#Manaslu Circuit Trek Tour Package
nepaltrek · 1 year
Are you passionate enough to trek in Manasalu? Experience the beauty under Manaslu Circuit Trek Tour Package you can start from Soti Khola, hikers can access Macha Khola, and then continue to Jagat, the first stop on the Manaslu Circuit. Samda, Dharamshala, and Larkya-La (Bimthang) are all stops along the Manaslu Trekking route, which ends in Kathmandu. If you want to get a good feel for the Manaslu Region, a 14-day Manaslu Circuit Trek Tour Package is the best option.
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nepalecotrekking · 2 months
Majestic Peaks And Serene Trails - Mardi Himal Trek Experience
Nepal is a land full of majestic mountains, lush valleys, serene markets and villages, breathtaking mountain ranges, and verdant deep forests filled with abundant flora and fauna. This place is blessed with rich nature, the Great Himalayas, and an abundance of extinct species of animals, also plays an important role as the birthplace of Buddha. It also allows you to go and experience the manaslu circuit trek in Nepal.
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Nepal offers diverse treks catering for all experience leaves, from beginners seeking gentle walks amidst scenic landscapes to advanced adventures craving rugged terrain and high-altitude challenges.
Adventure Nepal Eco Trek is a well-known Travel company that offers trekking and hiking services to people in Tibet, Bhutan and Nepal; they offer treks and packages to people of all types.
If you want to go solo, with friends or family, they offer packages for that as well at reasonable and budget-friendly prices so that you can enjoy your trip stress-free.
One such beautiful and mesmerising trek is the Mardi Himal Trek. This hidden gem is nestled in the heart of the Annapurna region of Nepal. This trekking route offers stunning views of the Annapurna and Machhapuchhre mountain ranges, pristine forests, and remote villages.
The best part about this trek is that you get to download and have the
mardi himal trek map, with you, will eventually help you understand your trekking route beforehand and keep track of which places you will be visiting, their correct names, and what are its neighbouring areas as well.
Have your hands time-bound but still want to go on a trip that relaxes you. In that case, the Mardi Himal Trek is the best option for you to consider. This trek typically completes in 5-7 days, because of which you don’t need to worry about your holiday ending and not finding a place to explore at all.
Nepal is the home of Mt. Everest (8,849 meters), which offers the unique experience of connecting with the Sherpa village tribe and seeing their culture, enriched heritage, and legends close up. During your stay at the Everest base camp, you’ll get to hike through the famous villages of the everest region in Nepal.
With Nepal Eco Treks, you’ll get a chance to trek and hike the most famous everest base camp tour in nepal and also get to explore its enriched beauty, markets, and the culture that is beautiful mountain range offers to millions of people and travelers that come there to enjoy some time off with friends, family or even strangers.
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A Beginner's Guide to the Manaslu Circuit Trek: Package and Preparation
Introduction: Welcome to the adventure of a lifetime! The Manaslu Circuit Trek offers breathtaking views, cultural immersion, and a sense of accomplishment as you traverse through the majestic Himalayas. If you're considering embarking on this journey, here's everything you need to know about the trek package and how to prepare for it.
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Choosing the Right Trek Package: When planning your Manaslu Circuit Trek, it's essential to select the right package that suits your preferences and requirements. Most tour operators offer various packages ranging from basic to luxury options. Consider factors such as accommodation, meals, guide services, and permit arrangements when making your decision.
Budget-Friendly Packages: If you're a budget-conscious traveler, there are plenty of affordable trekking packages available. These packages typically include basic accommodation in teahouses along the trail, meals, a licensed guide, and necessary permits. While the facilities may be simple, the experience of trekking amidst the stunning Himalayan landscape remains unparalleled.
Mid-Range Packages: For those seeking a balance between comfort and cost, mid-range trekking packages are an excellent choice. These packages often include upgraded accommodation options, such as guesthouses with attached bathrooms and better dining facilities. Additionally, you can expect more experienced guides and additional amenities to enhance your trekking experience.
Luxury Packages: If you prefer a more luxurious trekking experience, opt for high-end packages that offer premium accommodation, gourmet meals, and personalized services. These packages often include stays at luxury lodges or boutique hotels along the trail, ensuring maximum comfort and relaxation after a day of trekking.
Preparing for the Trek: Now that you've chosen your trek package, it's time to prepare physically and mentally for the adventure ahead.
Physical Fitness: The Manaslu Circuit Trek is a challenging endeavor that requires a reasonable level of physical fitness. Start preparing well in advance by incorporating cardiovascular exercises, strength training, and hiking into your fitness routine. Focus on building endurance and stamina to tackle the steep ascents and descents encountered on the trek.
Packing Essentials: Packing smartly is essential for a successful trek. Make sure to pack lightweight, moisture-wicking clothing suitable for both warm and cold weather conditions. Don't forget essential items such as sturdy trekking boots, a warm sleeping bag, a waterproof jacket, sunscreen, and a first-aid kit. Additionally, carry enough snacks and water to stay hydrated throughout the trek.
Mental Preparation: Trekking in the Himalayas can be physically demanding and mentally challenging at times. Prepare yourself mentally for long days of walking, unpredictable weather, and high altitudes. Stay positive, pace yourself, and listen to your body's needs during the trek. Remember, the stunning scenery and sense of achievement will make it all worthwhile in the end.
Conclusion: Embarking on the Manaslu Circuit Trek is an unforgettable experience that offers a perfect blend of adventure, culture, and natural beauty. By choosing the right trek package and adequately preparing for the journey, you'll be well-equipped to conquer the challenges and create lifelong memories along the way. So lace up your boots, pack your bags, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime!
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shivagotrip · 5 months
12 Epic Things to Do in Nepal – A Journey into the Heart of the Himalayas
Explore Nepal’s breathtaking beauty and cultural treasures, cradled in the embrace of the majestic Himalayas. Whether you’re an adventure enthusiast, a nature lover, or a seeker of rich cultural experiences, Nepal has it all. Join Shivago Nepal Trip on a curated Nepal Tour Package from Gorakhpur, and embark on a lifetime journey with 12 epic activities that guarantee an unforgettable exploration of this South Asian gem—from the towering peaks to vibrant traditions.
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Trek to Everest Base Camp: Embark on a legendary trek to the base camp of the world’s highest peak, Mount Everest. The journey takes you through picturesque Sherpa villages, dense forests, and high-altitude landscapes, offering breathtaking views of the Himalayan giants.
