#Saddest part is that i went to investigate prices to start selling harnesses
thedeepweb · 6 months
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Hi. There are far too many things going on at once. My shitty classmates didn't collaborate with paying the last assignment and had to pay $40k pesos out of my pocket, along with a refill of my medicine that was also a painful $40k pesos. Expressing this in dollars is painful because 100 dollars does not feel close to what the inflation has done to obliterate buying power. Along with this i lost my phone and official dollar went up the double, which will soon reflect on the rest of the prices. Industrial sectors have been halted since a week ago until parallel dollar is established again (gotta love speculation!) and thus i do not have work as they won't sell anything. I was waiting until this monday where supposedly we could restart sells
As the cherry on top, on the weekend a giant storm took over and the province woke up this sunday without power and trees cutting the cables or even breaking their houses
Thankfully we only lost non-essential roofing and nothing else. But power will clearly not be restored until at least a week, between the ongoing rain and the amount of infraestructural damage (these are down my street, rest of the neighborhood has more ripped lightposts). Entire zone is out of wifi and mobile data (am typing this from a gas station while waiting for a spot to charge my phone 🥲)
My biggest concern is the food, as the heat still is precent (today thankfully is colder) and our food will inevitably spoil as our family and friends don't have power either to save something at least. That's a loss that will be very expensive, as if the rest wasn't enough already
If you'd like to help me with a dollar or two, it'd be thoroughly appreciated. If you can't or don't want to, please check up on your argentine friends to see how they are managing. Last month's inflation registered at 12,8%, adding to the 160,9% yearly, and with no doubt the business that won't open this week will have to hike up prices to compensate
Paying pal: @malakartz / Kofi
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