#Mother Miranda hired him to kill Ethan but he met him and was like 'my dilf friend now lol let's save ur daughter'
derelictdumbass · 2 years
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I never shared this doodle of they >:T
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hikarimiyanaga · 3 years
the Dimitrescu's with their s/o with wings that they are big and fluffy and can protect them from cold
I cannot tell you just how much I love this.
I'm adding Donna too, if you don't mind.
Also, reader is a Mulawin, a fictional species in the Philippines who can transform into a winged humanoid by stabbing the back with a feather (That's just how much I remember, forgive my goldfish memory.) Except the one for Alcina's.
So here you go!
Alcina Dimitrescu / Lady Dimitrescu
Flying has always been a joy. Nothing can ever get you to come down from the skies where freedom is your companion.
That is, until you saw her. The first time that you were flying through the village, you crashed into a big tree when you saw her. She caught your eye.
She was also the one who found you, passed away like an idiot. She was also the one who nursed you back to health, your wings all bandaged up.
You move them and she was entranced. It was the first time she saw someone like you. Someone with such big wings.
After that, it took you three days to recover your dignity but you stayed in the Castle for weeks.
You've never been grounded in your whole life before. And she... She was the reason.
You flew off in a fit of rage. Because how dare she. How dare she capture your heart? How dare she steal your attention from your beloved freedom?
You stop as you look upon the whole castle... You can fly but you have never thought to explore it. And you realize, yes you do have freedom... But in exchange, you have no place to call home. No one to call family. You were just drifting from place to place.
You touch down and the three girls cry as they hug you. They thought you left. That you left them behind.
"I could never." You say with a sad smile. "How could I do that to the most sweetest girls in the world?" They hug you again and you look at Alcina. Her eyes were unreadable as she goes inside the Castle.
You tucked the girls in for the night. Then fidget nervously in front of Alcina's room... She saw you. You glared at her before you went outside and flew.
You knock and a small 'come in' can be heard from the door. You open it slowly and see Alcina in her night gown, getting ready to sleep. She glances at you then continues. You sigh.
"Did you know I wasn't born with these wings?" You look down as she turns to you. "I was an experiment. A guinea pig." She frowns at you. "It's why I love the sky... And the freedom. The way that the wind blows through my body as I fly through the skies." You sigh. "I'm sorry that I flew away so suddenly... I just." You turn to her with a sad smile. "It reminded me of being imprisoned."
"Staying here?"
"No... Staying grounded."
After your confession, Alcina held you tight. And you stayed at the Castle. Alcina doesn't care if sometimes you disappear suddenly, she knew how important flying is to you now.
Donna Beneviento
Observation has always been a part of your life. Even before you had discovered that you can transform into a Mulawin.
You stumbled upon the village and stayed for a week because of how isolated it was. It reminded you of your own home.
But then you met Donna and she made you stay. She didn't know that you were a Mulawin so you confessed it to her.
She accepted you with all her heart.
It was such a relief to open your wings in front of another person and knowing that they wouldn't do anything to hurt you.
One day, it was snowing heavily so you and Donna decided to stay in instead of going out into the village, she even made sure to make her gardener go home early.
"It's so cold." Donna says and you knew that it was serious since she didn't even use Angie to say her thoughts out loud.
You get your feather and summon your wings. You hug her and she blushes. She was going to turn to face you when your wings wrapped around her. She sighs in relief and leans on you.
"Thank you." She mumbles and you hum as you stare out the window. Before you knew you it, the both of you had fallen asleep cuddling each other.
Bela Dimitrescu
You were a guest of Mother Miranda and was given to the Dimitrescus as a guest.
Of course, the woman knew about your species and she hired you to help restore Eva... you had no intention of helping her but that's something for another day.
You were reading inside the library when Bela stumbles upon you. You smile at her and that was the start of the friendship between the both of you.
But then the day comes when Ethan came to the Village. And almost every one of your instincts are telling you to run.
You couldn't abandon them though so you stayed, hoping to convince the three sisters to at least hide somewhere safe. But they wouldn't listen to you. You panic when Ethan gets inside so you get your sword that was given by your Father.
Before you even knew it, though there was a shattering sound and you hear Bela's scream. You rushed to her side and stop Ethan by knocking him out. Then you shield her with your wings. She was stunned by their colors but it made you annoyed.
"Go somewhere safe, damn it!" She snaps out of it and nods at you before going to the library.
You sigh as you take care of Ethan and get Rose's vial. You then help him get the other ones.
You join forces with Karl who was actually... reasonable?
The three of you get Rose back from Miranda and you reunite with Bela.
She hugs you and you hug her back.
Cassandra Dimitrescu
You were captured by Karl on one of his expeditions to find ways to kill Mother Miranda. He wanted to get your help but you don't want to kill anyone anymore.
You were so done being exploited by humans. You wanted to hide your wings but he wouldn't let you. When you were unconscious, he brought you to the castle, hoping that they would be good hosts to you.