Annapurna Circuit Trek: Discover the Annapurna region’s diverse landscapes on this classic trek. Traverse through rhododendron forests, charming villages, and high mountain deserts, reaching altitudes of over 5,000 meters. The trek is a cultural odyssey, passing through Hindu and Tibetan-influenced communities.
Paragliding in Pokhara: Soar like an eagle above the stunning Phewa Lake in Pokhara. Paragliding in this picturesque city offers a unique perspective of the Annapurna and Machapuchare mountain ranges, making it a thrilling and visually mesmerizing experience.
White Water Rafting on the Trishuli River: For adrenaline junkies, Nepal’s rivers offer world-class white water rafting experiences. The Trishuli River, with its rapids and scenic surroundings, provides an exhilarating adventure for both beginners and experienced rafters.
Jungle Safari in Chitwan National Park: Head to the subtropical lowlands of Nepal tour package for a wildlife adventure in Chitwan National Park. Experience a jungle safari on the back of an elephant or by jeep, spotting rare species like the one-horned rhinoceros and Bengal tiger.
Bungee Jumping at The Last Resort: For the ultimate adrenaline rush, take a leap of faith from one of the world’s highest bungee jumping platforms at The Last Resort. Perched on a suspension bridge above the Bhote Koshi River, this experience is not for the faint-hearted.
Visit Pashupatinath Temple: Indulge in the spiritual and cultural opulence of Nepal with the Gorakhpur to Kathmandu Tour Package, where a visit to the Pashupatinath Temple is a highlight. This UNESCO World Heritage site, a revered Hindu temple, serves as a center for religious practices and provides a window into the abundant heritage of Nepal.
Explore Bhaktapur Durbar Square: Step back in time as you wander through the ancient city of Bhaktapur. The well-preserved Bhaktapur Durbar Square showcases exquisite architecture, intricate wood carvings, and a vibrant local atmosphere, providing a window into Nepal’s medieval history.
Mountain Biking in the Annapurna Regio: Experience the thrill of mountain biking through the diverse landscapes of the Annapurna region. From challenging off-road trails to serene village paths, this adventure allows you to explore the Himalayas on two wheels.
Manaslu Circuit Trek: For those seeking a less crowded trekking experience, the Manaslu Circuit offers a remote and challenging journey. Encircled by the towering peaks of the Manaslu Range, this trek provides an off-the-beaten-path adventure with spectacular mountain vistas.
Dhulikhel Sunrise View: Wake up early and head to Dhulikhel for a breathtaking sunrise view over the Himalayas. The panoramic vista includes peaks like Langtang, Ganesh Himal, and even glimpses of Mount Everest on a clear day.
Meditation and Yoga in the Himalayas: Nepal’s serene mountain environment provides the perfect backdrop for meditation and yoga retreats. Escape the hustle and bustle of daily life, and rejuvenate your mind and body amidst the tranquil surroundings of the Himalayas.
Embark on an extraordinary Nepal trip from Gorakhpur, where the diverse landscapes and cultural richness present a plethora of epic experiences for all types of travelers. Whether you’re drawn to the exhilaration of high-altitude trekking, the tranquility of spiritual exploration, or the excitement of adventure sports, Nepal beckons you to undertake an unforgettable journey into the heart of the Himalayas.
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manaslucircuittreksrd · 7 months
Details On Manaslu Circuit Trek 15 Days
Nestled in the heart of the Himalayas, the Mountain circuit trek stands as a captivating adventure waiting to be explored. This awe inspiring journey spans 15 days, promising a life altering experience as you immerse yourself in the wonders of this enchanting region. The trekking package is the key to unlocking the secrets of this land, where nature and culture entwine seamlessly. Before setting out on the circuit trek, it's essential to secure the required permits. The permits are the gateway to this pristine wilderness. These permits not only ensure safety but also contribute to the preservation of the region's delicate ecosystem. The permits may come at a reasonable price, considering the extraordinary experiences that await you. The adventure begins in earnest as you traverse the well defined trek route. This route encompasses the most breathtaking vistas and offers an insight into the culture and traditions of the locals.
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The 14 day trek allows you to explore the region thoroughly, leaving no stone unturned. The round trekking takes you on a circular journey around the mesmerizing Massif. This is no ordinary trek; it's an experience of a lifetime. As you embark on this adventure, you'll find yourself face to face with the towering mountain giants that have guarded this land for centuries. The views are nothing short of spectacular, leaving you in awe of the natural beauty that surrounds. Trekking is not just a physical journey; it's a spiritual and cultural odyssey. It's an opportunity to embrace the local way of life and understand the religion and culture of the region. The 15 day circuit trek is an immersive experience that allows you to connect with the people and their traditions. As you walk through the rustic villages you'll witness the simple yet profound way of life that the locals lead. The circuit trek package is your ticket to adventure, offering a well planned itinerary that covers all the must see spots.
It includes guided tours, comfortable accommodations, and delicious local cuisine.With this package, you can focus on the journey itself, leaving the logistics to the experts. The circuit trek is not just a trek; it's a voyage to paradise. The region is adorned with lush green valleys, and the pristine air is fragrant with the scent of pine forests. The 360 degree mountain views are nothing short of breathtaking. In the realm of trekking adventures, the circuit trek stands as a true gem. With its well structured 15 day itinerary, well priced permits, and comprehensive circuit trek package, this journey offers a seamless and immersive experience. As you traverse the trek route, you'll not only conquer the mountains but also your own limits. This is not just a trek; it's a transformational journey that will leave an indelible mark on your soul.
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ntpgroupstourism · 8 months
Beyond the Himalayas: Exploring the 10 Lesser-Known Regions With A Nepal Tour Package for Family
Nepal, a land often synonymous with towering peaks and awe-inspiring mountain ranges, offers more than just the world's highest summits. Beyond the Himalayas lies a treasure trove of lesser-known regions, each with its unique charm and cultural richness. If you want to travel to this cultural-rich country, we will take you on a journey through Nepal's hidden locations, showcasing the diversity and allure of this enchanting country. Whether you're planning a Nepal tour package for family or seeking off-the-beaten-path adventures, Nepal has something special to offer.
1. Rara Lake: Nepal's Hidden Gem
Tucked away in the remote northwestern corner of Nepal lies Rara Lake, the largest lake in the country. This pristine jewel is a haven for nature enthusiasts and tranquility seekers. Surrounded by lush forests and snow-capped peaks, Rara Lake offers a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. A trek around the lake unveils the unspoiled beauty of this region.
