#Rae you are joining the ranks with my highly esteemed and deeply beloved Kay as IMKM artists
frick6101719 · 1 month
um i was on my twice annual reread of it might kill me and i made this. it’s caerwyn in the first interview dress (or at least the version in my head) i don’t really know what else to say i’m sorry i hope it’s ok
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I am so floored right now Rae spiritually I am kissing you on the mouth I LOVE HER
today has been a shit day and this has very much cheered me up I don't have the words. WOW.
I love everything about this. I love that I knew immediately that you have seen the Pinterest board but that you have really made this look your own. I am not a person who is good at creating a mental image of things based on words or images and I am blown away by how you have done it here. You have combined the pictures and descriptions and made something BEAUTIFUL and I am obsessed. I love the colour. I love her pose--it's prim in a way that seems so deliberate? This absolute scheming bitch I can practically see her eyelashes batting from the way you've posed her and that is so real of you.
Also the titties. 11/10 A+ no notes.
The space buns, the glow, the FRECKLES. I love it all.
Thank you so much. I can't tell you what it does to me to think of all the time and love you've put into this piece of art, and how it was my wee fic that prompted such an act. I'm touched. It's so special.
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