#Laparoscopic Surgery in Basavanagudi
endoscopybasavanagudi · 5 months
Laparoscopic Surgery in Basavanagudi, Banashankari, Bangalore — HIMAS Hospital
Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, revolutionizes traditional surgical approaches. At HIMAS Hospital in Basavanagudi, Banashankari, Bangalore, we specialize in cutting-edge laparoscopic procedures, offering patients advanced treatment options with enhanced outcomes.
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Why Choose Laparoscopic Surgery?
Minimal Invasiveness
Laparoscopic surgery involves tiny incisions, reducing the trauma to surrounding tissues. This results in less pain, a shorter hospital stay, and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.
Faster Recovery
With smaller incisions and reduced tissue damage, patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery experience quicker recoveries, allowing them to return to their daily activities sooner.
Reduced Pain and Scarring
The smaller incisions not only contribute to less postoperative pain but also result in minimal scarring, offering both physical and aesthetic benefits.
Conditions Treated with Laparoscopic Surgery
Gallbladder Issues
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, or cholecystectomy, is a common procedure to address gallstones and related issues. The minimally invasive approach ensures a quicker return to normal life.
Hernia Repair
HIMAS Hospital excels in laparoscopic hernia repair, providing effective solutions with smaller incisions, decreased pain, and a lower risk of postoperative complications.
Gynecological Disorders
Laparoscopic surgery has transformed the treatment of gynecological conditions, including endometriosis and hysterectomy, offering women less discomfort and swifter recoveries.
HIMAS Hospital: Laparoscopic Surgery Hub
Cutting-edge Technology
Our hospital boasts state-of-the-art laparoscopic equipment, allowing our surgeons to perform procedures with precision and efficiency.
Experienced Surgeons
HIMAS Hospital team of experienced laparoscopic surgeons ensures the highest standard of care, employing their expertise to deliver optimal results.
Patient Success Stories
Explore real-life accounts of patients who have undergone laparoscopic surgery at HIMAS Hospital, highlighting our commitment to successful outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery
Procedure Overview
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery involves the removal of the gallbladder through small incisions, reducing recovery time and postoperative discomfort.
Benefits and Risks
Patients can expect benefits such as less pain, shorter hospital stays, and minimal scarring. Risks are generally lower compared to traditional open surgery.
Hernia Repair Through Laparoscopy
Surgical Approach
Laparoscopic hernia repair involves the use of a camera and specialized instruments to repair the hernia through small incisions, minimizing disruption to surrounding tissues.
Postoperative Care
Quicker recovery, reduced pain, and a lower risk of complications characterize the postoperative care following laparoscopic hernia repair.
Gynecological Laparoscopic Procedures
Treatment of Endometriosis
Laparoscopic surgery allows for precise treatment of endometriosis, relieving pain and improving fertility outcomes for women.
Hysterectomy Advancements
HIMAS Hospital gynecological surgeons utilize laparoscopic techniques for hysterectomies, ensuring a less invasive approach with faster recovery times.
The Laparoscopic Experience: What to Expect
Preoperative Preparation
Patients will receive detailed instructions on preparing for laparoscopic surgery, including fasting and discontinuation of certain medications.
During the Procedure
The surgical team will guide patients through the process, ensuring comfort and answering any questions before the procedure begins.
Postoperative Recovery
Following surgery, patients can expect personalized aftercare instructions, including pain management and gradual resumption of normal activities.
Advancements in Laparoscopic Technology
Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopy
Robotic technology enhances precision in laparoscopic procedures, allowing surgeons greater control and flexibility during surgery.
Enhanced Visualization Tools
Improved laparoscopic cameras and visualization tools ensure surgeons have a clear view, enhancing the accuracy of procedures.
HIMAS Hospital’s Patient-Centric Approach
Individualized Treatment Plans
We prioritize personalized care, tailoring treatment plans to meet each patient’s unique needs and circumstances.
Emphasis on Patient Comfort
Our dedicated staff ensures that patients feel comfortable and informed throughout their laparoscopic surgery experience.
Comprehensive Aftercare
Postoperative care extends beyond the hospital, with regular follow-ups and support to ensure a smooth recovery process.
Laparoscopic Surgery FAQs
What is laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique using small incisions and specialized instruments to perform various surgical procedures.
How long is the recovery time after laparoscopic procedures?
Recovery times vary based on the specific procedure but are generally shorter than traditional open surgery, often allowing patients to return to normal activities sooner.
Are there age restrictions for laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery is suitable for a wide range of ages, and eligibility depends on individual health conditions and the nature of the procedure.
Can all surgeries be performed laparoscopically?
While many surgeries can be performed laparoscopically, the suitability depends on factors such as the patient’s health, the complexity of the procedure, and surgeon preference.
Is laparoscopic surgery covered by insurance?
Insurance coverage for laparoscopic surgery varies, and it’s advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage.
Choosing HIMAS Hospital for laparoscopic surgery in Basavanagudi, Banashankari, Bangalore, means choosing innovation, expertise, and patient.
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arunbeniwal-blog · 5 years
Lalbagh Nursing Home & IVF Centre | Dr. Vidyamani Lingegowda | Elawoman
Lalbagh Nursing Home & IVF Centre
Lalbagh Nursing Home and IVF Centre is one of the leading infertility hospitals in Bangalore. Located at Sagar Chandramma Hospital No: 1, Vani Vilas Road, Metro Pillar 123 Basavanagudi Near Vasavi Choultry, Bangalore. The center was established to care for women’s unique needs in a warm, courteous and high-quality environment. It is dedicated to providing the best health-care needs to women from childbirth to adolescence and menopause.
The hospital has several fully-equipped units like Normal Delivery, Labour Epidural - Painless Labour, Cesarean Section, Family Planning Services, ART, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Abdominal Cerclage, Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Ultrasound Scanning, and Antenatal Classes. Some of the major services provided at the center include IVF, IUI, PCOD treatment and Pregnancy Care. The IVF laboratory is equipped with modern equipment to provide safe embryo culture conditions during the treatment to achieve the highest possible clinical results. This hospital has a team of specialized and skilled medical staff to provide successful treatment to patients. The proficiency, commitment, precision, and sympathy offered at the center guarantees that the patient’s needs and expectations are met.
The patients are assisted and treated by the best medical team available in Bangalore, including Dr. Vidyamani Lingegowda, who is one of the top Infertility Specialists in Bangalore. She is the pioneer of Endometrial Ablation and Hysteroscopy in India, She started working at Lalbagh Nursing Home in 1991 and since then she has built a reputation for personalized IVF Treatment. If you know more about Best IVF Clinic so you can click here below links.
Dr. Vidyamani Lingegowda
Dr. Vidyamani Lingegowda is an Infertility Specialist who finished her MBBS from Kilpauk Medical College, 1972, DNB in Obstetrics and Gynecology and FRCOG from Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in London.
Dr. Vidyamani Lingegowda specializes in IVF, IUI, Normal vaginal delivery and High-risk pregnancy care. She is presently practicing at Lalbagh Nursing Home and IVF Centre, Jayanagar, Bangalore.
Mathrutva Fertility Center
At the point when the best of specialized specialists meet up to bring would like to the numerous families, the result is just honorable. This is the thing that Mathrutva is about – a center where life is brought into the world with most extreme consideration. Our capacity to comprehend our patients, address their issues, give them the delight of being a family, and caring about their stresses in a world-class setup is the thing that separates us. Dear parent-to-be, make proper acquaintance with our issue of free methodology.
As somebody wanting to begin your family, you will work intimately with your Mathrutva specialists and authorities. When you have mapped out a technique and an infertility treatment plan that accommodates your objectives, your calendar, and your qualities, the treatment is good to go. You will be appointed a doctor who will go the additional mile to keep a nearby watch on your own treatment plan. At Mathrutva, we understand how therapeutically and sincerely tormenting infertility is. The dread of not being ready to have an organic kid, going through invasive methods for its treatment, and the weight of the impending financial bearing, turned into an issue. Be that as it may, with our innovative and high-contact care, patients would now be able to be calm. As your fertility care pro, we invite you to end up mindful. We ask you to effectively take part in simultaneously with the goal that we can together do what's best for your future family.
Nisa Multispeciality Clinic
Nisa Multispeciality is a Fertility and Gynecology Clinic located at BTM Layout, 2nd Stage, Bangalore and was set-up in 2013. The clinic provides Physician and Gynecological services. This clinic is known for its proficient group of Medical Staff and Specialists.
This clinic provides a wide range of services like Thyroid Disorders, Hypertension treatments, General Medical Consultation, Breast Examination, Infertility Treatment, Anemia Cure, Tuberculosis Treatment, Adult Diabetes and Family Planning Advice. Nisa Multispeciality Clinics is visited by renowned Gynecologist, Dr. Uzma Zeenath Taher. Dr. Tahir Hussain Assadi who is a famous Physician also gives this clinic a visit.
Janani Clinic
Janani Clinic is a Gynecology and Women Clinic situated at JP Nagar 6 Phase, Bangalore. It is a specialty centre that provides comprehensive obstetrical and gynecological services with a holistic approach guided by professionalism and personalized care. The center was established in 2012 with the mission to provide the highest standard of complete fertility and maternity services. The center Is equipped to render a wide range of services including Cervical Cerclage, Intrauterine Insemination(IUI), Mirena (Hormonal Iud), Quad Screen, Caesarean Section(C Section), Hysterectomy (Abdominal/Vaginal), Unilateral Salpingo-Oophorectomy, D&C (Dilation and Curettage), Tubectomy/Tubal Ligation, Laparoscopic Surgery, Cervical cancer screening etc. The centre also provides routine Gynecology and Obstetric Consultation services, High-Risk Pregnancy care and Antenatal Care. The centre aims to provide world-class services to its patients under a roof.
The rooms are also spacious and well-furnished for the comfort of patients. From years of experience, learning, and research, the hospital has developed very effective management strategies for diagnosis and treatment to various ailments. The hospital also keeps updating its treatment methods according to the advancements in the field of gynecology. The hospital meets all the industry laid parameters and follows the most effective methods of treatments. The Gynecology and Obstetrics unit is led by Dr. Radha Rao, who is one of the most recommended gynecologists in South Bangalore. With more than 17 years of rich experience in treating women with all kinds of gynecological problems and high-risk pregnancies, Dr. Radha Rao strives to help women of all ages cope with the changes in their bodies while ensuring their safety, comfort, and care.
Khokar Advanced Ayurveda Center
Khokar Advanced Ayurveda Center is a Sexology Center in Bangalore. The services provided by the center are Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Male Fertility Treatment, Penile Enhancement, Sexual Problems Care and Sexual Weakness Care. The commute to this clinic is a rather convenient one as various modes of conveyance are easily available. Khokar Advanced Ayurveda Center in Sastri Road has been a highly significant point of contact offering specialized services in the field of sexology. This doctor is well-versed with different aspects of human sexuality that include sexual orientation, sexual dysfunctions, and disorders, dynamics of sexual relationships, normal sexual development, etc. This medical practitioner has earned a huge reputation over the period and has become one of the most trusted medical persons in the city. Inhabitants have been seeking treatment of this specialized doctor and a large number of them have offered an overwhelming review based on their positive treatment experience.