2. Tansen: The Living Museum
Situated on the southern slopes of the Himalayas, Tansen is a charming town frozen in time. With its cobbled streets, ancient temples, and traditional Newari architecture, Tansen feels like a living museum. Stroll through the market squares, where artisans ply their trade and soak in the rich cultural heritage of this hidden region.
3. Bandipur: A Slice of Heaven
Bandipur, perched atop a hill, offers panoramic views of the Himalayas. This picturesque town is a well-preserved example of Newari culture and architecture. With its winding lanes, old-world charm, and welcoming locals, Bandipur is the perfect destination for a family tour. Don't miss the sunrise from the viewpoint, which paints the mountains in hues of gold and pink.
4. Ilam: The Land of Tea Gardens
For those who appreciate a good cup of tea, Ilam is a paradise waiting to be discovered. This region is renowned for its lush tea gardens, rolling hills, and serene landscapes. Take a guided tour of a tea estate and witness the tea-making process, from plucking the leaves to brewing a perfect cup.
5. Bardia National Park: Wild Encounters
While Chitwan National Park garners much attention, Bardia National Park remains a hidden gem for wildlife enthusiasts. Here, you can embark on safaris to spot the Bengal tiger, one-horned rhinoceros, and myriad bird species. Bardia offers a more tranquil and offbeat alternative for wildlife safaris compared to its crowded counterpart.
6. Nuwakot: Historical Treasures
Nuwakot, with its majestic palace perched on a hill, takes you back in time. Explore the ancient fortifications and soak in the history of the region. The palace offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscapes, making it an ideal spot for photography enthusiasts.
7. Tucked-Away Treks
For adventurous families, Nepal's lesser-known regions offer a plethora of trekking opportunities. The Manaslu Circuit, far less crowded than the Annapurna and Everest regions, provides a challenging yet rewarding experience. The Makalu Base Camp trek offers a glimpse into Nepal's eastern landscapes, with pristine forests and secluded villages.
8. Indigenous Culture and Festivals
One of the charms of exploring lesser-known regions in Nepal is the chance to witness authentic indigenous cultures and their vibrant festivals. Attend local festivals like Indra Jatra in Tansen or Maghe Sankranti in Ilam to experience the unique traditions and warm hospitality of the Nepali people.
9. Gosaikunda: The Sacred Alpine Lake
In the Langtang National Park, Gosaikunda is a glacial lake surrounded by pristine wilderness and high-altitude meadows. This sacred lake is not only a serene trekking destination but also holds deep religious significance. It's believed to be the abode of Lord Shiva, and during the Janai Purnima festival, pilgrims from all over Nepal make the arduous journey to take a holy dip in its icy waters.
10. Khaptad National Park: A Biodiversity Hotspot
Khaptad National Park, located in the far-western region of Nepal, is a haven for nature enthusiasts and wildlife lovers. It's home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including Himalayan tahr, leopards, and various species of pheasants. The park offers trekking trails that wind through lush forests, alpine meadows, and serene lakes. 
Nepal Tour Package for Family
Now, you might be wondering how to plan the perfect family tour to explore these lesser-known regions of Nepal. Fortunately, many tour operators like NTP Tourism Affairs Ltd. offer customized itineraries that cater to families. These packages typically include comfortable accommodations, family-friendly activities, and expert guides who can ensure a safe and enjoyable journey.
Final Note
Nepal beckons travelers not only with its majestic Himalayan peaks but also with its lesser-known regions that are brimming with natural beauty, rich culture, and unique experiences. Whether you're seeking an enjoyable family getaway or an adventurous trek off the beaten path, Nepal's hidden gems have something remarkable to offer. Embrace the diversity of this beautiful country and embark on a journey that will create lasting memories for you and your family. Explore Nepal beyond the Himalayas and discover a world of enchantment waiting to be explored.
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A Look At Circuit Trek 15 Days
If you're an outdoors enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or somebody who just needs to have the rush of nature, then your Manaslu Circuit Trek 15-day package is specifically designed for you. This Manaslu round trekking tour guarantees to take you through some of the most breathtaking natural vistas that the Manaslu Circuit trekking provides in a fantastic 15-day experience. Your journey starts with a visit to the starting located area of the Manaslu Circuit trek, from that you will start your hike. You'll travel to a tranquil village that provides breathtaking views of the environmental surroundings after having a brief permit check. You'll spend the night at a delightful local lodge. On day two, the Manaslu round trekking adventure continues as you follow a river's banks to a lovely location in which a breathtaking natural wonder is waiting. As you go along, you arrive at another quaint village where you'll stay the night in a local inn. Today's Manaslu Circuit trekking trip takes you through several communities, every one of which includes its distinct charm and personality.
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You'll ultimately arrive at your destination, which can be at a very good altitude, where you'll spend a well-earned night. After traversing the challenging terrain, you'll arrive at another stunning location with amazing views. The next location on this Manaslu Circuit trek reaches a straight greater height and is reachable by a certain path. This is the ideal location to modify to the altitude and consume the breathtaking views of the surroundings. Spend the night here to help you acclimatize to the surroundings. With this Manaslu Circuit trek, you reach another high point in your journey and are rewarded with beautiful views of the surroundings. Spend a peaceful evening in a lodge. Continue traveling till you reach your camping location, crossing waterways and passing through several communities. As you go to an important area of cultural value, get ready for the climax of one's Manaslu round trekking trip. Continue your Circuit trek journey to a different quaint location, where you'll spend the night.
Every inch of the trek between villages is worthwhile. Enter a residential district noted for the natural splendors, which offers a distinctive experience amidst the dense forest. Trek to your following location, where you'll spend the night time, on Day 13. Now, on day fourteen, get up early and choose a walk to visit a breathtaking natural event. The surrounding area's spectacular views are actually unforgettable. Finish your epic Manaslu round trekking journey by hiking to your destination, and then driving back to where you started. Go through the adventure of a lifetime with the Manaslu Circuit trek, a 15-day journey through some of the very most awe-inspiring landscapes in the world. This trek is not really a physical challenge; it's a spiritual and culture journey that may make you with memories to last a lifetime. So, gear up for the Manaslu Circuit trekking adventure and immerse yourself in the natural beauty and cultural richness with this incredible region.
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outfitterhimalaya · 11 months
Best 5 Things to do in Nepal
Best 5 Things to do in Nepal
Discover the top five must-see attractions in Nepal with this comprehensive guide. From trekking in the Himalayas to exploring ancient temples, Nepal has something for everyone.
