#Prince Solar and Head Assistant Eclipse thoughts
eclipsedcrystalstar · 7 months
Mmmm too many ideas
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[[ooc note: the following ask was planned in advance with the mod! readers, please make sure to discuss beforehand in DM if you would like to do something of similar nature. signed, the co-owner of the au <3]]
A winter breeze brushes against Eclipse's body. He stands in an open landscape, a snowed-over clearing. Though his summoning stone remains in his possession, Solar is nowhere to be seen. It seems as if, wherever he is, he cannot summon him.
In front of him stands a familiar, yet changed face. His dear brother, the Princess's head assistant.. but he's different. Attached to the front of the hood he now wears is a crescent shaped stone, and he now dons a belt to hold the base of his weapon. His eyes.. they've changed as well. A familiar crescent and star pattern to the pupil. The eyes of a royal.
Lunar- Snowball..? Whichever this odd form of his brother goes by- he approaches Eclipse. He looks confused.
".. Eclipse…? Is.. is that you?"
He stares for a moment, reaching a hand out but pulling it back.
"Why.. why do you look like that? Shouldn't you be off with the prince?"
At the mere mention of this so-called 'prince', he shudders. Looking up at him again, he squints his eyes to get a better look.
"… you.. You aren't my brother, are you? You're not the Eclipse I know…"
He reaches out a hand again, taking Eclipse's
"I.. I don't know what things are like for you, but if it's anything like what I've gone through… I don't think you'll be able to resolve things like I hope to. I don't know who the royals are for you, but the nearest kingdom, Land of Static and Seas… Is it still North and Saturn in power over there? They can help you..!! They helped me, at least"
He smiles as he takes a step back, but that smile slowly fades.
".. this is probably a dream, isn't it? It has to be, but.. on the off chance it's not, I hope I can see you again. Keep me updated, okay?"
Before anything else can be said, the world around the two of them begins to fade… and upon opening his eyes, Eclipse is right where he was when he had laid down to rest.
Eclipse was confused by the dream as he woke up, still lying on his spirit guide. That strange Lunar seemed to be on the run as well, perhaps from the prince he had shuddered to mention. He thought about the strange Lunar’s advice m
The spirit guide seemed a little surprised by Eclipse being awake, but looked down at him and smiled
“The Land of Static and Seas, do you remember where that is?”
“Should be to the south, but we might get too close to the castle again going directly there”
Eclipse stood up, he could tell he wasn’t getting any more rest tonight, so he wanted to get moving
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lady-divine-writes · 4 years
The Prince of the Sea and his Child of Fire - Chapter 9/15 (Rated NC17)
Summary: Blaine is a water sprite, prince of the undersea kingdom and sole heir to the throne. Five days away from turning seventeen and his big coronation, he decides to take a journey to the surface, to seek out a legendary flame said to be tended by an evil witch. Instead of a witch, he finds something else entirely ...
Kurt is a fire fairy, prince of a race of fire fairies and heir to the throne. Five days away from turning seventeen (on the night of a full solar eclipse when he will transform and become king), he sees for the first time in his life a water sprite - a member of a race that he's been raised to hate.
What will happen when these two mortal enemies fall in love? Is there any way for them to escape destiny and be together?
Read on AO3.
Blaine paces the floor of his cell - back and forth, back and forth - trying to figure a way out. He's never been trapped in a place or a situation that he couldn't escape, but his father might have him beat this time. The dungeons are in the lowest part of the castle, beneath the sea floor. It has multiple levels and spirals down, down, down, like the inverted cone of a conch shell. His cell is on the upper level – a simple recess cut into smooth rock. It's long enough for him to lie down on the floor, but shallow width-wise. In front of him - a single door of coral bars and beyond that, two armed guards who no longer recognize him as heir to the throne.
In his many explorations of the castle growing up, Blaine made it a point not to go down into the dungeons. This is the kind of place Kurt probably imagines when he said he thought the ocean was dark and spooky. This is dark and spooky, and cold – so much colder than any other spot in the ocean Blaine has ever traveled to. But it's the silence that bothers him the most. Even in the tranquil waters, he could hear the swaying of plants, the darting of fins beating against the water, the tides rushing in and out. Down in the dungeon, the thick walls dampen the noises from outside. All he hears as he shuffles about are his footsteps against the stone, his breathing, his heartbeat …
The dungeons are reserved for the worst villains in the realm. Most prisoners go mad within a matter of months.