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Best IVF Clinics in Bangalore - Elawoman
GarbhaGudi IVF Center  
GarbhaGudi IVF Center is a chain of new age fruitlessness treatment clinics outfitted with best in class foundation and front line innovation to address this regularly expanding issue of barrenness. It was established by a group of conferred business people and social insurance masters, drove by Dr. Asha S Vijay, who is an eminent gynecologist and fruitfulness authority.
GarbhaGudi IVF Center is one of the Best IVF Clinics in Bangalore, GarbhaGudi  is known for its best class treatment at reasonable expenses and unparalleled achievement rates. We have possessed the capacity to recreate this effective model at all of our branches. Our aptitude in dealing with fruitlessness, our incredible achievement rates and our patient care has helped us to wind up one of the quickest developing chains of fruitfulness doctor's facilities in South India.
When you visit GarbhaGudi IVF Center, you'll approach the best personalities in richness treatment and additionally the most recent helped regenerative innovation. Our completely coordinated system of care implies; we deal with each progression of your excursion; for you from starting appraisal, finding, richness treatment, progressed logical methods and directing help.
About Dr. Asha S Vijay
Dr. Asha S Vijay Gynecologist is the Chief Fertility Specialist in Bangalore. She has an ordeal of 11 years in this field. Dr. Asha S Vijay rehearses at Garbhagudi IVF Center in Electronics City, Bangalore, Garbhagudi IVF Center in Banashankari, Bangalore and Garbhagudi IVF Center in Basavanagudi, Bangalore.
Dr. Asha S Vijay finished MBBS from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore in 1991, DGO from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute.
IUI Stands for Intra Uterine Insemination. It is a technique that includes putting sperm inside a lady's uterus to encourage preparation. The specialist utilizes a catheter to put various washed sperm specifically into the uterus. The objective of IUI is to expand the quantity of sperm that range the fallopian tubes and hence increment the shot of preparation.
IUI is a standout amongst the most widely recognized and simple richness medications.
The treatment isn't costly in any way, notwithstanding considering any hormone infusions that might be endorsed for the lady
There are exceptionally insignificant or no symptoms – no torment, no delayed consequences
Over numerous cycles, it has a sensible achievement rate
Srujana Hospital
Srujana Hospital is a perceived name in quiet care. It was incepted in the year 2011. They are one of the notable Hospitals in Electronic City. Upheld with a dream to offer the best in tolerant care and furnished with mechanically propelled human services offices, they are one of the up and coming names in the medicinal services industry.
Situated in , this hospital is effortlessly available by different methods for transport. A group of all around prepared medicinal staff, non-restorative staff and experienced clinical specialists work round-the-clock to offer different services that incorporate Hair Treatment , Chest Pain Treatment , Fracture Treatment , General Pediatrics , Piles Surgery , Piles Treatment (non Surgical) , Laparoscopic Surgery , Diabetes Management , Uncontrolled Diabetes . Their professional services make them a looked for after Hospitals in Bangalore.
Srujana Hospital is known for lodging experienced Pediatricians. Dr. Sagar Sharma H S, a very much presumed Pediatrician, rehearses in Bangalore. Visit this therapeutic wellbeing community for Pediatricians suggested by 56 patients.
About Dr. Deepmala
Dr. Deepmala, accompanies more than 10 long periods of experience. Her mastery lies in typical conveyance and energizes regular birthing process, administration of high hazard conveyances, pre-origination guiding, young menstrual issue administration. Open and Lap Hysterectomy, Ovarian medical procedure, Vaginal Surgery and Postmenopausal care has been her uncommon intrigue and has conveyed phenomenal result results to her patients.
High Risk Pregnancy Care and Management
While any pregnancy can be challenging, high risk pregnancies may potentially threaten the health of both the mother and the fetus. High risk pregnancies need a greater level of attention and monitoring since they carry an elevated risk of complications, and increase a baby’s chances for health and developmental problems at birth and beyond.
A pregnancy may be deemed high risk due to a variety of factors, such as pre-existing medical conditions, multiple births, previously abnormal pregnancies or health issues that develop during pregnancy. Routine screening tests, such as blood tests or ultrasound exams, along with diagnostic tests, such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling (CVS), will help identify whether a pregnancy is high risk. These screenings are used to determine the presence of a number of health problems as well as test for certain genetic conditions. Women dealing with high risk pregnancy must schedule more frequent visits with their doctor and manage their lifestyle to ensure proper prenatal care.
Symptoms of high risk pregnancy
Symptoms of high risk pregnancy are often difficult to distinguish from symptoms of a typical pregnancy. However, the symptoms may last longer and be far more severe than in a normal pregnancy. The patient should report any painful or worrisome symptoms to her doctor right away. During a high risk pregnancy a woman may experience:
Severe pain or cramping in the lower abdomen
Noticeable changes in vision, including blurred vision
Decreased fetal movement
Persistent headaches
Painful burning sensations while urinating
Vaginal bleeding
Clear, watery vaginal discharge, similar to a yeast infection
Frequent contractions
High risk pregnancies
High risk pregnancies usually require a woman to schedule a greater number of prenatal office visits with an obstetrician, in order to closely monitor the progression of the pregnancy. Women with high risk pregnancies are counseled to be especially attentive to their health, eat a nutritious diet, gain a proper amount of weight and avoid any risky substances or medications. Doctors will often prescribe vitamins, iron supplements or medicines to enhance the health of the mother and baby.
In addition to regular screening exams, additional tests may be recommended to further assess the health and development of the baby. These may include a biophysical profile or targeted ultrasound, which can provide doctors with more detailed information than standard testing. Delivery of a high risk pregnancy is recommended to take place in a hospital setting, since giving birth at home is considering too risky for women with serious health conditions or complications. Depending on the individual case, the baby may be delivered vaginally or through a C-section.
Caree Fertility Center
Infertility treatment is currently available in several centers in the garden city (Bangalore) and few centers all over state. However, we pride ourselves in providing our patients with the utmost personal care and attention. We have implemented our personal philosophy in that couples deserve the best clinical care, and importantly, the most compassionate care available. The couples will immediately realize they are dealing with a center like no other. This combination has resulted in Caree Fertility Center having the HIGHEST quality control and assurance Which is must in order to get better IVF success. The entire staff at the CAREE is looking forward to help you achieve your dream. Your comments are critical in making us better.
You are never treated as a number. Our couples are all-unique, and are treated as such. Our patients are hand-held throughout their evaluation and treatment, which will result in faster success. You are being taken care by a single Doctor who knows everything about your specific case, and does your ultrasound, surgery insemination, egg retrieval, and embryo transfer.
Our patients practically never wait for their appointment, again unlike most other practices. Our patients are seen always on time. We respect and value your time; our location is extremely convenient, even for patients coming from outside the city or other cities in the country. We are offering our various advanced technologies such as IMSI, blastocyst culture, and time-lapse video to select better quality embryos. Embryo and oocyte freezing.
Dr. Prakash Kini
Dr. Prakash Kini is a reputed infertility specialist, obstetrician and gynecologist with more than 4 decades of experience. Prakash Kini is an expert in Embryo Transfer (IVF ET), Hysterectomy, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), High-Risk Pregnancy Care and many more. He attained his MBBS and MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from Byramjee Jeejeebhoy Government Medical College and Sasson General Hospital, Pune in 1975 and 1977, respectively. He pursued his career further and completed his Diploma in Gynecology and Obstetrics from King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College, 1978.
With the advancement of modern science in the last few decades, assisted reproduction has become a successful and common course of treatment for infertile individuals and couples. In-Vitro Fertilization, IVF, is one such assisted reproductive technique that has been employed successfully as a solution to a range of infertility issues. The IVF process is both safe and effective, and it has been used in the early 1980's in helping infertile individuals and couples achieve their goal of becoming parents.
In vitro is Latin, meaning "in glass," referring to the dish that is used to introduce the sperm to an egg. The term "IVF" includes a whole spectrum of assisted reproductive treatment possibilities that can be used separately or together to increase the chances of success. Whenever possible, IVF is used to fertilize an egg with a sperm, thereby forming an embryo
Fertility treatment often includes use of hormone therapy to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs. Then, IVF begins with retrieval of a woman's (or her donor's) eggs. Prior to the retrieval of the eggs, the male partner (or a donor) produces a semen sample, which is processed and washed, and the most motile (active) sperm are selected. Anywhere from three or four, or even up to twenty eggs are retrieved from the woman under general sedation. This procedure requires no surgical incision and is done purely on an outpatient basis in our office. The retrieved eggs are placed in a separate dish under a protective layer of oil and left alone for three to four hours to complete their maturation.
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aadhirabisht-blog · 5 years
Lalbagh Nursing Home | Apollo CM Fertility | Elawoman
Lalbagh Nursing Home
Lalbagh Nursing Home and IVF Center is one of the leading infertility clinics in Bangalore. Situated at Sagar Chandramma Hospital No: 1, Vanivilas Road, Metro Pillar 123 Basavanagudi Near Vasavi Choultry, Bangalore. The middle was set up to think about women's special needs in a warm, obliging and top notch condition. It is committed to providing the best social insurance needs to women from labor to immaturity and menopause.
Lalbagh Nursing Home medical clinic has a few completely prepared units like Normal Delivery, Labor Epidural - Painless Labor, Cesarean Section, Family Planning Services, ART, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Abdominal Cerclage, Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Ultrasound Scanning, and Antenatal Classes. A portion of the real administrations gave at the inside include IVF, IUI, PCOD treatment and Pregnancy Care.
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a mind-boggling arrangement of systems used to treat fertility or hereditary issues and help with the origination of a youngster.
During IVF, develop eggs are gathered (recovered) from your ovaries and prepared by sperm in a lab. At that point, the prepared egg (embryo) or eggs are embedded in your uterus. One cycle of IVF takes around about fourteen days.
IVF is the best type of helped conceptive innovation. The technique should be possible using your own eggs and your accomplice's sperm. Or on the other hand, IVF may involve eggs, sperm or embryos from a known or mysterious giver. Now and again, a gestational transporter — a lady who has an embryo embedded in her uterus — may be utilized.
Your odds of having a sound infant using IVF rely upon numerous variables, for example, your age and the reason for infertility. Likewise, IVF can be tedious, costly and invasive. On the off chance that more than one embryo is embedded in your uterus, IVF can result in a pregnancy with more than one hatchling (various pregnancy).
Your specialist can enable you to see how IVF functions, the potential dangers and whether this technique for treating infertility is directly for you.
Why it's finished
In vitro fertilization (IVF) is a treatment for infertility or hereditary issues. In the event that IVF is performed to treat infertility, you and your accomplice may almost certainly attempt less invasive treatment alternatives before attempting IVF, including fertility medications to increase the creation of eggs or intrauterine insemination — a system in which sperm are put legitimately in your uterus close to the season of ovulation.
At times, IVF is offered as an essential treatment for infertility in ladies over age 40. IVF should likewise be possible on the off chance that you have certain wellbeing conditions. For instance, IVF might be a choice on the off chance that you or your accomplice has:
Fallopian tube harm or blockage. Fallopian tube harm or blockage makes it troublesome for an egg to be treated or for an embryo to make a trip to the uterus.
Ovulation issue. In the event that ovulation is infrequent or missing, less eggs are accessible for fertilization.
Untimely ovarian disappointment. Untimely ovarian disappointment is the loss of typical ovarian capacity before age 40. On the off chance that your ovaries fall flat, they don't create typical measures of the hormone estrogen or have eggs to discharge routinely.
