#New Rhythm and A New Hook {Memes/Starters}
seven-circlllxs · 7 months
Written In Blood {Tag Masterlist}
Non-Character Tags
Whispers from Purgatory [OOC] - Out of Character posting
Ashes to Ashes [Ashy Speaks] - Admin talk
I Think I'm Supposed To Be Bodyguarded Right Now [Rules] - Posts containing rules/standards of interaction
Take A Peek In The Guestbook [Info] - Posts that have important information
Very Important Research Pictures [Art] - Art from other blogs (not made by mun)
Whiteboard Planning Presentations [My Art] - Art made by me!
The Lesser Key of Solomon [Headcanons] - Posts that contain my own headcanons or reblogged posts of headcanons that I subscribe to
All The Shades Of Sin [Aesthetics] - Character Aesthetics or Aesthetics that match Muses
Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow [Quotes and Musings] - Quotes or Posts that make Mun think about specific Muses
Who’s That At Your Table? [Promo] - Promo posts!
Not Safe For Voxtagram [NSFW] - NSFW Posts (ALL NSFW posts will also have separate NSFW and NSFT tags!)
(Pending) [Self-Reblog] - Self-reblogged posts!
That Slutty Toy Clown Had It Coming [Shitposts] - Shitposts
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Prompt/Starter Tags
New Rhythm and A New Hook {Memes/Starters} - Ask Memes and Starter Prompts
I'll Sell Every Single Weakness Back To You For A Fee [Answered Asks] - Answered Ask Memes
Tag You're It [Tagged Prompts]
Right Here In Hell At The Happy Hotel [Open Starters]
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Muse Tags
Bullet Points are Muse-Specific Art Tags
Don't Touch That Dial! {Alastor} - Standard AU Alastor
This Face Was Made For Radio // Alastor // Visage
Frigid Royal Bitch {Andrealphus} - Standard AU Andrealphus
Bang Bang Bang Is The Only Shot For Me {Arackniss} - Standard AU Arackniss
In Desire We Trust {Asmodeus} - Standard AU Asmodeus
Make Sure The Subject Is Gettin' It On // Ozzie // Visage
Not Your Barbie Girl {Barbie Wire} - Standard AU Barbie
Bitch I Am One Throw A Tantrum // Barbie // Visage
You've Got Me In Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea {Baxter} - Standard AU Baxter
Always Chasing Rainbows {Charlie} - Standard AU Charlie Morningstar
The Devil's Princessa // Charlie // Visage
Short Fuse {Cherri} - Standard AU Cherri Bomb
Hello World I'm Your Wild Girl // Cherri // Visage
Flying Purple Paperweight {Collin} - Standard AU Collin
Sweet Beautiful Soul Saving Joy {Emily} - Standard AU Emily
Money Can't Buy Happiness But Guaranteed I'm Worth The Price {Glam} - Standard AU Glam
Special Occasion Splurge On The Urge // Glam // Visage
Royal Flush {Husk} - Standard AU Husk
You're All Scotch No Soda // Husk // Visage
Your Bite's Worse Than Your Bark {Loona} - Standard AU Loona
Running With The Wolves // Loona // Visage
Seven-Ring Circusmaster {Lucifer} - Standard AU Lucifer Morningstar
Where The Runaways Are Running The Night // Lucifer // Visage
Modern Major Murderer {Lute} - Standard AU Lute
Down Under We Don't Take No Prisoners // Lute // Visage
M A M A B O Y {Moxxie} - Standard AU Moxxie
Lovely Little Monster // Moxxie // Visage
Baby You've Got The Keys Now Shut Up And Drive {Travis} - Standard AU Travis
Radio Killer {Vox} - Standard AU Vox
Now You're Playing With Power // Vox // Visage
Along Comes A Spider {Zestial} - Standard AU Zestial
The Potion Is A Poison // Zestial // Visage
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Canon Character Tags
Pinned Down Without A Crown [Vaggie]
Wrap Me In Plastic and Make Me Shine [Angel Dust]
Oh That Cement Is Just It's There For The Weight Dear [Henroin]
Blood Still Stains When The Sheets Are Washed [Niffty]
Snakebite Drags You Under [Sir Pentious]
Dancing On A Razor's Edge [Carmilla]
The Bestest Jester [Fizzarolli]
