balboa-portfolio · 2 years
The Accessories You Need To Make You Look Fabulous On Your Wedding!
So you finally said yes to that life-changing question. Congrats! You’re about to become the bride of your dreams.
Although your big day might feel like the happiest day of your life, the months leading up to it is also nerve-wracking, that you might even need to find a way to deal with all the wedding stress!
Being engaged to your partner also means being committed to a lot of responsibilities like finding the perfect venue, opening a registry, finding the right outfits, the right food, and this job can make anyone go nuts especially when you don’t know where to start.
And one thing that makes women go crazy is finding the right pieces of jewelry to match their wedding dress. After all, you’re about to pull a once in a lifetime look! It should be remarkable.
During this particular day, you have to make sure that you have everything intact. From your head to your toe, you need to make sure you don’t miss out any bridal accessories that you need. So to help you out, here’s a checklist of what you need to have ready to get your perfect wedding look!
Hair Accessories – They say that a woman’s hair is her crowning glory. So it’s no question that on her wedding day, her crown needs to be in the best possible shape and condition. So aside from choosing between wearing your hair up or down, you also need something to make it shine. Do you want a diamond clip? A flower crown? A crystal comb perhaps? There are a lot of options to choose from, so make sure you have it on hand to avoid panicking.
Veils – This classic wedding piece will give a thrilling vibe to your husband and audience as you walk down the aisle. It won’t only hide those tears of joy as you step closer to your life partner, but it will also make your look fabulously classy!
Bridal Jewelry – On top of your engagement ring, you’ll need a few more Bridal Jewelry to match with your wedding dress. Finding the perfect pair of earrings, necklace, and bracelet will up your look by a whole lot. It’ll make you look extra pretty and extra glamorous!
Gloves – If you’re going for a classic wedding look, then you might want to consider wearing gloves. These hand accessories add a certain posh to your style, which will surely make you feel like you’re a queen!
Belts – If you’ve found the dress you want, but you’re not entirely satisfied with the look on your waist, adding a belt wouldn’t be the worst thing. Try finding a design that’ll match your dress’s style to make it look natural!
Shoes – Perhaps the most important accessory you’ll need to match with your dress, your wedding shoes. Your wedding day will be the strut of your life, so you have to make sure that the best pair of shoes is carrying you down that runway. Find one you love that’s comfortable and beautiful to make walking easy!
Where you buy these accessories wouldn’t matter, as long as you stay within your budget and purchase something that you genuinely like so that you won’t regret it the last minute.
If you’re someone who wants to avoid the hassle of going from store to store, inevitably exhausting your legs, try online shopping! One site that I’ve personally tried is Perfect Details. They have all the Bridal Jewelry I needed at an affordable price.
You could also check out your favorite shops if they have what you need. The important thing is you enjoy, and you make everything worth it!
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
6 Key Benefits of Camping
Living in the city is a beautiful experience. The city life comes with benefits like job opportunities, attractions are within reach, and almost everything you need is right within your fingertips. But along with this is the busy life that comes with the fast-paced energy in the city.
If you’ve been in the city for too long, without taking a break, you find that you’ll want to get away from all that chaos. Some people take a vacation out of the country to see new places, while some go on camping.
Going camping, whether it’s public or private camping does not only relax you but also comes with a lot of health benefits. Here are a few things you’ll enjoy if you decide to go out in the wild:
Less Stress – The whole reason you’re probably going out of the city is to take a break from all the stress. Campsites are usually a stress-free environment, and it will let you take a deep breath to cope with the weight you’re facing correctly.
Fresh Air – Speaking of deep breaths, camping will let give you a taste of fresh air that’s not like any other. Sure, perhaps the city you’re living in has parks and several trees, but it also comes with a ton of pollution from vehicles and factories, compared to campsites.
Although you have to take note that not all campsites are alike. So you have to find the best campsite for you and your taste.
Great Experience – You can do tons of activities while camping. Depending on where you are, you can go fishing, hiking, exercise, or gather around a bonfire and exchange stories with your family.
This will not only give you a high dose of dopamine to make you happy, but you’ll also be able to share fun experiences with the people you’re with. This will allow you to form a stronger emotional connection.
Better Sleep – After a day’s worth of activities, you’ll probably feel tired. If you’ve brought the right camping gear with you, then you will fall asleep like a baby with the quiet of nature.
Reports also say that when you come back to the city, you’re sleeping patterns will also be better because of the break you got from camping.
Connect with Nature – If you haven’t been spending much time being with one with nature, now is your chance to do it. Soak up all the vitamin from the sun, and let your feet touch the earth.
Whether you’re doing public or private camping, this experience will make you feel grounded, and it also comes with a soothing inner peace.
Overall Happiness – You’ve gotten a break from the city, you’ve done enjoyable activities with your friends and nature, and you’re having a better sleep. So it’s no wonder that you’ll have a better overall mindset after your trip.
To make sure you find the happiness you’re looking for, try to meditate once in a while and go over the things you’re thankful for.
These are only a few benefits that come with camping. Without a doubt, a trip out of the city can shine a better light into your life and make you see and realize things in a better perspective.
So if you find yourself in a slump or need of a good break, try performing this weekend getaway and see how it affects your health and lifestyle.
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Make Your Nursery Feel Like Home
Being a parent comes with a lot of emotions. Most of the time, couples will jump up and down with pure excitement of finally having a little kid.
Most parents always say that having a kid is the best thing that’s ever happened to them. But the truth is, becoming a parent is hard work. When your kid is finally there, you need to make sure that you’ve prepared for anything.
