#Letter: sbev01moon
faerytreealtars · 1 year
Thanks for the reading ❤
As for the reading the truth is that it resonated, the truth is that it is difficult for me to open up to people because of things in the past and today it is still difficult for me but i am trying to overcome it
I found the reading beautiful Twinflames 👀 suppose that if my future husband is my twinflame we reflecte each others (assumption), i love the moodboard (it resonated a lot) the woman with the dress and the basket ( i have always thought living and field i have exactly that image of me). Just a few hours ago i just saw a white cat and the pink stones i've seeing a lot 💗
In addition a seeing all kinds spiritual numbers (1111) ( on the clock, in the subway, anywhere)
Fairy tales months ago participated in a game that was about a letter about your future spouse basically the songs that the person choose about my future husband were from Little Mermaid ( Part of your world) and Beauty and the Beast (Something there)
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Hello again, my dear one! I absolutely adored your feedback, it has certainly inspired more confidence in me and made my heart feel so warm that my message has connected with you!
Indeed twin flames have very similar paths in life they just may manifest in different scenarios. As for overcoming your past, I am so proud of you for trying and not giving up. We are all going through journeys and healing traumas, myself included so never feel alone or disheartened, even a day of setback allows you to learn and grow however difficult and disheartening it is.
What beautiful songs to receive! I certainly love fairytales, and though I would lean towards more mystical and artistic retellings than Disney, I still do enjoy a good Disney movie, Snow White is one of my favorites!
Now I will stop my rambles and let you get on with your day, hopefully we will be able to speak again as you are such a lovely soul!
Love, Fae⚘
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