#Shop Game Changer Herbal Incense
tiffanyfaye · 3 years
July New Moon in Cancer - What it Means and Rituals You Can Perform at Home
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By Tiffany Faye July 9, 2021
*The Moon Phases I recognize line up with most Wiccan and Pagan beliefs. In Witchcraft, we normally call astronomies New Moon the Dark Moon (because it is not illuminated), and most witches recognize the New Moon as a day after the Dark Moon, when the moon is 1% illuminated.
Cancer is a water sign and full of nurturing energy, so this July's New Moon in Cancer is a great time to work with home life, family, and your own emotion and energy. The New Moon is a time for new beginnings and setting new goals. Because of the nurturing nature of this sign, it is a good time work on yourself. It has been a hard half of year, take time to rest and enjoy what you love while also evaluating your life and making plans for the second half of the year. This New Moon also activates empathy, so this is a good time get control of and understand your emotions. Have a good cry if you need to, whatever you need to do to regain your personal power. Cancer rules the heart, so try working on your Heart Chakra as well. New Moon in Cancer also have a lot of influence over areas like home life, wealth, and relationship with others, as well as yourself. You can take this time to get your home in order. Cleaning, redecorating, and rearranging your home can help set a new path for the next half of the year, or even the next lunation. Making plans from a financial aspect will also be a good idea, set up savings and rainy-day fund, start new business ventures. Also, use this time to reconnect with family and friends (please do not reconnect with people that harm your mental and emotional well-beings), especially those who have, and still do, nurture you. Spend time with your children and significant other, as well as your mother, or anyone else that helped with your upbringing. Finally, since Cancer is a Water sign, try working more closely with the Element. You could take a ritual bath with salts, herbs, crystals, and essential oils that correlate to the intention you wish to set.
You can work with so many areas during this New Moon so try picking 1 or 2 areas that so should really focus that will help your spiritual growth. You could spend the day with your family, take your kids, visit your mom or dad, and then later that night you can do a ritual bath or a ritual outside (if weather permits) under the New Moon. For this New Moon in Cancer, I will be providing two rituals. First, will be a ritual bath focus on yourself and your emotions that you can do prior to the second one. The second ritual we will evaluating our progress for the year, setting goals for the 2nd half of the year and this current lunation, and ending with a spell.
New Moon in Cancer Ritual Bath
Smudge Stick - I still had some of my Sage and Lavender Smudge Stick left
Salts - I am going to do Pink Himalayan Salt, but Epsom or Seat Salt would also work.
Candles - any kind, I put white tealight surrounding the tub.
Your choice of various Herbs, Crystals, and Essential Oils - I chose Dried Lavender, Chamomile, and Rose Petals, Lavender and Rose Essential Oils, I also put my Angel Aura Rose Quartz Point, Amethyst Point, my large Rose Quartz chunk and my Clear Quartz Point around the tub and Moonstone Chips in the water. Use what you have one hand, correlates to your intentions, and what resonates with you.
Optional - I used one of my Self-Love Intention Setting Soap Bars that well sell in our Etsy Shop for this ritual bath. Also, Music and Incense to play and burn while in the tub. I did not do music, but I did a blend of the essential oil chose in my diffuser. We also sell homemade Herbal Bath Bombs that can used in ritual baths.
Step 1. Prepare the bath. Clean your tub out (you do not want to a ritual bath in a dirty tub). Smudge the bathroom with your smudge stick. Fill your tub with water at your desired temperature.
Step 2. While the tub is filling, light your candles and start adding your items to the water and around the tub. While doing this, think of or say out loud your intentions. My intentions for this bath were my relationship with my boyfriend improving and me being happy and loving myself. Light your incense and press play on your music.
Step 3. Soak in your tub for as long as you want. If you chose to play music, listen to it, and feel the emotions from the instruments and the voices. Meditate (be careful to not fall asleep) and think of your intentions manifesting into reality.
Step 4. This part is optional as some people do not do this when doing ritual bath, but I bathe myself afterward with my Intention Setting soap I make myself and sell on my Etsy shop. I use them with every shower and bath I take, whether it for a ritual or not.
Sep 5. Record your ritual in your Book of Shadows or Grimoire. I have a Ritual Journal where I keep track of every ritual, I have done with the date performed, materials used, intentions, entities worked with, and the steps I took. I also record how I feel and anything I experience during the ritual.
Step 6. Clean up. I cleaned up right away since I have kids that get into everything but if you are choosing to do another ritual, either the one I provided or a different one, you can clean up both the ritual bath and the New Moon ritual at the same time.
Click here to read our post on our July New Moon Ritual.
Brown, Meressa, July 9, 2021, July 2021's New Moon in Cancer Will Be a Game-Changer for Relationships, MSN.com, https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/july-2021-s-new-moon-in-cancer-will-be-a-game-changer-for-relationships/ar-AALVLGl?li=BBnba9O
Deibe, Izzie, July 9, 2021, Cancer New Moon Rituals: 5 Rituals to Try on Saturday and Sunday, Express.co.uk, https://www.express.co.uk/life-style/life/1460277/cancer-new-moon-rituals-to-follow-on-saturday-crystals-moon-water-evg
Six, July 8, 2021, The New Moon in Cancer Wants You To Take Care of Yourself, Cosmopolitan.com, https://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a36969000/new-moon-in-cancer-july-2021-meaning-horoscope/
The Astro Twin, July 8, 2021, The Year's One & Only New Moon in Cancer Begs Us to Feel Our Feelings, MindBodyGreen.com, https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/new-moon-july-2021
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