Trekking and Hiking
Nepal, with its stunning Himalayan landscapes, is a prime destination for trekking and hiking enthusiasts. The country offers a range of options, from gentle walks through picturesque valleys to challenging treks through high-altitude mountain passes.
Bhutan and Tibet, both neighbouring Himalayan countries, also offer excellent opportunities for trekking and are popular tourist destinations for adventure seekers. Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a beginner, the breathtaking scenery and unique cultural experiences make trekking in these regions an unforgettable experience.
Outfitter Himalaya offers a variety of trekking and hiking packages in Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. Whether you're looking for a challenging trek or a leisurely hike, we have options to suit all levels of experience and fitness. Explore the stunning natural beauty of the Himalayas with our expert guides and experience the adventure of a lifetime.
Most popular Trek in Nepal
·        Everest Base Camp Trek
·        Annapurna Base Camp Trek
·        Langtang Valley Trek
·        Manaslu Circuit Trek
·        Upper Mustang Trek
·        Annapurna Circuit Trek
·        Gokyo Renjo La Pass Trek
·        Ghorepani Poon Hill Trek
·        Mardi Himal Trekking
·        Tsum Valley Trekking
Spiritual and Religious Tours
For those seeking a deeper connection with their faith or spirituality, spiritual and religious tours offer a unique opportunity to explore and connect with sacred sites and traditions. Nepal, in particular, is a destination rich in spiritual and religious history, with numerous sites and experiences that offer a chance for reflection, contemplation, and inner peace. Whether it's exploring ancient temples, meditating in serene natural settings, or participating in traditional rituals, a spiritual or religious tour can be a transformative and enriching experience.
Embark on a spiritual journey through Nepal, a country steeped in the rich traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism. Explore the birthplace of these two major religions and visit some of the most sacred sites, including the Pashupatinath Temple, Janaki Temple, and Muktinath Temple. With thousands of temples scattered throughout the country, you'll have the opportunity to immerse yourself in the spiritual and religious culture of Nepal.
Embark on a spiritual and religious journey through the breathtaking landscapes of Nepal, the birthplace of Buddha in Lumbini. Explore the thousands of Gompas and Monasteries scattered throughout the country, and discover the rich spiritual traditions of Tibet and Bhutan. These countries are steeped in religious and cultural significance, offering a unique and enlightening experience for those seeking a deeper connection with their spirituality.
Outfitter Himalaya offers travel packages that cater to those interested in visiting spiritual and religious sites. We have Lumbini Tour, Muktinath tour or many other tours in Nepal.
Climbing and Expedition in Nepal
For those seeking adventure in the great outdoors, Nepal is a dream destination for both peak climbing and expedition. With its stunning natural beauty and diverse terrain, Nepal offers an unforgettable experience for travelers of all levels, from beginners to seasoned mountaineers.
Nepal is a country that boasts not only breathtaking natural beauty but also an abundance of towering mountains. In fact, out of the world's 14 highest peaks, eight of them are located in Nepal and rise above 8,000 meters. These include the world's highest mountain, Mt. Everest (8,848 m), as well as Mt. Kanchenjunga (8,586 m), Mt. Lhotse (8,516 m), Mt. Makalu (8,463 m), Mt. Cho Oyu (8,201 m), Mt. Dhaulagiri (8,167 m), Mt. Manaslu (8,163 m), and Mt. Annapurna (8,091 m). It's no wonder that Nepal is a popular destination for climbers and expedition enthusiasts from all over the world.
Nepal is a haven for climbers and expedition enthusiasts, boasting not only the highest mountains in the world but also over 1,300 peaks between 5,000 to 7,000 meters. The government has opened around 400 of these peaks for climbing and expeditions, including the world-renowned Mt. Everest standing at 8,848 meters. With its stunning landscapes and challenging terrain, Nepal is a top destination for those seeking adventure and a test of their physical and mental limits.
Nepal is a popular destination for both climbing and expedition enthusiasts. Peak climbing, which refers to mountaineering trips on peaks between 5,000 to 7,000 meters in height, is a common activity in the region. These trips require fewer crew members than full-scale expeditions, and are often combined with trekking. Peak climbing is typically done on peaks with lower elevations, making it a great option for those looking for a challenging climb without the extreme altitude.
Climbing and expedition in Nepal can be a challenging and rewarding experience. Expeditions are typically organized for mountaineering above 8,000 meters, which require a larger crew with experience at higher altitudes and special skills such as coping with altitude sickness and navigating difficult terrain. These expeditions can be costly, but the breathtaking views and sense of accomplishment make it all worth it.
If you're planning on climbing or embarking on an expedition in Nepal, it's important to obtain permission from the authorities. The Nepal Mountaineering Association manages approximately 33 peaks, while the Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation grants permission for both peak climbing and expeditions. The cost of obtaining permission varies depending on the number of people in your group, the height of the mountain you plan to climb, and the type of adventure you're organizing. Make sure to do your research and obtain the necessary permissions before embarking on your adventure in Nepal.
We have Island Peak Climbing and Mera Peak Climbing with us , which are the most popular climbing adventure in Nepal.
Nature and Wildlife Tour in Nepal
Embark on a journey of discovery with a nature and wildlife tour in Nepal, where you can immerse yourself in the breathtaking natural environment and encounter some of the world's most unique and fascinating wildlife. From the lush jungles to the towering mountains, Nepal offers a wealth of opportunities to explore and connect with nature. Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a first-time explorer, a nature and wildlife tour in Nepal is an experience you won't soon forget.
Embark on an unforgettable journey through the stunning landscapes of Nepal with Outfitter Himalaya's Nature and Wildlife tours. Our expert guides will lead you through the natural habitats of a diverse range of wildlife, including majestic one-horn rhinos, wild elephants, deer, monkeys, and even tigers. Immerse yourself in the beauty of Nepal's native birds, flora, and fauna on our carefully curated Nature and Wildlife travel packages. Join us for an adventure you'll never forget.
Discover the beauty of Nepal's natural wonders and wildlife with our guided tours. Explore the lush forests, majestic mountains, and diverse wildlife that call Nepal home. Our experienced guides will take you on an unforgettable journey through this breathtaking country, where you can witness rare and exotic animals in their natural habitats. Book your nature and wildlife tour in Nepal today and experience the wonders of this incredible destination.
The Chitwan jungle Safari and Bardia Jungle Safari are the best safari tours in Nepal.