Some of the prison guards do as well.
He tries to let his mind wander to thoughts of Kurt and their night together. Being with him had been more incredible than he dreamed it would be. Kurt is beautiful, soft, and so full of fire. Every sound he makes, every touch of his skin is like immaculate music. But it's not for superficial reasons that making love to Kurt had been so amazing.
It is because Kurt loves Blaine.
He’d said it. Now Blaine has the memory of those words to carry him forever.
But it also made rotting away in this cell that much more agonizing.
He wants to slap himself hard for believing that he could have Kurt, that the two of them could bring their people together and begin an era of peace. That his father might accept him and Kurt, that he might even be proud of him for finding a way to bring their races together.
It is plain to Blaine now that there will never be peace between them - he and his father.
And there is little hope that he'll see Kurt again.
His father was right. He is a disappointment. And useless to boot.
At least, with the true traitors behind the jellyfish attacks behind bars, the fairies are safe.
Maybe it would have been better if Blaine had never traveled through the forbidden waters and went to the cove. Maybe meeting Kurt was a mistake. But it's a mistake he doesn't regret. Not for a minute. Not even locked up in this cell for life.
Blaine hears footsteps and his ears perk up. It can't already be time for a changing of the guard. He peeks out through the coral bars, but they're woven so tight together that little can be seen through the gaps.
"Stand aside," a voice commands. "I have orders to relocate the prisoner immediately."
Blaine's heart leaps when he hears Trent's voice.
"But, sir," the first guard says, "we have orders from King Malek to keep the prisoner …"
"Yes," Trent cuts in, "and in a day I will be king. For now, I carry his message. He wants the prisoner moved and he has sent me to do it."
Blaine smirks. Trent might be overdoing it a little, but he's not complaining. Hand it to Trent to come to his rescue.
He'll never let Blaine live it down.
"With all due respect, sir," the second guard starts, but Trent doesn't let him get farther than that.
"Would you like to go up to the throne room right now and tell King Malek that you questioned his orders?" Blaine can hear Trent move closer to the two guards, his voice dropping to a lower, more dangerous register. "From what I've seen, he's in an exceptionally foul mood. I'm pretty sure he will not take well to having his commands second guessed."
In the silence that follows, Blaine hears an audible gulp. It makes Blaine shake his head. His father rules more by fear than respect, but whatever works.
"Wh-where is the prisoner being moved to?" the first guard stutters as he hands his keys over.
"He’s been ordered to a cell further below," Trent answers, the iciness in his voice striking Blaine straight through his soul.
Further below.
Down in the deep.
Where prisoners are locked away, and then forgotten.
Maybe this isn't a ploy like Blaine originally thought. Being locked farther below sounded like something his father would do. He just can't believe that it's an order Trent would consent to carry out.
Malek probably didn't give Trent a choice. Possibly Malek opted for something worse, and Trent negotiated up to this.
The lock clicks, the door swings open, and Trent steps inside - his face stony, his eyes hard. And Blaine gets ready to put up a fight.
A fight against his best friend. He never thought he would see the day.
Trent sees Blaine stare at him from the far corner of his cell, hands up for defense, preparing to charge … and he smiles. He puts a finger to his lips to keep Blaine from speaking. It takes a moment for Blaine to understand, but when he does, he gets angrier before he calms down.
Trent almost had him there. In any other situation, Blaine would give him the hardest punch in the arm he could.
"Come along," Trent commands loudly, grabbing Blaine by the elbow and dragging him from the cell. Blaine struggles in the presence of the guards for effect. He kicks out, and the guards shuffle out of the way.
“Do you need some assistance, Lord Trent?” one guard asks. “We can accompany you and the prisoner. Help keep him out of trouble.”
Trent’s hand, locked on Blaine’s elbow, tightens, and Blaine’s heart double-thumps in his chest.
“Not at all,” Trent says with a casual confidence Blaine has never heard from his friend before. “I can handle him on my own, thank you.” He brings Blaine around harshly, leading him down the hall and out of sight.
