#KTAW Day 6: Castelserraillan
lizzybeth1986 · 2 years
It Takes A Village
Book: The Royal Romance
Pairing: None. Kiara with her family, and maybe a little bit of Hakim x Joëlle.
Rating: G
Summary: A young Kiara Thorne has something important to say to her parents.
Word Count: 2,234+ words
Tagging @choicesficwriterscreations for FoTW.
A/N1: This fic takes place in the universe of my series featuring Hana x Kiara, Petals and Thornes, but will precede the events of that series. Because of this, the family name is written as Thorne, not Theron. Kiara is 15 years old in this fic (and is 17 by the end of it).
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(Gif is from GIPHY)
"Something the matter, ma fée?"
Kiara jumps with a start at the sudden break to the silence. Guiltily, she realizes she's been picking at the same merguez sausage for the last ten minutes - the poor food item is now mutilated beyond recognition. Kiara has somehow managed to create a well in the middle of the subtly spiced couscous without eating any of it too.
Right next to her, Ezekiel raises his eyebrows. Well...you telling them today?
Kiara remembers what she'd confessed to her brother two days ago and sinks a little further in her seat.
She isn't sure why this feels so hard to do. It's not like Castelserraillan is a place that will not accept this...nor like Maman and Baba will throw a fit over it. In fact, her home has attained worldwide fame for being Cordonia's "LGBTQ+ capital" - the first place in Cordonia to publicly celebrate Pride, and the first to have an internationally known queer community and events of all kinds, year round.
Every October, her parents throw themselves headlong into organizing and supporting Pride, getting exhibitions ready, screening films, informing their friends at the press in advance so the events are covered with all the style and pizzazz they'd need for promoting. Every year, they fund more groups and organisations in the duchy, striving to ensure that the queer community in Castel lacks for nothing.
Yet somehow, telling her parents that not only does she find herself attracted to boys and girls, but that she still isn't entirely sure what she should label herself as...somehow the prospect of opening up to them about that is turning this normally-delicious sausage into dust in her mouth.
It had been easy enough with Zeke. It usually is - he accepts just about everything with the same laconic nonchalanance, the kind that makes you wonder if you were the one being melodramatic.
"You're bi?"
"Oui...non...ugh!! Je ne sais pas!" Kiara groaned, throwing her hands in frustration, "Sometimes I think I am...I mean right now I have a crush on that new artist Maman is mentoring..."
"Chantal Bachelet? The cubist?"
"Oui. Her."
"What's there to get confused about! Three months ago it was that stable-boy from the royal palace -"
"He's not a stable-boy. That was for just one summer! Drake lives there!" Kiara hissed, uncomfortable at the warmth creeping up her cheeks again. She was grateful her brother thought this one crush was recent...but it really has been going on for five months and shows no sign of subsiding. Maybe in another five...
"Fine. Whatever. I still don't see why you're so confused."
Kiara pursed her lips in annoyance, too tired and confused to explain herself any further. This isn't what she imagined being bisexual to feel like (not that she'd seriously dwelled on it before). Somewhere she'd imagined it would be a perfect split - that one would likely be attracted an equal amount to both. Yet most of her crushes since age 13 have been boys...and Chantal is the only one so far who has made her rethink things.
They're questions that keep her awake some nights, and make her feel a little bit silly on others. Would calling myself bi make me a fraud? Is it too early to tell either way?
What if I come out, and it turns out I was straight the entire time?
Kiara sighs, trying to make the best of the sausage she'd just mashed to oblivion. It had been far easier to come out to Zeke because he hardly seems to have an opinion on most things. And even if he does - he won't show you one way or the other. There are times she wonders if he deliberately strives to make himself a mere sounding board whenever she wants to hash out things.
Her parents, on the other hand...she suspects they'll follow the revelation up with a hundred questions. Questions she's not entirely sure she has the answers for, yet.
