#Jakarta Experience Board
aggilbewara · 2 years
Markplus Nobatkan Jakarta Experience Board sebagai Best of the Best BUMD
Markplus Nobatkan Jakarta Experience Board sebagai Best of the Best BUMD
Bewarajabar | Jakarta – PT. Jakarta Tourisindo (Jakarta Experience Board) memenangkan berbagai penghargaan di ajang BUMD Entrepreneurial Marketing Award (BEMA) 2022 yang diselenggarakan oleh Markplus. Adapun penghargaan yang berhasil diraih: Best of the Best BUMD, Gold Winner The Most Promising Company in Strategic Marketing, Gold Winner The Most Promising Company in Marketing 3.0 dan Silver…
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kbanews · 6 months
Sosok yang Menangkan Anies di Pilkada 2017 Gabung Timnas AMIN
JAKARTA | KBA– Sosok yang terlibat dalam pemenangan Anies Baswedan pada Pilkada 2017 Jakarta, Novita Dewi, kembali bergabung dalam Tim Nasional (Timnas) Kampanye Anies Baswedan-Muhaimin Iskandar (AMIN). Kali ini tokoh di balik branding +Jakarta ini didaulat menjadi Sekretaris Jenderal Timnas. “Saya siap memberikan kontribusi nyata untuk kemenangan AMIN,” kata mantan Dirut Jakarta Experience Board…
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turisiancom · 7 months
TURISIAN.com - Selama malam gemilang di Istana Merdeka Jakarta, peragaan busana Istana Berbatik berhasil memukau hadirin dengan berbagai koleksi yang memikat.  Koleksi batik tersebut berasal dari  tujuh kerajaan terkemuka di Nusantara. Acara yang dihelat oleh Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif (Kemenparekraf) ini merupakan bagian integral dari peringatan Hari Batik Nasional 2023. Peragaan batik tersebut akan dimulai pada, Minggu 1 Oktober 2023 di  halaman Istana Merdeka Jakarta pada tanggal 1 Oktober. "Kami dengan bangga mengundang tujuh kerajaan terhormat. Termasuk Solo, Yogyakarta, Sumenep, Gowa, dan Cirebon, untuk menghadirkan koleksi batik yang menakjubkan," ujar Landi Rizaldi, Direktur Utama Jakarta Experience Board, saat persiapan geladi resik Istana Berbatik, Jumat 29 September 2023. BACA JUGA: Batik Air Luncurkan Rute Makassar-Merauke, Tawarkan Petualangan di Timur Indonesia Event ini sendiri  digelar dalam rangka menyambut  perayaan Hari Batik yang jatuh pada tanggal 2 Oktober. Tetapi karena bertepatan dengan hari Senin, perhelatan ini telah dimajukan menjadi hari Minggu. Konsep acara ini, seperti yang diungkapkan oleh Landi, mengusung gaya street fashion yang memukau. Menjadikannya sebagai peragaan yang tak terlupakan yang digelar di halaman megah Istana Merdeka Jakarta. "Kami ingin menggambarkan kehebatan Istana ini, sehingga kami menghias panggung dengan cahaya-lampu yang mempesona dan mengadopsi teknologi LED untuk catwalk," ungkapnya. BACA JUGA: HUT Etnura Tampilkan Puluhan Desainer Nasional Dalam Balutan Batik Pesisiran Model-model Terkemuka Dalam upaya untuk merangkul keanekaragaman budaya batik Nusantara, penyelenggara membagi para peserta peraga busana menjadi sembilan grup. Masing-masing menampilkan keunikan batik dari berbagai daerah. Tidak hanya memeriahkan acara dengan kehadiran model-model terkemuka dari kalangan pejabat negara. Namun penyelenggara juga menghadirkan selebritas, penggiat sosial, dan olahragawan yang berbakat. Selain peragaan busana yang memukau, Istana Berbatik juga memanjakan hadirin dengan hiburan eksklusif yang dipersembahkan oleh deretan seniman ibu kota. BACA JUGA: Batik Lokal Aceh Tampil di Event Nagan Raya Expo 2023 Di antara mereka adalah penyanyi ternama seperti Sri Rossa Roslaina Handiyani, Fadli dari Padi Reborn, dan sejumlah bintang lainnya. Oleh karenanya,  perayaan semacam ini diharapkan masyarakat semakin meningkatkan apresiasi terhadap budaya batik yang begitu berharga bagi bangsa Indonesia. Sementara itu, Ahli Utama Kepariwisataan dan Ekonomi Kreatif Kemenparekraf, Nia Niscaya, dalam keterangannya, menyatakan bahwa Istana Berbatik merupakan wujud perayaan Hari Batik Nasional. BACA JUGA: Batik Habangka Akhirnya Lolos ke Ajang API, Gini Ceritanya Dimana, selalu diperingati setiap tanggal 2 Oktober. Dan event ini lebih dari sekadar perayaan lokal, namun menjadi momen penting untuk mempromosikan keindahan batik Indonesia ke seluruh dunia. "Sejarah batik sebagai Warisan Budaya Takbenda (WBTb) Indonesia telah diakui oleh UNESCO dalam sidang di Abu Dhabi, Uni Emirat Arab. Yakni, melalui sidang Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguard of the Intangible Cultural Heritage pada tanggal 2 Oktober 2009," tambahnya. BACA JUGA: Wisata di Tepi Jalur Pantura Ini Menawarkan Ragam Motif Batik Tidak hanya menjadi sorotan nasional, kegiatan ini juga akan diramaikan oleh kehadiran Presiden Joko Widodo dan Ibu Negara. Termasuk, Wakil Presiden RI Ma'ruf Amin beserta Ibu, jajaran Menteri dan Wakil Menteri Kabinet Indonesia Maju, Duta Besar dari negara sahabat, hingga Keluarga Keraton. Dengan begitu, Istana Berbatik menjadi peristiwa yang tak terlupakan dalam perjalanan budaya dan warisan Indonesia. ***
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solatgif · 11 months
TGIF: Roundup for June 2, 2023
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Save the date! “Writing the Next Chapter,” the 2024 Asian American Leadership Conference, will take place on April 23-24 in Orange County, California. More info coming soon.
