#Now I’m curious if anyone ever excavated another skeleton or if the skull is all we have besides the first’s century’s old publications
inga-don-studio · 1 year
I just learned about carcharodontosaurus (first from ARK and then from YDAW on YouTube) and I feel like my life has been changed forever
YES!!! BIG BEAUTIFUL BEASTIE!!! I love how tall (& as I recall narrow) the skull is. There’s just something regal about Carcharodontosaurus, you know? I fondly remember back when it popularly held the ‘biggest theropod’ title for a little while, I was lucky enough to see a cast of the skull in some small traveling exhibit & man … that was almost a religious experience.
I looked up it’s appearance in ARK and that is SUCH a fantastic model! Love all the spikey bits making it look even taller & more imposing (like it needed the help)! Since Spinosaurus swept the ‘biggest known theropod’ title -& resulting adoration- from pretty much all the competition, it’s nice to see the big beauty getting some love again!
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