mccncrane · 4 years
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“ I AM OUT WITH LANTERNS, LOOKING FOR MYSELF. ” is that VICTORIA PEDRETTI? oh no, that’s LILITH RUSSO, born on the 20th of JULY, 2021. i heard SHE (CIS WOMAN) is the COOK for THE IDAHO HUNTERS. apparently, they can be SENSIBLE and LOYAL but also known to be GULLIBLE and JUDGMENTAL. spends most of their free time ON THE ROOFTOP WATCHING THE STARS, probably smells like SPICES AND SUGAR. is that a bite mark i see? no, must have been a trick of the light.
HISTORY: (tw for some *gaslighting content)
Lilith got adopted into the a big family [Teddy's family] when she was still really young. She grew up with an array of siblings, and it was good. She was quiet, and she didn't always like being in the constant loud chaos of such a big family, but she loved them.
She was still too young when their mother died. No one told her anything -- or at least, not that she can remember. She was a kid, no one wanted to tell her what had really happened. And then her father talked in hushed tones of this magical place they needed to run away to, a place with a town, where they could get shelter.
The night came for their planned great escape and Lily just wanted to hide. She'd always been one to hide -- she liked the quietness of fitting herself into a secret nook, ignoring everything and everyone else. She was smaller than the rest of them, and easily overwhelmed. That night, while her family escaped, she slipped away from the rest of them, hid into an impossible corner, covered her ears, and wished it would all go away.
It did. When she crawled out of her spot by the next morning, the other Hunters told her what had happened -- they lied, but she didn't know that. They told her that their family had left her behind on purpose, because they didn't want her anymore.
* She believed them. She grew up raised by their community, believing she had been abandoned by her family. By the time she grew up to be a teenager, she already couldn't trust her memories of that night anymore. Fabricated images of her father yelling at her filled her brain; her siblings turning their back, with their planned escape that didn't include her. She believed the Hunters, and for a while, she hated her past family for leaving her. The Hunters made her the cook, and she never quite felt like she fit in with them, but it never occurred to her to go anywhere else -- not until now.
Only recently, the stories of her past have come back into her mind, festering, growing. Now, she starts to wonder about that night. If the stories are true. If her past family made it to this promised land at all, or if it was all nonsense talk from a crazy widowed man. She doesn't hate her past family anymore, although she doesn't crave some teary hug-filled reunion, either. It's simple, deeply human curiosity. Are they still alive at all? Do they remember her? Why did they leave her behind, if they really did at all? Now, she finally concocts a plan to go see things for herself.
TL;DR because i feel like i'm not making sense today: (again tw for gaslighting)
her (and teddy's) family planned to escape the hunters. lily at the time was a small kid who felt v overwhelmed and decided to hide, instead of running away with them, bc she was dumb and didn't know what was going on. the father tried to go back to find her, but got killed. teddy and the other siblings made it to jackson.
lily hasn't seen any of her siblings in a shit ton of years, and she doesn't exactly miss them bc the hunters fed her lies and told her that the family abandoned her. she grew up rly believing them, to the point where she can't trust her memory anymore. but she's curious now, so that's why she tries to find jackson town.
she's a cancer zodiac, what else can i say. she can be a big crier, but that won't stop her from arguing with anyone. LITERALLY that one gifset of rachel from friends going "i may cry, but these are not tears of anger or of sadness, but just of me having this discussion with you". she still has a lot of bitterness and anger inside of her, she's not A Baby, she's just more of a quiet personality next to all the big voices in the hunter group.
she just wants to feel like she belongs, so she latches onto anyone's opinions, she's terribly gullible. she believes she's been left behind by her family so she grew up very fucked in the trust issues department. rey from star wars energy, but minus all of rey's courage.
a bit meek and cowardly but has a heart of gold and a smile that lights up her entire face, she's rly just trying her best. gets overwhelmed easily and likes to be alone (but hates being lonely). also her food's incredible, of course.
CONNECTION IDEA 01: someone she can trust within the Hunters to keep her safe in there, because she's probably very wary of some of them. This doesn't even have to be someone who likes her, just someone who she has deemed A Safe Person and who she can stand next to in big events where the noise is overwhelming and everyone else is acting drunk and stupid.
CONNECTION IDEA 02: i mean i have hc'd that she just started thinking about her family on her own now that she's older and more mature, and eventually curiosity finally got the best of her. just like a natural progression of her personality and all. BUT if anyone wants to have a character who knows about her family's true story and fed her clues or planted the lil seed of doubt in her brain so she could go look, i'm here for it too.
CONNECTION IDEA 03: she was a kid when she was left behind, so someone had to raise her. i kinda hc that she was raised by no one and everyone, just kind of one of the hunter kids, raised by the community and whatnot, never rly had One stable parental figure. but if any older hunter characters want to take on that role, let's plot it out babey
some other vague ass connections ideas are: anyone friendly at the hunters, anyone unfriendly as well. / someone who knows of her family's escape and has lied to her with the others, telling her the family left her behind. / or someone who grew up with her, and doesn't know of the full story either. / a bff that she can talk to about her doubts? / someone who might be suspicious of her? / anyway, give me anything, really.
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