#Lettuce Multi Step Clear Stamps
kitchensinkstamps · 4 years
Veggie Basket
Filled to the Brim
This was such a fun card to make because NO MASKING was involved (and no worry of ground squirrels eating my veggies!). All images, except the gingham background, were cut out using SVG’s, stamped, and then assembled.
I find it is a much easier to work with when I have all the different elements all cut and stamped before hand. This way I can make adjustments before committing…
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kitchensinkstamps · 6 years
Ladybugs and Veggies Leftovers
Ladybugs and Veggies Leftovers
Dual Purpose Color Recipes Do you stamp your own multi-step color recipes?
When I produce a color recipe guide for one of my multi-step stamp sets, I like to stamp on the same cardstock that I like to I use when creating cards, Solar White Classic Crest from Neenah. I love to experiment with color and will be the first to say, not all of my color experiments make the final color recipe that can…
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