Peter Lim, Jason Min, and Kevin Yi were privileged to be included in an assembly of Asian American Christian leaders from all over the United States for an unprecedented Listening Session with the White House. Read their reflections.
This newsletter is one of the many ways you can keep in touch with us. Find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. For more, check out my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group and TGIF Playlist on Spotify. You can reach me on Twitter and Instagram.
Aaron Lee, Editorial Curator
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Enter to win this excellent book! What does Scripture show us about Jesus? In Road Map to Jesus, Alistair Chalmers takes us on a trip through beloved Biblical texts to show us the Savior. Read my review. Thanks to Alistair Chalmers for providing this book for our giveaway, in partnership with my newsletters for @diveindigdeep and FCBC Walnut.
Articles From Around The Web
N. Gray Sutanto: 4 Realities in Jakarta That Expose Western Judgments of Christianity
“To those who experience social guilt and shame, Christianity announces a better way. It calls sin by name, depends on Christ’s blood for absolute cleansing, and calls sinners to be made new in him.”
T. Kim: What Risks Can Moms Take? Following Jesus with Small Children
“Fellow mom, though I may be oceans away, neither of us raises our family in the country of our citizenship. You also face many risks as you serve Christ. Do you trust him? Is he worthy? If so, what is a faithful, risky yes you can say to him today?”
Virginia Chen: Our Beloved Ones Don’t Become Angels When They Die
“Despite what Chinese religions and pop culture might suggest, they stay human—and that’s a good thing.”
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The SOLA College Writing Cohort is our new writing cohort for college-age students to receive mentorship and training as young Christian writers. Editorial Board member Soojin Park will personally be leading this initiative, and she is very excited at the prospect of nurturing the next generation of Asian American thinkers and writers who will help encourage and edify the Church!
Books, Podcasts, Music, And More
Journeywomen Podcast: Unashamed with Irene Sun
“In the face of intense shame heaped upon her by others throughout her life, Wen Wei Chieh was never ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This woman of the faith endured poverty, loss, and rejection at every turn, but she stood firm on the Word of God, knowing the Lord would remain faithful to her.”
Related: Sharing Biblical Theology With Kids: An Interview with Irene Sun
The Russell Moore Show: Curtis Chang Says Anxiety Is Opportunity
On this episode of The Russell Moore Show, Curtis Chang explains that the root of anxiety is the fear of loss. The conversation also covers social media, the role of medication in addressing mental health struggles, and various spiritual practices for responding to anxiety.
Related: Youth, Politics, and Social Media: A Conversation with Russell Moore
Aaron Lee: Related Works
Book Reviews: The Existence and Attributes of God by Stephen Charnock, Honor, Patronage, Kinship, and Purity by David A DeSilva, The Cross in Context by Jackson W., Serving as Jesus Served by Michele Howe. Listen to our TGIF playlist on Spotify. Join my Asian American Worship Leaders Facebook group.
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For Mother’s Day, check out our Moms & Motherhood collection! Featured authors include Faith Chang, Amy Loh, Alice Kim, Heidi Tai, Grace Lung, and Kristen & Karisa You.
Featured This Week On SOLA Network
Connie Nelson: The Best is Yet to Come: How Knowing Jesus as Our Resurrected Lord Impacts Our Parenting
“If our children are in Christ, we can be confident in their future.”
Matt Ng: The Sound Witness of An Ordinary Life
“A sound witness is an everyday, unscheduled, and unprompted endeavor that demonstrates Christian humility and charity. It tills Gospel soil. It’s a characteristically winsome lifestyle that exudes Gospel flavor to others around us—the kind of living that makes it no surprise to others that we love Jesus.”
Peter Lim, Jason Min, Kevin Yi: Reflections on the White House Listening Session with Asian American Christian Leaders
On May 4, 2023 the Asian American Christian Collaborative (AACC), which is a national organization that focuses on education/equipping, advocacy, and community building to represent the voices, issues, and histories of Asian Americans, congregated Asian American Christian leaders from all over the United States for an unprecedented Listening Session with the White House.
Michael Agapito: Two Things Young Pastors (and others) Can Learn From Tim Keller’s Life and Ministry
“For a man of his size and stature, his presence was rather disarming and far less imposing. For a person of his reputation, he was relatively unassuming and even soft-spoken.”
TGIF: Roundup for May 26, 2023
What Youth Workers Need to Know About Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) Heritage Month / on the unlikeliest of penpals, or concerning Tim Keller / Western Classics Exclude Me. But Christ Can Redeem Them
General disclaimer: Our link roundups are not endorsements of the positions or lives of the authors.
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the-francakes · 1 year
One thing I want to know about you: what is the best vacation you’ve ever taken?
Oh wow, that's hard. When I was younger, I used to travel A LOT. The surf company my mom worked for sent her abroad a lot and would actually pay for me to accompany her because it was my summer or spring break and no one would be able to watch me. Super cool, but made me super spoiled vacation wise.
I use a lot of the places I visited tho in my stories and that's how you find my favorites.
When I was 15, we went to Newquay, which is a small surf town on the west coast of England. It was so much fun because I remember going to the pub and being one of barely anyone there. I had my first sticky toffee pudding there. We walked all over it and a lot of the surfing locals were super nice. So it was the big inspo for Locals Only.