Endometriosis. Endometriosis happens when the uterine tissue embeds and becomes outside of the uterus — frequently affecting the capacity of the ovaries, uterus and fallopian tubes.
Uterine fibroids. Fibroids are amiable tumors in the mass of the uterus and are basic in ladies in their 40s. Fibroids can interfere with implantation of the treated egg.
Past tubal disinfection or evacuation. On the off chance that you've had tubal ligation — a kind of sanitization in which your fallopian tubes are sliced or hindered to for all time avert pregnancy — and need to consider, IVF might be an option in contrast to tubal ligation inversion.
Impeded sperm generation or capacity. Beneath normal sperm fixation, powerless development of sperm (poor versatility), or variations from the norm in sperm size and shape can make it troublesome for sperm to treat an egg. In the event that semen variations from the norm are discovered, your accomplice may need to see a master to determine if there are correctable issues or underlying wellbeing concerns.
Unexplained infertility. Unexplained infertility implies no reason for infertility has been found in spite of assessment for basic causes.
A hereditary issue. In the event that you or your accomplice is in danger of passing on a hereditary issue to your kid, you might be a possibility for preimplantation hereditary finding — a system that involves IVF. After the eggs are gathered and prepared, they're screened for certain hereditary issues, in spite of the fact that not every single hereditary issue can be found. Embryos that don't contain distinguished issues can be exchanged to the uterus.
Fertility safeguarding for malignant growth or other wellbeing conditions. In case you're going to begin disease treatment —, for example, radiation or chemotherapy — that could hurt your fertility, IVF for fertility protection might be a choice. Ladies can have eggs gathered from their ovaries and frozen in an unfertilized state for later use. Or then again the eggs can be treated and frozen as embryos for sometime later.
Ladies who don't have a useful uterus or for whom pregnancy represents a genuine wellbeing danger may pick IVF using someone else to convey the pregnancy (gestational transporter). For this situation, the lady's eggs are prepared with sperm, however, the resulting embryos are put in the gestational bearer's uterus.
Apollo CM Fertility
Apollo CM Fertility is an IVF Center arranged in JP Nagar, 6 Phase, Bangalore. It considers the enthusiastic prosperity of its patients to be as vital as its clinical gauges. The inside offers different specific analytical systems for infertility in couples. The middle carries its unparalleled duty to yield effective results. The achievement of the middle depends on a mix of a patient-driven methodology conveyed by an expert therapeutic group, every one of whom are specialists in their field. The inside additionally has a steady group of Physiotherapists, Counselors, and Dieticians to give the best to their patients. The administrations given by the inside incorporate treatment identified with infertility, Reproductive Medicine, Reproductive Endocrinology, Andrology, Urology, Laparoscopy, Fetal Medicine. Apollo CM Fertility focus gives its patients the ability and innovation to upgrade the odds of having a youngster. It contains best in class advancements.
Smile Baby IVF Center
Smile Baby IVF Center is a famous Infertility Specialist In Bangalore. Additionally famously known as the Dr Mangala Devi K R Infertility Specialist In Bangalore. Carrying grin to childless couples with unmatched innovation, propelled framework and most ideal consideration. The middle treats patients with high class administrations and specific consideration. The bundles offered are customized and simple on pocket as well. Dr. Mangala Devi KR is the principle specialist and infertility authority of this middle. She has been working in the field of infertility since numerous years giving universal benchmarks of consideration at reasonable expenses and with excellent achievement.
Shanti Nursing Home
Shanti Nursing Home is a well-famous Multi-forte focus situated in  IVF Centres in Bangalore. It is arranged at 679, eleventh Main Road, 36th Cross, fourth T Block, Landmark: Opp to Post Office, Jayanagar which is a noticeable private and business region of Bangalore. It was built up in 1989 with an expect to convey total medicinal services administrations to patients.
This emergency clinic is a pioneer in administrations like Minor Surgery, Consultation, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, General Medical Consultation, and Electrocardiogram. Shanti Nursing Home guarantees all the wellbeing gauges and has set up itself as one of the main clinics in Bangalore. The conveyance rooms are completely prepared to give a sheltered and agreeable condition. Every one of them is outfitted with, a crucial signs screen, grown-up anesthesia hardware, focal observing station for remote reconnaissance and crisis care unit.
Srujana Hospital Electronic City
Srujana Hospital Electronic City is a main Multi-Specialty focus arranged in Electronics City, Bangalore. Situated at first Floor, Legacy Building, Neeladri Nagar, Electronics City Phase 1, Landmark: Above Nilgiris and Opposite Ajmere Infinity Apartment, IVF Centres in Bangalore. It is a notable as Laparoscopic Surgical Center where patients can get multi-forte discussion and medications like Pregnancy care, Advanced Laparoscopy Surgery, General Medical Consultation, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and Management, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Pediatrics, and Ultrasound Scan and related conclusion.
Srujana Hospital Electronic City likewise has well-prepared Laboratory Facilities and Pharmacy Services. It was built up in 2011 and since it has developed as the prime decision for ladies and couples searching for Gynecology issues and Infertility medicines. The expense of treatment is likewise exceptionally low contrasted with the standard of administrations gave.
Milann Fertility Center
Milann Fertility Center is an IVF Clinic situated in JP Nagar, Bengaluru. The middle was set up in the year 2007. The emergency clinic gives different administrations including Infertility assessment, High-hazard Obstetrics care, Gynecology Endoscopy, Surrogacy, and Prenatal Diagnostic administrations. The middle has one of the most noteworthy achievement rates in infertility medicines in India. The medical clinic has updated its offices with Andrology Laboratory, State-of-the-craftsmanship secluded Embryology Laboratory, Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), and IVF Operation Theater (OT) in the year 2014. Ice and Sullivan has granted the inside as the Emerging IVF player of the year 2015. Dr. Meghana Nyapathi and Dr. Vyshnavi A Rao are the gynecologists and obstetricians rehearsing at this inside. They have an encounter of over 10 years in their separate therapeutic ability. Dr. Sunitha Mahesh, Dr. Bhavani Nagaraj and Dr. Divyashree P S likewise practice at the emergency clinic.
City Clinic And Infertility Center
City Clinic And Infertility Center are a Multi-Speciality which is committed to giving an exclusive expectation of fertility medications administrations. It is situated in HSIS Masjid complex, MM street, Landmark-beside HSIS Masjid, Pulikeshi Nagar(Fraser town), Bengaluru, Karnataka. Set up in 2004, the emergency clinic has now turned out to be one of the main inclinations for barren couples in the state.
The emergency clinic has received the most progressive devices and innovation to convey elevated expectation of treatment offices to the patients and accomplish a high rate of achievement. With over a time of involvement, the facility offers unmatched treatment to its patients. The clinic is well-prepared to give total medicines on High-Risk Pregnancy Management, Laparoscopy Surgery, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Obstetrics and Gynecology, In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), UltrasoundInfertility Assessment and Treatment and Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Wellspring Hospital Bangalore
Wellspring Hospital Bangalore is a standout amongst the most moderate fertility emergency clinics situated in Sadashivanagar, IVF Centres in Bangalore. It cooks benefits in gynecology and fertility issues and comprehends them effectively since the season of its foundation. The clinic has a profoundly gifted and submitted group that leads it at another achievement. It guarantees appropriate and dependable fertility treatment dependent on the restorative instance of the patient. It is one of the main IVF focuses of India and offers all the best administrations under one rooftop. The medical clinic serves different medications at financially rates by using progressed conceptive advances with high achievement rates. In any case, the primary goal of Wellspring IVF and Women's Hospital is to give practical fertility administrations bundles to its patients. The medical clinic gives genuinely backing to its patients and make them rationally more grounded to seek after their medicines. The emergency clinic gives the least expensive fertility bundles to all the white-collar class and destitute individuals. The prime objective of the emergency clinic is the security and well treatment of their patient to satisfy their parenthood dream. In addition, the emergency clinic has an extraordinary foundation, the most exceptional fertility innovations, best talented and affirmed specialists, therapeutic stores, and everything required for fertility medicines under one rooftop. Dr. Ashalatha Ganesh rehearses his restorative medications at this inside.
If you have any double about IVF Centres in Bangalore. You can contact us  
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urvashiela-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore   |  Elawoman
Since 1985, when the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology started collecting information, more than 1 million kids have been conceived from IVF and related treatments — the first IVF child was conceived in the Unified States in 1981. Today, according to the Centers for Disease Control action (CDC), IVF and other Assisted Reproductive Technology are offered at more than 440 Fertility clinics across the nation.
According to the CDC, the use of ART has multiplied over the past decade and considering around 10 % of Indian ladies experience difficulty getting pregnant, it's no big surprise why. Roughly 1.6 % of all babies conceived in the Assembled States are imagined using ART cycles, 99 % of which is IVF treatments. For most couples, IVF is chosen only after different types of Infertility treatments have fizzled — ovulation stimulation, medicine, insemination or surgery. Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore. An IVF treatment cycle begins on the first day of a female's menstrual cycle and ends with the recovery of the egg. It's vital to take note of that the success rate increases exponentially as more IVF cycles are finished. In a study done in the Unified Kingdom, among ladies undergoing IVF, the live-birth rate for the first cycle was 29.5 %. After 6 cycles, it increased to 65.3 %. The following are the Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore with options to book your first appointment FREE. Find details to moderate test tube infant costs. The IVF Process, start to finish, is confounded and finished in numerous stages: Fertility schedule and pre-treatment cycles, ovarian stimulation with Infertility medications, recovery of the eggs, insemination of the eggs, the transfer of the embryos, and the waiting time frame. Treatment timelines and medications shift between ladies, so a Fertility treatment consultation with an IVF specialist is crucial. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is a mind-boggling series of procedures used to treat or hereditary problems and assist with the origination of a During IVF, develop eggs are gathered (recovered) At that point, the prepared egg (developing life) or eggs are embedded in your uterus. One cycle of IVF takes around two weeks. IVF is the most viable type of Assisted Reproductive Technology. The system should be possible using your eggs and your accomplice's sperm. Or then again IVF may involve eggs, sperm or embryos from a known or anonymous benefactor. In some cases, a gestational transporter — a lady who has an incipient organism embedded in her uterus — may be used. Your chances of having a sound child using IVF rely upon numerous factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility. Moreover, IVF can be tedious, expensive and invasive. On the off chance that more than one incipient organism is embedded in your uterus, IVF can result in a pregnancy with more than one fetus (many fertility). Your doctor can enable you to understand how IVF works, the potential risks and whether this strategy for treating infertility is ideal for you.
Here the List of Best IVF Doctor in Bangalore
1.Dr. Rizwana Tasneem
Dr. Rizwana Tasneem infertility specialist, has a rich, 25 years involvement in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology and 15 years in Infertility. After her masters, she has gained invaluable involvement with the King Fahad Hospital, Al-Baha, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and later at the famous St. George Hospital, Joined Kingdom. The masses have recognized her training in infertility and she has gained a reputation among her fellows. She is visiting as a consultant in Ovum Hospital Kalyan Nagar, Columbia Asia Hospital, Beyond happy all branches, Parenthood Hospital, and Santhosh Hospital.