And they were, for starters, Alcina freed you and you hid your wings. It was exhausting to maintain their form for that long after all.
You got along with the three daughters, most particularly Cassandra, who shared your interest in Art.
You were amazed by everything that she creates, even if it was just sketches.
One day, it was snowing and the three girls were huddle in the library with the fireplace. You take pity on them so you make your wings appear and hug them. Bela and Daniela thanks you while Cassandra just hugs you, no words needed.
Ever since then, if it was just a bit cold, Cassandra would come running for you and you chuckle as you hug her.
Daniela Dimitrescu
You were the known bird person in the Village and you were close to the four lords. Often becoming their only visitors every week.
You were particularly close to Alcina, her having shown her true form to you and you sharing your bloody past.
One day, Alcina asked you for a favor since she needed to be out on a business trip, she asked you to look after her daughters.
"Are you sure?? You do know I'm like only a year older than them, right?" She assures you that you're the perfect person for the job and she does trust Bela... but Cassandra and Daniela can be that rambunctious.
When you meet Bela, she gives instructions that you look after Daniela while she looks after Cassandra. You agree and she thanks you.
So you spend everyday with Daniela, even telling her stories from your past.
One day, it was a particularly cold day when she decided to go outside the village. Saying she wanted to explore.
But then it suddenly rained so you quickly make your wings appear and shield her. Both from the cold and water.
"Stick close to me." You say and she just nods, uncharacteristically quiet as you two go back to the castle.
Bela was so worried that she hugs Daniela, happy that you were both safe. Cassandra though, she takes note of the unusual attitude of their youngest.
When Daniela was alone, Cassandra surprises her and smiles.
"You like Y/N, don't you?" Daniela blushes and tries to deny it but sighs. She talks to Cass all about you.
What they didn't know was you were listening in... It was an accident.
When they finish talking, you appear and confess to Daniela that you felt the same way.
This took way too long since I started playing Genshin Impact again.
Anyways, I only have two more requests to go and I'm going to start writing the Loving You sequel.
Comments and thoughts are always welcome!
Thank you for reading!
If you can, please buy me a coffee.
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renaerys · 3 years
So I beat RE:8
And overall I SUPER enjoyed this game. I loved how it was an homage to the series to date. Castle Dimitrescu made me feel like I was back in the OG Resident Evil stealth-crawling my way through dungeons and puzzles and hoping not to get caught by the enemies. Lady Dimitrescu stalking you as you scramble to gather pieces of a puzzle to escape harkened back to the Tyrant in RE:2 chasing you around RPD HQ. Her daughters’ blow fly entrances were sincerely spine-tingling, and I was on the edge of my seat with each new door opened wondering if they’d found me yet. This level was truly a standout of the game.
The Beneviento House may actually have been my favorite, seeing as it was such a departure from the rest of the game without the use of weapons and having to rely on running and hiding to survive. I was at my most terrified and unsettled in that level dissecting doll!Mia and running from the baby creature in a way I didn’t feel throughout the rest of the game. It was so creepy and so tense, and the juxtaposition with the rest of the game really made it shine imo. 
The Reservoir was probably my least favorite part. It felt too much like the action-y RE:6 against the boss, lots of cheap one-hit kill events that relied on timing, etc. It was the part where I died the most, whereas throughout the rest of the game I died maybe twice or three times. 
Heisenberg’s factory was pretty scary and adrenaline-inducing fighting those awful chainsaw guys. Hot take: RE:5 was a great game and a lot of this level reminded me of the better parts of that game wrt the enemies and mowing them down. The layout was super cool, the fan guy was hilariously scary stalking you, and Heisenberg was as grandiose (and verbose) as Wesker once was back in the old days. I loved the molding puzzles, how the enemies would tear down walls to open new areas to explore, and the backtracking to explore it all once you had certain items in your possession. 
Lastly, the Duke was an awesome character. Thanks for that fun call-back to RE:4′s shopkeeper, and most importantly for being an actual character whose presence was plot-relevant and even integral at times. He was charming and a thoughtful addition to the experience. All the voice acting was incredible, but I think the Duke and Lady Dimitrescu and Mia were standouts. 
