#Pakistan is on the verge of social collapse since the government has been taken over by a military junta so I'm not visiting the country ->
tamamita · 8 months
about your taqiiyah post, have you ever practiced it before?
Context: Taqiyya (=religious dissimulation) is a Shi'a Islamic concept or doctrine which allows a Shi'a to hide their faith in the face of persecution or life-threatening circumstances. It is obligatory to assume Taqiyyah, and it is haraam to die for your faith rather than to conceal your faith if it can prevent your death. While martyrdom is virtuous, self-perservation is prioritized.
Yes, I did while I was in Pakistan. My mom comes from Peshawar, which is a hotbed for Taliban & DAESH loyalists and sympathizers. Since Shi'a Muslims are persecuted in Pakistan, particularly in the Khyber-Pakthuwali region, I had to conceal my faith and act like a Sunni Muslim while I was there.
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