#Maybe water because it has many cool sub-styles like healing and freaking bloodbending
lieutenant-amuel · 1 year
Since I know you’re finishing soon, just like with the end CXGF, you finished! Now what was your fav? Like fav episode or moment or character, or just not even your favorite. Just what are your thoughts on this epic epic show?
Thank you for the ask! And for encouraging me to finally watch this masterpiece <3
To be honest, it’s always difficult for me to explain why I like certain things, because in most cases I simply don’t have any reasons, I just like it subconsciously x) Anyway, I’ll try to share my general thoughts, plus a few of my favourite things, divided into categories (like a character, episode, season, etc) so as to keep it structured.
Here we go!
General thoughts: this is a fantastic show. I can clearly see why people praise it so much and note that many other TV shows should look up at it, especially in terms of storytelling, character development, and world building (I even saw how fandom creators take this show as an example when it comes to creating something themselves, so I, as a creative soul~, can say that I also took something from it).
I read a few reviews on this show and I noticed that many people pointed out that this show didn’t hook them then since the very beginning because it was a bit childish but assured that it did get better eventually. As for me, it really hooked me since the first episode, because it already seemed super dynamic and as I kept watching it, I was truly amazed by the variety of the adventures the main characters had and how many subjects this show brought up. One of the reasons I love animation is that it can balance out serious mature topics with childish lightness so as to keep it enjoyable for everyone and I think ATLA does it perfectly.
I think it really all I can say. This is a very well-written show, and I love how consistent it is in terms of storytelling. It rarely has pointless episodes and makes a fantastic job on its characters, all of whom have clear personalities and dynamic stories (arcs) on their own. It talks about mature important subjects, and I’m just weak for the pieces of media that create their own universes because I love digging into the lore (and it’s really possible to talk ATLA lore for hours).
Favourite character: as I already mentioned, Sokka! He’s amazing.
I don’t want to talk too much about him because I might get repetitive but to put it simply, I love how multilayered Sokka actually is. He’s a fun guy with a boomerang on the surface but if you look inside, you can see how smart, brave, protective, and caring he is. He’s a leader, a strategist, a warrior, and I suppose I simply have a thing for the characters like him x) (and you can’t imagine how much I feel him in those scenes when he rushes his friends to be focused on the mission, especially when Katara gets distracted by helping some random villagers and he says something like, “Katara! We have more important things to do!” and I just shout at the screen, “YES”).
My second fave is Iroh! He caught my eye since the episode one, because, I don’t know, he just seemed genuinely funny and enjoyable to me x) But as I kept watching the show, I started noticing how wise, caring, loving, and kind he is, and my love to him reached the top somewhere in season 2 when he and Zuko got much more sweet uncle/nephew moments. And can I just say that his reunion with Zuko legit made me shed a tear 😭
And my third fave, to make it Top-3, is Zuko! I think I was quite indifferent to him in season 1 but started seeing much more in him in season 2 when he was trying to find his true path and was rushing between searching for Aang and having a peaceful life. And I absolutely love him in season 3. The way he rehearsed his meeting with Aang (“Hi. My name is Zuko”) was adorable :’D
Favourite season: I don’t think I can explain why but for some reason season 2 was the most memorable to me. It has so many cool things, from the introduction of the new characters to absolutely fantastic Zuko’s arc. And for absolutely no reason I really can recall many episodes and their titles from this one without looking up, even though it’s been quite a while since I finished season 2 (and by saying it, I don’t mean season 1 and 3 weren’t memorable and I don’t like them; just season 2 brought me more emotions, I suppose).
Favourite episodes: I’ll list a few ones from each season because for now I’m not sure which episode is my ultimate fave.
Season 1 - The Storm, The Blue Spirit, The Great Divide.
Season 2 - Zuko Alone, The Swamp (I LOVE this one a lot!!), The Chase, The Crossroads of Destiny.
Season 3 - Sokka’s Master, The Puppetmaster, The Day of Black Sun (two parts), The Firebending Masters, The Boiling Rock.
Favourite ship: I… don’t have one? Even if we take canon ones into account, I don’t really feel anything towards them. Sokka/Yue certainly have a beautiful and tragic story, but I don’t think about them that often. Sokka/Suki are nice, too, but that’s all I can say. Zuko/Mai… I’m not sure how they even became a couple. Aang/Katara don’t really bring anything to me either.
I’m pretty sure that Zuko/Sokka is quite popular in the fandom but I just don’t see it, I’m sorry.
So yeah, I don’t have a fave ship, but if anyone has opinions to share with me, I’d love to hear them. I’m quite open-minded at this point.
Favourite moments: akjajdkf I don’t think I can recall many. I really need to watch this show at least one more time for that. Anyway, the ones that come to my mind are (random order):
Iroh and Zuko’s reunion, as I already mentioned. This scene made me cry. CRY. ME. I rarely cry while watching/reading anything, so it really speaks a lot (it reminds me that Esteban’s sacrifice in Coronation Day made me cry, too. I literally had to pause before continuing to watch because I couldn’t stop sobbing ajhsjdkf).
Sokka’s battle with Piandao in “Sokka’s Master”.
Literally all flashbacks scenes in “Zuko Alone.”
Ice dodging in “Bato of the Water Tribe.”
Hama's story and bloodbending in “The Puppetmaster” (that’s so creepy and fantastic).
Zuko and Aang perform the firebending technique to the dragons in “The Firebending Masters.”
Aaaand this is really all I can recall for now x) Those are not necessarily my most favourite moments, just the ones that were off the top of my head at the moment.
Well, I think that’s it! To conclude, I just want to say I really loved this show (and now I don’t feel awkward for never watching it anymore XD), these characters, this world, and basically everything. It was a super enjoyable watch and I’d love to rewatch it someday! (maybe even showing to my sister to watch it together)
Thank you for the ask again and sorry that it took me quite long to get to it!
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