Blaine mellows when they turn the corner, but Trent keeps a hold of his arm in case they run into anyone else along the way. They walk through the dungeon, traveling deeper and deeper into the belly of the prison, along curling corridors until they are near enough to the bottom that no light reaches them and they are less likely to be heard.
"You're going to have to go out through the sewer," Trent says in a hushed voice, eyes glowing blue in the dark. "There are guards all around the castle, inside and out. There's no way you'd be able to escape that way."
Blaine nods. "Thanks," he says, steeling himself to go, but Trent puts his hands on Blaine's shoulders, holding the focus of his glowing golden eyes.
"Blaine, you have to get to the fire fairies. Your father is gathering an army – every soldier he can. They're going to attack the cove." Trent pauses to take a breath, unintentionally prolonging Blaine's suffering. "They have orders to leave none that they find alive."
“What?” Blaine's vision suddenly blurs. He sees nothing but a haze in front of his eyes - thick, black smoke billowing up towards the sky. And as it starts to clear - the carnage. Hundreds of fairies drowned, hundreds of sprites burned. They are equally numbered, equally matched as far as Blaine can tell. If there is a battle, it isn't going to end with anyone the victor.
His father's war will wipe out both races.
"But … but Hunter …" Blaine stammers, still unable to comprehend his dad's purpose in attacking the fairies.
"Both Hunter and his father have been imprisoned for treason," Trent explains, "but it doesn't seem to matter." He shakes his head, sympathizing and equally confused. "It doesn't make sense. After hearing about you and Kurt, your dad got it in his head that the fire fairies have to be destroyed. It's going to take him the day to gather the numbers that he needs, but he's planning to attack during the coronation, before I am crowned king. There's nothing I can do."
"I have to warn them," Blaine says, staring stunned at the dark space surrounding him, feeling more trapped than before.
"Go." Trent embraces his friend, patting him heartily on the back. "Go save your fairy."
Blaine returns Trent's embrace, then races down the spiral staircase that leads into the furthest reaches of the dungeon. Even for creatures that live in the dark, this part of the castle is a never-ending nightmare, and Blaine hopes to never visit it again. He focuses his every thought on Kurt. He has to reach Kurt. And if he has to travel through the dark to get to Kurt's light, he'll do it a thousand times over.
The sewer lets him out far away from the castle. From this distance, he can see the ruined gates, the scarred coral, the mounting army preparing for battle, and he knows that, locked in his throne room, Malek is looking out with satisfaction at the thought of the destruction he is about to cause. Blaine has heard his father talk maliciously about the fire fairies before.
He knows that the king has been longing to demolish that foe for years.
Blaine pushes off the sea floor and swims to the surface without anyone the wiser. He always thought that being relieved of the leadership and authority of becoming king would feel like a weight off his shoulders, but he feels heavier as he leaves the castle behind. He worries for his friend, about to become king in his place. He worries for his kingdom, entering a needless battle. He even worries for his father. Whatever happened to make him the bitter, heartless sprite he is now, Blaine wishes he knew. He can't imagine that his father was always this way.
But becoming king - that part of Blaine's life is over for him, and there is nothing he can do to get it back. The only choice he has is to move on with his life – and moving on means Kurt, in whatever way he can have him.
Right now, his sole purpose is to warn Kurt that his father's army is headed their way, and they're out for blood.
"So, when is your sprite going to get here, huh?" Rachel teases, flitting around the fire while Kurt sits on the branch, staring into the water, his feet grazing the surface. He thinks he can feel it – that cool comfort Blaine talked about, that solitude the water gives him. Kurt thought he would never find it. Blaine belongs to the water; Kurt does not.
But now, Blaine is a part of Kurt. And just as Kurt's body burns Blaine less and less, Kurt can find the allure of the water.
Even if he can't have Blaine, maybe he can have that.
A whole day has gone by without a word from the kingdom beneath the sea. Kurt knows that Blaine can't contact him till nightfall, if he gets the chance to contact him at all, but the torture of waiting wears Kurt down emotionally until the slightest thought of Blaine's touches or his kisses makes Kurt cry. All Kurt knows is there had been a battle beneath the ocean. What if it was still going on when Blaine got there? What if he had been hurt … or even killed?
