suyashkaushik · 11 months
Field Service Trends that Will Shape This Decade
What will the future of field service look like by 2030?
For many, 2030 is a distant future, but for those who are responsible for shaping the direction of the company, it is not the time far away. And for that, they generally take critical decisions now to transform the organization.
It not only keeps them aligned with disruption happening in the industry but also helps figure out the white spaces where nothing much is happening at the moment.
On the contrary, as pointed out by the Silicon Valley tech entrepreneur, Kim Polese, “The short-term thinking disease is everywhere you look.” It traps the leadership executives in determining tactical responses for the current challenges instead of taking action for the future. The difference in approach could be seen as:Tactical responsesFuturist responsesDefining priorities and allocating resourcesPursue research for new investmentsPersonnel changes—hiring, layoffs, quits, promotions, acquisitions, and organizational changes.Workforce development for future needsMakeshift technology changes that may impact ROI and business’ key KPIs in presentTechnology selection and adoption based on how technology will be used a couple of years down the line and not the current trends
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Let us dissect each of these field service trends to see how these trends are setting in and the responses of the field service leaders.
Predictive Maintenance
As per Precedence Market Research, the global predictive maintenance market size is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 29.86% during the period 2022-2030, from USD 8.31 billion in 2022 to USD 67.21 billion by 2030. The increasing pressure on companies in MRO sectors to reduce the maintenance downtime and the cost of operations are the major factors that are driving this growth.
In this YouTube session by Google Work Space, Prashant Dinghra, Machine Learning Lead, Advanced Solutions Lab, Google Cloud, explains how you can create a hypothesis and build data models around it to develop predictive maintenance capabilities, mainly to:
Predict if equipment will fail in the next ‘N’ period
Predict if equipment will fail in the next ‘N1’, ‘N2’…period
Predict if the equipment will fail in the next ‘N’ period due to the fault in the part ‘X’
Predict the time to failure or remaining life of the equipment
Find anomalies
In the same video, Manju Devdas, founder, and CEO of Pluto7, also explains how predictive maintenance “makes your operations and monitoring team more productive” and saves money by reducing unforeseen downtime.
Digital Twin
Digital twin is a conflation of AI, ML, and IoT technologies to collect, process, and then drill down data to get actionable insight. It is basically creating a digital clone of the systems, products, and processes to analyze the implications of any action on them in the real-world environment.
The global Digital Twin market is expected to grow at a CAGR of more than 24.7% during the forecast period 2021 to 2026, as reported by IndustryARC. Interestingly, 42% of market growth is expected to take place in North America, especially in the automobile and aerospace industries. And most of the maintenance management programs and even asset management software have started incorporating asset performance with Twin models.
While it has a number of applications in product design and development and business optimization, maintenance operations is leading the segment by 24%, closely followed by performance monitoring.
AR and VR for Remote Assistance
As per Gartner, by 2025, nearly 50 percent of all deployments in field service management will make use of Augmented Reality (AR)s tools.
In the field service industry, AR and VR technologies are used to create a simulated environment derived from real-world scenarios. It enables service technicians to visualize and identify the problem beforehand so that they could go prepared at the client’s location with tools and essential spare parts, while also allowing them to connect with certified experts from remote locations to seek guidance and support. AR and VR are thus turning out to be one of the important field service industry trends.
One of the biggest developments in remote assistance is Microsoft’s Hololens. According to Alex Kipman, the person in charge of the HoloLens project, Hololens is for the “people that have been, in a sense, neglected or haven’t had access to technology [in their hands-on jobs] because PCs, tablets, phones don’t really lend themselves to those experiences.” It will improve collaboration across locations and facilitate access and exchange of data to resolve the issues quickly and accurately.
Dynamic Scheduling and Dispatch
Scheduling and dispatch processes act as the connective tissue between field service technicians and the back-office staff. Any error or mismanagement at this point is quickly reflected as the loss of productivity and poor first-time fix rate.
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pathstoawaken · 3 years
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fumpkins · 6 years
Surrey develops ground-breaking flexible X-ray detector
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Detectors that are currently utilized for mammograms and for dosage measurements in radiotherapy are typically stiff, triggering mistakes in screening, or dosage shipment to surrounding healthy tissue. This has actually raised issues of extra tissue damage or the development of secondary tumours. While flexible x-ray movies such as those utilized in dentistry or chest x-rays bypass this concern, they are unable to attain real-time imaging. Similarly, high-speed tracking of individuals and automobiles over big geographical locations, which is very important in border security, is hindered with the presenttechnology
In a research study released in NatureCommunications, scientists from the University of Surrey’s Advanced Technology Institute (ATI) information how they have actually established an x-ray detector by embedding oxide nanoparticles in a bulk natural structure that enables big location detectors to be produced cheaply. The detectors produced by ATI scientists have the ability to attain high level of sensitivity levels that highly take on present innovations, while still running at low voltages, along with over the entire x-ray energy variety spectrum.
The group likewise showed that it is possible to develop a gadget that complies with the topic – something that is not possible with present x-ray detectors. This suggests that it might be possible for breast cancer screenings to be performed by adjusting the x-ray detector ranges to the spec of various clients. A brand-new start-up business to additional establish this technology and bring it to market – looking particularly at the health, food tracking and pharmaceuticals sectors– has actually been formed.
HashiniThirimanne, lead author of the research study and PhD trainee at the University of Surrey, stated: “Our new technology has the potential to transform many industries that rely on x-ray detectors. We believe that this innovation could help save lives, and keep our borders more secure, and make sure that the food we eat is as safe as it could possibily be.”
DrImalka Jayawardena, co-author of the research study at the University of Surrey, stated: “We are excited to pursue this technology further and bring it to market. I would like to thank the University of Surrey for their support over the years and I look forward to continuing this relationship .”
ProfessorRavi Silva, Director of ATI at the University of Surrey, and matching author stated: “We are incredibly proud of the young researchers at ATI who have progressed this project and have produced technology that could very well save lives and make the world safer. We look forward to helping the team bring this technology to market. We are grateful to the Leverhulme Trust who funded the work via a major research programme.” .
Disclaimer: We can make errors too. Have a good day.
New post published on: https://www.livescience.tech/2018/07/26/surrey-develops-ground-breaking-flexible-x-ray-detector/
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pathstoawaken · 3 years
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