#Pose a Kuery for Kiki
onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
Absolutely loved your analysis of Boyd Crowder and Justified
Thank you! Boyd is such an interesting character and Justified is such a great show!
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
No, I mean what do you think of HER?
I don't really think of her at all. I don't know her. I've seen a few quotes from a few interviews. I have no idea what kind of person she is. I have no feelings about her as a person.
It takes a lot for me to care about an actor as anything more than a person doing their job and providing me a service. Like a waiter or a cashier. I care about them in the way that I care about everybody, because they're a person and I have empathy. But it takes a lot for me to love an actor as a person, or to hate them as a person. It takes a lot for me to actively seek things out about them beyond the tidbits here and there that I see through the course of being a fan of whatever show/movie/play they might be in.
And I absolutely don't make judgments on them based on a couple of interviews that are only about that show/movie/play/whatever and behind the scenes gossip. They would have to say some really heinous shit in order for me to do that.
Outside of her performance I don't really think of her at all.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
what do you think of shelley hennig?
I think her performance on Teen Wolf is pretty meh at best.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
It literally doesn't matter what else you say, if you're not playing Hook apologist, they're going to call you a hypocrite.
Basically. It’s kind of hilarious the amount of messages I get from these people that end in the one word sentence “Hypocrite”. And most of the time, the content of the rest of the message shows that they don’t actually understand what the word actually means. It’s like it’s taken on a new meaning for them. Now it’s short hand for “you disagree with me and I can’t stand it, so here’s this word that I’m going to imbue with all the unearned condescension and holier-than-thouness I have”.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
I think that person also doesn't know what hypocrite means. God, you even said that what happens on screen has to be considered canon for both of them AND said that the possibility that Neal committed statutory rape AND that Hook wasn't definitely a rapist. Unlike them, who ignore canon for Hook but cling to it for Neal. They just can't stand it when people aren't as hypocritical as them.
Pretty hilarious that I was called a hypocrite for a post that was basically "It's possible that Hook's a rapist and it's possible that Neal committed statutory rape".
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
Eagerly awaiting part 2 of your 'Depiction of the Female in Human Target'. A truly under appreciated show!
I need to find my drive that has all the episodes on it so I can watch season 2 again. I actually think I might know where it is, so stay tuned for the thrilling conclusion to this adventure.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
Hey Kiki, what are a few really good, well-written, compelling TV shows that you would recommend to a poor girl who became terribly disappointed with the direction OUAT took and ultimately had to quit watching it a few months ago?
Are you looking for stuff that's on the air, or anything? Genre specific or just whatever?
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
WTF? So perfectly decent people who do nothing wrong deserve to be mocked because they have faith? Defriend this person right this second.
When people say shit like that they think that they're being the open minded an enlightened ones, when really they're the closed minded set. They're the ones who refuse to accept any other way of belief but their own as valid and they're the ones pigeon holing millions of people into one group based on the actions a the few.
In most cases, it's not a faith that causes people of any religion to do horrible things. It's their excuse. In most cases they're either horrible people or there are completely separate motivations and faith is just what they use to justify it. If religious faith wasn't a thing, it would be something else.
Nobody deserves to be mocked, ridiculed, and stereotyped. Especially if they're just people living their faith and not hurting anybody. Attacking innocent people just because you don't agree with their belief system is disgusting and is the act of a weak, scared person.
I'm probably going to defriend that person. I have no time for people who think I'm ridiculous or who think I deserve to be openly mocked for what I believe.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
I am sorry that some people speak so rudely to you. You don't deserve to be on the receiving end of death threats and slurs. That being said, I greatly admire how professionally you handle such messages. You are truly amazing, Kiki.
Thank you so much! I just try to remember that they want me (and everyone they talk to that way) to react in a certain way, and that way is not with rationality and respectful discourse. And I try really hard no to give them exactly what they want.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
You are a heinous bitch. I was raped, but now I'm a rape apologist? Fuck you. Burn in hell, bitch.
I'm genuinely sorry for what happened to you, but if you are excusing rape in any way, especially by saying that it's not rape, then yes, you are an apologist. What you are doing is telling people that their experience wasn't valid. That their rapes weren't real. There's probably a pretty good chance you know how that feels. So why would you do it to others? Why would look at their pain, which is so similar to yours, and act like it doesn't matter? Because their experience isn't identical to yours? 
Any sex without unimpaired, fully informed, and enthusiastic consent is rape. That includes plying a person with alcohol in order to turn an "I don't know" or a "no" into a yes. If you try to argue otherwise, you are a rape apologist. The fact that you were raped yourself in some other way doesn't change that fact. Your actions and words don't suddenly become unhurtful or correct just because you went through a horrible experience. 
What Hook admitted to doing is rape. So we haven't seen him commit rape. But his admission means that there is at least a possibility that he has. If you argue otherwise you are playing apologist for a potential rapist.
Don't come at me with "I know what a rapist looks like and Hook isn't it". That is, once again, deeming all other experiences but yours as invalid. Rapists do not all look the same. They don't all have some sort of specific "rapist" look to them. They can be anybody. That's precisely what's so terrifying. It is ludicrous to think that everyone who was raped is going to be triggered by the exact same things because no two rapes the same. Just because you aren't triggered by something doesn't mean someone else doesn't have a very good reason to be. Just because Hook doesn't remind you of your rapist doesn't mean there aren't many women out there for whom he does. 