"Kiki," her father begins, his voice warm and gentle. His mouth twists a little in amusement when she frowns at the nickname. "if something is troubling you, you know you can tell us, don't you?"
"Um..." Kiara swallows. "Maman...Baba..." Damn this sudden dryness in her mouth.
Her mother takes a deep breath, trying to follow the advice she's about to give. "Prends ton temps, cherie... don't rush."
And as it always seems to happen since she's turned thirteen, Kiara does the exact opposite of what her mother says. "MamanIthinkI'mbi."
Silence. Confusion.
"Pardon?" Baba says.
Kiara tries, and fails, to clear her throat. She winces as she hears her voice, speaking its truth in the most embarrassing squeak. "I...I think I might be bi...but I'm not sure." She covers her face, cursing the Fates for making this Big, Super Important Moment into such a colossal dud.
"Not sure?" Maman echoes, a frown burrowing lines on the fine skin. Kiara can just see her mother's brain scrambling to pick the right words, her voice tentative and her words unsure. "I don't understand. You are attracted to a girl, I take it, yes?"
Kiara bites her lip, trying to gauge from Maman's face how this conversation will go. "Yes, Maman."
Maman fingers a stray ringlet of hair by her ear, as she often does when she gets a bit confused or agitated. "... shouldn't that settle it then?" She picks a piece of invisible lint on her dress. "I'm sorry - I think I don't entirely get how this works."
Kiara feels a small rush of relief at the words. " I don't know if I really get it either."
"You're young yet," Baba says, his deep voice an oasis of calm rippling around herself and her mother. In another ten minutes they will both wonder why they agonized over this so much. "No one ever knows everything at 15, not even smart young girls fluent in four languages or who can best Auvernese princesses even when they cheat at chess." He chuckles, Zeke hides his giggle behind his hand, and both Maman and Kiara can't resist a tiny smile.
Her parents think she won't notice, but she detects the slightest movement of Baba's hand, presumably covering Maman's. Maman likely places hers over his.
Kiara is half-sure this gesture might prelude a discussion. A discussion involving her. That she may not be a part of.
Normally, she would hate that. But today - her own head too muddled and thoughts too scattered to think further without getting a headache - she feels a bit more relaxed.
It would be nice to let her parents do thinking for her once in a while.
By tacit agreement, Kiara's mother and father choose to skip their afternoon siesta, preferring to sit in his study and ruminate over today's revelations with a potful of mint tea.
"I don't see why you're so worried, Joli," Hakim tells his wife, his knuckles absentmindedly brushing over hers. "I mean...you're not against her caring for women, are you?"
Hakim won't lie: there were moments at the dining table today when he wondered whether his daughter's truths made his wife uncomfortable. He's heard about it before - parents and loved ones who will genuinely believe they support queer people, yet struggle when they find them in their own families. He won't deny he's still getting used to Kiara's revelation himself...but over here in Castelserraillan, they always come around. They always work on their discomforts themselves, because they know it's their loved one who needs the most support.
It's just that Joëlle - who usually moves through her life with confidence and pizazz even when she doesn't completely know what she's doing - seemed so unexpectedly unsure of herself.
Hakim steels himself against the possibility. Surely even if Joëlle did feel that way, she'd try to process it in a way that wouldn't hurt Kiki. That much he knows about his wife.
"What! No!" Joëlle bursts out. Hakim lets off a stuttering laugh, feeling ten times lighter. "It's just... I know it's silly, but I'm worried. For her."
Hakim runs a hand lightly, slowly across her hair, running a small curl through his fingers just the way she likes it. "What's there to worry about, bonbonayet albi? She has us."
Joëlle looks him straight in the eye, her own dark and wide-set on a heart-shaped face. "But will that be enough? Are we enough?
His hand stills. "What do you mean?"
