declare it to be ‘very dark’ indeed. Whether one is so-called ‘woke’ to the enormous tyranny now being exposed everywhere after over a century of total world domination, or still sleeping deeply believing that this is just a really rough patch of life … no one can deny – ‘things look really bleak’.
However, much like a bought of extreme flu, all manner of nasty toxicity is being released to be sloughed off. When the full extent of the subterfuge and deceit and the carnage it has manifested surfaces for all to see – ‘many’ will simply melt down. Nevertheless, a breakdown ‘can be’ a breakthrough and the vast ABUNDANCE now being released [still largely unseen by the masses] is only the tip-of-the-iceberg’s potential for the expansion of inner awareness that can be realized by the breakthrough now occurring.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 5 months
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As the intensity of the Great SHIFT into an era of Peace and Light expands, enormous ‘stress’ has filled the lives of most of humanity. This can be witnessed by the equally expanded ‘dysfunction’ of what most would call ‘normal’, and a feeling for many of ‘losing their minds’. This is to be expected when an era [the recent patriarchy] collapses and a NEW one emerges from the ashes. However, this is a huge blessing for humanity.
REMEMBER … we are speaking about a Grand Dream that most call ‘reality’. Nevertheless, NONE of it ‘is’ real. However, the concept that the day-to-day experience is a dream - no different than a night-time dream but with a kind of continuity, is very difficult for most to accept. Nonetheless, that is precisely what is unfolding for those still imprisoned in the mind – [most of humanity].
While the mind may rebel at some of what follows, here are a few things that ARE currently happening as the old dream winds down and a ‘Happy Dream’ expands:
-massive ‘empirical evidence’ proliferates that the death-jab [a bio-weapon designed to reduce the world population by the Deep State [DS] One-World-Order elites], has eliminated tens of millions and injured billions worldwide,
-fiat currency [money created out of thin air for the last 100 years by the Fed (not Federal but DS)] has been almost entirely replaced by ‘asset-backed’ currency, thereby destroying the foundational infrastructure of the DS. This can be recognized by the massive bank failures that have and are still occurring around the world. This is due (in part) to non-compliance with such NEW global financial requirements such as Basel 3,
-Direct Energy Weapons have recently been used across the planet to destroy entire towns [example – West Maui], as part of the last-ditch attempt to bring down the world-Alliance that is dismantling the DS,
-the massive ongoing arrests of pedophile pockets that blanket the planet and the destruction of thousands of miles of underground tunnels that have processed millions of children a year for decades in this regard … are beginning to hit the corrupt mainstream media [MSM] and trickle down to the ‘shocked’ sleeping masses. These arrests include many high profile names in the entertainment industry and in high political positions,
-A complete ramp-up of the global financial systems through the Quantum Financial System [QFS] and a Global Financial Reset to gold back currencies … is unfolding at this moment. This is accompanied by Nesara/Gesara, which is [currently in the background] revolutionizing the playing field so that ‘everyone’ will enjoy life with ALL the basics provided for and opportunities that have not been imagined becoming available for everyone to live life Abundantly,
-the roll-out of unbelievable medical technologies such as MED BEDS that will ‘completely eliminate’ the manipulative Big Pharma/Medical Establishment stranglehold on health care … is imminent,
-this extraordinary SHIFT in the way the world will function in Peace and Light has been agreed upon by 209 countries [the entire world] as is ‘so-far partially evidenced’ by the massive expansion of the BRICS membership. Much more evidence will become obvious to ALL in the coming months … which will completely ‘expose’ the day-today lies of the MSM,
Losing one’s mind is absolutely necessary for genuine FREEDOM to come upon each one who is now imprisoned in the belief of limitation. It is the mind that generates the ‘illusion’ that most call reality. The mind itself is the outcome of thought, which in turn emanates from the primal belief in separation … the first illusion [what some call the ‘fall of man’ (consciousness)]. This will be replaced by Heart-centered ‘thinking’.
At this turning [The Great SHIFT] of an era, as is now occurring, the belief systems that have dominated [mostly patriarchal in this ending era], are rapidly collapsing as the NEW emerges. This current EXPANDING era is a period of relative ‘balance’ … what the mind would/will call ‘peace’. Be assured that no matter how the world APPEARS at the moment, humanity is fast approaching the most glorious phase it has experienced in thousands of years … [still a dream – but a very Happy Dream].
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 5 months
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"Know you not that you are gods" - Jesus/Psalms
Most do NOT … and yet it is so easy, so simple - complicated by the concept of separation.
"Awake thou, those that sleepeth" - Paul
-John McIntosh -image by Solveig Larsen
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johnhmcintosh · 6 months
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The false self [body-mind-identity most call ‘me’] is constantly seeking the ‘next thing’ … the better, more enticing and exciting thing to keep it constantly distracted from its incessant boredom and the inevitable ‘turn within’.
