#LMAO I wrote on that GhostJade in the rain art “Watch this art become a Ghost x Reader in TikTok” and I'm right. on. the. money 😂
sleepyconfusedpotato · 5 months
Apparently and Unfortunately, there's been a... sudden influx in the reposting/editing/claim-it-as-their-own of my arts inside the TikTok world (;′⌒`)
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I know, I know, "Weeelll you're famous, sooner or later your arts are gonna be reposted, just deal with it bla bla bla." I get it, but still, the fact that a lot of people do it doesn't mean it's right. I've even let loose by letting it go if they reposted with credits by writing my name on the caption, but of course, majority of time, they get reposted without credits, edited, and then claiming it as their own.
I thank all the reports that have come in into my DM's! I promise I've done what I can to make them take it down, but again, most of the time I get ignored in the DM's.
-> SO ✨ What would be a huge, wonderful help to me, is don't be afraid to comment on the posts/tiktoks that it's sleepyconfusedpotato's art KINDLY. Don't attack them, just leave a comment that the art is not theirs and the art belongs to sleepyconfusedpotato on IG and Tumblr. That way the people that sees it will at least know that it does not belong to the reposter.
Once again, thank you guys so much for reporting these to me, but my efforts alone won't be enough, and of course they'll try to ignore/block me as I'm the actual artist. A thief won't admit to their steals.
Thank you and have a nice day/evening!
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