#My brother in christ one of the healthiest canon relationships WAS between two of the adopted siblings
b-rainlet · 1 year
Love, love your blog!
The aligon thoughts are great..they really should not be so scarce in the fandom as they are...considering what we see on screen.
Seconded! (Also, thank you so much for the flattery askjskh, today I was talking to a friend about how there's a 70% chance I am on a few anti blocklists due to the nature of my blog lmao)
Generally speaking, I think a lot of people don't wanna see it?? I don't know how many antis we have in HotD (we have a bunch in GoT so I am guessing more than you would expect given the source material), but there's this phenomenom within Fandom to completely twist the actual content of the show/movie/book to make it easier to digest for fans (who more and more seem to adapt conservative views?? There's a rise of 'woke' takes which are just the same old pearl clutching 'Think of the children!' bs, just clad in progressive sounding words).
Which is how you end up with anti discourse in Fandoms with shows who canonly portray incest/adoptive incest (aka pseudo incest), gore, rape, blood, whatever.
Like, there's people policing who you can ship/what you can talk about in the Fandom for the flesh eating clown hunting down little kids, so.
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