#Probably because of how you can marry Azura but still I'd rather they not change it
childofaura · 7 months
What are your thoughts on Sara Cravens? She did Sanaki, Rinkah and Arete. For the former two, she replaced the original VA’s respectively.
Sorry for all these taking so long, I've been working on a side project for my work.
Ok for Sanaki... I don't think she was the best fit. However she does a HELL of a job for Rinkah, she sounds almost exactly like Stephanie Lemelin.
But I won't spoil how I feel just yet, so I'll just review.
I think her performance as Rinkah, Arete (And you cannot convince me that "Ar-Ah-Tay" is the correct pronunciation, it will forever be "Ah-Reh-Tee" to me), and even Sanaki are all good. Her Rinkah voice is very assertive and aggressive, but I like that her line about sticking together has the casual tones that Lemelin's performance had in the Room lines. And you can only tell she was having even more fun playing Rinkah in the Flame Tribe banner, with all the growls and fluctuations in her voice. As Sanaki, I think she has a good emotional performance, and even if I don't think the voice really fits, she does get that little bossy tone down well when she's surprised by Altina hugging her (And we SERIOUSLY need more Duos of those two). But it's also nice to hear the insecurity she gives Sanaki about not being able to hear the goddess's voice, and feeling like she's not worthy of being Altina's descendent. Finally, Arete is also fantastic, but I HATE the disconnect between her voice and her art (which isn't Sara's fault at all). Arete's voice is mature and nice, but also you hear the love in her voice when she talks about Azura. It just bugs me that they made her art look sinister. Hopefully someday we get a Duo Azura/Arete alt where she's drawn to look nice.
Sara was a perfect, flawless fit for Rinkah; probably the best voice replacement of the Fates actors who got replaced (Because I can't say Kaze fared better). For Sanaki, I feel like she wasn't a good fit simply because she doesn't sound young enough; but I also felt like her original VA wasn't a great fit either. Sanaki should have gone to someone like Lizzie Freeman, Heather Hogan, or Lisa Reimold. But she made do with what she has and I think that's enough. And for Arete, she is also a good fit and a good replacement; apparently Kris Zimmerman-Salter was her original VA in Fates, so while there's a pretty noticeable difference, it was still a good cast as well.
I think there's a bit of range between Sanaki and Rinkah, though I wouldn't say there's much range between Rinkah and Arete. She does well enough differentiating with performance though, like a lot of other actors. Just nothing crazy or outstanding.
So I think overall, I'd give her an 8.5/10. For what it's worth, she's doing a fine job in Heroes.
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