One thing you can do is greet your newborn with an excellent nursery that will make them feel loved and welcome. If you don’t know where to start, here are some ways to give your baby a great space!
Comfortable Crib – Your little angel would need a space to sleep in, and buying the right crib will benefit you and your baby a lot. Consider purchasing a crib mobile as this can give you visual and sound stimulation to your kid.
Make It Hypoallergenic - You would also have to buy pillows and beddings that are hypoallergenic. Since your baby is still adjusting to the outside world, their skin and organs are still sensitive. Make sure that they only come to contact with materials that are safe for them.
Purify The Air – Whether it’s through plants or air purifiers, the important thing is it’s inside your baby’s room. Purifying will assure you that your kid isn’t inhaling any toxins that might come with the air from outside.
Add A Bit of Art – Putting decorations inside their room with make the place look livelier and more fun. Consider placing designs that kids love, like a dinosaur nursery art decors or different animals.
Toys! – Aside from the dinosaur nursery art on your wall, put some plush toys next to your baby. These toys are not only cute, but they’ll also help stimulate your newborn’s sense of touch and sight. Plus it’ll melt your heart when your kid starts playing with those little toys!
Add Proper Lighting – Your baby would probably be asleep most of the time. Make sure that they have a comfortable and relaxing space, while you still have enough light to navigate through the room. Try adding lamps or overhead lightings and see which one works best.
Place Shelves – You would need a lot of materials to take care of your baby. From diapers, baby bottles, clothes, powder, and so on. Adding shelves to put them in will save you space, and will make sure that everything you need is within reach, so you don’t have to panic when you need it.
Add a comfortable chair – As a parent, you’re going to want to be with your baby most of the time. Your baby fever would probably be through the roof because of their overly cute faces. Plus, you’d have to take care of them when they need you. So having a comfortable chair to relax in would help you do this task easily.
Without a doubt, becoming a parent is both a blessing and a huge responsibility. And ensuring your baby’s nursery is a beautiful space for them is no joke. So go ahead and start planning your kid’s room to give the both of you the comfort you deserve.
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Why Hiring A Housekeeper Is The Right Choice
One of Texas’s fastest-growing city, Dallas, has become an excellent place to live in. It’s packed with attractions, job opportunities, and real estate, among other things.
Now, if you’re one of the thousands of Americans who’ve chosen to move to Dallas, I don’t blame you. Perhaps you’re already there. Welcome to the Big D!
But just like in any place, owning and living in your own house can be a drag. If you’re someone working a full-time job on top of taking care of your family, then keeping your home organized wouldn’t be at the top of your priorities.
This is where housekeeping comes in.
What’s housekeeping?
Generally, housekeepers take care of your home when you can’t. They keep your place clean, neat, and organized. For you to keep your home safe for you and your kids, your house must always be well maintained, and that’s why these services exist.
Signs You Should Have A Housekeeper
Dallas maids are everywhere. They’re only a phone call away, or you can find them through online sites offering to housekeep. Sure, they’ll cost a bit off your paycheck, but that’s nothing compared to the service they can give. So how do you know you need them?
You’re Too Busy – Whether it’s because you’re too tired from a 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. job or your personal life takes up too much of your time, you definitely won’t have enough time to clean the house.
Housekeepers are perfect for these sorts of situations as they can help you ease your load. Now you don’t have to worry about maintaining your home’s beauty!
You Don’t Know How To Clean -  Remember those times your mom told you over and over again to learn how to sweep the floors, wash the dishes, or wipe whatever it is she wants clean? And you just stayed in your room?
Well, now that you’re a grown-up, you might find yourself regretting not listening to her. If you can’t find the time to learn how to clean, then hiring Dallas maids for your home might be the best solution!
You Don’t Like Cleaning – Okay, so maybe you did listen to your mom all those years back. Sure you know how to scrub the floors, wipe the windows, and so on. But the thing is, you don’t like doing it.
When it comes down to this, the obvious choice would really to hire services that would do it for you. It’s hard to clean when you don’t know how-to, but it’s even harder when you don’t want to!
Health Condition – Associated with cleaning is tons and tons of products and chemicals that you have to come in contact with. It also requires a lot of work and energy. If you’re someone who gets quickly sick or tired, then cleaning by yourself could put you at risk.
In this case, opting for the safer alternative would save you more than a possible trip to the doctor!
 You Need A Break – Hiring housekeeping doesn’t have to be a daily deal. If you want to take a break from doing everything by yourself, consider hiring Dallas maids once a month or so. This way, you’ll be able to give yourself a treat for a day!
Getting housekeeping doesn’t necessarily have to be a hard decision. If it’s something you can afford, and you think you need it, then the best solution is to go for it. The important thing is you get to give yourself the help you need while keeping your home safe!
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
What to Do After a Car Accident
If you're living and Florida and have never been in a car accident before, well, consider yourself lucky. Even though Florida is known as "The Sunshine State," accidents still happen all the time.
Florida's traffic statistics show that there is an alarming number of crashes happening in the past year. No one wants to be a part of these statistics, but accidents can happen to anyone at any time. So you must know what to do during this situation.
A florida auto accident attorney will help you settle any damage you have obtained after the accident. But if you find yourself caught in the middle of a crash, here are the things you should do right away:
Stay – Stop. Whether it's a minor or major accident, don't drive away from the scene. Stay in place until everything is resolved. This way, you're sure that you didn't leave anything wrong behind.
Check If It's Safe – Before getting out of the car, check if the surroundings are safe. You also have to check yourself for any wounds before going. Make sure that you don't have any significant injuries that might get worse by moving.