Success Rate: 49%
Services: IVF, IUI
IVF Package: Rs.1,60,000
Location: Kalyan Nagar - Explore more IVF Doctors in Kalyan Nagar, Bangalore.
Rating: 4.5 / 5
2.Dr. Archana Agarwal
Dr. Archana Agarwal is an infertility specialist, gynaecologist and regenerative endocrinologist (infertility) in Marathahalli, Bangalore and has an ordeal of 21 years in these fields. The doctor finished MBBS from MLB Medicinal School, Jhansi in 1991 and DGO from MLB Therapeutic School, Jhansi in 1997. The doctor is an individual from Karnataka Therapeutic Chamber, Delhi Medicinal Board, Indian Fertility Society (IFS), Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE).
Dr. Archana Agarwal is a gynaecologist and infertility specialist in Bangalore with over two decades of experience. She completed her MBBS in 1991 from MLB Medical College, Jhansi and DGO in 1997 from ICMCH, Kolkata. She is a prominent member of Karnataka Medical Council, Indian Fertility Society (IFS), Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). Dr. Archana Agarwal received the Global Business Service Excellence Awards by Primetime Media in 2014. Dr. Archana specializes in gynaecology treatments like In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Donor Insemination Surrogacy, Endometrial Biopsy, Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy, and Egg Donor services. She is currently practising at Mannat Fertility Clinic based in Marathahalli and Sahakar Nagar in Bangalore.
Success Rate: 51%
Services: IVF, IUI
IVF Package: Rs.1,40,000
Location: Marathahalli - Bangalore.
Rating: 4.7 / 5
3.Dr. Sandhya Mishra
Dr. Sandhya Mishra is an IVF doctor and Obstetrician in Bangalore. She finished MBBS from BRD Restorative School, Gorakhpur in 1996. At that point, she pursued DNB from K J Somaiya Restorative School in 2005.Dr. Sandhya specializes in IVF, IUI, High-risk pregnancy care and Typical vaginal conveyance. She has gained parcel of worthful involvement in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology. Presently, Dr. Sandhya Mishra is working at Dr. Ramas Test Tube  Infant Center.
Services: Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), High- Risk Pregnancy Care, In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Normal Vaginal Delivery (NVD)
Consultation Fee: Rs.250
Location: 421/M, DC Chamber, Krishna Temple Road, Indiranagar 1st Stage, Landmark: Near Orange Tree Inn Hotel, Bangalore - 560038
Rating: 4.5 / 5
4.Dr. Asha S Vijay
Dr. Asha S Vijay is the Main Fertility Specialist in Bangalore. She has an ordeal of 11 years in this field. Dr. Asha S Vijay practices at Garbhagudi IVF Center in Electronics City, Bangalore, Garbhagudi IVF Center in Banashankari, Bangalore and Garbhagudi IVF Center in Basavanagudi, Bangalore. She finished MBBS from Bangalore Therapeutic School and Research Institute, Bangalore in 1991, DGO from Bangalore Medicinal School.
She is an individual from the Organization of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and Bangalore Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Dr. Asha S Vijay (garbhagudi IVF Center Pvt Ltd) in Bangalore treats the various ailments of the patients by helping them experience fantastic treatments and procedures.The doctor is also listed under Gynecologist and Obstetrician Doctors, Infertility Doctors. Moreover, the patients also visit the clinic for Contraception Guidance, HPV Tests, and Biopsy Tests and so forth.
Services: Intra Intra Uterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization
Consultation Fee: Rs.500
Location: Electronic City, Pattalamma Temple Rd, Hanumanth Nagar, Bangalore
Rating: 4.6 / 5
5.Dr. Bharathi Rajanna
Dr. Bharathi Rajanna is an IVF specialist and Gynecologist in Bangalore. She did her MBBS from the celebrated Kempegowda Institute of Therapeutic Sciences, Bangalore in the time of 1987. She obtained an MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology in 1991 from Bangalore Medicinal School. She is also MRCOG Part – I qualified. She has an inside and out learning about the issues and treatments identified with Infertility, Obstetrics, and Gynecology. She has been in the field for over two decades and has prestigious memberships from the Indian Medicinal Association (IMA), World Association of Laparoscopy Surgeons, and Imperial School of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, London (RCOG). She specializes in Intra-Uterine Insemination (IUI), Cervical Cerclage, Andrology, Laparoscopic Surgery, and Infertility Assessment/Treatment.
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Centre in Bangalore at Elawoman
Lalbagh Nursing Home & IVF Centre is one of the main infertility hospitals in Bangalore. Located at Sagar Chandramma Hospital No: 1, Vanivilas Road, Metro Pillar 123 Basavanagudi Near Vasavi Choultry, Bangalore. The centre turned into installed to care for women’s specific needs in a heat, courteous and amazing surroundings. It is dedicated to providing the quality fitness-care desires to ladies from childbirth to youth and menopause.
The medical institution has several completely-prepared units like Normal Delivery, Labour Epidural - Painless Labour, Cesarean Section, Family Planning Services, ART, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Abdominal Cerclage, Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Ultrasound Scanning, and Antenatal Classes. Some of the principal services provided on the centre consist of IVF, IUI, PCOD treatment and Pregnancy Care.
The IVF laboratory is geared up with contemporary system to provide secure embryo tradition situations at some stage in the treatment to achieve the best feasible medical consequences. This clinic has a team of specialized and skilled clinical group of workers to offer a hit Treatment to sufferers. The skillability, commitment, precision and sympathy offered on the centre guarantees that the patient’s desires and expectancies are met.
The patients are assisted and dealt with by the quality clinical team available in Bangalore, consisting of Dr. Vidyamani Lingegowda, who is one of the pinnacle Infertility Specialists in Bangalore. She is the pioneer of Endometrial Ablation and Hysteroscopy in India, She commenced working at Lalbagh Nursing Home in 1991 and seeing that then she has built a popularity for customized IVF Treatment.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Jayanagar 1st Block, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.5 / 5
Mathrutva Fertility Center is an IVF Center in Bangalore. The services provided by the center are Infertility Evaluation/ treatment, Reproductive Medicine, PGD/ PGS, TESA/ PESA, PCOS, IVF, IUI, Egg/ Embryo Freezing, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Blastocyst Transfer, Myomectomy and Assisted Hatching. Mathrutva Fertility Centre (A Unit Of Max HealthCare Pvt. Ltd) is famous Fertility Treatment centre hooked up in Koramangala, Bangalore in the 12 months Mathrutva has a countrywide and international popularity for infertility-related Treatment and IVF services. We have now accelerated our infertility Treatment offerings into six specific locations of India Koramangala and Malleswaram in Bangalore, Hosur in Tamil Nadu, and Tirupati, Proddatur and KURNOOL in Andhra Pradesh (AP). The primary objective of our infertility centres is to offer high achievement quotes with low fee IVF infertility treatments under one roof. We provide our 10+ years of revel in, knowledge and slicing edge reproductive technology within the vicinity of infertility and Treatment plan designed for character wishes.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Koramangala 4 Block, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.5 / 5
Mannat Fertility Clinic is a reputed IVF Clinic located in Marathahalli, Bangalore, It was mounted in 2010 to provide the satisfactory treatments services to girls and infertile couples. With nearly a decade of revel in, they're presenting unrivaled fitness-care Treatment to their patients. They are geared up with the modern-day technology such as ICSI, surgical sperm retrieval, embryo freezing, embryo biopsy, laser assisted hatching and blastocyst transfer, the use of the fine device and disposables.
This sanatorium gives a complete range of services like Freezing, Egg and Sperm Donation, Blastocyst Transfer, Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment and Surrogacy options. Through its holistic restoration strategies, they have been able to increase mortality fee, decrease biological age, reduce pressure and offer a comforting revel in. Mannat Fertility Clinic is famous within the enterprise for its precise song record of dealing with the numerous type of infertility issues and supplying numerous styles of answers for it.
The doctors no longer handiest have the know-how of handling complex cases of infertility however care approximately the significance of a child for patients. They have a crew of doctors with updated knowledge, exact communication, and tremendous operative skill. The fee of treatment is also saved to make it low-priced and handy for patients in all sections of society. Mannat Fertility Clinic is an integrated clinical centre driven via Dr. Archna Agarwal Gynaecologist, who has more than 15 years of experience.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Marathahalli, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.1 / 5
Smile Baby IVF Center became set up with a purpose of offering global standards of treatment at a low priced value.
All fertility cases (both male and female) are handled at Smile Baby Ivf the usage of advanced scientific, surgical and scientific techniques by way of our crew and guide workforce.
Smile Baby IVF Fertility Hospital  is a famend Infertility Specialist In Bangalore.  Also popularly referred to as  the Dr Mangala Devi K R Infertility Specialist In Bangalore. Bringing smile to childless couples with unmatched generation, superior infrastructure and satisfactory possible care. The center treats patients with excessive class offerings and specialized care. The applications provided are tailor made and easy on the pocket too. Dr. Mangala Devi KR is the primary medical doctor and infertility specialist of this centre. She has been operating inside the subject of infertility considering many years supplying worldwide requirements of care at lower priced costs and with notable fulfillment. 
Smile Baby IVF Clinic is one of the famous infertility center in bangalore which presents the maximum less expensive IVF in bangalore.  Dr. Mangala Devi K R is a practising Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility specialist, having above 11 years experience who can be consulted for hysterectomy, gynec issues, IVF, infertility Treatment, IUI, cesarean phase, delivery, and ART.The center in Bangalore additionally makes use of a laser Embryoscope which enhances the technological energy of the middle, permitting the crew to offer the best Treatment protocols. Partnered with an exceptionally skilled group of doctors of countrywide repute, patients throughout the city and out of doors arrive on the middle with little or no hope and go away understanding they are in the proper arms. Smile Baby IVF Center of Bangalore is one of the few dependable ART repositories of the u . S . A ..
Centrally located at Lingarajapuram, it attracts a huge variety of international sufferers, who are seeking professional and first-class-in-magnificence fertility applications.
Smile Baby IVF Center is an Infertility Center that's situated in Bangalore, Kolkata. The middle renders a numerous offerings which include ovulation induction, Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), embryo freezing, sperm freezing, surgical sperm restoration, and egg donation, Surrogacy, Gynecology and Obstetrics Care.
