#John Connor and Will Turner cuz nomad vibes
genocidalfetus · 1 year
OCs as other characters
Was tagged by a lot of ppl so thanks to everyone who did!
Rules: take this quiz and share 5 (or more! or less! the world is your oyster!) results from the top 50 that you feel really fit your oc(s). If you don’t recognize very many from the top 50, feel free to expand into the top 100
I'm only picking those who I recognize.
Tumblr media
1.Neo (The Matrix): 89%
2.Will Turner (Pirates of the Caribbean): 86%
3.Spike Spiegel (Cowboy Bebop): 86%
4.Fox Mulder (The X-Files): 86%
5.John Connor (Terminator 2: Judgement Day): 85%
Not tagging, so everyone do this if you feel like it!
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