Call The Police – Once you're safely out of the vehicle, call the police immediately and ask for help. You have to report your accident even if it's small to make sure nothing else has happened.
Take Photos – While waiting for the police, take photos of the crash. Make sure to capture every angle or frame of the scene so you have your evidence before anyone could move the car or add anything to the scene.
Put Up A sign – If there's any way you can put up a sign so pedestrians and vehicles can see you, so it. Turn on your lights, especially if it's dark to avoid additional accidents.
Move To The Side – If authorities are taking long, and you're in the middle of the road, try moving your car out of the way. Moving will help drive traffic and will also prevent any more accidents.
Take Notes – Start making an accurate and detailed record of what happened. Write it on a piece of paper or your phone while your memory is still fresh. This way, you can tell the police an accurate detail of how the accident transpired.
Exchange Information – If you were in a collision with another vehicle and the authorities hasn't arrived, exchange information. Ask for their necessary personal details so you can contact them in the future if needed.
Contact Your Lawyer – If the accident is severe and you think you might need help, contact your lawyer right away. Your florida auto accident attorney will help you sort things out and see if you need to file any legal actions.
Call Your Insurance – Whether or not your car's wrecked, call your insurance company right away and report the accident. Calling will help you see if you have a claim and will protect you in case the other party files a claim against you.
After an accident, it's natural that you will have a sense of panic. Try your best to calm down and pull yourself together. Making sure you can handle the situation in case you're in an accident will help you keep yourself safe, so you must always know what to do.
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
What You Need to Know About Personal Injuries
Although famous for its stunning beaches and nightclubs, living in South Florida isn't all fun and games. Like in any place, accidents happen all the time in this state. More often than not, people are not ready for these types of misfortune.
When an accident occurs, whether it's a car accident, medical malpractice, or occupational injury, you can file a lawsuit. But doing so would require a few other things, like hiring a personal injury lawyer to establish your claim.
Now, if you're feeling skeptical about whether you need it or not, here are some quick facts about personal injuries.
What's a Personal Injury Claim?
When you or a loved one has suffered from an accident, whether it's intentional or brought by negligence, the essential point is there are liability and damages. The question is, is the defendant responsible for the accident, and if so, how serious was the damage?
The justice system will reward you with appropriate compensation when your South florida personal injury attorney proves the defendant is liable.
Common Types of Injuries
Typically, when you file a lawsuit, you must support your claim with evidence. In most cases, the common injuries where lawsuits arise are from:
Auto accidents
Aviation accidents
Boating accidents
Brain injuries
Burn injuries
Spinal cord injuries
Construction accidents
Defective products
Insurance/bad faith claims
Medical malpractice
Nursing home abuse
Pedestrian accidents
Slip and fall accidents
Wrongful death
No matter where the injury came from, the severity of the damage is still what determines your case.
What Happens if I File a Lawsuit?
When you decide to file a lawsuit with the help of a South florida personal injury attorney, you will then be called a "plaintiff." 
Your lawyer will then start gathering facts, information, documents, interviews, and anything they sit fit for your case. This action is called "discovery" and will help you build a strong case against the defendant.
What if I win?
Personal injuries often come with compensation for the plaintiff if they win their case. Most of the time, the reward is monetary and would depend on the extent of the damages.
Here are some of the compensatory damages you may receive when you win:
Medical treatment - You may be entitled to compensation for the amount you've spent in medical bills and medicine. Most of the time, this also includes the amount you'll need for any future treatment related to the accident.
Income - You may receive compensation for the wage or salary you've lost due to the accident. The settlement will also include money you would have earned if not for the injury.
Property loss - If your belongings were damaged or lost because of the injury, you would most likely receive reimbursement it.
Emotional distress - When proven that the accident has caused severe pain in your well-being, you will receive compensation for the discomfort it has brought to you. 
Loss of enjoyment - You may receive compensation if you have stopped enjoying recreational activities you would've appreciated if not for the accident.
Loss of consortium. - If a personal injury has deprived you of maintaining a relationship with family members, you may be entitled to "loss of consortium." Typically this involves loss of companionship, inability to form emotional connections, or sexual relationship.
Filing a lawsuit is not a walk in the park. It will take a lot of work and a lot of time. It might even cause you to relive the emotional distress you've suffered from the accidents. But if you're determined to get the compensation you deserve, finding the best personal injury lawyer is the best action.
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
The Ayurveda Skin Care and What To Use On Your Skin
Living a full life comes with balancing your work, personal relationships, chores, and everything in between. Because of this, you might be looking for a routine that could give you the personal care you need, and that's what an Ayurveda is for.
What is Ayurveda?
Ayurvedic medicine, more commonly known as "Ayurveda" is a 5,000-year-old healing practice that originated from India. This technique is all about balancing your life to become better and have a more fulfilling experience in life.
Ayurveda on Beauty
Since Ayurveda is all about universal connection and finding the harmony and balance within, beauty experts started to incorporate it with taking care of one's skin.
Beauty gurus believe that having a healthy, glowing skin doesn't only happen by taking care of the surface. You also have to maintain a balanced life, including one's diet, exercise, and personal relationships.
After this, experts took Ayurveda to the next level by creating ayurvedic skin care products from ancient and traditional resources to nourish the skin naturally according to one's Dosha. These products are designed to help achieve a healthy glowing skin and protect it from damage.
What's a Dosha?
Ayurveda is rooted in the idea that every person is born with a unique blueprint. These blueprints come with their mix of energies, called a 'Dosha' which is determined by each individual's characteristics. 