This applies to so-called spiritual seekers as well who continuously look for the perfect wise direction that will show them Truth. They pick and choose from a cornucopia of prophetic sayings and ancient wisdom hoping that around the next corner enlightenment will ‘save’ them from the darkness of the world they call reality. However, not until ALL mind-knowledge is dropped will the Emptiness that ‘is’ Truth return Awareness ‘to’ IT SELF.
Seeking expands the belief that one is NOT ‘now’ Free, placing it always at a distance and out in the future, which is the illusion of time and space that the belief in separation birthed. It is the authentic, empty-handed surrender to ‘What Is’ that allows the Real YOU to peak through the veils of the illusion of a separated identity, and the vigilant focus upon the ONE SELF YOU Are that dissolves the false self revealing the unbroken Peace, Love and Freedom YOU Really Are.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 8 months
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“Not a single sparrow can fall to the ground without your father [the ONE SELF] knowing it … so don’t be afraid, you are ‘more valuable’ to God [the ONE SELF] than a whole flock of sparrows.”
Inspiring … beautiful – YES of course … but also NO!
The bible and most ancient sacred texts are filled with subtle vignettes of this kind that foster the belief in ‘separation’ and ‘special-ness’. Separation is the root cause of the ‘manifestation of the dream-universe and ALL within it. However, ONE [the ONE SELF] is ‘always’ ONE – indivisible. There ‘are’ no levels within the boundless, borderless ONE … and YOU [the Real YOU] ‘is’ IT.
The Grand Dream most believe is reality, is a vast ocean of separated parts with all the ‘friction’ [chaos, confusion and conflict] that that brings to manifest the limitless dramas it contains.
Truth resides ‘beneath’ this illusion and the friction, while producing an infinity of roller coaster rides between happiness and sorrow, eventually ‘pulls’ one’s attention within where the Peace, Love and Freedom (One-ness) we Are [not have – but ARE] returns to Awareness.
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 2 years
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Currently there is a Great Divide happening throughout the world. There are deep, deep sleepers who live totally ‘in’ and understand the power of the mind to manifest anything one choses and have used it completely for self-oriented purposes through manipulation, control and destruction. Much of this has been in the unseen but is now rapidly coming out into the open as the last cards in the house of illusions collapses into a New era of Peace and Light.
Then, there are other deep sleepers who have been the so-called ignorant victims of these dark perpetrators [there ‘are’ no victims in Truth]. These ones however, cannot be shaken from their slumber even when massive exposure to what has been happening is handed to them. Beyond this group are those who are slowly blinking closed eyes open as they quake at the sight of the devastation left in the wake of the deep, deep sleepers’ dark agenda. Finally, there are those who were awake [awake in a dream is still sleeping] throughout the entire theater of performances and who recently have been severely reviled for suggesting the dream was really a nightmare … their vindication is at hand.
One last category exists, but they are few and are NOT sleeping. They are Truly IN the dream but not OF the dream. They have been mostly silent – holding the Light as they have for eons while the slumbering God-SELF wore endless but convincing disguises. They KNOW that there ‘is’ only ONE SELF no matter how far IT swings through the arc of Light to dark and that ALL eventually return HOME to that Awareness.
LIFE: The Descent ‘from’ and Ascent ‘to’ the Awareness of Who’ You Really Are https://www.amazon.com/dp/1792977050    
BOOKS by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 11 months
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While Truth [Who YOU Really Are] is ‘hidden in plain sight’, the false self [body-mind-identity] sees it NOT. The mind is NOT open to Truth. So-called open-minded-ness pertains to the dream-world the mind calls reality … NOT to what is True.
The mind lives in a world of ‘separation’ while Truth is ONE. The mind looks at the endless separated ‘parts’ of its illusory world and attempts to analyse and then control it trying to bring order out of the chaos separation inevitably brings about. Control is an aspect of ‘fear’ since the confused and conflicted world of mind appears and feels very unstable and unsafe to it. Education and wealth are two of its chief objectives to acquire as much of this illusory control as possible.
The ONE SELF in ITs totally Free state is humble and open and lives spontaneously in each moment. IT recognizes that vulnerability allows the flow of Perfect balance to occur in every moment. This is the Emptiness often attributed to the ONE SELF, which does not resist ‘what is’.  
-image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh https://www.johnmcintosh.info/copy-of-books
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johnhmcintosh · 10 months
"Soul, mind and ego are mere words, there are no entities of the kind. Consciousness [the ONE SELF] is the 'only' Truth". – Ramana
You cannot ‘lose’ your soul or mind or ego [false self] … they do not exist in Reality.
YOU [the ONE SELF] have simply ‘forgotten’ Who YOU Really Are.
-John McIntosh -image by Solveig Larsen
SELF DISCOVERY books by John McIntosh
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