The number one goal of Smile Baby IVF Center is to provide low cost infertility Treatment services underneath one roof. The middle clinical staff includes well-educated physicians, reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, andrologists, sonologists, endoscopists and geneticists.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Lingarajapuram, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.0 / 5
Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre is an IVF Centre in Banaswadi, Bangalore. It is a standout a few of the hospitals in imparting treatments at par with the global requirements for the reason that 2015. Strikingly, the results are pretty outstanding and fruitful with a tremendous range of happy patients in relation to infertility Treatment. The strong point of Vardhan Fertility can be witnessed of their capacity to provide the entire range of ART and associated offerings. Starting proper from the diagnostic facilities to the most modern fertility enhancing surgical procedures in addition to recent IVF techniques, everything is without problems available on the same vicinity. The Centre has a crew of richly skilled medical doctors and aid staff that hold abreast with the contemporary development within the discipline of ART. Strict suggestions are observed so that it will keep operation theaters and laboratories. Dr. P.K Vijay Kumar who has an enjoy of 18 years, is presently the Medical Director and Reproductive medicine expert, gynae endoscopic health care provider and obstetrician at Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Center. He has 50000+ Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy surgical procedures to his credit. The services being provided by means of the centre include Laparoscopy Diagnostic And Dye Test, Laparoscopic Tubal Surgery, Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis, Laparoscopic Sterilization, MESA, Laparoscopic Salpingectomy, Laparoscopic PCO Ovarian Drilling and Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Banaswadi, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.7 / 5
Wellspring Mother and Child Care Hospital is one of the most inexpensive fertility hospitals based totally in Sadashivanagar, Bangalore. It caters offerings in gynecology and fertility issues and solves them correctly since the time of its established order. The hospital has tremendously skilled and devoted team that leads it at a brand new milestone. It ensures suitable and dependable fertility treatment based at the medical case of the affected person. It is one of the main IVF facilities of India and offers all of the first-rate services below one roof. The health center serves numerous Treatment at economically quotes by means of making use of superior reproductive technology with excessive achievement charges. However, the primary objective of Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital is to offer fee-effective fertility services programs to its sufferers. The health facility gives emotionally guide to its sufferers and cause them to mentally stronger to pursue their treatments. The sanatorium presents most inexpensive fertility programs to all the middle class and bad human beings. The top intention of the sanatorium is the protection and properly Treatment in their affected person to satisfy their parenthood dream. Moreover, the clinic have extremely good infrastructure, the most advanced fertility technologies, first-rate professional & certified doctors, scientific shops, and the whole lot required for fertility treatments below one roof. Dr. Ashalatha Ganesh practices his clinical Treatment at this center.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Sadashivanagar, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.7 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
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endoscopybasavanagudi · 5 months
Laparoscopic Surgery in Basavanagudi, Banashankari, Bangalore — HIMAS Hospital
Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, revolutionizes traditional surgical approaches. At HIMAS Hospital in Basavanagudi, Banashankari, Bangalore, we specialize in cutting-edge laparoscopic procedures, offering patients advanced treatment options with enhanced outcomes.
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Why Choose Laparoscopic Surgery?
Minimal Invasiveness
Laparoscopic surgery involves tiny incisions, reducing the trauma to surrounding tissues. This results in less pain, a shorter hospital stay, and faster recovery compared to traditional open surgery.
Faster Recovery
With smaller incisions and reduced tissue damage, patients undergoing laparoscopic surgery experience quicker recoveries, allowing them to return to their daily activities sooner.
Reduced Pain and Scarring
The smaller incisions not only contribute to less postoperative pain but also result in minimal scarring, offering both physical and aesthetic benefits.
Conditions Treated with Laparoscopic Surgery
Gallbladder Issues
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery, or cholecystectomy, is a common procedure to address gallstones and related issues. The minimally invasive approach ensures a quicker return to normal life.
Hernia Repair
HIMAS Hospital excels in laparoscopic hernia repair, providing effective solutions with smaller incisions, decreased pain, and a lower risk of postoperative complications.
Gynecological Disorders
Laparoscopic surgery has transformed the treatment of gynecological conditions, including endometriosis and hysterectomy, offering women less discomfort and swifter recoveries.
HIMAS Hospital: Laparoscopic Surgery Hub
Cutting-edge Technology
Our hospital boasts state-of-the-art laparoscopic equipment, allowing our surgeons to perform procedures with precision and efficiency.
Experienced Surgeons
HIMAS Hospital team of experienced laparoscopic surgeons ensures the highest standard of care, employing their expertise to deliver optimal results.
Patient Success Stories
Explore real-life accounts of patients who have undergone laparoscopic surgery at HIMAS Hospital, highlighting our commitment to successful outcomes and patient satisfaction.
Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery
Procedure Overview
Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery involves the removal of the gallbladder through small incisions, reducing recovery time and postoperative discomfort.
Benefits and Risks
Patients can expect benefits such as less pain, shorter hospital stays, and minimal scarring. Risks are generally lower compared to traditional open surgery.
Hernia Repair Through Laparoscopy
Surgical Approach
Laparoscopic hernia repair involves the use of a camera and specialized instruments to repair the hernia through small incisions, minimizing disruption to surrounding tissues.
Postoperative Care
Quicker recovery, reduced pain, and a lower risk of complications characterize the postoperative care following laparoscopic hernia repair.
Gynecological Laparoscopic Procedures
Treatment of Endometriosis
Laparoscopic surgery allows for precise treatment of endometriosis, relieving pain and improving fertility outcomes for women.
Hysterectomy Advancements
HIMAS Hospital gynecological surgeons utilize laparoscopic techniques for hysterectomies, ensuring a less invasive approach with faster recovery times.
The Laparoscopic Experience: What to Expect
Preoperative Preparation
Patients will receive detailed instructions on preparing for laparoscopic surgery, including fasting and discontinuation of certain medications.
During the Procedure
The surgical team will guide patients through the process, ensuring comfort and answering any questions before the procedure begins.
Postoperative Recovery
Following surgery, patients can expect personalized aftercare instructions, including pain management and gradual resumption of normal activities.
Advancements in Laparoscopic Technology
Robotic-Assisted Laparoscopy
Robotic technology enhances precision in laparoscopic procedures, allowing surgeons greater control and flexibility during surgery.
Enhanced Visualization Tools
Improved laparoscopic cameras and visualization tools ensure surgeons have a clear view, enhancing the accuracy of procedures.
HIMAS Hospital’s Patient-Centric Approach
Individualized Treatment Plans
We prioritize personalized care, tailoring treatment plans to meet each patient’s unique needs and circumstances.
Emphasis on Patient Comfort
Our dedicated staff ensures that patients feel comfortable and informed throughout their laparoscopic surgery experience.
Comprehensive Aftercare
Postoperative care extends beyond the hospital, with regular follow-ups and support to ensure a smooth recovery process.
Laparoscopic Surgery FAQs
What is laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery is a minimally invasive technique using small incisions and specialized instruments to perform various surgical procedures.
How long is the recovery time after laparoscopic procedures?
Recovery times vary based on the specific procedure but are generally shorter than traditional open surgery, often allowing patients to return to normal activities sooner.
Are there age restrictions for laparoscopic surgery?
Laparoscopic surgery is suitable for a wide range of ages, and eligibility depends on individual health conditions and the nature of the procedure.
Can all surgeries be performed laparoscopically?
While many surgeries can be performed laparoscopically, the suitability depends on factors such as the patient’s health, the complexity of the procedure, and surgeon preference.
Is laparoscopic surgery covered by insurance?
Insurance coverage for laparoscopic surgery varies, and it’s advisable to check with your insurance provider to understand the extent of coverage.
Choosing HIMAS Hospital for laparoscopic surgery in Basavanagudi, Banashankari, Bangalore, means choosing innovation, expertise, and patient.
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Best Laproscopic Hysterectomy in Basavanagudi Bangalore — Himas Hospital
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove the uterus. This technique has gained popularity due to its numerous benefits over traditional surgery, including reduced pain, shorter hospital stays, and quicker recovery times. When it comes to choosing the right hospital for this procedure, Himas Hospital in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, stands out as a top choice.
About Himas Hospital
History and Reputation
Himas Hospital has established itself as a leading healthcare provider in Bangalore. With a long history of excellence, the hospital has earned a reputation for delivering high-quality medical care across various specialties, including gynecology and laparoscopic surgeries.
Location and Accessibility
Conveniently situated in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, Himas Hospital is easily accessible to patients from all over the city and beyond. Its central location ensures that patients can reach the hospital without hassle, making it an ideal choice for those seeking specialized medical treatments.
Why Choose Himas Hospital for Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Advanced Technology and Facilities
Himas Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art technology and modern facilities that are essential for performing successful laparoscopic surgeries. The hospital continually upgrades its equipment to incorporate the latest advancements in medical science.
Experienced Surgeons
The success of any surgical procedure largely depends on the expertise of the surgeon. Himas Hospital boasts a team of highly skilled and experienced surgeons who specialize in laparoscopic hysterectomies. Their proficiency ensures that patients receive the best care possible.
Patient-Centric Approach
Himas Hospital places a strong emphasis on patient care. From the initial consultation to post-surgery recovery, the hospital provides personalized attention to ensure that each patient feels comfortable and well-informed throughout their treatment journey.
Understanding Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
What is Laparoscopic Hysterectomy?
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus using minimally invasive techniques. Small incisions are made in the abdomen through which specialized instruments are inserted, including a laparoscope that allows the surgeon to view the internal organs on a screen.
Benefits Over Traditional Surgery
Compared to traditional open surgery, laparoscopic hysterectomy offers several advantages:
Smaller incisions lead to less scarring.
Reduced pain and discomfort post-surgery.
Shorter hospital stays and quicker return to normal activities.
Lower risk of infection and complications.
Who Needs a Laparoscopic Hysterectomy?
Common Indications
Laparoscopic hysterectomy is recommended for various medical conditions, including:
Uterine fibroids
Chronic pelvic pain
Abnormal uterine bleeding
Uterine prolapse
Patient Eligibility
Not all patients are suitable candidates for laparoscopic hysterectomy. Factors such as the size of the uterus, previous abdominal surgeries, and overall health are considered when determining eligibility. A thorough evaluation by a qualified surgeon at Himas Hospital is essential.
The Procedure Explained
Pre-Surgery Preparations
Before the surgery, patients undergo a series of evaluations, including blood tests, imaging studies, and a detailed review of their medical history. Pre-operative instructions are provided, which may include fasting and medication adjustments.
Step-by-Step Surgical Process
Anesthesia: The patient is administered general anesthesia.
Incisions: Small incisions are made in the abdomen.
Insertion of Instruments: A laparoscope and other surgical instruments are inserted through the incisions.
Removal of Uterus: The uterus is carefully detached and removed through one of the incisions.
Closure: The incisions are closed with sutures or surgical glue.
Post-Surgery Care
After the procedure, patients are monitored in a recovery room. Pain management and care instructions are provided to ensure a smooth recovery. Most patients can return home within a day or two after surgery.
Types of Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy
In this procedure, the entire uterus, including the cervix, is removed using laparoscopic techniques.
Laparoscopic Supracervical Hysterectomy
Also known as partial hysterectomy, this surgery involves removing the upper part of the uterus while leaving the cervix intact.
Laparoscopically Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy
This hybrid technique combines laparoscopic and vaginal approaches to remove the uterus.
Preparing for Your Surgery
Initial Consultation
The journey begins with an initial consultation where the surgeon assesses your condition, discusses your medical history, and explains the procedure in detail. This is the time to ask questions and clarify any doubts.
Pre-Operative Instructions
Patients receive detailed pre-operative instructions to prepare for surgery. These may include guidelines on fasting, medication adjustments, and what to expect on the day of surgery.
Choosing Himas Hospital for your laparoscopic hysterectomy means opting for advanced medical technology, experienced surgeons, and a patient-focused approach. The hospital’s commitment to excellence ensures that you receive the best possible care from consultation to recovery. Whether you’re dealing with uterine fibroids, endometriosis, or other gynecological issues, Himas Hospital offers a safe and effective solution through laparoscopic hysterectomy.
Himas Hospital
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Best Hernia Surgery in Basavanagudi Bangalore — Himas Hospital
Hernias are a common medical condition that occurs when an organ or fatty tissue protrudes through a weak spot or tear in the surrounding muscle or connective tissue. Hernia surgery, also known as herniorrhaphy, is a procedure to repair the weakened area and prevent further complications.