Tours and Sightseeing
Tours and sightseeing offer a unique opportunity to explore and learn about destinations. Whether it's a walking tour of a historic city or a bus tour of scenic landmarks, these experiences provide valuable insights into the history, culture, and people of the area. With knowledgeable guides and informative commentary, tours and sightseeing can be both educational and entertaining.
Tours and sightseeing offer the opportunity to explore and learn about famous cultural, historical, and natural landmarks. Whether you're interested in visiting iconic monuments or discovering hidden gems, tours and sightseeing provide a unique and informative experience.
Outfitter Himalaya offers a variety of Tours and Sightseeing travel packages for Nepal, Bhutan, and Tibet. However, we understand that every traveler has unique interests, desires, budgets, and time constraints. That's why we also provide customized travel itineraries tailored to your specific needs. If our pre-designed packages don't fit your preferences, let us know and we'll create a personalized travel package just for you.
We have many tour packages in Nepal for sightseeing and some of them are spirit of Nepal, Glimpse of Nepal, Taste of Nepal, Kathmandu Transit tour, Kathmandu day tour etc…
The above are only the few things that you must do in Nepal, However there are many other things to do or many other activities to do Nepal. Let us know your interests when you plan you travel to Nepal.
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Manaslu Circuit Trek
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Many people ask when is the best time to visit Manaslu. The simple answer is that March, April, May, June, September, October and November are the best times for Manaslu Circuit Trek.
The mountains of Nepal are among the best treks in the world. These beautiful mountains and beautiful landscapes are used throughout the year. Among the many best treks in Nepal, the trek of Manaslu circuit makes the most fun. Best time for Manaslu circuit trek is briefly explained below.
This remote area northwest of Kathmandu has a very interesting climate. Walking in these hidden valleys and forests will change your life forever. However, hiking the rugged mountains is no child's play. The highest point for the trip is 5160m and can climb over 4000m most days.
Walking up this hill means the weather is unpredictable. So, before planning your trip to Manaslu, you must find out about the weather in Manaslu and plan your trip well. Read this article till the end and you will know the best time of Manaslu circuit tour.
Manaslu in September:
September is the transition from monsoon to stable autumn. In the lower regions, early spring still receives rain during the day while the afternoon is very hot. After the rain, the day is clear and visible. At the end of September, the roads begin to dry. This is the beginning of the best season of Manaslu Circuit Trek.
Pros: Fewer crowds, experiencing two different seasons at once, and unobstructed views.
Cons: At the beginning of September, it rains a little and the temperature is still high.
Manaslu in October:
Are you ready for a high season in the mountains? As October approaches, the clouds are completely clear and the views are amazing. In the upper region, the temperature of Manaslu is between 12 and 15 degrees Celsius. No rain, and you have nothing to fear. October is the best month for Manaslu travel.
Pros: Perfect weather and spectacular views.
Cons: Large crowds (need to book in advance) and high prices.
Manaslu in November:
The weather during Manaslu circuit tour in November is still stable and warm. Pros and cons like October Manaslu circuit trek.
Manaslu in December:
As the winter months approach, the average temperature in the region drops below -8 degrees Celsius. The temperature of Larkya La pass may drop below zero degrees, but the mountains are not yet covered with snow. December is the last month the tea house is open for business. The sun is bright and hot. Now the whole month of December is snow-free, but you need to check the conditions before you travel.
Pros: There is a better view of the mountains and the sunrise. In addition, the day is cool and bright for walking.
Cons: Cool summer in the morning/evening and short days.
Manaslu in January:
The real problem starts when winter starts to hit the city in January. The temperature of Larkya La Pass can drop below -15 degrees Celsius. Only a few teahouses above Sama Gaun are still open in January, and they have no heating inside. Additionally, you must learn how to climb and stream special equipment.
Pros: Not a big advantage unless you want to play in the snow and enjoy the frozen view of glaciers and lakes.
Cons: It is obviously very cold and the roads are slippery; you need to carry a lot of clothes and a heavy sleeping bag.
Manaslu In February:
The last month of winter, that is, the month of February in Manaslu, is still cold. The temperature of Sama Gaun and other places is below -10 degrees Celsius in the morning and evening. Snow covers the higher part of Larka La, and it is difficult to walk. Although it snows only 3-4 times a month, it stays on the ground for a long time, making travel impossible. For Manaslu in February, we recommend avoiding the mountains and only going to the lower hills, i.e. below Sama Gaun.
Pros: The free path and solitude nature deserves for yourself; Awesome discounts on travel packages and licenses.
Cons: Creeping heat, slippery and dangerous roads for the trip (it is recommended to avoid high passes).
Manaslu in March:
March is the beginning of spring when the entire region begins to show the beautiful blossoms of wildflowers. The snow in the mountains is still very thick and the view is great - the best time for the Manaslu Circuit Trek. The temperature of Manaslu in March will be 2 to 8 degrees Celsius. You can walk on a hot sunny day without feeling the heat.
Pros: In addition to a better view of the mountains, the weather is stable. Chances of rain are low and the days are bright. It is not too hot for the trip.
Cons: The trail can be a bit crowded and the wildflowers are spotty. Mornings and nights are colder.
Manaslu in April:
April is definitely the most popular time for Manaslu trek, when the rhododendrons are in full bloom. The temperature starts to rise and even the mountains are very hot. The weather is stable during these months with zero rain. You can also meet exciting climbers on the way as it is the month of climbing Manaslu. Daytime temperatures in Sama Gaun, Samdo and Bimtang can rise to 12 degrees Celsius. Even the mornings are sunny and the days are long.
Pros: Rhododendron flowers best in high temperatures. You should take small clothes that go well with you. In addition, it is a great opportunity to meet the professionals who are encouraging and rising.
Cons: The main drawback is how crowded it is and you have to book all the restaurants first.
Manaslu in May:
As spring approaches in May, we see the last few beautiful flowers. The temperature rises to 20 degrees Celsius and even warmer nights - the best time for Manaslu travel. The evening hike can be a little hot, but at 4000 meters even the temperature is pleasant.
Pros: The number of tourists starts to drop and you can see the last flowers of the rhododendron.
Cons: The days are hot and humid and the trail can be a little dusty. Clouds block the view of the mountains after noon.