Christ On A Stick [Blitzø]
Of All The Imps In Hell It's For Her That I Fell [Millie]
Fins To The Left Fins To The Right And You're The Only Bait In Town [Chaz]
Heaven Help The Fool Who Falls In Love [Mama] - Tag for Moxxie's mother
Money Can't Buy Happiness But It Can Rent You Paradise [Glitz]
Catch Some Waves While Catchin' Some D [Verosika]
He's An Outlaw Loose And Runnin' Came The Whisper From Each Lip and He's Here To Do Some Business with the Big Iron On His Hip [Striker]
Stupid Slutty Moth Pimp [Val]
Why Am I In Your Mass Text? [Velvette]
You Can Be So Cruel And That's All You've Ever Done [Stella]
Look How They Shine For You [Stolas]
Everything Everything Everything You Touch Turns To Gold [Paimon]
Got A Touch Like A Thorn 'Cause The Girl She's Hiding Horns [Lilith]
Mess With The Horns And You Get The Devil [Satan]
Bring Your Own Fork Girl You Know I Don't Provide It [Bee-lzebub]
CENT-ipede [Mammon]
I'll Climb To The Top of Mount Rock and Be Part of That Heavenly Scene [Adam]
Que Sera Seraphim [Sera]
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
AU Tags and AU Muse Tags (Partner-Specfic)
In The Twilight Glow I See Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain [René] (@adeerandhisshadow's René)
On The TV Yeah You'll See I'll Show You I'll Own You ((Bluescreen-Verse)) - AU involving Vox and René
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Ship Tags (Partner-Specific)
Froggy Little Flips {Fizz x Ozzie} - @e-m-p-error's Fizz and my Ozzie
Circuit Breaker {Vox x Val} - @e-m-p-error's Valentino and my Vox
Offer Me All The Stars Above Me {Lucifer x Paimon} @e-m-p-error's Paimon and my Lucifer
In Your Holy Water That Burns My Bastard Mind {Lucifer x Adam} - @e-m-p-error's Adam and my Lucifer
Does She Know That Her Destiny Lies With Me {Charlie x Vaggie} [pending]
You'll See Me On The Blue Screen {René x Vox} @adeerandhisshadow's René and my Vox
A Million Feathers Falling Down A Million Stars That Touch The Ground {Andre x Stolas} @stolsas 's Stolas and my Andrealphus
Come Gimme Some Of That Yum Like A Lollipop {Loona x Bee} @e-m-p-error's Bee and my Loona
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
Ship Tags (General) [Typically used on Art Reblogs]
Crooked Hearts [Fizzmodeus]
StaticMoth [VoxVal]
Little Moth Please Take Your Time [Chaggie]
Signal Interference [VoxAl]
SnowyOwl [Andrealphus/Stolas]
Original Sinners [LiliFer]
The Fallen Star and The Leading Man [LuciAdam]
You Look Like Gold To Me [PaiCifer]
HoneyMoon [LoonaBee]
All I Want All I Want All I Want Is Everything [Mammon x Stella]
Poison Tipped Daggers [Zestilla]
[Will be Updated As Needed!]
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wingedwarren · 3 years
  ❛  oh fuck, i can feel you doing it around my cock. i can feel you – that’s it, baby. fuck yourself on me.  ❜   //cuz he could still be tied down or up....
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@meretrixious   ||   meme
     they talked about it. joked about it. remy whispering he wanted to do this a few times and warren, never one to shy away from challenges or from a bit of verbal banter, had dared him. try it, lebeau. see how far you get.      they’d gotten close a few times, inching just a little bit closer to the roles reversing, the goal being the winged mutant to be the one to be laid bare and getting ravished for once. wandering hands, slick fingers in the heat of the moment, or in that warm glow afterwards when warren wasn’t as keen to jump right out of reach. remy purring sweet bullshit that made warren feel way too much like a fucking girl so it was just met with huffing and ‘shut up’. but they both knew where this was supposed to be going, and remy didn’t seem to want to let up on that goal. fucker.
