#MP 17
asleepinawell · 4 months
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get loved little guy
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forerussake · 5 months
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best thing ever to find out on my birthday🙏🙏
i can’t wait to get my hands on this i want to eat it
edit: it has been pointed out to me that those are not in fact claws. but he has claws in my heart
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eddiemunsongf · 2 years
Eddie and Chrissy were cute in concept but then it was brought to my attention that Chrissy is underage, she’s gotta be 16-17 while Eddie is 19-21 😬
first of all, i have a hard time believing this is from an actual reformed shipper and not just someone trying to covertly push their ideals but i'm gonna pretend this is in good faith.
these are the facts. they were in middle school together. american middle school lasts three years. eddie has been held back at least twice. combining these two facts, we know definitively that their age gap is 2-3 years.
we can also reasonably assume that chrissy is a senior, based on her necklace. the necklace says '86', the current year of the show. the most logical assumption is that 86 is her graduation year. there arent a lot of other reasons for a girl that age to own and wear a gold necklace with the current year on it. the time of year is spring, by which time all american high school seniors are minimum 17.
(unless they skipped a grade, which we have no evidence chrissy did, and frankly if you're headcanoning that just to make the ship creepy.... you're the creepy one)
that combined information makes their ages:
chrissy: 17-18 eddie: 19-21
two notable caveats:
these ages are relative to each other, and cannot be further than 3 years apart. it is not possible for chrissy to be 17 and eddie to be 21 at the same time. eddie is ONLY 21 if chrissy is 18.
it is EXTREMELY unlikely eddie is 21 at all. that would mean that hawkins high is sanctioning a 21 year old to stay in their school. that would be an extraordinary circumstance, and one i cant reasonably see being extended to trailer trash eddie, who looks and behaves the way he does.
if you're basing your assertion on chrissy's file, don't. it was most likely just an error, and a screenshot of a prop you have to csi enhance to see doesn't override the things that have been written into the show with the explicit intent to indicate these character's ages. that's insane.
all together, their most likely ages are:
chrissy is 17, and eddie is 19-20. OR chrissy is 18, and eddie is 20.
in my country, and most countries, that is perfectly legal. notably, the age of consent in indiana is 16.
what's more, it's normal. i don't wanna be the prick that says touch grass but seriously you guys. get out in the world. a 2-3 year age gap is fine, and extremely common. teenagers date older teenagers all the time.
the problem comes when there is a significant maturity or development gap between partners. if your headcanon or read on these characters is that chrissy is a naive, childlike thing and that eddie is a fully grown and developed man who is preying on her, thats a you problem. you're mad at your own brain. that's not the canon, and it's certainly not my headcanon.
finally, it's not your job or your right to go around pushing your personal morality on other people. even if your assertions were true, which they are not, there's no possible interpretation of the canon in which this relationship would be illegal. so leave people the fuck alone. you don't have to like it! if it squicks you, that's completely valid. my recommendations would be to stay out of the tag, and unfollow me.
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rpfisfine · 9 months
i honestly think the new york accent is one of the most beautiful things on this planet and all the people who have it are angels
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moonpaw · 2 years
so... ya like one piece?
fun fact! the 17 in my username on every other social media that i use other than tumblr is because that's luffy's age in the beginning of the series
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eyedi · 5 months
stans starting shit by trying to find pics of idols they don't like drinking starbucks or eating mcdonalds.... just saw a blink and an army throwing vague out of context picsart collages at each other ... so fucking pathetic i can't stand some of y'all
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galacticneighbor · 8 months
I can't fucking wait to NOT be in the US for the next election cycle tbqh. I made the mistake of googling "presidential candidates 2024" and I wanted to kill myself immediately.