Before you find the right ayurvedic skin care products for you, you must first figure out your Dosha.
Types of Dosha and What Oils to Use
Finding your Dosha isn't a walk in the park. Some people have one dominant Dosha, while others have a combination of both. To help you find yours, refer to these three types below and see which one describes you best.
Vata (That Which Moves) 
Vata is a Dosha associated with air and space. People with this Dosha typically has a small light body, with skin that's dry and has tiny pores.
Products To Use:
For people with Vata skin type, applying warm oil every day will help moisturize the skin while also minimizing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines. Use oils like almond, sesame, or avocado for better results.
There are also oils like Anokha's Ayurvedic Vata Facial Oil that's specially formulated for Vata skin types. This product contains oils and minerals needed to help nourish the skin. 
Kapha (Hold Things Together)
Kapha is a Dosha associated with earth and water. Kapha people have a large body type and tend to gain weight quickly while their skin is usually oily with large pores making them acne-prone. 
Products to Use:
Since people under Kapha typically have oily skin and large pores, it's best to use products containing safflower oil and almond oil together with antibacterial agents. These ingredients will help in balancing the skin's oil level and will also deeply cleanse the pores to prevent clogs.
Pitta (To Shine)
Pitta is a Dosha associated with fire and water. Their body is usually medium-framed with fair, soft, and sensitive skin.
Products to Use:
For people under Pitta, it's important to use facial oils that are not harsh on the skin. Look for products containing jasmine oil, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, and tocopherol, which will help keep the skin moisturize and prevent irritation.
Many beauty experts swear by the ayurvedic skincare routine as it’s all natural and comes with minimal to none side effects. Once you've figured out what Dosha you have and what products to use on your skin, it's essential to create a daily routine to achieve maximum results. 
Just keep in mind that following an ayurvedic skincare routine also comes with living a healthy lifestyle!
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
How to Start a Business in San Francisco
Imagine you are taking your morning walk around Potrero Hill or Union Square, and suddenly you spot a sign that says “Office Space for Lease.”
It is a San Francisco office space, and then it hits you. A great business idea that you cannot wait to turn into reality. You probably want to get that office right away to start your grand plan. Unfortunately, building a business is not that easy.
Although San Francisco’s economy is ever-booming, with the job market continuously increasing, starting your own business is tricky, especially when more and more San Francisco office space is rising in price.
But if you have the determination and right techniques, you can still build your business quickly. So to help you turn your dream to reality, here is what you need to start your business:
Make a Plan
Failing to make a plan is like planning to fail. When it comes to starting a business, success comes from intricate and detailed planning to ensure that you do everything right.
If this is your first time starting a business, you are probably still trying to find your way around what works best for you. With this, before you start spending money, make sure you have everything planned out, so you will not waste a single cent.
In starting a business, the following are the necessary factors you need to answer and keep in check:
What makes your brand or business stand out, and how does it help people?
Who is your target audience, and how will you catch their attention?
What skills do you need for this business, and how many people do you need?
How much money or capital do you need to run your business?
Answering these questions will ensure that your business is on the right track and has all the necessary factors it needs to flourish. 
Start Executing 
Once you have created a solid plan for your business, the next step is to start turning your ideas into reality. 
The first thing you need to do is look for a San Francisco office space that suits all your needs. Do not settle with the first one you find. Instead, try to look for as many options as possible so you can weigh your options and be able to choose the right one. 
If you are finding it hard to look for office space, consider getting help from experts like agents or realtors who can easily find the perfect office for you. 
On top of this, start securing a domain for your company. Going digital is one of the best and most essential marketing technique you can do in this day and age. In terms of credibility, you also need to secure an LLC in San Francisco. 
Secure All Paperwork Needed
So you finally have a San Francisco office space, and you’re ready to start production. Before you can do that, you first have to secure every paperwork for a business. Doing so would help you avoid any lawsuit or conflict in terms of legality.
Secure a Tax ID number, business permits, license to operate, and so on. You might also want to register for insurance, so your business is protected in case something goes wrong.
Set Up Accounting
Since we are talking business, having a finance team is essential in growing your business. An accounting department will not only keep your finances in check but will also help you monitor the performance of your business if you are generating money or not.
Plus, an accounting team will also help with tax filings and ensure that personal finances are separate from the business finances.
When you have all of these ready, you are well on your way to growing your business and fulfilling your dreams.
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
The Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting
In today’s age of technology, if you want to establish your business and make it grow quicker, having an online presence is a tremendous help. To do this, people everywhere use content management systems like WordPress to run their website.
Now, if you want to run your site, having a hosting plan is essential, and a great help, especially if you opt for one of the best Wordpress hosting plans there is. Although there are four main types of hosting plans, the most beloved is managed WordPress hosting.
What is Managed WordPress hosting?
Managed WordPress hosting is a hosting plan designed to make people’s lives easier by handling all the backend support a website needs.
Anyone can use a managed WordPress hosting plan, whether it is for a personal blog or a business website, although most users are from the business sector as they need the security and speed managed hosts offers.
Compared to other hosting plans, managed hosting usually has higher prices, but this is because it comes with more features to help users.
Benefits of Managed WordPress Hosting
So what makes managed WordPress hosting one of the best Wordpress hosting plans? The answer lies within the features it offers and how people benefit from it. To give you more information, here are some of the benefits you will enjoy when you subscribe to a managed WordPress hosting plan:
Excellent Support Team 
Most hosting plans offer technical support, but with managed hosting, the support you get is from experts, so you are sure that they know what they are saying.