Manaslu in June:
Since June is the beginning of monsoon, it is warm and clear. However, in the rain, the roads become slippery and many travelers fall. Manaslu region receives almost 300mm of rain in June alone, which is not a suitable time for Manaslu travel. However, most of the rain occurs in the evening and the view after the rain is spectacular. The temperature of Manaslu region is almost 15 to 25 degree Celsius. Hiking in June is possible with appropriate rain gear, including a rain jacket, pants and waterproofs.
Pros: Heat and long days; easy trip on a day without rain and few people (awesome offer).
Cons: Unpredictable rain, slippery roads, and leech/mosquito disease; Clouds also block the view.
Manaslu in July
July is hotter and more humid than June; this is the peak monsoon season. We only recommend July trips with good recommendations from your travel agency.
Manaslu in August
The monsoon still hits hard in August. However, the number of rainy days starts to decrease and the shops start to open at the end of August. As the temperature in Larkey La ranges from 18 to 22 degrees Celsius, it's fun to walk. The streams and rivers are all in full flow, and new vegetation is constantly thriving; it's a very busy month for the trek. However, there are still 10 to 15 days of rain when the clouds completely obscure the view.
Pros: Fewer passengers; fresh herbs and fresh food; long journeys in hot weather with little clothing.
Cons: Waterways are slippery; need special advice.
Short Manaslu Circuit Trek
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himalayaheart · 1 year
Experience Lifestyle And Culture Of Locals With Best Nepal Trek
If you are a nature lover and need to see the Himalayan peak's close view, you can choose the trekking tour package. Nepal is the most popular tourist place in the world. Many people can prefer the Nepal trekking tour to enjoy their vacation. Annapurna is a simple trekking peak in Nepal that is perfectly suitable for a new trekker. If you are planning for a short tour, then you can choose Annapurna Base Camp Trek.
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This trekking tour package is specially designed for trekkers. It provides breathtaking mountain views like Gangapurna, Hiunchuli, Annapurna, Machhapuchhre, Lamjung, and others. This trekking tour begins after a quick drive in the famous cities. The slope is covered in the dense forest of pine, oak, rhododendron, and others. Before choosing the Annapurna trekking tour, you should check its features. Let’s see highlights of short ABC trekking tour:
• Visit Annapurna base camp trek tour in a short period to fulfill your dream.
• Explore the close-up view of Annapurna mountain ranges like Machhapuchhre, Gangaourna, Annapurna, Nilgiri, and others.
• You can explore the lifestyle, culture, and traditions of local people
• See the beautiful view of Sunrise and Sunset from Poon Hill
• The trekkers can enjoy a shower at hot spring in Janu Danda that offer a fun experience
• Walkthrough the high passes, Annapurna glacier, Valley, Mountain villages and others
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Everest Base Camp trekking trip
EBC is a thrilling trekking tour in Nepal that will provide you a lifetime experience to the trekkers. For the Everest Base Camp Trek, you need technical equipment to complete the trekking tour smoothly. You will trek to the Everest foothill on this trekking trip that is world tallest mountain. The trekkers can visit Thami and Tengboche monasteries, Sherpa village, the school established by Sir Edmund Hillary, and others in the region. You will trek in challenging peaks such as Nangkartshang Peak, Kala Pattar, and more.
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Manaslu Circuit trekking tour
Manaslu is the eighth tallest peak that takes you from the beautiful valley in the region. During the Manaslu Circuit Trek, you can stay in the lodge or teahouse and see breathtaking views of Annapurna, Kang Guru, Manaslu, Gangapurna, Ganesh Himal, Himal Chuli, Himlung, and others. This tour allows you to talk with the local people and understand the Buddhist culture. The region consists of beautiful scenery in the Himalaya regions. The trek route passes through a mountain village, natural forest, farmland, and others.
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nepaltrek · 1 year
Are you passionate enough to trek in Manasalu? Experience the beauty under Manaslu Circuit Trek Tour Package you can start from Soti Khola, hikers can access Macha Khola, and then continue to Jagat, the first stop on the Manaslu Circuit. Samda, Dharamshala, and Larkya-La (Bimthang) are all stops along the Manaslu Trekking route, which ends in Kathmandu.
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nepalhighlandtreks · 4 years
How are the things we need to consider while doing Everest base camp trek?
The Everest Base Camp Trek  is a spectacular high altitude trek in the mountains of Nepal. You can experience  jaw dropping scenery and a unique cultural experience exploring the challenging trekking routes around the highest mountain in the world. Everest Base Camp is situated  on the Khumbu Glacier at the foot of Everest   at an altitude of 5600 metres .It can be  reached over a period of nine days with two complete rest days enroute.
Before  doing Everest Base Camp Trek we need to make a checklist which includes the budget , number of days to be spent there and the things that we need in trek .
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Here are a lot of things mentioned below:
1)    1.  As we have limited days remaining and are financially feasible then we can have flight ,but climate and time for doing camp should be choosen carefully as there might be risk in unfavourable situation. Best time is taken between mid February to the end of the March and the other months include April ,September and October
 2)      2.We have to make clear to the agencies upon charge they take for Everest Base Camp Trek. Those cost related budget should be made clear earlier .
  3)   3.   People can suffer from altitiude sickess so prepare yourself by carrying Diamox along with  first aid kit. Also consult with agencies about types of clothes the may recommend including gloves , extra pair of warm shocks,hat /handband,reusuable water bottle, light jacket as it can help us feel ease in trekking. Other small, but important things include wives ,sunglasses, raincoats , chocolates etc. Always remember that take more that the agencies suggest you regarding dry food items and light clothes , wives and  extra medicines.
 4)    4.  Buying for drinking water is found to be much expensive so prepare for it by taking chlorine pills so that you can use it on the way by mixing it on tap water.
   5)   5.   One goes there to make some experience which is remembered throughout the life , so  keep in mind about  taking camera ,capturing moments, writing names on the stone at Everst Base Camp, enjoying at the restaurants and museum is the most important thing for making this experience  living  .
 6)      The most appropriate platform for the preparation in doing  Everest Base Camp Trek is through knowing the experiences of other people trekking. So, you can read articles of other people experiences.
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manaslucircuittreksrd · 7 months
Manaslu Tour And Their Misconceptions
Manaslu Circuit Trek Package, A carefully planned trekking package that guarantees an unforgettable experience. The trek will immerse the participant in the captivating beauty and culture of the Himalayas. This Manaslu Circuit Trek is a 15-day adventure which takes you through inspiring landscapes and introduces you to the Himalayan lifestyle. While you travel along the carefully planned route, you'll be amazed by the peace of the surroundings and the enriching cultural interactions throughout the journey. One of the key features of Manaslu Circuit Trek is the precise arrangement of permits. These essential documents give you access to this beautiful area and allow you to explore it responsibly and sustainably. The Manaslu Circuit Trek permits are seamlessly included in the trekking package and eliminate the hassle of dealing with Bureaucracy complexities. The itinerary to the Manaslu Circuit Trek has been expertly crafted to allow you to experience the natural and cultural wonders that the surrounding area has to offer.