Overview of Basavanagudi, Bangalore
Basavanagudi, a vibrant locality in Bangalore, is known for its rich cultural heritage and bustling streets. Beyond its cultural significance, Basavanagudi is also home to numerous healthcare facilities offering a wide range of medical services to residents and visitors alike.
Introduction to Himas Hospital
Himas Hospital is a leading healthcare institution in Basavanagudi, renowned for its commitment to excellence and patient-centric care. With a team of highly skilled surgeons and state-of-the-art facilities, Himas Hospital specializes in providing top-quality hernia surgery services to patients.
Types of Hernia Surgeries Offered
Himas Hospital offers a variety of hernia surgeries to address different types and complexities of hernias. These include laparoscopic hernia repair, which involves small incisions and the use of a camera and specialized instruments, as well as open hernia repair, which involves a larger incision to access the hernia site.
Why Choose Himas Hospital for Hernia Surgery?
Patients choose Himas Hospital for hernia surgery due to its reputation for excellence in surgical care. With experienced surgeons who specialize in hernia repair and a commitment to utilizing advanced surgical techniques, patients can trust Himas Hospital for safe and effective treatment.
Location and Accessibility of Himas Hospital
Located conveniently in Basavanagudi, Himas Hospital is easily accessible from various parts of Bangalore. Patients can reach the hospital via private or public transportation, making it convenient for those traveling from near or far.
Appointment Booking Process
Booking an appointment for hernia surgery at Himas Hospital is simple and straightforward. Patients can book their appointments online through the hospital’s website or by calling the dedicated helpline. The hospital’s scheduling team ensures prompt and efficient booking to accommodate patients’ needs.
Cost and Insurance Coverage
Himas Hospital believes in transparency when it comes to pricing for hernia surgery. Patients can expect clear and upfront pricing without hidden costs or surprises. Additionally, the hospital works with various insurance providers to facilitate seamless coverage for eligible patients.
Patient Experience at Himas Hospital
At Himas Hospital, patient comfort and satisfaction are top priorities. The hospital provides a welcoming and supportive environment, with comfortable facilities and compassionate staff who prioritize patients’ well-being throughout their surgical journey.
Testimonials from Satisfied Patients
Don’t just take our word for it — hear what our patients have to say about their experience at Himas Hospital. With numerous positive testimonials highlighting the expertise of our surgeons, the efficiency of our staff, and the excellent outcomes of hernia surgeries, it’s clear why Himas Hospital is the preferred choice for patients seeking hernia treatment.
Preparing for Hernia Surgery at Himas Hospital
Prior to hernia surgery at Himas Hospital, patients will receive comprehensive pre-surgery instructions to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. Our team will guide patients through the preparation process and address any questions or concerns they may have.
Post-Surgery Care and Recovery
After hernia surgery, patients can expect attentive care and support from the team at Himas Hospital. Our rehabilitation guidelines and follow-up consultations help patients navigate the recovery process and achieve optimal outcomes.
For the best hernia surgery services in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, look no further than Himas Hospital. With a focus on expertise, innovation, and patient satisfaction, Himas Hospital is dedicated to providing exceptional care and achieving optimal outcomes for all patients.
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Best Gallbladder Treatment in Basavanagudi Bangalore — Himas Hospital
The Gallbladder, while small, plays a crucial role in digestion by storing bile produced by the liver. However, issues such as gallstones or inflammation can lead to significant discomfort and health complications. In Basavanagudi, Bangalore, individuals dealing with gallbladder problems can find effective treatment and care at Himas Hospital.
Introduction to Gallbladder Issues
The Gallbladder can be susceptible to various conditions, including gallstones, inflammation (cholecystitis), infection (cholecystitis), and cancer. These issues can cause symptoms such as abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and digestive problems.
Importance of Gallbladder Treatment
Prompt and effective treatment of gallbladder issues is essential to alleviate symptoms, prevent complications, and improve overall quality of life. Without proper treatment, gallbladder problems can lead to serious health issues, including infections, bile duct obstruction, and pancreatitis.
Overview of Himas Hospital
Himas Hospital, located in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, is a leading healthcare facility known for its comprehensive range of medical services and patient-centered care. With a team of highly skilled healthcare professionals and state-of-the-art facilities, Himas Hospital is committed to delivering excellence in gallbladder treatment.
Why Choose Himas Hospital for Gallbladder Treatment?
Expertise in Gallbladder Surgery
Himas Hospital boasts a team of experienced surgeons who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of gallbladder issues. With their expertise in laparoscopic and open cholecystectomy procedures, patients can trust that they are receiving the highest standard of care for their condition.
Advanced Diagnostic and Surgical Facilities
Himas Hospital is equipped with advanced diagnostic imaging technology and state-of-the-art surgical facilities, enabling accurate diagnosis and precise treatment of gallbladder problems. From ultrasound and MRI scans to minimally invasive surgical techniques, the hospital offers cutting-edge solutions for patients.
Patient-Centered Care
At Himas Hospital, patients are treated with compassion, respect, and dignity. The hospital’s dedicated staff are committed to providing personalized care and support to each individual, ensuring that they feel comfortable and confident throughout their treatment journey.
Types of Gallbladder Treatment Offered
Himas Hospital offers a range of treatment options for gallbladder issues, including:
Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is a minimally invasive surgical procedure used to remove the gallbladder. During the procedure, small incisions are made in the abdomen, and a laparoscope (a thin, flexible tube with a camera) is inserted to guide the surgical instruments.
Open Cholecystectomy
In cases where laparoscopic surgery is not feasible, an open cholecystectomy may be performed. This involves making a larger incision in the abdomen to access and remove the gallbladder.
Gallstone Removal Procedures
For patients with gallstones, Himas Hospital offers various procedures to remove the stones, including medication, lithotripsy (shock wave therapy), and endoscopic procedures.
Preparing for Gallbladder Treatment
Before undergoing gallbladder treatment, patients will typically undergo a thorough evaluation to assess their overall health and determine the most appropriate treatment approach. This may include blood tests, imaging scans, and consultations with the healthcare team.
The Gallbladder Treatment Procedure
Step-by-Step Process
During gallbladder treatment, whether surgery or nonsurgical procedures, patients are typically given anesthesia to ensure their comfort and safety throughout the procedure. The specific steps involved will depend on the type of treatment being performed.
Duration of the Procedure
The duration of gallbladder treatment can vary depending on factors such as the type of procedure and the individual patient’s condition. While some procedures may be completed in a matter of hours, others may require an overnight hospital stay for observation.
Recovery Process
Post-Treatment Care
After gallbladder treatment, patients will be monitored closely by the healthcare team to ensure a smooth recovery. Depending on the type of treatment received, patients may need to follow specific post-treatment care instructions, such as dietary restrictions, activity limitations, and medication management.
Expected Recovery Time
The recovery time following gallbladder treatment can vary depending on factors such as the type of procedure performed and the individual patient’s overall health. While some patients may experience a relatively quick recovery, others may require more time to fully heal.
Risks and Complications
Like any medical procedure, gallbladder treatment carries some risks and potential complications, including bleeding, infection, injury to surrounding organs, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, such complications are rare, and the benefits of treatment typically outweigh the risks for most patients.
Cost of Gallbladder Treatment
The cost of gallbladder treatment can vary depending on factors such as the type of procedure performed, the healthcare provider’s fees, and any additional services or medications required. Patients are encouraged to consult with their healthcare provider or insurance company to discuss their coverage options and potential out-of-pocket expenses.
Patient Testimonials
Many patients who have undergone gallbladder treatment at Himas Hospital have reported positive experiences and excellent outcomes. From improved symptoms to enhanced quality of life, gallbladder treatment has provided relief and satisfaction for individuals dealing with gallbladder issues.
In conclusion, Himas Hospital in Basavanagudi, Bangalore, offers the best gallbladder treatment options for individuals dealing with gallbladder issues. With its expertise, advanced facilities, and patient-centered approach to care, Himas Hospital provides effective and compassionate treatment for patients, ensuring improved health and well-being.
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Laparoscopic Surgery in Basavanagudi Bangalore — Himas Hospital
Laparoscopic surgery, also known as minimally invasive surgery, has revolutionized the field of surgical intervention by offering patients a less invasive alternative to traditional open procedures. In Basavanagudi, Bangalore, residents have access to advanced laparoscopic surgery services at Himas Hospital, a leading healthcare institution known for its commitment to excellence and patient-centered care.
Introduction to Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery involves performing surgical procedures through small incisions using specialized instruments and a camera called a laparoscope. This approach allows surgeons to visualize the surgical site in real-time on a monitor, enabling precise and minimally invasive interventions. Laparoscopic surgery offers numerous advantages over traditional open surgery, including shorter recovery times, reduced postoperative pain, and smaller scars.
Overview of Basavanagudi, Bangalore
Basavanagudi, a prominent locality in Bangalore, is renowned for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant community. Amidst its bustling streets and historical landmarks, Basavanagudi boasts a robust healthcare infrastructure, catering to the diverse medical needs of its residents. Access to quality healthcare services, including advanced surgical interventions like laparoscopic surgery, is essential for the well-being of the community.
Introduction to Himas Hospital
Himas Hospital stands as a beacon of healthcare excellence in Basavanagudi, Bangalore. With a legacy of providing compassionate care and cutting-edge medical services, the hospital has earned the trust and admiration of the community. Himas Hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and staffed by experienced medical professionals dedicated to delivering superior healthcare outcomes.
Laparoscopic Surgery Services at Himas Hospital
Himas Hospital offers a comprehensive range of laparoscopic surgery services to address various medical conditions. From minimally invasive procedures for gallbladder removal and hernia repair to complex surgeries like bariatric surgery and hysterectomy, the hospital’s team of skilled surgeons is adept at performing a wide array of laparoscopic interventions. Patients can trust Himas Hospital to deliver safe, effective, and minimally invasive surgical solutions.
Advanced Technology and Equipment
Himas Hospital is equipped with advanced laparoscopic equipment and technology, ensuring optimal surgical outcomes for patients. High-definition laparoscopes, precision instruments, and innovative imaging systems enable surgeons to perform complex procedures with enhanced precision and efficiency. The integration of advanced technology underscores Himas Hospital’s commitment to delivering cutting-edge healthcare services.
Advantages of Laparoscopic Surgery
Laparoscopic surgery offers several advantages over traditional open surgery, making it a preferred choice for many patients. By utilizing small incisions, laparoscopic procedures result in minimal scarring, reduced postoperative pain, and faster recovery times compared to open surgery. Additionally, the lower risk of complications associated with laparoscopic surgery contributes to improved patient outcomes and overall satisfaction.
Patient-Centric Care Approach
At Himas Hospital, patient care is paramount, and every effort is made to ensure a comfortable and supportive environment for patients and their families. The hospital’s staff is committed to providing personalized care that prioritizes patient comfort, dignity, and well-being throughout the surgical journey. Testimonials from satisfied patients attest to the compassionate and attentive care received at Himas Hospital.
Affordability and Accessibility
Himas Hospital is dedicated to making quality healthcare accessible and affordable to all segments of the community. The hospital offers competitive pricing and transparent billing practices, ensuring that patients receive the care they need without financial burden. Laparoscopic surgery services at Himas Hospital are readily accessible, allowing patients to undergo minimally invasive procedures with ease and convenience.