For example, with over 54,000 plug-ins available on WordPress, you do not have the time to go through all of it and check if it is compatible with your site or if it works. An expert support team can quickly help you identify needed plug-ins and check if there is any conflict with your website.
With a managed hosting plan, they are handling a single content management system, allowing them to focus more on providing the support you need. Plus, technical supports for managed hosting are usually 24/7, especially for business plans.
Great Security
Safety and security should always come first. What makes managed hosting one of the best Wordpress hosting plans is the top-notch security it provides, with features like two-factor authentication, limited log-in attempts, and secured password enforcement.
People working behind your website are always monitoring for any potential problems like malware, viruses, or hackers, and immediately protects your site before anything terrible happens.
Better Performance
With millions of WordPress users globally, it is easy for a WordPress site to slow down due to all the traffic it gets. Luckily, a manage hosting plan is designed to optimize your website to prevent it from slowing down.
Managed hosting comes with features and regular updates that help to keep your site up and running smoothly without any downtime or lags. Most managed hosting plans also handle your cache, so you do not have to worry about it.
On top of this, it has automatic backups and a considerable amount of storage, so your data is safe in case you need to reboot your site.
Managed hosting plans make your dashboard easier to navigate compared to the usual. With this, it is easier for you to go around your site and check statistics or changes you want to apply. 
It also makes adding plug-ins and accessing development tools easier, although you usually would not need it as they will take care of that for you.
Apart from this, it is easier to add SSL certificates to your website. Some hosts like WPSuites, even offer free and automated SSL certificates to their clients.
Helps Increase Traffic
Most managed hosting plans not only comes with multiple data center so you can host your website on your target location, but it also helps with Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
Using SEO on your site and making sure that it is well optimized helps drive traffic for better chances of landing on the first page of the Search Engine Results Pages (SERP). And even with the increased visitors and users, managed hosting ensures that your website can handle the load without crashing.
Overall, if you want to improve your site’s traffic and performance while keeping it secured, using a managed WordPress hosting plan is the right decision. Just make sure that you choose the right plan for you and your needs, so it is worth every penny.
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Quick questions — and answers — on the novel coronavirus
MANILA, Philippines — Chinese authorities are grappling with the containment of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which was first reported in Wuhan in Hubei, China and has since been reported in other countries of the world.
Although the Wuhan virus has spread to several global regions, Health Secretary Duque said there are no confirmed cases yet in the country, although there were 23 Patients Under Investigation (PUIs) for the novel coronavirus as of Wednesday.
With the rapid spread of the 2019-nCoV, the World Health Organization together with public health officials are closely studying the new virus to come up with solutions.
Here is what we know so far:
What are coronaviruses?
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that range from the common cold to more serious infections. It is common in different farm animals and domesticated pets but can also infect and spread to people such as the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
What is the novel coronavirus?
The novel coronavirus is a new strain of virus that has not been previously identified in humans.
It is closely related to SARS and in the same family as MERS.
To date, health experts are not yet sure where the virus originated, although it is likely that the strain came from an animal.
What are the symptoms of the novel coronavirus?
Symptoms of the new coronavirus include flu-like and respiratory symptoms, including fever, cough, shortness of breath, and breathing difficulties.
In severe cases, the virus can cause pneumonia, acute respiratory syndrome, kidney failure, and even death.
How does the novel coronavirus spread?
The virus can be transmitted through person-to-person contact by coughing, sneezing, and other respiratory secretions by those infected.
However, there is no definitive data yet on how contagious the virus is. The intensity of its transmission and virulence is still being studied by experts.
How long is the incubation period of the virus?
The 2019-nCoV has an incubation period of up to 14 days, during which people who are infected may not yet show symptoms of the virus but are already infected with it.
Can the virus be transmitted during incubation period?
According to China's Health Minister Ma Xiaowei, the Wuhan virus can be spread even during the incubation period. This means that people who do not yet show symptoms of the 2019-nCoV may also infect other people.
Is there a vaccine or cure for the novel coronavirus?
There are currently no available vaccines against coronaviruses, although Australian scientists have successfully replicated the Wuhan virus, which will help health experts study the virus faster, and possibly come up with a vaccine.
However, many of its symptoms can be treated based on the patient’s clinical conditions. Early diagnosis and supportive care for infected persons are highly important and effective.
What should you do if you recently travelled from affected countries and/or are showing symptoms?
People who recently traveled from affected areas, especially those who show symptoms of severe respiratory illness and other signs of the 2019-nCoV even if they haven’t traveled to China, should seek medical attention immediately and have themselves screened for common causes of respiratory illness.
What countries are affected by the novel coronavirus?
To date, there are confirmed cases of 2019-nCoV virus in China, Thailand, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, US, France, Germany, South Korea, Canada, Vietnam, Cambodia, Nepal and Sri Lanka.
What are the preventive measures against infection?
Proper hygiene and safe food practices
Practice proper cough etiquette (Always bring a handkerchief/tissue; cover mouth and nose using handkerchief/tissue and move away from people when coughing; throw away used tissues properly)
Wash hands with soap and water often
Clean hands with alcohol-based hand rub
Avoid close contact with people with fever or cough
Seek medical help early if you have fever, cough, or breathing problems
Share travel history with healthcare provider
Avoid direct contact with animals in markets of outbreak-hit areas
Properly cook and handle raw animal products
What is the government doing?
The DOH said they are closely monitoring individuals with signs of respiratory infection, and are also enhancing their laboratory testing capacity, hospital preparedness, and rapid response on the virus.