Your experience is not everyone else's. Your rape is not everyone else's. So many women around the world have been raped in so many different ways and it is downright disgusting to act like any of those rapes are invalid because they don't match yours. 
The second you start excusing rape you are an apologist, regardless of your history.
You are disregarding the trauma of real life people over a fictional character and ship.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
I'm so disgusted. I can't believe the writers and audience don't see anything wrong with a former abuser of women cuddling and holding hands with one of his victims.
If there was actual development it wouldn't be that bad. But they were just like, "Well, Hook's this way now." 
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
I didn't really understand the scene with Torrio at the end.
Torrio was an ally of Luciano and Lansky in their endeavor to take control and change the way things worked.
The thing about Luciano (probably the reason he was so successful) was that he didn't really want power just for the sake of it. He had an idea. He had a plan. He wanted to change the way crime worked all over the country.
Torrio aligned with Luciano and Lansky because he, too, took issue with Maranzano's refusal to do business with anyone who wasn't Italian. While Luciano did instill the rule that people who weren't full-Italian couldn't be "made men", he understood that it would be detrimental to business to cut off all dealings with non-Italians, and that it would just cause problems. (Hell, Lansky wasn't Italian at all and he was one of the architects of the system).
And Luciano's idea has lasted. The structure still exists. The rules about Italians as made men still stands (if you've seen Goodfellas, that's a huge point. Liotta and DeNiro's characters couldn't be made men because they had non-Italian blood). When you look at the real life historical context of what's happening, you realize what a huge moment we're watching unfold (and you realize that Nucky probably isn't going to be on the winning end).
So that scene at the end was showing that Torrio was in league with Luciano and Lansky and had been basically playing Nucky this whole time. He was supposed to be at the meeting with Nucky and Maranzano, but he knew that they were going to get shot at so he didn't go. They all figured that both Maranzano and Nucky would be dead, so it wouldn't matter. But because Nucky's bodyguard is on top of things they survived the shooting, and now Nucky knows exactly what's going on.
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
I know you said that you didn't mind Ward and Skyeward as much as CS because you thought there was a chance for Ward to have an actual redemption arc with real development. But that so doesn't seem to be what they're doing with it. So why do you still like it?
I think what I said was that I would be open to a redemption arc, but that I would also be open to it going in the opposite direction as long as it was well written. And that, as long as things were were developed and properly framed, I would pretty much be open to anything in regards to Ward and Skyeward.
So yeah, it doesn't really seem like at the moment they're going for a standard redemption arc (though we're only two episodes into the season and things can obviously change). Ward isn't acting like a good guy. He's acting really strange and creepy. Which is actually really good and understandable writing, considering what's happened to him. He basically lost his faith base. And his loyalty base. Everything he was was devoted to John Garrett.  He didn't care about Hydra. That was just a means to an end. He cared about Garrett. Everything he did was for Garrett. And now Garrett is dead. 
That's a pretty startling thing, losing your reason for everything. So his actions make a lot of sense.
But what he's doing now isn't really "redemption arc". He wants to help SHIELD, but he only wants to help as long as Skye is the one he talks to. He's not willing to help if it's Coulson or May or any of the randos at the Playground. Just Skye. Because Ward really only knows how to function when he has one thing to function for. He's transferred that faith and that loyalty from Garrett to Skye. Garrett used to be his everything, and now Skye is his everything. Because that's the only way he knows how to live.
And yeah, that's seriously fucked up. But the show is portraying it as such. Rather than dressing it up as romantic, rather than having Skye swoon at his devotion, rather than trying to make Ward look like a romantic hero, they're playing it as it should be. Ward is acting fucking weird. Skye is creeped out by him. His transference of loyalty isn't being played as redemption at the moment.
And that's so good. It's so good that it's written that way. And it works in a shippy context because even though Ward's fixation is incredibly unhealthy, even though Skye justifiably hate them, it's being written that way and, more importantly, the writers aren't forgetting about the way the characters felt about each other last season. And that's being very well incorporated into the writing.
So yeah, it's screwed up and angsty as fuck. I like those kind of ships. And there's nothing wrong with shipping it, and nothing wrong with the show portraying it, as long as that fact is recognized. 
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
I hope you can help me, but I read here and there people talking about a hate post from CS or something. Can you tell me what happened or what was in that post?
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
I REALLY hate to ask, because I don't want to be a bother and presume that I can tell you how to tag your posts and such, but because of you I REALLY don't like OUAT or the thought of it because of how badly you painted it. I'm not faulting you for that! It's just I follow you and now I really don't prefer to see it on my dash. So if you could consider using a tag for all things OUAT related, like OUAT for ts or something, I would be really grateful.
I will try to tag everything anti ouat as that ("anti ouat")
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onceandfuturekiki · 10 years
What do you think rumplestilnskin can get from that hat. Until now his only goal was to get Bae back. What goal could he have now it doesn't seem that he should have given up so easy considering from both show its not impossible.
I don't watch the show anymore, so I can't answer your question.  While I try to stay informed about what's going on, all I know is that Rumple found the hat from The Sorcerer's Apprentice.
Speculating about the future of storylines in the show just isn't something I really want to do since I don't watch anymore.
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