Also, again with the surf trips. On a yearly basis from about 5th grade until I was a sophomore in college, we took a vacation to a very small island in Fiji. Tavarua has space for only about 30-50 guests. Basically my mom's boss would rent out the island and then invite all his friends to join him. Rich people stuff. But one of the fun bits was they wanted kids to come because then less people out on the surf break. So I mixed Tavi with the Sheraton hotel on the mainland to get you I WANNA SEE SOME ARSE.
But probably my FAVORITE trip was a chartered Indonesia boat trip that picked us up in Padang and took us from surf break to surf break to Jakarta. It was just such a beautiful adventure from jumping off a three story boat, paddle boarding in the middle of open ocean so clear you could see turtles and huge fish below, scuba diving and snorkling. It was just such a crazy experience with only like 15 other people around you in the beauty of nature. This one hasn't gotten a fic yet, but I'm sure it will someday.
That being said, I haven't left the country in maybe a decade now. Being an adult makes traveling hard. I travel for work sometimes, but nowhere flashy. Most recently I was sent to Dalton, GA for a week and that was an experience. Very good BBQ tho and I crossed off visiting a Buckees from my life goals.
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rohitsharma32 · 1 year
5 justifications for why Java is as yet the best programming language
Here's the reason Java is as yet the most famous programming language for everything from versatile improvement to big business and server-side applications that engage the center level.
Java is not difficult to learn Each programming language accompanies an expectation to learn and adapt, yet Java imparts numerous likenesses to C, C++, and JavaScript. Anybody with experience in any of those dialects will get Java grammar rapidly.
Java likewise has an exceptionally inflexible and unsurprising arrangement of decisions that oversee code structure. This differentiation is distinct from other, untyped prearranging dialects where it seems like anything goes. At the point when you attempt to dominate another programming language, a reasonable arrangement of reliably upheld rules makes learning more straightforward.
Java Classes in Ahmednagar
Besides, when things don't seem OK, developers new to Java can find serious areas of strength for an organization of YouTube recordings, sites like Stack Overflow, and online discussions like Code Ranch to track down replies to a large number of inquiries.
The rich arrangement of Java APIs The Java Programming interface is broad. The standard JDK accompanies more than 200 inherent bundles containing Java APIs that take into account all that from parsing XML to interpreting between time regions. At the point when designers add on the Jakarta EE APIs, they have a significantly greater library of APIs that take into account the improvement of intricate, center-level applications and cloud-local microservices.
In any case, the rich environment of Java APIs reaches a long way past those endorsed by Prophet or provisioned through Jakarta.
For information industriousness, there's the JBoss Rest project. For cloud-local microservices improvement in Java, there's the full set-up of Spring Boot APIs. Furthermore, there's a large number of open-source Apache Programming interface projects that address an extensive variety of programming improvement use cases, from conglomerating mistake messages with log4j to tackling muddled issues with HashMaps and safeguarding Iterators through the Apache House Assortments Programming interface.
Java Training in Ahmednagar
The rich arrangement of Java APIs accessible to engineers help in the improvement of solid, mistake-free applications.
Java's apparatus environment The application advancement scene is loaded up with programming improvement apparatuses written in Java - - by Java engineers - - that are intended to rearrange and smooth out the turn of events, arrangement, and in any event, decommissioning of Java applications. A couple of instances of devices written in Java include:
Gradle: an inconceivably strong, open source fabricate the device Expert: an open source instrument intended to take care of reliance the board issues Jenkins: a Java-based ceaseless reconciliation and conveyance instrument This is in no way, shape, or form a comprehensive rundown of Java's device environment. Different instances of devices and advancements written in Java incorporate application servers like Tomcat to Red Cap's well-known, Kubernetes-local Java stack named Quarks.
Scarcely any other programming dialects partake in a similar degree of tooling support that Java does, which helps concrete itself as the best programming language.
First request Android Backing Android is the world's most famous cell phone operating system and Java is the true programming language for Android application advancement.
While Android's rendition of Java isn't the very same as what you'd find on the JDK, Google replicated more than 11,500 lines of code from the Java Standard Release when they constructed their Java clone. Accordingly, engineers can expect that the rendition of Java they see on Android is very near the first.
Assuming that you know can compose Java code for work area or server-side applications, you'll get Android advancement rapidly. The low-level contrasts between the JVM and the Dalvik Android Runtime will be generally enjoyably disconnected away from you after a concise expectation to learn and adapt. At the point when engineers learn Java, the whole Android biological system will be available to them.
Forward advancement with in reverse similarity Java advances gradually, however, it develops. With north of 25 years of development, Java has a lot of transformative upgrades to be glad about.
From the impenetrable measured quality framework that was conveyed as a feature of Venture Jigsaw, to the as-of-late added capacity of useful programming in Java with lambda capabilities, Java keeps on carrying out enormous changes that the local area requests.
Gradual augmentations in non-LTS discharges, for example, the expansion of the new Record information type and trash specialists for further developed memory of the executives, feature that the JDK is likewise continually advancing.
In any case, in the undertaking programming improvement world, the reverse similarity is similarly basically as significant as adding new highlights. Java has consistently focused on this for the stewards of the language. Seldom does a far-reaching update or component expansion make issues with code composed against more seasoned discharges.
I for one accumulated and bundled some convoluted code that was composed a long time back, and it ran with next to no issues on the most recent Java 17 delivery. At the point when venture clients realize that things won't break when they play out a JVM overhaul, it gives simply one more motivation behind why they decide to stay with Java as the best programming language.
Java Course in Ahmednagar
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iloknalem · 2 years
I think im finally losing it.