Health Secretary Duque announced Wednesday that the Philippines has acquired help from the Japan to help test suspected cases of the 2019-nCoV in the country.
The Civil Aeronautics Board has already suspended direct flights from Wuhan China, while the Bureau of Immigration has temporarily suspended the issuance of Visa Upon Arrival to Chinese tourists.
The Bureau of Quarantine also remains on high alert and are working with authorithies to strengthen the monitoring of the virus.
However, the Palace on Tuesday said that there is no need yet to ban Chinese nationals from entering the country. Other countries have started to temporarily bar Chinese tourists.
As of Wednesday evening, the 2019-nCoV had infected 6,057 persons globally, taking the lives of 132 people.
On Thursday morning, the Chinese government said deaths had risen to 169 and Wuhan health authorities have reported 1,032 new confirmed cases of infection.
Sources: World Health Organization, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Department of Health
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Amen for Ramen and More at Butamaru Ramen X Izakaya Ortigas!
After a long day at work, a steaming bowl of noodle soup could certainly give you the quick fix you need to get back on your feet (for the next day).
Certainly, nothing beats authentic ramen in the land of the rising sun. We can’t just hop on a plane for a four-hour flight just to eat one (even though that would be a dream come true.)
Luckily, a restaurant in Ortigas is serving us Japanese food realness and we are here for it!
Butamaru Ramen x Izakaya serves a wide selection of ramen that feels like the perfect warm blanket on a rainy day... or on a regular day just cause. 
The restaurant’s ambiance got us instantly craving for a thirst-quenching glass of Highball and Sapporo. What with the environment looking soft and calm like it will take all your worries away (and it kinda did). 
Before plunging into your favorite ramen, you might want to start with some appetizers first. If so, a noteworthy starter is the Spicy Tuna Taco. Made with fresh tuna tataki drenched in spicy miso mayo cradled in a soft taco. Every bite is so simple yet so satisfying!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if gyoza and takoyaki had a baby? Well,
wonder no more because their Katsu Gyozayaki is kinda like that. This snack elevates Gyoza’s flavor by deep-frying it into meatballs and serving it hot with bonito flakes and a drizzle of Japanese mayo, that makes it look like a takoyaki fusion. Our mouths watered just by looking at it! But if you want the classic, they also serve regular Gyoza.
Now, to dive into a pool of ramen noodles. If it’s your first time at Butamaru, we highly ENCOURAGE you to order a bowl of Shio Ramen. Served with two slices of melt in your mouth aburi chashu, what's surprisingly good with this ramen is their broth. It's slightly veering towards a clear shio broth but the taste of pork is still there, side-stepping the cloyingly thick soup base of other pork broths! 
Looking for something to give you an extra kick? The Curry Tantanmen Ramen is
the soup to slurp! A combination of spicy sesame, peanut, and curry-flavored tonkotsu ramen with ground pork, this bowl will have you ordering for seconds!
For those that have the affinity for seafood, you will fall in love with Butamaru’s Kaizen Ramen. This seafood ramen is served with fish fillet and a tasty prawn that looks like a risen hidden dragon in your bowl! 
And if you want more meaty goodness to pair with your ramen, try out some of Izayaka’s Kushiyaki! Their pork belly, beef cubes, chicken, and chicken skin are perfectly seasoned and grilled to the right crispiness, you’d find yourself nibbling over sticks and sticks of these grilled meats!
If we could, we’d devour our way to every dish they have on the menu. But we’re glad to report that we left with a full stomach and will definitely go back any given day, especially for these treats! We feel like we’re slowly turning into a Japanese salaryman, but trust us, it’s worth it!
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Comfort has Come Forth from Main Street Kapitolyo!
Having a terrible day? We get that sometimes all you wanna do is eat all your worries away until you’re full and have forgotten why your day was so bad because all you can think about is how good that meat your chewing is. Trust us, we know.
There’s no shame in finding comfort in food. Anyone who says otherwise can back off. No hate, but you probably never had a taste of food that can make you forget your name. You should. And here in Kapitolyo, we’ve found a spot that hits all the right spot in our hearts and palate!
Nothing says comfort like the feeling of being home, and stepping into Main Street, you’ll instantly feel relaxed with their cozy interiors. Plus, they provide a spacious place for their customers. This spot has the look of a comfy cafe, but with heavy meals!
Starting with a light dishl, Main Street is serving Cajun Spiced Prawn Salad, made with mixed greens and cajun spiced grilled prawns that gives the meal an extra zing. Who knew salads could spice up your world this good?!
If you’re looking for something extra, this Canadian place has a Poutinerie selection that’s sure to satisfy you. We tried out their overloaded Bacon Poutine, and our jaws dropped over this mix of fries, applewood smoked bacon bits, and mozzarella cheese curds that are SMOTHERED in beef gravy! 
Since we already started with bacon, why not have a bacon frenzy with their Double Bacon Burger? With double the flavor, this burger has stacks of applewood smoked bacon sitting on top of a beef patty. It comes with house-made bacon jam and arugula that gives a herby taste through all the richness, for a balanced flavor. This is definitely the (bae)con for us.
For the main attraction, Main Street has a plate of Steak & Fries that’s a total crowd favorite. What with the grilled Kitayama flank steak paired with chunky fries. Each bite of this steak flaunts 10-10-10 in juiciness, beefiness, and texture!
Next up, a dish that is a winner on so many levels, the Hoisin Ribs is a mouthful of amazing flavors! This 8-hour baby back rib has meat falling off its bone. The honey hoisin sauce makes the outer layer slightly caramelized and sticky, it’s so indulgent to eat!