What I didn’t like... This game has a woman problem like whoa. When all your women exist either as damseled plot devices with no agency whatsoever, vehicles for manpain/revenge, and their main “nuance” is related to motherhood or seeking a mother-daughter relationship (because, you know, women be mothering), then you have a problem. A second hot take: Mia should have been the protagonist. She had training way before Ethan ever did, was in the know more than him, and wasn’t dead the whole time (sidebar: what the literal fuck is this plot contrivance). This game has shown us two kinds of women: either they are good mothers/daughters who eschew all else in favor of that relationship and stay in their lane (Mia and Rose, an agency-less baby and McGuffin), or they are corruptions of that role (i.e., Miranda selfishly killing everyone to get Eve back or Donna selfishly killing everyone to get a new mother a-la RE:7′s Eveline). Even the Dimitrescu ladies were almost entirely defined by their mother/daughter status, in Lady Dimitrescu’s case both. Is there truly no other motivation or nuance available to women in this universe??? 🙃🙃🙃
Mentioned before but worth repeating: Ethan was dead the whole time?! What a shitty contrivance. I mean, fine, but I didn’t like it at all. Another nit-picky thing that broke my suspension of disbelief: Alcina cuts his hand off and the magic herb chemicals that act as health in the game can reattach it... But they can’t regrow his fucking fingers??? What is consistency. 🙃
Heisenberg’s boss fight was dumb. There was no terror, very low stakes, and it felt like the worst of RE:6 action. It even had a gimmicky cinematic final shot that reminded me of those awful quick-time events. He was laughably easy to kill and held none of the dread of, say, Lady Dimitrescu’s daughers or the entirety of the Beneviento House. I don’t knock it as much because the rest of the Factory level was fabulous. The boss fight with the Fan Man was superb, scary, and tough, as well as “good” gimmicky. Unfortunately, Heisenberg’s final boss fight was the beginning of the end. 
Chris finally tells us the truth through some truly excruciating exposition scenes, and like the NPCs who question his choices, I too was questioning him. Because his logic was super dumb. Why not tell Ethan to begin with? More on this below. 
Mother Miranda was incredibly underwhelming as a boss. Chris’s part in the story was more over the top action, which is cool and fun if you like that (not really my thing, personally, but I can see why it could work for others). But Mother Miranda herself was a disappointment. I think the main reason was because we had almost no relationship with her. She was just a name who maybe is responsible for our McGuffin daughter being taken, but it never felt personal. Yeah, she can shape shift and we met her as the hag, but since we didn’t know that, the relationship aspect was never there/built upon. She felt like a random final boss with little skin in the game compared to, say, Heisenberg, who we actually did get to know more as we went along and maybe felt more complicated feelings toward in killing him. 
This game could have been better if a few changes had been made. 
1. Mia should have been the protagonist/deuteragonist. If we are truly supposed to be convinced by Chris’ stupid logic that Ethan cannot handle the truth, then why not make Mia the protagonist or even a secondary protagonist? Ethan and Mia could have both been working toward their goals with different information, similar to the situation in RE:7 toward the end of that game. Chris wouldn’t know Mia is alive, but she could be working against Mother Miranda directly while being experimented on/held captive. Ethan could do the main story that we got, while Mia sees a different side of the world digging deeper into Mother Miranda’s backstory and motivations, which would serve to flesh out her character (beyond the lazy corrupted motherhood narrative), touch on the relationship to Spencer and Umbrella Corp, etc. Ethan facing Miranda at the end, thus, would have felt super personal and significant having that emotional development through Mia. And Mia herself could be fleshed out more as a character beyond her role as wife and mother. 
2. Bela, Daniela, and Cassandra deserved more, and Castle Dimitrescu should have been a longer arc. The daughters were killed pretty fast. I couldn’t name a single differentiating characteristic between them, which is a problem. And I wanted to know more! We got a little info about the experiments they endured. I wanted to feel like killing at least one of them was very personal and meant something (if we only got one of them really fleshed out, I mean. That would still be one more than we got.). This section could have been longer and benefited from it. Exploring that castle was so fun and I wanted more time there. Also, I’m gonna say it: the Reservoir could have been cut entirely and that time given to Castle Dimitrescu for three sub-bosses before Mother Miranda. Problem solved.
3. Chis could have had a more story-related role. Why not more cutscenes with Chris investigating/chasing Miranda to give us a buildup of breadcrumbs and foreshadowing to the final reveal in the end? Rather than an exposition dump?? This would be related to my point #1 in making Miranda feel more connected to the story as the big bad. We wouldn’t even have to play as Chris if we just got some cutscenes showing his team’s progress hunting Miranda, learning more about her, etc. Imagine if we got secondary protagonist Mia’s story with Chris in there alongside her, unknowing that she’s alive and yet affecting her progress or vice versa as they both hunt Miranda? So much potential there. Where is the fanfiction???
4. Sheva??? I know it’s just me but I mean... The BSAA coming in to help/fuck everything up could have been a great opportunity for a cameo from Sheva to reunite very briefly with Chris (and set up the next one??? When though.). Yeah, I’m RE:5 trash, okay. But she was a great character and I wish we could see her at ALL in any other games even as a cameo.
My final takeaway here is that I enjoyed this game immensely as a total experience. I’m already doing a New Game Plus on the Village of Shadows difficulty, so pray for me. I love the exploration and puzzling aspect, the combat is intense but not overwhelmingly action-y like RE:6 was, and I love the atmosphere of this game. I recommend it to anyone who likes survival horror. It’s not without its faults, and I really wish the RE team would hire some women for their writers’ room, but I’m still very happy with the end result overall. 
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