As my world unravels, my word untangles, everything turns into a non descript, listless, inelegant, unintelligible sack of soup. And here i am, trying to make sense of whats left, bracing up the rest, while faking to look like im doing my best.
You know, that moment, when we were waiting for that english final practical exams back then, the moment you said to me that you decided against going to that school, that school that you dreamed off to enroll to, that militaristic hell of a boarding school that i got myself into in the end, because i thought it would all be worth it as long as im with you,
that forsaken place,
I told myself.
"Everythings going to work out, and everythings gonna be alright"
Thats what i said to myself. I tried to tough it out, go through all off it. Optimistic. Waiting for the awaited to come.
3 years, and then i managed to secure my chances to go to germany. Counter-intuitive, but still I said to myself. "Its fine, everythings going to work out, as long as you work hard enough."
I blaze myself through language school, through supplementary school, and finally to uni.
There were a lot of hiccups along the way, but i always found reasons to go back on track. I even blasted myself through first semester. Always trying to be an even better version of myself.
"Nice, Dante. With this attitude everything is going to work out."
Eh? What was it again? Whats going to work out? What was it again that awaits me.
After my brief trip to jakarta a few moons back, i finally woke up. Reality called, they want my rose tinted glasses back.
Back then i realise, that our path would only be separated even further, in every conceivable way.
I hoped back then, that i could just, rectify, maybe a thing or two by going back. I just dont have the means, the reason, the way, nor the guts.
This, distance, its only natural, and that fact alone only makes me feel worse.
Hey, you know. Do you know that i excelled so much in 1st semester, that it has more progress than the last 3 semesters? Do you know how jacked up i was back then, and what a freaking bloated whale i am today?
Hey, would you ever know how broken i am right now?
Since after the trip, ive been saying to myself.
"Its going to be fine. You will find the way back to the track, just like before."
Ive tried, and god believe me ive tried. Its just, i dont know anymore. I dont know what im standing for. I dont know why i have to wake up tomorrow, knowing that it would make no positive change for my future. I dont know what will make any positove change for my future. I dont, know.
Just now i finally admitted to myself. Claiming my life back, this is not going to be as easy as before.
Now that everything's a lost cause, i might be able to say anything:
Hey, you know, i really miss you.
Just going to school every morning, knowing you'll be there, it gave me butterflies in my stomach. And thinking that we might do something together at class, be it playing some kind of game, or maybe just having a chat, what a feeling that was. And also, knowing you would also attend those repeat exams for Civic, as we both kinda sucked at it haha. Blissfully ignorant about the future, and just enjoy the small moments in our daily live. At least i did.
Just those seemingly insignificant moments, those were enough reason for me. And if that is what it meant to be alive, then thats all i need to know. I enjoyed them, every little bit of those moments.
For what it was, Im glad that everything happened. Im glad that you happened.
Hey, you, was i wrong to hope? Was i wrong to wish, to experience again, the same joy of just being close to you? Were these hopeful thinking are just some, really ugly fallacies?
All of this just sounds like a plea for help honestly, i feel sick reading it. Pathetic.
And if you somehow actually know that i still use this tumblr, and you actually still read all of these, please dont. This is not a place of honour. Its just a place for me to express myself, to a hypothetical you, for my wellbeing. Saying this to you or anyone would not amount to any good for any party.
And if you still do, please dont tell me that you knew, or maybe tell me, idk i might die of cringe.
Its just,
If only you knew how bad things really are.
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baliportalnews · 2 years
Honda PCX EV Siap Lancarkan Operasional 3rd Trade Investment and Industry Working Group & Trade Investment and Industry Ministrial Meeting
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR – Astra Motor Bali selaku main dealer Honda wilayah Bali bersama dengan PT Astra Honda Motor, turut mendukung kelancarana rangkaian kegiatan 3rd Trade Investment and Industry Working Group (TIIWG) & Trade Investment and Industry Ministrial Meeting (TIIMM) yang akan diselenggarakan dari 19-23 September 2022 bertempat di Hotel Sofitel, Nusa Dua. Dukungan yang diberikan adalah berupa 5 unit Honda PCX EV yang akan digunakan sebagai motor operasional selama kegiatan berlangsung. Penyerahan 5 unit Honda PCX Electric Vehicle (EV) dilaksanakan pada 19 September 2022 yang diterima oleh Kementrian Perindustrian. Dalam acara serah terima tersebut, Kepala wilayah Astra Motor Bali didampingi oleh Marketing Manager Astra Motor Bali secara langsung juga memperagakan keunggulan dan tehnologi dari Honda PCX EV yang dilengkapi dengan dua unit baterai portable (Honda Mobile Power Pack) yang dapat diisi ulang dengan menggunakan dua mekanisme yaitu swap sistem dan on board charging. Selain itu, Honda PCX EV mendapat perhatian khusus dari Yan Sibarang Tandiele, selaku Direktur Akses Industri Multilateral, Ditjen KPAII, kemudian Eko S.A. Cahyanto, selaku Direktur Jenderal KPAII Kemenperin, Co-Chair TIIWG G20, serta Mr. Salil Dutt dari UNIDO Representatif of Jakarta Office yang turut mencobanya. Region Head Astra Motor Bali, Yohanes Kurniawan mengatakan untuk mensukseskan pelaksanaan pengamanan rangkaian kegiatan 3rd Trade Investment and Industry Working Group (TIIWG) & Trade Investment and Industry Ministrial Meeting (TIIMM) ini, Honda turut mensupport kelancaran event ini dengan menyediakan motor operasional selama event berlangsung. “Dukungan kami sangat penuh terhadap kegiatan ini, dengan menyediakan motor berkualitas Honda PCX EV, kami ingin memanjakan para delegasi sehingga dapat merasakan experience riding bersama Honda,” ungkap Kurniawan. Komitmen besar AHM dalam elektrifikasi sepeda motor telah dibuktikan sejak tahun 2019 dengan memproduksi Honda PCX Electric di pabrik AHM di Sunter, Jakarta Utara. Setelah meluncurkan Honda PCX Electric di tahun 2019, AHM mengembangkan studi bersama berbagai pihak dalam ekosistem sepeda motor listrik, seperti kerja sama dengan HEIN (PT HPP Energy Indonesia) dalam pengadaan infrastruktur pertukaran baterai.