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The route takes you through lush forests, cross meandering rivers, and ascend to high altitudes where panoramic vistas will leave you breathless. This hike gives you the opportunity to see the beauty of the Himalayas close close and experience a journey that's thrilling. The Manaslu Circuit Trek is not solely about physical treks but also a deep investigation of the Himalayan lifestyle. It will be an opportunity to witness the warmth and tradition of the local communities that reside in these mountains. This interaction is enlightening, because it gives you a unique perspective on the lifestyles, beliefs, and daily routines of the people who thrive in this challenging climate. The package is also accompanied by a 14-day Manaslu Trek, designed for those seeking a slightly shorter adventure. This condensed itinerary still allows you to experience the essence of the Manaslu region while allowing for tighter schedules. The cost of this Manaslu Circuit Trek is thoughtfully designed to offer excellent value for the experiences it offers.
The trek package covers all of the necessary expenses, so you are able to enjoy the journey without worrying about any unexpected costs. For a chance to embark on this captivating adventure and explore the magic of Manaslu go to the Manaslu official web site. There, you will discover all the information you need about the trek package, permits, routes, and prices. The website serves as an entry point to a world of adventure and discovery, which will show the Himalayas' splendor in the most stunning manner. The Manaslu Circuit Trek is more than just a trek It's an unforgettable experience that will be in your memory for the rest of your life. The trek combines the natural splendor of the Himalayas along with the rich culture of the region. It offers an all-encompassing experience that's exciting and enlightening. The carefully crafted trekking package will ensure that your trip will be not only memorable, but truly exceptional. Don't miss the chance to experience the wonder of Manaslu.
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Recommended family tour in Nepal!
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Great Things About Best Tour
Imagine a journey that revolves around one's heart of trekking, Manaslu circuit trekking adventure provides a comprehensive connection with round trekking amidst nature's marvels. That is where in fact the circuit trekking tour shines, having its meticulously crafted trekking packages that cater to every trekker's desire for a memorable outdoor experience. Circuit trekking, also referred to as round trekking, is the epitome of trekking adventures. It encapsulates the essence of exploration, taking you on a journey that begins and ends at the same point, forming a complete loop. This unique experience ensures that you witness a varied range of landscapes, terrains, and vistas, all in just a single trekking expedition. The trekking package made available from manaslu circuit trekking tours is made to provide you with the best outdoor adventure. These packages are thoughtfully curated to encompass a number of elements that make your trekking experience truly unforgettable. One of many key features of the packages could be the diverse array of trails you'll encounter.
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From dense forests to rugged mountains, from serene lakes to roaring rivers, the round trekking experience allows you to immerse yourself in nature's beauty. Daily of the trek brings forth a fresh landscape, a fresh challenge, and an alternative perspective. Furthermore, the Manaslu circuit trekking tours make certain that you've use of experienced guides who are well versed in the terrain. These guides are your companions with this trekking journey, providing valuable insights into the local flora and fauna, in addition to sharing intriguing stories concerning the region's culture and history. Their expertise ensures that you navigate the trek safely and take advantage of one's adventure. Safety is paramount on a circular trekking expedition, and trekking tours prioritize this aspect. They provide you with the necessary equipment and information to ensure your wellness throughout the trek. This enables you to concentrate on the trek itself, soaking in the natural wonders and pushing your limits, whilst the tour takes care of the logistics.
You're able to savor delicious, traditional dishes which are not really a treat for the tastebuds but also a reflection of the region's culinary heritage. It's a culinary journey that complements the physical trekking adventure. As you set about this circuit trekking adventure, you'll realize that it's not really a physical journey but a mental and spiritual one as well. The solitude and serenity of the wilderness, from the hustle and bustle of urban life, allow you to interact with yourself and with nature on a profound level. It's a trip of self discovery and introspection. Manaslu circuit trekking tours, or round trekking, give you a holistic outdoor experience like no other. The trekking packages provided by circuit trekking tours ensure that you have usage of the most effective trails, guides, safety measures, and local flavors. It's a journey that goes on a whole loop through nature's wonders, leaving you with memories which will last a lifetime. So, if you're seeking the best trekking adventure, look no more than the usual circuit trekking tour.
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outfitterhimalaya · 1 year
Khopra Ridge Trek: 15 Days
Khopra ridge trek is a newly open trek in Annapurna Himalaya, which is located away from the busier trails of the Annapurna region but provides equally outstanding views of the Himalayas which include Mount Dhaulagiri, Annapurna South, and Nilgiri.
Another attraction of the trek is the holy Khaer Lake, which requires a little wandering away from the Kopra Ridge.
You leave the main trail of the Ghorepani- Ghandruk Trek after Tadapani and for the next few days, walk along a remote trail while staying at the community tea houses/lodges. The Khopra Trek is suitable for those who wish to enjoy the grandeur of Mt. Annapurna while also taking pleasure in the solace of a more remote trail. The Khopra Ridge Trek is the best alternative to the Annapurna base camp Trek.
Himalayan view from Poon Hill
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The Khopra trekking begins from Nayapul and treks to Ghandruk village, Ghandruk village is the biggest Gurung village in the Annapurna and has beautiful settlements. The trail continues to follow Tadapani and off the beaten trail to Bayali which is following the forest of Rhododendron and pine. It is not a normal tourist trail so you may not meet trekkers/tourists on the way.
Khopra is a new trek route closer to Annapurna, there is a very basic tea house/lodge/community lodge available, so prepare for this. The trail leads even close to Annapurna South to Khopradanda which offers a great sunrise view with panoramic views of Annapurna and Dhaulagiri with the entire range.
Khayar Lake is another attraction of this trek which is beautiful and quiet. Then the trail turns another way down to Swata and up to Ghorepani then ends at Pokhara.
Here are some of our best beginner-friendly trekking packages in Nepal- Annapurna base camp trek, Everest base camp trek, Langtang valley trek, Mardi Himal trek, Dhampus Sarangkot trek, Helambu trek, etc.