Since we’re talking about comfort, we wouldn’t miss out on the staple comfort food that brings joy to all our hearts, the Buttermilk Fried Chicken! What do comfort and chicken have in common? The letter “C” and “C” stands for “Crispy” because this Southern-style chicken is so crispy you can hear it from outer space! (Okay, maybe not outer space. But it’s crispy okay?)
If you’re a seafood fanatic looking for food involving the flavors of the sea, here’s a pasta that’s perfect for you. Imagine an Aglio Olio pasta married with a festival of mussels and prawns, showered with parmesan. That’s exactly what this Prawn and Mussels Pasta is giving you!
You know what they say, there’s always room for dessert. And we made sure we have plenty of room for this Blueberry Cheesecake! A classic New York style cheesecake topped with an overloaded serving of blueberry compote. It’s a perfect way to end a heavy meal!
Our final take? Main street is definitely our main stop for comfort food. And this restaurant is a perfect place to indulge in good food any day of the week whether you’re by yourself or with friends and family!
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Claw Your Way to these Fresh Seafood by Pier at Clawdaddy's!
There’s just something about fresh food that makes our taste buds wanting more. And we’re not just talking about freshly cooked seafood, we really mean fresh out of the water and into the chopping board or pan kind of fresh, and Pier at Clawdaddy’s is giving everyone exactly that.
Although located in the bustling city of Taguig, and nowhere near the sea, this restaurant is serving real pier vibes that you see on tv, or in real life if you’ve ever been to one. 
The place is set up with everything wooden, from the walls, floorboards, tables, and chairs to resemble an actual seafood shack by the pier. They even have photos of seaports hanging on the walls and a tank of live oysters that compliments the whole interior, giving customers a southern seafood dining experience.
They serve a wide variety of meals, and you’ll never go wrong in starting with their Asian Calamari Salad.
This salad is a medley of fresh salad greens, crispy calamari, mangoes, and radishes lightly sprinkled with their vibrant dressing of sweet chili garlic vinaigrette sauce to complement each component together.
For those who love big meaty crabs, Clawdaddy’s serves this dish in a platter that really got us CLAWING in to get every bit of meat, especially in its thick claws, is their Szechuan Crab is cooked in savory and spicy Szechuan sauce and onion leeks. The minced garlic is just enough to take the succulent crab meat up a notch!
Now, whether or not it’s true that oysters are an aphrodisiac, the fresh oysters that this restaurant offers really had us all falling in love and smiling with every slurp! Transported by local producers in Cavite, there’s nothing fresher than these chilled crystal bay oysters that are alive and served with either house cocktail sauce.
Did someone say Burpees? We can’t hear you over our *BUUUUUUURP!!* for this Famous Seafood Boil. This boiling bag of flavor gives you a taste of all things great with its white shrimps, manila clams, mussels, mud crabs, sausage and sweet corn in a Cajun-spiced broth. It’s also served with potatoes and steamed rice. No wonder it’s so “Famous!”
And if you’re thinking about the mess you’re about to make when you start cracking those shells, well worry no more because each table has its own tin bucket so you can directly shoot your leftovers inside, and focus on your meal. Nifty contraption, indeed!
To balance out all that savory goodness, you might also want to take a bite out of their New York Cheesecake that’s made with a super light cream cheese filling, it’s like tasting the clouds! Plus, you get to pick between blueberries, strawberries or banana fosters as toppings!
And when you’re done with everything (or really thirsty in between bites) then it’s time to take a sip of their Claw Mega Shake. Our personal favorite is their mango-flavored shake that’s freshly made with real mango slices. It’s sweet and utterly refreshing!
Can’t wait to try them out and get your hands on their dishes? Pier at Clawdaddy’s is located at B6 Bonifacio Highstreet, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. 
Not only do they serve these flavorful meals and more, but they also give you the option to dine inside for a home-y and relaxing feel or get a breath of fresh air while peacefully digging into your dish on the table they have set right outside the restaurant!
Six pack? More like a fully packed and satisfied tummy! We don’t blame you if you have your mouth watering with all these tasty delights because we sure had a great time cracking and slurping!
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
VIRAL: Laguna teacher draws portraits of her 27 students as Christmas gifts
MANILA, Philippines – A teacher from Laguna went a little extra and made sure her students wouldn’t dread coming back to school after the holiday break.
Roselyn Barcoma, a Grade 9 teacher at the Holy Redeemer School of Cabuyao in Banlic, Cabuyao, Laguna, drew portraits of each of her 27 Grade 9 students as Christmas gifts.
She was using a skill she had honed since she was a child.
Barcoma started with the portraits on December 1, 2018, and took more than a month to sketch all of her students. She finished the drawings last January 6.
Her students were speechless after seeing their presents, according to Barcoma, but were amazed and thanked her for the portraits.
Netizens were also inspired by Barcoma’s effort, and commended her for her passion and dedication to the arts and to teaching.
Asked for a message for fellow teachers, Barcoma said she believes that giving something extra will always be appreciated and remembered.
“To my fellow teachers, our work maybe tiring, but being able to inspire young minds is a priceless opportunity," said Barcoma, a teacher for 16 years now.
Do you know of any teachers who have gone the extra smile to motivate and inspire their students? Share their stories with us in the comments section below! – Rappler.com
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Rights groups hit lack of facilities for children in conflict with the law 
MANILA, Philippines– Several organizations decried the move to lower the minimum age of criminal responsibility to 9 years old, pointing out how current facilities for children still need improvement.