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Honda PCX EV Siap Lancarkan Operasional 3rd Trade Investment and Industry Working Group & Trade Investment and Industry Ministrial Meeting. Sumber Foto : Istimewa Selain itu, AHM juga menawarkan skema bisnis Honda PCX Electric berupa penyewaan kepada perusahaan dalam mendukung operasional bisnis di berbagai lini atau business to bussines (B2B). Beberapa perusahaan dan institusi yang melakukan kerjasama antara lain Grab, Gojek, Kementerian Perhubungan, Kementerian Perindustrian, dan beberapa perusahaan untuk mendukung aktivitas. AHM akan terus melanjutkan upaya memenuhi impian konsumen sehingga mampu semakin memperkokoh kepemimpinannya di pasar sepeda motor Indonesia.(bpn) Read the full article
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naikkelasmedia · 2 years
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Menuju #KotaTuaKotaMasaDepan, Pemprov DKI Jakarta bersama Jakarta Experience Board akan mengadakan Festival Batavia Kota Tua!✨ Berbagai tenant-tenant terbaik hasil kurasi dari @jakpreneur & @soresantaimarket akan hadir bersama dengan spesial booth dari @rumahatsiri yang akan memberikan pengalaman unik untuk kalian! Selain itu, kalian akan dihibur oleh penampilan musik dan atraksi dari berbagai komunitas dan seniman-seniman terbaik Ibukota! Catat tanggalnya dan meriahkan festivalnya! 📍Kawasan Kota Tua (Taman Fatahillah) 🗓 : 26, 27, 28 Agustus 2022 ⏰: 10.00 - 20.00 WIB HTM: FREE ‼️ Cukup siapkan aplikasi PeduliLindungi, kalian sudah bisa merasakan keseruan dari Festival Batavia Kota Tua! Sampai bertemu di Kota Tua, ya!👋🏻👋🏻 #BataviaKotaTua #WajahBaruKotaTua #kotatuakotamasadepan (di Jakarta, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChtqpgbuDwv/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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themensmarket · 2 years
In collaboration with Mobile Legends, Infinix Note 8 launched in Indonesia, here are the specifications and prices
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Infinix Mobility Indonesia officially launched the Infinix Note 8 in Indonesia on Monday, November 9, 2020.
In its launch, Infinix collaborated with Mobile Legends as a partner to target the HP gaming segment.
Infinix Note 8 is powered by the Helio G80 Hyper Engine Game Technology chipset which is specifically for mobile gamers.
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In a written statement received by Mind-rakyat.com, the chipset in the Infinix Note 8 is claimed to have superior performance compared to the previous generation of HP.
If previously the Note series was embedded with the Helio G70, now the Infinix Note 8 is powered by the performance of the Helio G80 for mobile game lovers.
The G80 chipset is claimed to allow gamers to open two heavy applications simultaneously and run smoothly.
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In terms of screen, Infinix Note provides a gaming experience with an area of ​​6.96 inches dual punch hole display.
"The specifications on the Note 8 itself are indeed suitable and are the right choice for gamers, especially for the Mobile Legends Bang Bang game," said Agnes Agastia, as Branding PR Manager of Mobile Legends Bang Bang Indonesia.
Previously, smartphones that used the G80 chipset were products from Xiaomi, namely the Poco M2. The Poco M2 is supported by the MediaTek Helio G80 SoC chipset paired with 6GB of RAM which is sold at a price of around Rp. 2.2 million.
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The smartphone runs MIUI 11 based on Android 10, and the company has promised to launch MIUI 12 soon. The Poco M2 was previously introduced by Xiaomi in July 2020.
Quoted from Mind-rakyat.com from the official Infinixmobility.com page, here are the Infinix Note 8 specifications:
- 6.95-inch HD+ Dual Infinity-O Display
- Processor: Mediatek Helio G80 Speed ​​King
- Battery: 5,200mAh Power Marathon Tech
- Battery Charging: USB Type C+, 18W Dual Engine Super Charge
- Internal Memory: 64GB RAM Capacity: 6GB
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- Rear Camera: 64MP + Portrait Lens + Macro Lens + AI Lens with Quad-Flash Light
- Front Camera: 16MP + Portrait Lens with Dual-Flash Light
- Audio: Dual Speaker DTS Audio Technology
- Card Slot Type: Dedicated Micro SD Storage up to 2TB
- Security: Fingerprint + Face Unlock
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Price Infinix Note 8
Infinix Note 8 will be sold with two different storage variants. The 6/64GB will be sold for the first time from the normal price of IDR 2,149,000 to IDR 1,999,000.
As for the 6/128GB, it will be sold from the normal price of Rp. 2,549,000 to Rp. 2,149,000.