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lovesickonmain · 1 year
man, i’m rereading mob psycho again and like. mob is literally my favorite character of all time from any form of story. he’s just so painfully relatable in ways, but his worldview and response is everything i aspire to be. like despite reading it several times before, that arc where he gets asked out on a date is like. i twas tearing up and i literally never ever cry
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robotshowtunes · 1 year
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“Logic is the ultimate weapon.” 🚓
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bloodhailmp3 · 1 year
i love how like literally everyone in 2010 - 2014 had this annoying way of speaking online like even if u were quote unquote cool u would still type in this v sincere forced quirky way that means if ur reading a post from 2012 in the present day u can usually guess what year the post was made before u check the timestamp. and now the common like online uhhh tone?? style of communication?? (sorry idk what to call it idk much abt linguistics) has shifted to being a little more detached and ironic and if someone still types in that early '10s style it comes across as what would now be considered cringe or maybe to put it more nicely just a touch too earnest and emotionally involved and like wannabe quirky
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cantquitu · 2 years
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yabancinumara · 3 months
iPhone 17 Yenilikleri ve Fiyatı
iPhone 17’nin Yenilikleri ve Fiyatı Deneyimli Apple analistlerinden Ming-Chi Kuo, şirketin geleceğe ilişkin planlarıyla ilgili dikkat çeken açıklamalarda bulundu. 2025 yılında piyasaya sürüleceği düşünülen iPhone 17 ile ilgili konuşan Kuo, Apple’ın önemli yükseltmeler yapacağını belirtti. Ancak bu yükseltmeler, Apple’ın maliyetlerini de artıracak. Yani iPhone 17, okkalı bir zamla karşımıza…
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eddiemunsongf · 2 years
i’m tired and i wanna call a horse a horse.
the reason “problems” keep cropping up with edssy (”she has a bf” “theyre just friends!” “theyre both gay!!” “shes a child!!!!!!”) is because there is a much more popular ship with one of the members. end of. i’m not trying to start a ship war here, i don’t want that at all. i’ve just personally seen this play out twice before and i’m not even that involved in fandom.
antis, be honest with yourself: when you were watching the show, did you read chrissy as a child? did you recoil at the scene of the two of them in the woods? did you get online, see people were shipping it, and immediately think ‘but shes a minor!’? or, did it happen the other way around? did you think little of it while watching? did you feel an unfocused annoyance or upset when you first saw the ship online? did you see a callout post saying that the ship was invalid for X reason and feel vindicated?
this problem arises when people moralize their dislike of things. they see something that makes them angry or upset, and because they are a Good Person, they conclude that that thing must be Bad in some way. they look for something wrong with it, so they can feel comfortable hating it. 
what’s more, this corner of the internet has a long-developing problem with anti-critical rhetoric. saying you just don’t like something or that it’s stupid will get you branded as cruel or pretentious. the loophole to that reaction is to say you don’t like something BECAUSE it’s problematic. then you’re not a lame hater, you’re a righteous warrior! plus, it’ll get you attention. outrage works online. i know this. i have a post on here structured like a clapback that got me like 500 easy notes. i knew what i was doing. everyone loves to be vindicated. everyone wants to be in the right.
the thing is, when the lighter callouts get debunked or brushed off, but the original, unfocused dislike remains, people start dredging up more serious crimes to pin on the offending ship/character. and when people start saying a fictional thing is seriously problematic (ie. racist, homophobic, p*dophilic, etc) other people who come across that idea get really, understandably mad. then they start lashing out at or calling out the actors. 
those two cases i mentioned earlier?  both of them ended with the actor of the “third wheel” being harassed to the point of shelving or quitting social media and pulling back from the public considerably. i think one of them quit acting for a while. these were not big names, they were c-list tv actors. their careers suffered visibly.
if you’re reading this and you hate edssy, this is what i want you to know: that’s fine. that’s enough. you can just hate them. hate them because it’s cliche. hate them because princess x rascal is childish and cringy. hate them because youre sick of het ships. hate them cause you’re sick of white ships. hate them because you think eddie is gay. hate them because you think chrissy is gay. hate them because you think one of them sucks and doesn’t deserve the other. hate them because one of them clearly has a better match in another character. that’s all fine. i probably disagree with you, i might even argue with you, but in the end it’s fine. it’s your business.