"She has us today, yes," Joëlle says, covering his hands with her own. Distractedly her long fingers twist slowly over his wedding ring. "But we don't know what it's like, do we? Even when we host events, we are at best on the outside looking in. Sooner or later she's going to want guidance from those who have gone through it too, won't she, mon bijou?"
Hakim's answering smile is one of slow recognition. "You're saying what our Kiara really needs...is a community. A community of people who may have been where she's been, who might give her the answers we won't always have."
Joëlle rests her head against the crook of his neck, breathing in the spicy-sweet cinnamon scent of his cologne. Suddenly she is not only grateful for this man she married, but this place she married into. Because her mind may be a maze of doubts about a lot of things, but the one pillar of certainty she can cling to is that Castelserraillan is a safe place for children like her daughter. A safe, welcoming, accepting place. "Maybe we should start small. Baby steps."
Hakim nods. They saw Kiara's face at breakfast today - no matter how confused they were now, she had to feel twice as much. Push her into finding answers now and their daughter is bound to shut down.
"I trust you, ghazali. Absolutement."
Joëlle smiles, already feeling optimistic about her daughter's future. "And I you, cheri."
The gallery has never been this packed, Maman had told her just the other day. Kiara's feet feel worn and tired from standing and walking all day, but she's never felt more invigorated. It's been two years since Maman had brought her here, convincing her without much fanfare to volunteer at an art exhibition they run every year during Pride month. She and Baba never told her why, never made it a priority - just put forward the offer and let her choose.
No assumptions, no unnecessary fanfare, no pressure to figure out who she was or what she identified as. In retrospect, Kiara thinks as she approaches a newer, more nervous face, it was the best thing her parents could have done.
They knew they didn't know everything...had no ego acknowledging that fact...and eased her into a community she knew deep inside would accept her but still felt afraid to approach.
"New here?" She asks the new girl, who wraps her shawl around her thin frame tighter, struggling to look Kiara in the eye.
"Yes," the girl says, "Bethany, from Cormery Isle. I'm...here to support a friend."
The brief pause tells Kiara straightaway that Bethany may be hiding a detail or two, but that possibility only makes her own smile grow wider.
When Kiara finally came out as bisexual in public, a year after that suggestion from her mother, it had felt natural - like it was time, like she was ready and felt safe to tell the world who she was. She had agonized over the decision in the months before, wondering if her new friends would turn away from her for lying...whether they would even believe her...whether she was bisexual enough.
But no. People around her embraced that news with the same warmth that they showed when they knew of her as Duke Hakim's straight-ally daughter, not a trace of surprise in their eyes when she told them she wasn't straight after all. And not a single question about whether she really was what she claimed she was - just acceptance and whispered promises to lend an ear if she ever needed to talk. Promises that she took up, figuring out more and more about herself in the process.
She would learn from several of them, much later, that she wasn't the only one.
Kiara doesn't know what the journey of the girl standing before her - 15 just like she was, afraid just like she was - is going to be. Maybe she'll find herself here. Maybe she won't. Maybe she'll discover she's straight, or not. Maybe she'll recognize she's cis, or not. Maybe she'll realize labels were never for her. The possibilities are endless.
All Kiara knows, is that an entire community of people once enfolded her within their wings, gave her time and made her feel safe about exploring what she wanted. And the only reward they would ever ask for, is that you pay that guidance forward.
That's the way Castelserraillan is. That's the duchy her parents are so proud of running, that she and her brother are so proud to call their home.
Kiara calls Mlle Bachelet, the star artist for this year's exhibition, for an introduction (she notes with faint regret, a slight dull pang that she thinks one feels when a crush is over), and grins at how starstruck Bethany looks. I think I'll leave them to it...for now. And come see Bethany later.
Kiara walks away from the two, footsteps light as air. As she passes paintings and portraits chronicling journeys as vast and diverse as Cordonia itself, charting personal and communal histories, she can't help but remember a line she's heard from the grandmothers in both sides of her family. It takes a village to raise a child.