Infinix Note 8 will be sold for the first time by pre-order to coincide with the 11.11 event on November 11, 2020.***
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pullhen1 · 2 years
High Airport Car Service Secrets
Penn Station to Newark Liberty Worldwide Airport (EWR): $52.56. Transfers from airport terminals to the train station take between 7 and eleven minutes, relying on the terminal. AirTrain is simply an airport monorail that may take you from the airport terminal to the "real" Newark Airport practice station (aka Newark Liberty Worldwide Airport Station). Next, take the d subway line headed Uptown to 205 Street switch fare from JFK to Station. Take the prepare from Newark Airport Railroad Station to New York Penn Station Take the line 1 subway from 34 St-Penn Station to 50 St 1h 1m $20 - $28 Taxi Take a taxi from … Take an NJ Transit prepare from New York Penn Station to … Most Trusted Shuttle From/To New York Airports Most Trusted Shuttle From/To New York Airports. Getting to Newark Airport Passengers can board our Newark Airport Express shuttle at three convenient mid-Manhattan places : Port Authority Bus Terminal (41st St between 8th and ninth … EWR Non-public Automotive service supplies supreme limo transportation to and from New Jersey, New York City, and vice versa. There are handy self-service kiosks on the Port Authority Welcome Center positioned on the Arrivals degree of every terminal close by where you can contact authorized shared-experience or non-public …
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As we speak, there is a rise in issues of id theft. The Newark Liberty Airport Express Bus is another option to get into the city without spending a lot cash. How much does it value to rent a automotive at White Plains Westchester County Airport? Discover closest airports by distance, maps and supply low value airways and low-cost flights to close by airports. New York City’s limo service buses supply buses that can take you to many various areas together with Instances Sq., the Empire State Constructing, the Statue of Liberty, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, and more. John F. Kennedy International Airport (JFK) to Grand Central: $54.97. It is strongly advised that you simply acquire a take a look at Prior to coming to the airport if a negative test is required to journey to your destination. Best Travel from Newark Airport to Manhattan. Journey like a royal. Hear, my factor is I like to comply however technically we're not supposed to show IDs or something.
You don’t must feel better than other individuals, just higher about yourself. But by doing so, will help make future experiences higher. Ok. So, now you might be a bit more prepared to begin this course of. More than 300 individuals participated in a jobs fair on the Queens Public Library branch in East Elmhurst Tuesday hosted by the Port Authority, an entire New LaGuardia, and the Council for Airport Alternative. Avoid the crowds and ready instances that come with public transport and get to the place you're going. 13 To Get To Newark Airport. What's the ICAO code for LaGuardia Airport? Companies contain NYC airport car service , airport limo LaGuardia , JFK airport limo service, and airport limo Newark instead of all the time busy NYC transportation. Newark Airport was the primary main airport within the United States. Penn Station to Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR): $52.68. ny airport service lga and most handy technique to get to Newark Liberty International Airport is to take the Newark Airport Specific bus from Penn Station or another Manhattan location to the airport.
The brand new Jersey Transit trains join Newark to Penn Station in Manhattan. From Newark Airport To NYC. The airport is located approximately 20 kilometers northwest of Jakarta metropolis center and is accessible by way of a toll street. Tip at this widespread New York City Automotive Service. Lengthy Island Metropolis, NY (distance between Lengthy Island Metropolis NY and New York Newark airport: 20.32 km) at 20.32 km. 5 cost. From: Newark Liberty International Airport . 39.60 per individual. We're seven miles from Cape Liberty Cruise Port and 10 miles from New York City. 1 a.m. The airport is situated three miles (4.8 km) south of Downtown Newark and 9 miles (14 km) west-southwest of Manhattan in New York City. Do you need help improving passenger experience in your airport? The link between emotion and reminiscence explains the significance of an airport to deliver experience emotionally loaded and to surprise the shopper. LaGuardia Airport (LGA) to East 77th Road, New York, New York 10075, United States: $36.22.
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aggilbewara · 2 years
Dirut Jakarta Experience Board Raih Penghargaan CMO of The Year 2022
Dirut Jakarta Experience Board Raih Penghargaan CMO of The Year 2022
Bewarajabar } Jakarta – Direktur Utama PT. Jakarta Tourisindo (Jakarta Experience Board) Novita Dewi meraih penghargaan Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of The Year 2022 di ajang BUMD Entrepreneurial Marketing Award (BEMA) 2022 yang diselenggarakan oleh Markplus. Malam penghargaan dilaksanakan pada (18/5) di Atrium Hall, Mall Kota Kasablanka ini diserahkan langsung oleh Founder Markplus, Hermawan…
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turisiancom · 11 months