     apparently tonight had been the night. after months of hooking up, casual stuff that was free of any strings for both so it was comfortable, low expectations, no reason to be cutesy about anything they did or didn’t want. they knew what to expect from the other. usually that meant remy was absolutely prepared for warren to blow his mind with sex he’d feel for a few days afterwards.      this time it was different.      the mood, for starters. it wasn’t awkward exactly, and it was probably just a lucky moment on remy’s part to catch warren in a mood that contributed to the situation at hand. just a quick text to know they were both in the same area and twenty minutes later war had been sitting on the balcony of his hotel room, looking a little heated but like an absolute vision. jeans tight, a thin cotton shirt with geometrical print under his leather jacket, the collar popped up. he could show up in anything and make it work, they’d found. but he put effort in tonight, and remy was more than welcoming.      from the get-go it was clear where remy wanted to go with it. and though warren was more than skilled at changing those plans, make the other crave him crawling over him and make him feel exactly why they hooked up so often, this time... he wasn’t doing any of that. he let remy peel his jacket off, kiss his neck, pull the shirt from his jeans to slip open the buttons. hands sliding across his skin, never pausing at the scars but halting when fingers caressed along warren’s new little additions. oh, he’d been more than a little thrilled when he found the piercings, grinning into the hollow behind warren’s ear and making even the angel get a little red on his cheekbones with a well-placed comment about them.      he’d had a surprise for warren. newly purchased. he’d been excited to show him and warren caught on instantly when remy tossed him the bundle of hemp rope, a deep blue colour and he knew immediately there’d gone some research into it -- it was strong, sturdy rope that definitely came from one of the better suppliers.      and warren was always down for a little bit of tying up, of course.
     he’d let remy perch and pose him, undoing his belt so he could work him out of his pants, his underwear, even his socks had to go -- no, keep the shirt on. it’s cute. i promise i won’t get anything on it. warren had no shame in his nudity when he was put on the bed and the other went to work on his ropes. a harness first, hands careful as they drew warren into it, tying until the rope was flat against his skin everywhere, knots in the right places and remy feeling rather pleased with the way he’d put warren’s... assets on display. the nipple jewelry was definitely a good choice.      then his arms. a simple tie to bring them together behind his back, attaching them to the back of the harness. he watched warren pull on them, the way the skin chafed against the rope, how the muscle moved under it in attempts to pull free. no such luck. there was an edge inside warren he tiptoed right that moment, knowing he couldn’t run now if he wanted to, and it showed in his eyes when remy sat on the bed in front of him. was this what he wanted to to? right now? he swallowed thickly.      remy looked hot. shirt undone, jeans open but without letting everything hang out -- warren definitely enjoyed the view. at his hand winking him closer, the angel started awkwardly shuffling over, wings making it surprisingly difficult to keep his balance. thankfully the room wasn’t all that big so in absolute case of emergency he could dig his claws into the cheaply tiled ceiling for support. once he was where remy wanted him, though, the hands on his thighs kept him steady enough to no longer worry about it.
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     ‘so pretty,’ remy’d said, making warren grunt with disagreement. ‘don’t say that shit,’ he replied, but all it got him was a hand so close to his face that for a moment he thought remy’d be into choking -- but no, thank fuck he wasn’t. just a touch to shut him up, thumb tracing his bottom lip, pulling just slightly to expose his teeth. like appreciating a beast, something untameable that he’d somehow gotten his hands on. a trophy.      then warren had been subjected to a slow handjob, edging him a few times until his head leaned back, lips wet with saliva and the hotel room filled with panting. that was when remy’d switched tactics, grabbing the lube he’d put on the nightstand for preparation, and when his hand traveled over warren’s thigh to his backside, their eyes met. both hungry for this encounter, remy’s asking silent permission for this next step and warren’s heavy with challenge. it was always risky with him, this moment. sometimes he’d dare remy and the second fingers came even close to him, there had been biting, pulling away to flip remy around on the mattress and take control the way he liked to do.      but he couldn’t quite do that this time. his breath stilled when remy rubbed at him, last chance to back out, warren -- and then eyes squeezed close, brows furrowed and his expression a grimace when two fingers pressed inside him. reluctant. nerves. nostrils flaring. he didn’t like this. he didn’t like that he felt strung out already, everything inside him so tightly wound that it was exhausting.      then there was a soft press of lips to his own, a silent apology and promise they could stop whenever warren wanted. it did little to soothe him, but oh, a soft sound escaped him when remy paired the invasion with other administrations. tongue and teeth on warren’s throat, a warm hand stroking his erection to help him distribute his focus. the fingers moved, aware of the squeezing each time he went in to the last knuckle, but even that faded with a bit of effort. he just needed warren to relax, to figure out that remy wouldn’t subject him to something he hated.      and it wasn’t that warren hated this. he did, but not because it wasn’t pleasurable to him. he just... god, he expected pain around every corner, degrading words to add salt to the wounds. he had a high tolerance for that kind of bullshit, but not when he was tied up and all he could use to say no were his words. words weren’t his strongest feat, after all.