Kurt would like to believe he'd know if Blaine died, that he would feel it like the tearing of his own heart from his chest. But there is no way for him to truly know until Blaine comes back. Unless he tries to go under water.
Kurt doesn't have enough faith in the water yet to try.
Rachel throws her flowers into the flame, not really paying attention to it. It reaches out and flicks her on the butt.
"Ow!" she yelps, rubbing her sore bottom. She catches sight of her melancholy brother dangling his feet and shudders. "Can you not do that? It gives me the creeps!"
Kurt bites his lip. He didn't want Rachel there with him, but his mother had insisted – a fostering of goodwill, she’d said. But Kurt is sure she did it to keep him from seeing his love again. Out of spite, Kurt sticks his feet in the water up to his ankles. Rachel lets out a high, trilling scream.
"Stop!" she squeals. "Pull them out, pull them out, pull them out!"
Kurt closes his eyes, letting the cold creep up his legs to his knees, reaching for him beneath his skin. A hand wraps around his ankle and gives a gentle tug, and Kurt jumps. He flies straight up, pulling a giggling Blaine free of the water and dropping him unceremoniously on the grass.
"Blaine!" Kurt screams, tackling him to the ground, holding him tight, not concerned about the drops of water chilling him to the bone. "I thought … I thought maybe … oh, Blaine!"
Blaine feels Kurt's chest heave, hears the fairy cry into his skin. Blaine puts his arms around him.
"Shhh …" He strokes Kurt's hair and kisses his cheek. "I'm here. It's all right. Everything is all right."
It breaks Blaine's heart that those sentiments aren't entirely true, but for now they are. While they hold one another, everything is alright.
"So this is the water sprite you're so in love with?" Rachel groans, hovering overhead.
Blaine feels Kurt's body deflate against him and he tries not to laugh. Kurt reaches a hand up to wipe tears from his cheeks without his sister seeing. When he’s regained his composure, he turns to face her, her snobbish air tarnished by the blush covering her entire body.
"Blaine, this is my sister, Princess Rachel," Kurt mutters, motioning to his sister, who performs a clumsy, mid-air curtsy. "Rachel, this is Prince Blaine, heir to the Undersea Realm."
"Pleasure to make your acquaintance," Rachel says sweetly.
"The pleasure is all mine," Blaine returns, kneeling to bow.
"Don't encourage her," Kurt grumbles, "or you'll make her feel important, and we'll never be rid of her. I was hoping to get a little time with my prince alone."
"You can have all the time you want with me," Blaine says, trying to sound upbeat, "because I'm not anymore."
Kurt's brow furrows. "Not what?"
"Not a prince.”
"Not a … what happened!?"
Blaine sighs. He wishes he had the whole night to explain, wrapped naked in Kurt's embrace where he can kiss away the fairy's confusion, along with all of his pent up anxiety and fear.
"We need to talk," he says. "Something terrible is going to happen, and every fire fairy is in danger."
"Rachel, go back to the flame," Kurt commands, Blaine’s serious tone chilling him to the bone. "I need to talk to Blaine alone."
"No!" Rachel stomps her foot defiantly. "I’m princess! Second in line to the throne after you! If the fire fairies are in danger, I want to know why!"
"It's all right. She might as well find out now." Blaine holds Kurt at arm’s length. He would much rather embrace him while he tells him, but he needs Kurt to see the truth in his eyes. "We were caught," he says, pausing a moment, waiting for Kurt to understand.
Kurt gasps. "Wha---who!? Did your friend …?"
"No." Blaine runs his hands up and down Kurt's arms to soothe the rage building beneath his own skin. He doesn’t feel like reliving the past few hours, and there are some parts of that tale he wants to tell Kurt when they’re alone. "No, not Trent. Someone else. Someone who used to be my friend, who's been trying to get the crown for ages. But he doesn't matter. My father found out about us and he took away my claim to the throne."
"Who's going to be king now?" Kurt asks, even though deep down he knows that question isn't necessarily important. But it’s a placeholder, giving him time to come to terms with everything.
"Trent is." Blaine smiles automatically at the thought of his best friend becoming king. "But my father is furious. He wants revenge."
"Against you?"