TURISIAN.com - Dahsyat nih, Sobat Turisian! Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB - Riverview akhirnya dilaunching di sekitar Stasiun BNI City, Minggu 11 Juni 2023. Tempatnya kekinian banget dan bisa jadi pilihan keren buat nongkrong di Sudirman, deh! Zona kreatif Jakarta ini jadi ruang publik seru buat ngasah kreativitas sekaligus tempat hangout baru di sekitar Jalan Sudirman, loh. Lokasinya di Jalan Sudirman, Kecamatan Tanah Abang, Jakarta Pusat, tepat di samping Stasiun BNI City. Peresmian Jakarta Creative Zone ini seru banget, guys, pas banget diadain di hari bebas kendaraan bermotor alias Car Free Day, jadi banyak banget yang mampir pas lagi selesai olahraga. BACA JUGA: Artis Mandra Bakal Buka Kafe Bergaya Kampung, Ini Namanya Acara peresmiannya dihadiri sama pejabat dari Pemprov DKI Jakarta. Seperti Walikota Jakarta Pusat Dhany Sukma, Ketua Disparekraf Andhika Permata, Direktur BUMD, dan para kolaborator lain yang ikut andil di tempat keren ini. Gak ketinggalan, nih, kata-kata dari Kepala Disparekraf DKI Jakarta, Andhika Permata, di lokasi peresmian; "Gue berharap Riverview Creative Zone by Jakarta Experience Board (JXB) jadi tempat di mana ide-ide luar biasa bermunculan dan berkembang. Gue berharap tempat ini bisa jadi wadah yang memberi pengaruh positif buat ekonomi local,” ujarnya. Ayo kita semua kerja bareng-bareng biar tempat ini jadi salah satu spot keren buat interaksi dan ngembangin industri kreatif di Jakarta!" sambung Andhika. BACA JUGA: Nongkrong di Kafe Saat Akhir Pekan, Ini 5 Rekomendasi Kafe di Tangsel Kehadiran Jakarta Creative Zone Sementara itu, Novita Dewi, Direktur Utama Jakarta Experience Board yang ngebawain tempat ini, bilang kalau kehadiran Jakarta Creative Zone ini sebagai cara memanfaatin lahan. Termasuk,  jadi kado spesial buat ulang tahun Jakarta yang ke-496. "Keberadaan Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB ini juga jadi kado buat hari ulang tahun Kota Jakarta yang kita sayangi bersama,” tegasnya. Sesuai dengan tema 'Jadi Karya untuk Nusantara', kita harapkan ini jadi wujud optimalisasi lahan yang ada buat bantu menciptain masyarakat yang sejahtera. “Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB juga bisa bantu membangun citra Jakarta sebagai kota global yang kekinian, kreatif, dan inklusif," lanjut Novita Dewi. Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB - Riverview ini fasil banget, guys! Dirancang buat semua orang, termasuk turis, daily commuter, pesepeda, dan pejalan kaki di Jakarta. BACA JUGA: Nongki di The Bank Bar & Burgers Yuuk, Ini Andalannya Fasilitasnya keren banget, ada toilet pintar dengan smart glass, area kuliner yang enak-enak, dan ruang interaksi buat aktivitas kreatif di ruang publik. Nah, Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB - Riverview ini gak cuma buat seru-seruan aja, tapi juga memperhatikan kebutuhan masyarakat, khususnya yang kerja dan sibuk di pusat Jakarta. "Di tahap awal, Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB Edisi Riverview ini udah terbang Dulu cuma 150 meter, tapi nantinya akan diperpanjang lagi sejauh 600 meter sampai ke arah Stasiun Karet," papar Novita. Sekarang, JXB udah punya dua titik keren, guys, yaitu Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB - Riverview dan Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB - Buy Local yang ada di Taman Dukuh Atas. BACA JUGA: Nongkrong di Kafe Ini, Pengunjung Bisa Belajar Meracik Teh Souvenir Khas Jakarta Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB - Buy Local bakal lengkap banget, deh, ada informasi pariwisata Jakarta dan penjualan souvenir khas Jakarta. Edisi Jakarta Creative Zone juga ngehadirin ruang interaksi yang bisa dimanfaatin sama komunitas dan masyarakat buat ngadain kegiatan kreatif. "Nggak bisa dipungkiri, keberhasilan JXB hari ini berkat sinergi dari semua pihak. Kita semua berusaha menuju Jakarta Kota Global. Juga, JXB sebagai BUMD yang fokus di pariwisata dan perhotelan. Harapannya, fasilitas ini bisa jadi kebanggaan warga Jakarta dan jadi urban icon baru di tengah kota," ujar Novita. BACA JUGA: Jangan Ketinggalan Update, Ini Kafe yang Lagi Hits di Yogyakarta
Yang pasti, tempat ini akan menghidupin lingkungan sekitarnya, guys. Dulu mungkin sepi dan gak berguna, tapi sekarang, dengan adanya aktivitas UMKM, ada toilet juga buat pesepeda, suasana jadi lebih hidup dan seru. “Ada juga spot-spot kece buat ngopi-ngopi," ungkap Wali Kota Jakarta Pusat, Dhany Sukma. Jadi, buat kalian anak muda atau kaum milenial, buruan deh mampir ke Jakarta Creative Zone by JXB - Riverview. Tempat ini asik banget buat nongkrong, kumpul bareng temen-temen, dan ekspresiin kreativitas kalian. Semoga Jakarta makin jadi kota yang kekinian, kreatif, dan bikin kita semua bangga! ***
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henriksen21schulz · 2 years
Where Should I Find The Perfect Psychologist In Jakarta?
There are a number of people that is likely to be concerned about getting assist for his or her psychological well being, but many either do not know where to find the psikolog di jakarta or they get hesitant due to an absence of data. In this text, you'll learn what to expect from a great psychologist and how you'll find one without breaking the bank!
What's the Role of a Psychologist?
A psychologist is an expert who has specialised information in the sphere of psychological health. They help folks resolve issues with their feelings, behavior, thoughts, and relationships. A psychologist can present providers to individuals, families, and groups. What is the Role of a Psychologist? A psychologist's role can differ relying on the consumer's needs and situation. However, most psychologists work with purchasers to enhance their overall properly-being. This can embody helping shoppers cope with points akin to stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship issues. Psychologists also often work with people to forestall or manage situations similar to bipolar disorder or autism. Where Should I Find One of the best Psychologist In Jakarta? Finding a great psychologist might be difficult in Jakarta since there are so many choices obtainable. However, if you wish to discover a therapist who's experienced and certified within the Indonesian context, look for somebody who's registered with the Indonesian Psychological Association (IPA). The IPA is an expert group that regulates the psychological occupation in Indonesia. Registered psychologists should also have a license from the Health Ministry. Alternatively, you may ask mates or family members for suggestions or search on-line for reviews of psychologists in Jakarta.
How Can I Discover a Psychologist?