but please, don’t manufacture reasons why it’s Morally Wrong to like a thing.  even if you don’t directly harrass grace, coming up with and perpetuating these increasingly outlandish gotchas for the ship contributes to a climate that WILL land on her doorstep. she is a real person. there are real consequences to this behaviour.
and finally, i’m asking you to look critically at why it is so appealing to you to come after this ship. is there another ship with one of these characters that is dear to your heart? does edssy feel invalidating to that ship? do you feel any kind of pain when you see edssy content? do you feel angry reading this right now? if the answer to those questions is yes, is it possible that those feelings are a factor in your moral outrage? is it possible those feelings are shaping your perspective of the canon and the people who ship it?
be mindful of your motivations and the consequences of your actions. 
live and let live.
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fairuzfan · 3 months
Have you heard about the global day of action on March 2?
Yes! I have! Here's more info about it (click). Here, from the "About" section:
There is a growing global movement for a Free Palestine. Across the world, millions of people are engaging in demonstrations and organizing major marches in solidarity with Palestine. Our demands for an immediate ceasefire, cutting all aid to Israel, and lifting the siege on Gaza have broader support than ever. On November 4th, over 500,000 gathered in Washington DC for the largest march in recent times to stand in solidarity with Palestine. Protests with half a million people erupted on the streets of London, constituents across Canada occupied over 17 MP offices from coast to coast, and Belgian dock workers' unions have refused to transport weapons by plane or sea that are destined for Israel.  We must keep building momentum and increase the pressure with more marches, walk-outs, sit-ins, and other forms of direct action directed at the political offices, businesses, and workplaces that fund, invest, and collaborate with Israeli genocide and occupation. NOW is the time for our mobilizations to grow in size, frequency, and focus; building a political climate that makes Israel’s business of genocide unsustainable.
Already protesters have shut down highways, train stations, and bridges in the United States; activists have targeted Israeli weapons manufacturers; Belgian dockworkers’ unions have refused to handle weapons transports to Israel; Bolivia has cut diplomatic ties with Israel while Jordan, Chile, and Colombia have recalled their Israeli ambassadors. Be part of the change, take action, and make your voice heard as the global struggle for Palestine enters a new phase.
Join the Shutdown for Palestine on Friday, December 8, 2023. We call on movements, organized labor, youth, students, media and healthcare workers, and all members of society to join us in demanding an immediate ceasefire, cutting all aid to Israel, and lifting the siege on Gaza. This call to action started on November 9, but we will continue to build up the momentum with ongoing days of action. No business as usual until Palestine is Free!
Walk out from work and/or school
Picket Israeli embassies and consulates
Picket against companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of Palestine (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, Elbit Systems)
Host speak outs
Wear kuffiyehs
Wear black armbands
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moonpaw · 2 years
Ur insane I’m trying to fill up my queue but it’s taking so long I had to lower the amount of posts I let thru in order to achieve it and I’m still in 500..
queue FASTER
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mwsnewshindi · 2 years
मप्र में भारी बारिश की चेतावनी: मप्र में 17 अगस्त तक भारी बारिश की चेतावनी, कई जगहों पर हालात बिगड़े
मप्र में भारी बारिश की चेतावनी: मप्र में 17 अगस्त तक भारी बारिश की चेतावनी, कई जगहों पर हालात बिगड़े
भोपाल: राजधानी भोपाल समेत राज्य के अन्य हिस्सों में मंगलवार को भारी बारिश हुई है (मप्र के कई हिस्सों में भारी बारिश हुई है). बारिश सुबह से शुरू हुई और दिन भर अलग-अलग वेग से जारी रही। मौसम विभाग ने भोपाल समेत राज्य में कई जगहों पर भारी बारिश की चेतावनी जारी की है. भोपाल स्थित मौसम विज्ञान केंद्र ने कहा है कि तटीय ओडिशा पर गहरा दबाव है। मानसून की ट्रफ रेखा प्रदेश के इंदौर और मंडला के ऊपर से गुजर…
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