Smiling, she wraps her arms around herself. Safe in the arms of a community that quietly let her blossom, secure in the promise, that they trust her to do that for so, so many more people.
Ma fée - "my fairy" in French.
Oui...non...ugh! Je ne sais pas! - Yes...no...ugh! I don't know!
Prends ton temps - Take your time
Pardon (in this context) - Excuse me
Mon bijou - My jewel
Bonbonayet albi - my heart's bonbon sweet (an endearment)
Ghazali - literally means deer, can be used as an endearment for a female loved one.
A/N2: One of my earliest HCs about Castelserraillan, after TRR3, was that if Castelserraillan which was a hot-seat of culture, and had one of the most chill Duke and Duchess in Cordonia leading it...it would probably also have a vibrant LGBTQ community and culture. I tried to incorporate that into this fic.
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KTAW Masterlist 2022
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(This lovely poster has been brought to you by the wonderful @sazanes!)
Day 1: What We Love About Kiara/Throwback
What We Love About Kiara
Très Embarrassant by @sazanes
Character Appreciation
What I Love Most About Kiara by @cassiopeiacorvus
SpreadJoy Quote: Kiara Theron by @storyofmychoices
An Ear to the Ground by @lizzybeth1986
Kiara Theron: Character Sheet by @thecapturedafrique
Eleanor's Kitchen: Djaj M'qualli bi Zeitoon by @lizzybeth1986
Melting Moments by @twinkleallnight
The Wallflowers by @dcbbw
Midterms by @mand-delemonde
Hana and Kiara's Wedding by @lizzybeth1986
Day 2: Family
Kiara and her Telescope by @cassiopeiacorvus
Kiara and Hakim by @sazanes
All We Have Is One Another by @twinkleallnight
The Lee-Thorne Children by @lizzybeth1986
Day 3: Diplomat/Polyglot
Common Ground by @thefirstcourtesan
Kiara's Personal Knowledge Management System by @cassiopeiacorvus
A Multilingual Playlist for Kiara by @lizzybeth1986
Diplomatic Liaison on The Royal Council by @sazanes
Hidden Agenda by @dcbbw
WIP: Untitled (Cotillion Piece) by @thecapturedafrique
WIP: Untitled by @twinkleallnight
Day 4: Origins/France
Kiara's Cotillion, ft. the Spirit of Rowan Thorn by @cassiopeiacorvus
The Thorne Family - Origins | Family | France by @lizzybeth1986
The Therons: Origins/Family/France by @mand-delemonde
Kiara with Joelle in Paris by @sazanes
Joëlle's (and Kiara's) French Lineage by @thecapturedafrique
Day 5: Relationships/Friendships
Love is In The Air (Hana x Kiara) by @sazanes
The Arrangement (Liam x Kiara) by @dcbbw
Hidden Agenda (Liam x Kiara) by @dcbbw
Support (Hana x Kiara, Kiara&MC) by @thefirstcourtesan
Relationship Chart: Hana x Kiara by @cassiopeiacorvus
The Perfect Gift (Liam&Kiara) by @lizzybeth1986
The Yale Adventures: First Impressions (Kiara&MC) by @thefirstcourtesan
Day 6: Castelserraillan
Kiara's Costume Gala Outfit by @sazanes
It Takes A Village by @lizzybeth1986
Castelserraillan Headcanons by @cassiopeiacorvus
Day 7: Fashion
Kiara's Costume Gala Outfit by @cassiopeiacorvus
Fashion Faux Pas by @lizzybeth1986
Once again, we thank everyone who was part of this week, especially to our wonderful contributors who gave their heart and soul to these amazing pieces we have here. We're so incredibly proud of the content we got, and we urge everyone to check each and every piece on this masterlist. The range of topics here and the number of ways Kiara and her background were explored is unbelievable.
Do read these works, pass your love to every content creator here and we hope to see you with more incredible events...in 2023 and beyond!! 💖💖
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