Finding a great psychologist in Jakarta could be difficult, but not unimaginable. Listed here are some tips about how to locate the perfect one for you: 1. Ask round. In actual fact, this might be one of the simplest ways to find a great psychologist. Talk to mates, family, and colleagues about their experiences with psychologists and whether they were pleased with the service they obtained. You could also be shocked at simply how many individuals have had positive experiences with psychotherapy. 2. Look on-line. If you cannot find a psychologist in your area, attempt looking online. There are many directories and search engines like google that can make it easier to locate qualified professionals in your area. Just remember to read critiques and examine every psychologist's credentials before selecting one to work with. 3. Consider an appointment. If you continue to can't discover the suitable psychologist, consider scheduling an appointment with one of many professionals listed within the listing or search engine you used earlier. This gives you the chance to debate your wants more absolutely and see if that particular therapist is an effective match for you.
What to Look for in a professional Psychologist?
When you are searching for a psychologist, there are a few things to keep in mind. Listed here are some key factors to think about: 1. Licensing and certification: Most psychologists within the United States are licensed and certified by the state they observe in. To be able to be licensed, a psychologist should have accomplished an accredited doctoral program in psychology. To be certified, they must have passed a test administered by the National Board of Professional Psychology (NBCP). 2. Area of specialization: A psychologist's space of specialization will decide what sort of patients they'll see and how a lot experience they can have with treating completely different circumstances. Some psychologists concentrate on family therapy, others in cognitive therapy, and nonetheless others in clinical psychology. 3. Clinical experience: A good way to evaluate a psychologist's expertise is to search for clinical expertise. This can be found on their resume or web site. The more experience a psychologist has treating mental health conditions, the more likely they're to be in a position that can assist you get better. 4. Communication model: One in every of the most important factors when choosing a psychologist is their communication fashion. You need someone who's patient and in a position to hear attentively while additionally being open about their
When Can I Expect to See Results?
If you're looking for a therapist who can enable you to obtain outcomes as shortly as doable, consider visiting some of the skilled and expert psychologists in Jakarta. Many of those therapists are able to help you enhance your psychological health and effectively-being shortly, usually inside just some sessions. However, not all therapists are equally effective at delivering swift results. So it is necessary to ask loads of questions about your treatment plan and to make sure that you are working with somebody who's able to helping you reach your goals.
Finding the best psychologist could be a daunting process, however thankfully, we have put together a list of a few of the best psychologists in Jakarta. That is under no circumstances an exhaustive list — if you're trying for someone specific, please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll be completely happy to assist. However, if you are simply starting out on your journey in the direction of mental wellness and would like some recommendation on the place to start, our high picks should positively match the bill. Thanks for studying!
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hamzaaslam · 2 years
Singapore Tourism Board partners Traveloka and Trans Digital Media to welcome Indonesian travellers to Singapore as part of the SingapoReimagine recovery campaign
Singapore Tourism Board partners Traveloka and Trans Digital Media to welcome Indonesian travellers to Singapore as part of the SingapoReimagine recovery campaign
Travellers can look forward to fresh and innovative experiences, along with exclusive deals. JAKARTA, INDONESIA – Media OutReach – 25 May 2022 – Singapore is gearing up to welcome visitors from Indonesia with its SingapoReimagine recovery campaign to get visitors to reignite their passion for travel through fresh and innovative experiences in Singapore. To drive visitation, the Singapore Tourism…
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bhlfaitdestrucs · 2 years
Loker BUMN 45 Recruitment Officer PT. TEMAS TBK
Loker BUMN 45 Recruitment Officer PT. TEMAS TBK Jakarta Utara
Tentang Perusahaan
Loker BUMN 45 | The Company conducts its main line of business in shipping, offering full-containerized shipping services covering both domestic and international markets. The Company also provides support in cargo loading and discharging activities in Jakarta port via its subsidiary, PT. Perusahaan Bongkar Muat Jasa Trisari, to ensure fast and efficient container transportation. Temas Line formally converted into a public company on 25 June 2003. with its 451,000,000 share listed and quoted in the Jakarta Stock Exchange – Bursa Efek Jakarta (BEJ) – on 9 July 2003, and becoming the first public company in the container shipping category, the Company underlined its commitment to move forward under more professional management of the Company concurrent with implementing improvement in various sections.
Temas Line is among the first Indonesian shipping line to offer containerized cargo service. Initiated its operational activities with chartered vessel, Temas Line then expanded to become a market leader in the domestic, fully-containerized shipping industry, supproted by a modern fleet and cargo loading and discharging facilities. This success was achieved through hard work, high diligence and tenacity of the founders, board of directors of employees of Temas Line
Deskripsi Pekerjaan
Responsible for effective and fast recruitment process
Maintain developing personnel administration (new employee data and filing)
Establish and faster relationship with users
Actively source for talent/suitable the shortlisted candidates to repective users
Closely monitoring and following up on recruitment progress
Manage Employer Branding activity, Internal Communication, and Employee Engagement Activity
Candidate must possess at least Bachelor Degree in Psychology.
Having experience in related field for 1 years is required for this position.
Familiar with psychological tools.
Detail oriented & well organized.
High level of integrity and professionalism
Dynamic, autonomous, results-oriented
Having s good communication and interpersonal skills.
Able to work independently and as a team.
Good in English both spoken and written.
Required Skill(s): Recruitment, Employer Branding, Employee Engagement
Having experiences in Social Media engagement will be an advantage
Applicant must be willing to work at Sunter, North Jakarta.
Informasi Tambahan
Tingkat Pekerjaan
Pegawai (non-manajemen & non-supervisor)
Sarjana (S1)
Pengalaman Kerja
1 tahun
Jenis Pekerjaan
Penuh Waktu
Spesialisasi Pekerjaan
Sumber Daya Manusia/Personalia, Sumber Daya Manusia / HR
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