     ‘are you ready?’ remy whispered to his neck, nibbling at him, tasting the salt on his skin, and warren’s confirmation was breathless, a little wheezy. the quiet moment of being left alone while the other worked on everything he needed left warren in a bit of a daze, tumbling between wanting this and wanting to give a jerk of his body until he was on the floor, claws digging at the hardwood under him. thoughts were right about the spiral out of control when remy was right back with him, touching his body, fingers toying with the ring through his nipple to get his attention back to the present. tugging a little to get him to sit up on his knees, give remy a bit of space to finally push his pants and boxerbriefs down.      warren didn’t even look. knew he’d probably chicken out if he did. but with closed eyes he listened to softly whispered words of comfort, the slick sound of remy getting himself ready as well. sucked in a breath when remy’s hand rested on his waist to make him sit back down, feeling him against the curve of his buttocks, eagerly rubbing up to him. fingers hooked into the front of the rope harness to lean the angel forward until remy could trap his lips in a kiss, much more desperate from warren’s end in a search for validation while he felt the hand around him press remy’s arousal closer to him.
     and then remy pushed him back to sit up. slowly. and warren couldn’t bring himself to make a single sound at the intrusion, which also at least meant no complaints for once. no witty remarks, no mean comments to let his personality shimmer through discomfort.      when he was back upright, god, he couldn’t quite find his breath. his adam’s apple bobbed in the faded light from the bedside lamp, chest shimmering with sweat, and a soft, choked sound lingered on the tip of his tongue. only a slight shift of remy under him, the light adjustment of the angle and the drag of him inside warren finally allowed the blond to drag in a rough gulp of air, chest heaving against his restraints. no doubt he was beautiful to watch like this, wings knocking against the ceiling in search of a way to let out everything that was twisting inside him.      to test the waters, remy gave a slow push of his hips upwards and the noise that dripped from warren’s wet lips was something sounding completely foreign to them both, deep and throaty and hoarse. a hand curving around him was all he needed and then remy’s chest was painted with white streaks, the last spurts dribbling lazily along his wrist. oh.      both hands ended up on warren’s thighs, fingertips digging into the straining muscle and plush flesh to guide him, find a rhythm until warren caught on. his head lolled back forward and his blond curls were sticking to his forehead, feet tucked under remy’s thighs for leverage when the pressure of the hands eased so he could move the way he wanted.      it was a slow rhythm. slowly up and slowly back down. no rush at all even if he felt a pang of shame whenever he ground down and could feel remy pulsating inside him. how far were they going to take this? did he want to... did remy want to...? how did he even put it into words without feeling absolutely disgusting? it wasn’t completely unpleasurable, that was for sure, but it was just... not warren’s thing. this. being on the receiving end. was this how others felt with him? that couldn’t be right.      eyes opened faintly when remy spoke up to see his jaw tighten. that wasn’t a face of disgust. warren had seen plenty of those and this wasn’t it. his hips changed angle and the next time he slid down over remy, his eyes shot wide open and he jerked on top of him, knees pressing at the other’s sides and a thread of saliva dripping down from parted lips.      ‘fuck,’ warren croaked, hunched over. remy under him took the next moment to push up with his hips, making that same sensation spark through warren like electricity, prickling all the way from behind his eyes down to the very tips of his toes. and remy was laughing softly down there, doing it again until warren was squeezing so tight even he let out a chuckling ‘ow, ow, stop, don’t do that --’. it was painfully obvious that warren had never been subjected to this kind of pleasure, quickly building up already.
     the ceiling was already ruined, claws having pushed through the tiles to find the steel skeleton hidden there to hold onto with his claws, the material already ever so lightly deforming under the pressure.      ‘just breathe,’ remy told him, hand stroking the curve of his torso, feeling the skin ripple from how he was leaning forward, but then he did it again and warren just couldn’t, a whine as a reply to his ridiculous request. warren didn’t feel ridiculous very easily but like this he definitely did: face red, the blush blotching on his neck and chest, and he couldn’t even find the action he needed to take to stop drooling, mouth feeling dry and a throat like sandpaper.
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