"Yeah, against me," Blaine answers dryly, "but also you and your mother, and every other fire fairy he can find. He's gathering an army. During Trent's coronation tomorrow, they're going to attack. He wants to kill you all."
Kurt stumbles back from Blaine's hold on his arms. "But … but why would he want us dead? What have we done to him?"
"I don't know. I don't understand it. I think I know someone who might. And maybe, if we can find out the answer, we might be able to find a way to stop this war before it starts. But we have to go now. We're running out of time."
"But … the flame." Kurt turns towards the fire burning a gloomy blue. "I have to tend it. If it goes out …"
"I'll do it," Rachel says. Kurt and Blaine look at her, surprised as they had both temporarily forgotten her.
"But you can't! It’s too dangerous! You're not strong enough!"
"I'm as strong as I'm ever going to be! I'm taking over tomorrow anyway."
"With Mother's help and guidance! I can't let you …"
"Kurt!" Rachel raises her voice. "You're running out of time! If I can't do it, then I'll call for help, but I need to give you a head start. Once Mother finds out about the army, you know what she's going to do."
"Yes. I know." Kurt bows his head. Blaine looks on befuddled.
“What will she do?” he asks.
“If the queen finds out about the coming army, she’ll attack first,” Kurt explains. “She’ll extend the power of the Eternal Flame beneath the water. She’ll put all her power behind it till it burns brighter than the sun.” He swallows hard. “She’ll eliminate every creature she can reach – malignant and benign.”
Blaine chokes on air. “Kurt! We have to …!”
"All right, all right." Kurt takes a deep breath. "Rachel, you’re in charge. But you have to promise that if it gets too hard for you, you'll call for help."
"I will," Rachel says with a solemn smile.
Kurt heads for a log on the far side of the meadow. He returns quickly with an armful of burgundy leaves and drops them on the ground at her feet.
"If you need help, put these in the flame. They'll turn the fire a brilliant gold that can be seen for miles. Burn these, and I'll return."
"I will." Rachel hugs Kurt tight. "Now, go. Find a way to stop this war."
"I will." Kurt kisses his sister's hair. "I promise."
Kurt turns to the fire, morphing in shades of light to dark green - colors of fear and confusion. Kurt puts his arms around it. “Take care of my sister,” he whispers. It flickers, then becomes silver.
The color of Kurt’s wings.
Rachel starts gathering up leaves, waving shyly at Blaine, who winks back before diving into the water. Kurt takes to the air. He looks down at the cove, the flame, and his little sister bravely tending the Eternal Flame. To the east, he sees his mother's palace, shining like a flame itself, a pyre of ivory stone.
"I'll be back," he says. Turning toward the ocean, he spots Blaine cutting sleekly through the water. Kurt beats his wings and, staying above the spitting surf and the rolling waves, follows the sprite out to sea.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 3 months
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Redrew the rainy day Prince Solar and Head Assistant Eclipse art because I thought it would be fun (and it was) I still love the original on the right but it was fun to redraw
Note: Both are OCs, Prince Solar is mine and HA Eclipse is my friend below’s!
Here’s the sillies @sunandmoonshow-unofficial
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 4 months
Not allowed thoughts about Prince Solar because my brain went “wouldn’t it be fucked up if while isolating himself he died in his room and no one noticed for an entire day because of his isolation behavior”
and the extra thought of “he’d probably die thinking his friends would be happier now that he’s gone”
and the extra though about Head Assistant Eclipse once it’s discovered. Knowing Solar that was dead on the other side of the door the whole day and he didn’t even realize.
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 8 months
What would Prince Solar and Head Assistant Eclipse’s wedding rings look like?
I have not thought about or discussed that with my friend but this did give me a little idea on it although it’s not definite just an idea
Maybe little engraving on the rings that represent the other, like a small fire pattern on Eclipse’s or a rock pattern on Solar’s
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eclipsedcrystalstar · 9 months
Prince Solar and Head Assistant Eclipse thoughts again just thinking about little sweet moments between them where they just enjoy each others presence. Both sipping tea sitting next to each other, Solar watching Eclipse crochet, one of them lightly hugging the other just because they want to show affection. As you can tell I’m absolutely normal about these two and this AU
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