Preoperative Preparation
Prior to undergoing laparoscopic surgery, patients receive comprehensive preoperative instructions and guidance to ensure optimal outcomes. This may include dietary restrictions, medication management, and lifestyle modifications aimed at optimizing surgical success and minimizing risks. By following preoperative protocols diligently, patients can enhance the safety and effectiveness of their surgical experience.
Procedure and Postoperative Care
During laparoscopic surgery, patients are placed under general anesthesia, and small incisions are made to access the surgical site. The laparoscope and specialized instruments are inserted through these incisions, allowing the surgeon to perform the necessary interventions with precision. Following surgery, patients receive attentive postoperative care, including pain management, wound care, and guidance on resuming normal activities. The minimally invasive nature of laparoscopic surgery typically results in shorter hospital stays and quicker recovery times compared to traditional open procedures.
Risk Factors and Complications
While laparoscopic surgery is generally considered safe and effective, it may carry some inherent risks and potential complications. These may include infection, bleeding, organ damage, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, the risk of complications is significantly lower with laparoscopic surgery compared to open procedures, owing to its minimally invasive nature and precise surgical techniques. Surgeons at Himas Hospital take proactive measures to minimize risks and ensure the safety of every patient undergoing laparoscopic surgery.
Success Stories and Case Studies
Himas Hospital has a proven track record of success in performing laparoscopic procedures, with numerous patients benefiting from minimally invasive surgical interventions. Real-life success stories and case studies highlight the transformative impact of laparoscopic surgery on patients’ lives, showcasing improved outcomes, faster recovery, and enhanced quality of life. These testimonials serve as a testament to the expertise and dedication of the surgical team at Himas Hospital.
Community Outreach and Awareness
As a responsible healthcare provider, Himas Hospital actively engages in community outreach and awareness initiatives to educate the public about the benefits of laparoscopic surgery. Through health camps, seminars, and educational programs, the hospital endeavors to empower individuals with knowledge and information about minimally invasive surgical options. By raising awareness and promoting preventive healthcare measures, Himas Hospital aims to improve overall health outcomes in the community.
Continuous Improvement and Innovation
Himas Hospital is committed to continuous improvement and innovation in the field of laparoscopic surgery. The hospital invests in ongoing training and professional development for its surgical team to stay abreast of the latest advancements and techniques. By embracing innovation and adopting best practices, Himas Hospital ensures that patients receive the highest standard of care and surgical excellence.
In conclusion, laparoscopic surgery offers a minimally invasive approach to surgical intervention, providing patients with numerous benefits, including faster recovery, reduced pain, and smaller scars. Residents of Basavanagudi, Bangalore, can access advanced laparoscopic surgery services at Himas Hospital, a trusted healthcare institution known for its commitment to excellence and patient-centered care. Whether undergoing gallbladder removal, hernia repair, or other laparoscopic procedures, patients can trust the skilled surgical team at Himas Hospital to deliver safe, effective, and compassionate care tailored to their individual needs.
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endoscopybasavanagudi · 3 months
HIMAS Hospital Liver Surgery in Basavanagudi, Bengaluru
HIMAS Hospital Liver Surgery in Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, stands as a beacon of hope for individuals grappling with liver ailments. The significance of liver surgery cannot be overstated, given its potential to transform patients’ lives and restore their health.
HIMAS Hospital: A Trusted Healthcare Provider
Nestled in the heart of Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, HIMAS Hospital has earned a stellar reputation as a leading healthcare provider. With a focus on excellence and patient-centric care, HIMAS Hospital boasts a team of highly skilled professionals dedicated to delivering outstanding medical services.
Liver Surgery at HIMAS Hospital
HIMAS Hospital offers a comprehensive range of liver surgeries catering to diverse patient needs. From complex procedures to minimally invasive techniques, the hospital is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and advanced technology to ensure optimal outcomes for patients.
Team of Experts
At HIMAS Hospital, a team of experienced surgeons specializing in liver surgery leads the charge. Backed by years of training and expertise, these professionals are committed to providing personalized care and innovative treatment solutions to every patient.
Patient Experience
The testimonials of patients who have undergone liver surgery at HIMAS Hospital speak volumes about the quality of care provided. Patients often praise the hospital’s compassionate approach and the dedication of its staff in ensuring their comfort and well-being throughout their journey.
Preparing for Liver Surgery
Before undergoing liver surgery at HIMAS Hospital, patients undergo a thorough consultation process and pre-operative assessments. This ensures that they are well-informed about the procedure and are physically and emotionally prepared for the surgery ahead.
The Surgical Procedure
A typical liver surgery procedure at HIMAS Hospital is meticulously planned and executed by a team of experts. Whether it’s a traditional open surgery or a minimally invasive approach, patients can rest assured knowing that they are in capable hands.
Postoperative Care and Recovery
Following surgery, patients receive comprehensive postoperative care and support at HIMAS Hospital. From regular follow-up appointments to rehabilitation services, the hospital is committed to helping patients achieve a speedy and successful recovery.
Success Stories
Countless individuals have experienced life-changing results after undergoing liver surgery at HIMAS Hospital. These success stories serve as a testament to the hospital’s commitment to excellence and its unwavering dedication to patient care.
Cost and Insurance
While the cost of liver surgery may vary depending on various factors, HIMAS Hospital strives to make quality healthcare accessible to all. The hospital works closely with patients to explore insurance coverage and financial assistance options, ensuring that cost is not a barrier to treatment.
1. Can liver surgery be performed laparoscopically?
Yes, HIMAS Hospital offers laparoscopic liver surgery as a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open surgery.
2. How long does it take to recover from liver surgery?
Recovery time varies depending on the type of surgery performed and individual patient factors. However, most patients can expect to resume normal activities within a few weeks to months after surgery.
3. Is liver surgery safe for elderly patients?
Liver surgery can be performed safely in elderly patients, provided they are otherwise healthy and suitable candidates for the procedure.
4. What are the risks associated with liver surgery?
While liver surgery is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks, including bleeding, infection, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. However, the risk of complications is minimized with careful preoperative evaluation and skilled surgical care.
5. Does HIMAS Hospital provide assistance with travel and accommodation for out-of-town patients?
Yes, HIMAS Hospital offers assistance with travel and accommodation arrangements for patients traveling from out of town for liver surgery.
In conclusion, HIMAS Hospital Liver Surgery in Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, stands as a beacon of hope for individuals in need of liver treatment. With its commitment to excellence, experienced team of professionals, and state-of-the-art facilities, HIMAS Hospital is dedicated to providing world-class care and helping patients reclaim their health and vitality.
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endoscopybasavanagudi · 4 months
Laparoscopic Appendix Surgery: The Best Hospital in Basavanagudi, Bengaluru
For those in need of laparoscopic appendix surgery in Basavanagudi, Bengaluru, Himas Hospital stands out as a premier choice. Renowned for its excellence in medical care, the hospital offers cutting-edge laparoscopic procedures performed by skilled surgeons. Patients can expect top-notch treatment, personalized attention, and a focus on speedy recovery. Trust Himas Hospital for unparalleled expertise and compassionate care, ensuring a smooth and successful appendix surgery experience.
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endoscopybasavanagudi · 9 months
When it comes to Laparoscopic Intestinal Perforation Repair/surgery at affordable cost in Basavanagudi, Banashankari, Jayanagar, Bangalore; you can trust on HIMAS Hospital.
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arunbeniwal-blog · 5 years
IUI Treatment in Bangalore | Dr. Latha N | Dr. Archana Agarwal | Elawoman
Dr. Latha N
Dr. Latha N is a leading authority in infertility, ultrasound and laparoscopic medical procedure with more than twenty years of experience, and has an extensive training in ultrasound and laparoscopy at Bangalore Endoscopic
Surgery Training Institute and Research Center, Assisted Reproductive Technology course for clinicians from CREST, Singapore. Ultrasound in OBG from Dr. Nagori's Institute of infertility, Ahmedabad. Her extensive experience extends in Hysteroscopy and Laparoscopy, Infertility management, ultrasound-guided methods, IVF methodology, infertility and high-chance pregnancy. Dr. Latha N, MBBS, DGO is an Infertility Specialist and Gynecologist who has some expertise in Laparoscopy, Hysterectomy, In Vitro fertilization (IVF), Intrauterine insemination (IUI), Ultrasound-guided methodology and High-chance pregnancies. Dr. Latha finished MBBS and DGO and went to seek after Assisted Reproductive Technology course designed for clinicians from CREST, Singapore.
She additionally sought after extensive training in Laparoscopy and Ultrasound at Bangalore Endoscopic Surgery Training Institute and Research Center. Dr. Latha N centers around solving richness issues of the couples and individuals and encourages them construct their families joyfully. Dr. Latha N is presently practicing at Fortis La Femme, Richmond Town, Bangalore.If you know more about Best IVF Clinic  so you can click here below links.
Dr. Archana Agarwal
Dr. Archana Agarwal is one of the most visited gynecologist and infertility pro in Bangalore. She is an exceptionally talented specialist with more than 2 decades in infertility treatments. A portion of the administrations given by the specialist include Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF), Infertility Assessment and Treatment, High-Risk Pregnancy Care and other Gynecology Problems.
She is a very qualified gynecologist providing total administrations directly from the richness treatments until the conveyance of a child. She has performed hundreds of infertility treatments the greater part of which have brought about the fruitful birth of the kid.
Dr. Archana Agarwal got the Global Business Service Excellence Awards by Primetime Media in 2014. She has likewise gotten Ela Fertility Awards for Highest Satisfaction and Excellence Center in 2019. Owing to her ability and experience, she has been appointed as a presumed part in many institutions and organization including, Karnataka Medical Council, Delhi Medical Council, Indian Fertility Society (IFS), Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology (ESHRE). She is presently practicing as an infertility consultant at Mannat Fertility Clinic.
Mannat Fertility Clinic is an outstanding infertility medical clinic arranged in Marathahalli, Bangalore. The clinic has the most recent equipment, cutting-edge labs, and exceptionally gifted restorative staff. It gives a comprehensive range of administrations like Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment, Embryo Freezing, Egg and Sperm Donation, Blastocyst Transfer and Surrogacy options. The group of consultants gives complete medicinal help and emotional help along with a decent and precise diagnosis. It offers a nurturing, clean and healing environment to ensure the prosperity of patients.
Dr. Vijaykumar PK
Dr. Vijay Kumar PK is a Consultant Gynecologist at Vardhan Fertility, Laparoscopy and Women's Care Center. His subject matters involve Infertility, Obstetrics, and gynecology. The administrations given by the specialist include-Intrauterine Insemination (IUI), Natural Cycle IVF, Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD), In Vitro Fertilization (Test Tube Baby), Egg Donor, Gestational Surrogacy, Fertility Preservation, Endoscopy, Embryo Adoption, and Laparoscopic Surgery.
He finished MBBS from University of Gulbarga and MD (Obstetrics and Gynecology) from Mumbai University. He further did his DNB in Infertility at Institute of Reproductive medicine, Kolkata.Dr. Vijaykumar P.K is an IVF Specialist practicing at Caree Fertility Center and Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Center. Dr. Vijayakumar P.K. finished MBBS from Vijayanagar Institute of Medical Sciences in 1996. Then, he went on to seek after MD in Obstetrics and Gynecology from G S Medical College, KEM Hospital, Mumbai in 2002 and FNB from Institute of regenerative medicine, Kolkata Diplomatic National Board in 2004. He spends significant time in Infertility evaluation, IUI, IVF, Antenatal consideration and Gynecology Laparoscopy.If you know more about IUI Treatment in Bangalore you can click here.