Likewise, experienced trekkers can check out these packages - EBC trek with Gokyo Lakes, Three high passes trek, Annapurna circuit with Tilicho lake trek, Langtang Gosaikunda trek, and Manaslu circuit trek.
Itinerary of the Trek
Day 01: Arrive at Kathmandu Airport and transfer to the hotel
You are met & greeted by our airport representative who is on standby to pick you up and transfer you to your hotel. Your evening is free and after you’ve refreshed, you can go for a stroll down the street to get familiar with your surroundings.
Day 02: Full-day sightseeing tour in Kathmandu
 after having breakfast, you go for the sightseeing tour in Kathmandu and you be escorted by a professional tour guide.
Your tour includes a visit to Kathmandu Durbar Square, Monkey Temple – Swayambhunath, Pashupatinath Temple, and Baudhanath Stupa.
Day 03: Drive from Kathmandu to Pokhara
You drive along the scenic Trisuli and Marsyangdi Rivers to reach Pokhara, it’s a pretty good driver as you go by the beautiful river. You view Ganesh Himal and the Manaslu peak as well during the drive.
Pokhara is a tourist's paradise full of natural as well as cultural heritage sites such as lakes, caves, & temples of Buddhists and Hindus along with her lovely mountains; after 6 hours of driving; you reach Pokhara, the city of lakes.
Day 04: Drive to Nayapul and trek to Ghandruk
After having breakfast at the hotel in Pokhara, you drive to Nayapul which takes about 1 and a half hours then start the trek to Ghandruk. The village is a major recruitment center for the famous Gurkha soldiers and is the hub of the Annapurna Conservation Area Project, which promotes many varied ecological projects.
Day 05: Ghandruk to Tadapani
You continue to trek upwards through Deurali and into the dense rhododendron forests to Tadapani. The Rhododendron is Nepal’s national flower and when they bloom, the forests turn into gardens of dazzling colorful flowers when seen from the air.
After trekking over a small pass, you reach Tadapani where you get to enjoy excellent views of Machhapuchhre, Annapurna, and Hiunchuli Himalayas. There are many Tibetans in the village that sell things for the tourists to take back home as souvenirs.
Day 06: Tadapani to BayeliKharka
After Tadapani, you leave the main trail for the next few days, you trek in a more remote area of the Annapurna region. You begin the trek by entering a beautiful rhododendron and oak forest on an upward trail. Then after a small descent and you continue climbing to the shoulder of a hill through a rhododendron forest that is reminiscent of images from Lord of the Rings.
You pass several clearings with abandoned shacks before arriving on a bigger ridge-top clearing at Dobato, which in good weather should provide splendid views of Annapurna South and Machhapuchhre. You continue ascending to BayeliKharka. From the village, you can enjoy arresting views of Mt. Dhaulagiri which is the seventh-highest mountain in the world.
Day 07: BayeliKharka to Upper Chistibung
You descend through open ground and beautiful forest to reach the pastures of Lower Chistibung. You then ascend gradually through a forest before reaching Upper Chistibung, which is a temporary herder’s settlement. If you’re lucky you might even spot the colorfulLophophorus (Danphe), the national bird of Nepal, as well as Himalayan Thar on the grassy ridge high above the trail.
Day 08: Trek to Khopra Ridge
You embark on a steady climb above the tree line through alpine meadows and pastures to reach KhopraDanda. As you approach Khopra Ridge, you see the top of Annapurna South.
Upon reaching Khopra, you go for a short walk down Khopra Ridge to a viewpoint overlooking Kali Gandaki River far below in this deepest valley. From Khopra, you also admire the stunning mountain panorama including Mt. Dhaulagiri, Nilgiri, and Annapurna South.
Day 09: Rest Day in Khopra Ridge or Tour of Khaire Lake
Today, you embark on a long journey to Khopra (Khaer) Lake from where you attain excellent views of the Fang and surrounding mountains. 
Considered to be a sacred lake by the Hindus, it is believed that bathing in the lake helps attain Nirvana/Heaven. As Hinduism and Buddhism are intricately related in Nepal, you can even see several Hindu and Buddhist shrines on the sides of the lake.
If you do not wish to walk all way to the lake, a half-day walk from Khopra can also be arranged.
Day 10: Trek to Swanta Village
You descend off the hillside and continue downhill on a steep trail today. Along the way, you get more views of Mount Dhaulagiri with the mountain providing a lovely backdrop to the terraced fields and traditional houses in the nearby villages.
Day 11: Trek to Ghorepani
The trail drops down to Chitre and up to Ghorepani which is a popular trekking trail again where you meet other trekkers.
Ghorepani is a popular spot for trekkers to see beautiful distance views of Annapurnas and Dhaulagiri. Poon hill is another attraction of Ghorepani where most people do sunrise trips which is the best view of all of Annapurna from the same spot.
Day 12: Trek from Poon Hill and to Hile
You start trekking with an early morning hike to Poon Hill (3232m.) to enjoy the sunrise view over the Himalayas including Mt. Dhaulagiri (8167m.), Tukuche Peak (6920m.), Nilgiri (6940m.), Varaha Shikhar (7847m.), Mt. Annapurna I (8091m.), Annapurna South (7219m.), Annapurna III (7855m.), Machhapuchhre (6993m.), Annapurna IV (7525m.), Annapurna II (7937m.), LamjungHimal (6931m.) and other numerous snowcapped mountain peaks.
You then return to the lodge and have breakfast; you again follow a gradually descending path through the forests of rhododendron and oak up to Banthanti. Then the trail descends to Ulleri (1960m.), a big Gurung village where enjoy the views of Annapurna South, Machhapuchhre, and Hiunchuli. From here, the trail up to Tikhedhunga is steeply descending passing through terraces and some robust villages. After a short walk of 15 minutes from Tikhedhunga, you reach Hile.
Day 13: Trek from Hille to Nayapul via Birethanti and drive to Pokhara
Today is the last day of the trek and it is a pretty easy hike day. The trails gradually descend following BhurungKhola (Bhurung Stream) to Birethanti before you cross the Modi Khola over the suspension bridge a short walk & you reach Nayapul, where your vehicle is waiting to drive back to Pokhara.
Day 14: Drive from Pokhara to Kathmandu
The drive is a fantastic experience as you drive past many satellite towns on the way and you can see rural settlements, gushing rivers, terraces, and green rural landscapes; after a 6-hour drive, you arrive in Kathmandu.
Day 15: Transfer to the airport for your departure
You are transferred to the international airport for your final departure to your loved home. 
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