In a press conference at the Commission on Human Rights (CHR) office on Tuesday, January 22, different government and non-government groups criticized Bahay Pag-Asa, a supposedly 24-hour child-caring institution providing short-term residential care and intensive juvenile intervention and support for CICL.
Groups present in the conference included Psychological Association of the Philippines, Child Rights Network, Council for the Welfare of Children, and Civil Society Coalition on the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
They argued that Bahay Pag-Asa is not a place that could help children in conflict with the law (CICL).
Cristina Sevilla, of the Philippine Alliance of Human Rights Advocates, and World Organization Against Torture, explained that if you go inside Bahay Pag-Asa, you will immediately lose hope.
“It is not a child-caring institution as mandated by law, it’s a kulungan (prison). Ganon kalala ang situation ng mga CICL sa Bahay Pag-Asa (That’s how dire the situation is inside Bahay Pag-Asa for CICL),” said Sevilla
Child Protection Specialist of UNICEF Philippines Margarita Ardivilla also mentioned that the law doesn’t give any guarantee that children inside Bahay Pag-Asa or any detention cell will be safe from harassment.
Out of the 114 required Bahay Pag-Asa centers, only 58 are operational, according to CHR Commissioner Leah Tanodra Armamento. She further opined that current Bahay Pag-Asa centers don’t meet the standards required by law as it lacks budget.
“Ang problema wala na rin funding para sa mga services like doctors, nurses, psychiatrists, yung mga tutulong sa mga bata. Kung ganon ang sitwasyon hindi ba dapat ‘yun muna ang unahin?” said Gabriella Representative Arlene Brosas.
(The problem is there is no funding for services like doctors, nurses, psychiatrists that will help children. If that’s the situation, shouldn’t we fix that first?)
Meanwhile, Dr. Liane Alampay of the Psychological Association of the Philippines pointed out that there is a significant difference between children who are detained, and those who go through community-based interventions.
“The very act or experience of being detained makes it more likely for them to continue to make crimes once na nakalabas sila (they leave). On the other hand, children who go through community-based interventions or diversion programs are less likely to return to a life of crime,” said Alampay
Ardivilla reiterated that the law should save children, and the government should pay attention to children’s rights.
“Ang kailangan ng mga bata ay positibong disiplina, hindi parusa. Ang kailangan ng mga bata ay positibong disiplina, hindi sintensya.” said Ardivilla
(Children need to be disciplined positively, not punished. Children need to be disciplined positively, not chastised.) – Rappler.com
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balboa-portfolio · 2 years
Get Puzzled In The Metro!
Busy streets, and fast-phased lives – This is how Metro Manila has come to be known, and anyone in the city  would agree on how packed the metro is, from the sweat infusing traffic to the long lines inside your local fast food chain.
Because of Manileños’ usually packed schedule, most of us can’t afford to go out of town to unwind, relax and discover new things, which can be a bit infuriating especially to those who loves discovering new places.
Luckily for all the foodies out there, Quezon City is home to different restaurants and chill out places, from Aristocrat that offers a nice fine dining experience, to Sambo Kojin that makes you feel like you’re in a Japanese food frenzy.
Personally, we adore these places for how convenient they are but although they’re just minutes away from your place, dining in could break the bank big time, and if not, it could be a little tiring to go to the same places over and over.
Which is why we made it our mission to look for the perfect place where you can dine, stay, and have fun all at the same time – AND WE ACTUALLY FOUND ONE!
Puzzle Gourmet Store & Café located in Comets Loop, Project 4 near Blue Ridge, is a nice little café that offers good tasting food and fun board games for you and your friends to enjoy!
Starting from the ambience of the location, you could already feel the simplicity of the place, as it’s situated near a subdivision.This takes your mind off of the usual high buildings, loud highways and traffic, and gives you more of a feel at home kind of vibe.
Inside the café, you’d find yourself sitting in a very cozy and friendly atmosphere, especially with their soft sofas and chairs, and a shelf right at the side containing different snacks that you could choose from and buy.
The room has a bright and clean feel to it, with the walls containing simple but colorful decorations like appetizing portraits of food, and a place where you could leave notes and messages for the store and the staff.
Besides from the snack bar, the café also offers a nice menu with a variety of food you could choose from. And not only are their food wittily named that it would give you quite a chuckle, especially their sandwiches, but it also looks well prepared and oh so delicious, that you would definitely get your money’s worth out of it!
And if you and your barkada have ran out of chikas, the café also offers a collection of board games that you could borrow, and play with your friends. You could even make a bet out of it where the loser pays your bill, that would surely make your game a lot more interesting, and heart pounding!
And based from the name itself, the café isn’t just a place you could dine in, but it also sells a few stuff like shirts and tumblers, or books and cd’s, that you could offer as a gift to someone, or just keep as a souvenir!
Now, if you’re looking for another reason to come and visit, well what makes the Puzzle Gourmet Store & Café even more interesting, is that their staff are actually people who are differently-abled individuals.
Here’s a fun fact: the café was originally built for Jose Canoy, an individual with Autism and the son of the café’s owner, to have a fun and nice venue to channel his skills in organizing things. The store later on bloomed into a wonderful café, that has a unique and autism friendly environment!
You’ll not only get to talk and eat with your friends, but you’ll also be getting along and talking to people who are differently-abled, which kind of feels really nice, because they’re actually fun to talk to.
So if you ever feel the need to get a quick break from the metro’s busy life, without actually leaving the metro, go on and check out Puzzle Gourmet Store and Cafè, and feel the relaxing puzzle vibe!
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