Dr. Sandhya Mishra
Dr. Sandhya Mishra is the most visited Gynecologist, Obstetrician and Laparoscopic Surgeon in Bangalore. She has more than 2 decades of experience in this field and has helped many couples and women get better and give birth to their baby. Some of the services provided by the doctor are Semen freezing, Colour Doppler, Surrogacy, Treatment of Super Ovulation & IUI, Blastocyst Culture, Embryo freezing, Male Infertility Clinic, IVF Donor Semen & Donor Oocyte.
She incorporates state-of-the-art equipment and effective methods in her treatments procedures to ensure world-class standards and to improve chances of success. She has performed hundreds of successful treatments, therefore, most of the patients prefer to visit her for gynecological problems. With its more than a decade of experience, she is one of the best infertility state of ART laboratory, personal care and leading-edge programs we can provide an excellent chance of conceiving and having a successful pregnancy.She has gained a lot of worthful experience in the field of obstetrics and gynecology. She is presently practicing as a Gynecology Consultant at Dr. Ramas Test Tube Baby Center.
Dr. Asha S Vijay
Dr. Asha S Vijay is the Chief Fertility Specialist in Bangalore. She has an experience of 11 years in this field. Dr. Asha S Vijay practices at Garbhagudi IVF Centre in Electronics City, Bangalore, Garbhagudi IVF Centre in Banashankari, Bangalore and Garbhagudi IVF Centre in Basavanagudi, Bangalore.
She completed MBBS from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore in 1991, DGO from Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, Bangalore in 1996 and DNB - Obstetrics & Gynecology from Kempegowda Institute of Medical Sciences (KIMS), Bangalore in 2000.She is a member of Federation of Obstetric and Gynaecological Societies of India (FOGSI) and Bangalore Society of Obstetrics & Gynaecology.
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hakotenuwa-blog · 5 years
Best IVF Centre in Bangalore at Elawoman
Lalbagh Nursing Home & IVF Centre is one of the main infertility hospitals in Bangalore. Located at Sagar Chandramma Hospital No: 1, Vanivilas Road, Metro Pillar 123 Basavanagudi Near Vasavi Choultry, Bangalore. The centre turned into installed to care for women’s specific needs in a heat, courteous and amazing surroundings. It is dedicated to providing the quality fitness-care desires to ladies from childbirth to youth and menopause.
The medical institution has several completely-prepared units like Normal Delivery, Labour Epidural - Painless Labour, Cesarean Section, Family Planning Services, ART, High-Risk Pregnancy Care, Abdominal Cerclage, Electronic Fetal Monitoring, Ultrasound Scanning, and Antenatal Classes. Some of the principal services provided on the centre consist of IVF, IUI, PCOD treatment and Pregnancy Care.
The IVF laboratory is geared up with contemporary system to provide secure embryo tradition situations at some stage in the treatment to achieve the best feasible medical consequences. This clinic has a team of specialized and skilled clinical group of workers to offer a hit Treatment to sufferers. The skillability, commitment, precision and sympathy offered on the centre guarantees that the patient’s desires and expectancies are met.
The patients are assisted and dealt with by the quality clinical team available in Bangalore, consisting of Dr. Vidyamani Lingegowda, who is one of the pinnacle Infertility Specialists in Bangalore. She is the pioneer of Endometrial Ablation and Hysteroscopy in India, She commenced working at Lalbagh Nursing Home in 1991 and seeing that then she has built a popularity for customized IVF Treatment.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Jayanagar 1st Block, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.5 / 5
Mathrutva Fertility Center is an IVF Center in Bangalore. The services provided by the center are Infertility Evaluation/ treatment, Reproductive Medicine, PGD/ PGS, TESA/ PESA, PCOS, IVF, IUI, Egg/ Embryo Freezing, Laparoscopy, Hysteroscopy, Blastocyst Transfer, Myomectomy and Assisted Hatching. Mathrutva Fertility Centre (A Unit Of Max HealthCare Pvt. Ltd) is famous Fertility Treatment centre hooked up in Koramangala, Bangalore in the 12 months Mathrutva has a countrywide and international popularity for infertility-related Treatment and IVF services. We have now accelerated our infertility Treatment offerings into six specific locations of India Koramangala and Malleswaram in Bangalore, Hosur in Tamil Nadu, and Tirupati, Proddatur and KURNOOL in Andhra Pradesh (AP). The primary objective of our infertility centres is to offer high achievement quotes with low fee IVF infertility treatments under one roof. We provide our 10+ years of revel in, knowledge and slicing edge reproductive technology within the vicinity of infertility and Treatment plan designed for character wishes.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Koramangala 4 Block, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.5 / 5
Mannat Fertility Clinic is a reputed IVF Clinic located in Marathahalli, Bangalore, It was mounted in 2010 to provide the satisfactory treatments services to girls and infertile couples. With nearly a decade of revel in, they're presenting unrivaled fitness-care Treatment to their patients. They are geared up with the modern-day technology such as ICSI, surgical sperm retrieval, embryo freezing, embryo biopsy, laser assisted hatching and blastocyst transfer, the use of the fine device and disposables.
This sanatorium gives a complete range of services like Freezing, Egg and Sperm Donation, Blastocyst Transfer, Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Treatment and Surrogacy options. Through its holistic restoration strategies, they have been able to increase mortality fee, decrease biological age, reduce pressure and offer a comforting revel in. Mannat Fertility Clinic is famous within the enterprise for its precise song record of dealing with the numerous type of infertility issues and supplying numerous styles of answers for it.
The doctors no longer handiest have the know-how of handling complex cases of infertility however care approximately the significance of a child for patients. They have a crew of doctors with updated knowledge, exact communication, and tremendous operative skill. The fee of treatment is also saved to make it low-priced and handy for patients in all sections of society. Mannat Fertility Clinic is an integrated clinical centre driven via Dr. Archna Agarwal Gynaecologist, who has more than 15 years of experience.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Marathahalli, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.1 / 5
Smile Baby IVF Center became set up with a purpose of offering global standards of treatment at a low priced value.
All fertility cases (both male and female) are handled at Smile Baby Ivf the usage of advanced scientific, surgical and scientific techniques by way of our crew and guide workforce.
Smile Baby IVF Fertility Hospital  is a famend Infertility Specialist In Bangalore.  Also popularly referred to as  the Dr Mangala Devi K R Infertility Specialist In Bangalore. Bringing smile to childless couples with unmatched generation, superior infrastructure and satisfactory possible care. The center treats patients with excessive class offerings and specialized care. The applications provided are tailor made and easy on the pocket too. Dr. Mangala Devi KR is the primary medical doctor and infertility specialist of this centre. She has been operating inside the subject of infertility considering many years supplying worldwide requirements of care at lower priced costs and with notable fulfillment. 
Smile Baby IVF Clinic is one of the famous infertility center in bangalore which presents the maximum less expensive IVF in bangalore.  Dr. Mangala Devi K R is a practising Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fertility specialist, having above 11 years experience who can be consulted for hysterectomy, gynec issues, IVF, infertility Treatment, IUI, cesarean phase, delivery, and ART.The center in Bangalore additionally makes use of a laser Embryoscope which enhances the technological energy of the middle, permitting the crew to offer the best Treatment protocols. Partnered with an exceptionally skilled group of doctors of countrywide repute, patients throughout the city and out of doors arrive on the middle with little or no hope and go away understanding they are in the proper arms. Smile Baby IVF Center of Bangalore is one of the few dependable ART repositories of the u . S . A ..
Centrally located at Lingarajapuram, it attracts a huge variety of international sufferers, who are seeking professional and first-class-in-magnificence fertility applications.
Smile Baby IVF Center is an Infertility Center that's situated in Bangalore, Kolkata. The middle renders a numerous offerings which include ovulation induction, Intrauterine insemination (IUI), In Vitro Fertilisation (IVF), Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI), embryo freezing, sperm freezing, surgical sperm restoration, and egg donation, Surrogacy, Gynecology and Obstetrics Care.
The number one goal of Smile Baby IVF Center is to provide low cost infertility Treatment services underneath one roof. The middle clinical staff includes well-educated physicians, reproductive endocrinologists, embryologists, andrologists, sonologists, endoscopists and geneticists.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Lingarajapuram, Bangalore
Rating :- 4.0 / 5
Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Centre is an IVF Centre in Banaswadi, Bangalore. It is a standout a few of the hospitals in imparting treatments at par with the global requirements for the reason that 2015. Strikingly, the results are pretty outstanding and fruitful with a tremendous range of happy patients in relation to infertility Treatment. The strong point of Vardhan Fertility can be witnessed of their capacity to provide the entire range of ART and associated offerings. Starting proper from the diagnostic facilities to the most modern fertility enhancing surgical procedures in addition to recent IVF techniques, everything is without problems available on the same vicinity. The Centre has a crew of richly skilled medical doctors and aid staff that hold abreast with the contemporary development within the discipline of ART. Strict suggestions are observed so that it will keep operation theaters and laboratories. Dr. P.K Vijay Kumar who has an enjoy of 18 years, is presently the Medical Director and Reproductive medicine expert, gynae endoscopic health care provider and obstetrician at Vardhan Fertility and Laparoscopy Center. He has 50000+ Laparoscopy & Hysteroscopy surgical procedures to his credit. The services being provided by means of the centre include Laparoscopy Diagnostic And Dye Test, Laparoscopic Tubal Surgery, Laparoscopic Adhesiolysis, Laparoscopic Sterilization, MESA, Laparoscopic Salpingectomy, Laparoscopic PCO Ovarian Drilling and Laparoscopic Ovarian Cystectomy.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Banaswadi, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.7 / 5
Wellspring Mother and Child Care Hospital is one of the most inexpensive fertility hospitals based totally in Sadashivanagar, Bangalore. It caters offerings in gynecology and fertility issues and solves them correctly since the time of its established order. The hospital has tremendously skilled and devoted team that leads it at a brand new milestone. It ensures suitable and dependable fertility treatment based at the medical case of the affected person. It is one of the main IVF facilities of India and offers all of the first-rate services below one roof. The health center serves numerous Treatment at economically quotes by means of making use of superior reproductive technology with excessive achievement charges. However, the primary objective of Wellspring IVF and Womens Hospital is to offer fee-effective fertility services programs to its sufferers. The health facility gives emotionally guide to its sufferers and cause them to mentally stronger to pursue their treatments. The sanatorium presents most inexpensive fertility programs to all the middle class and bad human beings. The top intention of the sanatorium is the protection and properly Treatment in their affected person to satisfy their parenthood dream. Moreover, the clinic have extremely good infrastructure, the most advanced fertility technologies, first-rate professional & certified doctors, scientific shops, and the whole lot required for fertility treatments below one roof. Dr. Ashalatha Ganesh practices his clinical Treatment at this center.
Services:- IVF,IUI,Surrogacy
Location:- Sadashivanagar, Bangalore
Rating :- 3.7 / 5
If You Want to More Information Our Services and Treatment so Consult at This Number :- +91-8929020600
For more information, Call Us :  +91-8929020600
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