l0vemenormally Β· 5 months
wolf game another spoilers (back om that grindπŸ’―πŸ’―)
DUDE YUUTOS CASE IS.... this is putting me thru the 5 stages of grief, first of all. HIS TATTOO??? EHY IS HE BASICALLY FUCKING TRAMP STAMPPED WITH YUUYAS NAME??? I HAD A FEELING HE WAS KINDA CLOSE WITH YUUYA BUT????? THE FUCKING TATTOO??????? AND MORE SO WHO IS THE IMAGE OF?? THAT SURE AS HELL ISNT YUUYA ☝️☝️😭, second of all, the writing, I know the killer is prob kou there's a lot of signs pointing to it, and as this continues and you see yuutos like log thing.... oh my heart pls. Dude I can't I can't with this daeg.. ☹️ the writing was bad enough cuz he looked up to kou and the possibility he could've killed yuuto is sad, BUT THE FUCKING LOG!!! it gets soooo much worse than just the dying message bro. SO much worse, in his fucjing blog he litteraly starts talking abt kou and hoe much he admires him nd shit DAWG EVEN SAYS HE WANTS TO BE KOU!!!! and then a person comes up behind yuuto and attacks him, and then the video stops. It's so over guys it's so over..... knowing that that person is probably kou hurts me TREMDOUSLY@!@ kou would've had 2 known how much yuuto looks up to him based on js how he treats kou compared 2 other ppl kou isn't dumb cmon, and fucking worse, he would've had to hear yuuto talking abt how much he admires him in the video, cuz he comes up behind him so he had to have been close, hearing all that, hearing how much some1 looks up to you and admires u and shit just 2 then ruthlessly kill that person. I can't do this guys.. I can't, worse is thinking abt how yuuto feels, if you REALLY think abt it, yuuto died by eletricution yk, and when every1 found him they STILL thought he could be alive, yuutos death was slow and painful, and the whole time he would've know fucking kou is the one doing it dude, AND NOT ONLY THAT, YUUTO GETS ATTACKED FIRST, KOU WOUDLVE HAD TO ATTACK HIM FIRST OF ALL, the way yuuto looks at the person when he gets attacked...... please... I can't....., but seriously dude, imagine fucking dying slow and painfully knowing that the person you looked up to killed you, yuuto was prob to pained to say anything too, imagine having 2 die in fucking SILCENCE just knowing that the person you admire killed u. Kou why, honestly I get it from a like, tactical perspective, yuuto looks up to kou and trusts him, and yuuto is small and weak (yuuto himself even acknowledging that), but from an emotional standpoint, WHY????? does kou not give a shit abt yuuto??? Not even a little bit, kou probably meant the world 2 yuuto or some shit and how did kou thimk of him??? Did kou js think of him like dirt, AND THW,WAY THE FUCKING WAY HE WAS KILLED!!! it was slow and painful. If it was kou he purposefully chose that way 2 kill him instead of something idk quick and more easy and possibly LESS painful 4 yuuto??? But no, no no, he was killed in a painful slow way. I can't do this case chat, I am NOT mentally prepared 4 the trial...
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