#So much of Jaden's story is tied to Alexis
(Anon only please) I'm the same with Leasebound. I love Riley and I love Jaden but I can't see them as a couple. Jalexis should be the endgame ship.
I'M FUCKING SAYING. However, I'm well aware that Jaden and Riley have a lot more development to go through so I don't think we should focus too hard on them not seeming couple-worthy just yet. If they have their first kiss and STILL seem like they shouldn't be together, Rusty is gonna get an earful from me 💀 Imma slide her 20 dollars like "bring my girl Alexis back, PLEASE"
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kcuf-ad · 2 years
Chapter 7 of Yugioh GX: Rewrite
Bastion wants to test his skills against other duelists, both Obelisk and a Slifer. Also Chazz is an anyoned duelist with anyoning duel spirits.
Also on my Wattpad, AO3 and Fanfiction page. (Name: kcuf_ad)
Authors Note: 
It’s time for my boy Bastion to SHINE! While he is not in my top 5 favourite characters in GX, the way he was treated after the school duel arc is a slap on the face so don’t worry Bastion/Daichi fans! He will be treated way better here than in Canon. Also there will be 2 duels in here, both featuring Bastion. 
I am gonna warn you that Chazz’s part of the story will make you feel bad for him, including me and I wrote this chapter. Hope you guys enjoy!
Bastion was tapping his pencil on a sheet of paper with math functions written on it, he was doing attack mode calculations. While he was in a class, and it was extremely rude not to listen to a teacher while they were lecturing you, they were in Professor Stein’s class. The History teacher. 
He excelled the class with high grades, as pretty much any class he was a part of, and in his opinion, with no offence whatsoever, Stein did pretty much have, how would he put it, oh yes, a boring voice that could put anyone into sleep. 
He looked over to prove his opinion right to see that the only sleeping there, as usual, is Jaden, the Slifer Red, with Syrus almost falling asleep, but a glare from Celina was all that put him awake. 
He looked over towards the Obelisk Blue section of the class to see Alexis being the only one who was actually paying attention, while Jasmine and Mindy were whispering to each other. Chazz looked at his table, contemplating what his brothers said to him last week, with none of his goons with him, probably because he lost to a Red of all people. 
Bastion didn't like that, sure he was a Ra Yellow and would love to be an Obelisk, but that doesn’t mean he would treat anyone differently because they wore a different colour uniform, that wasn’t fair. 
Bastion looked over towards the dark dreadlocks haired professor with two round glasses on his book, lecturing the war on Sparta. Bastion knew what happened and what important people were in the war so he turned to his paper and continued to write as Stein continued with his lecturing. 
“Hmm, where was I right now? Ahh yes the attack mode quantum mechanics and how the most favorable options would be.” thought Bastion as he ignored the ringbell which meant that it is now gym class and everyone left to the gym, “While I do think Equip Spells are important for certain decks and are a good way to increase the attack of the monster it is very inconsistent and could ruin your whole strategy.”
“Bastion,” said Stein as the Ra Yellow continued to work on his calculations.
“While they are searchable in most cases, the Equip Spells would only work on one monster at a time. Monster effects of increasing attacks aren’t inherently good, but as long as they have effects that either negate effects or return cards  they could be useful in your deck.” 
“I think Field Spells would be perfect for the attack boosting effect since it does affect the entire field and always has a good effect, like protecting your monsters, negation, resources and so much more. Not to mention the-”
“Bastion Misawa,” Stein walked up towards Bastion, “You are gonna be late in your gym class.”
“Oh, bollocks. Thank you Professor Stein!” Bastion stood up as he went outside of the room. He ran towards the changing room for the boys, changed his uniform and put a yellow tie around his left arm. 
He went inside the gym room, with his arm upright, “Please hold it!” Everyone stopped what they were doing at their baseball game, he went to the students with yellow ties to represent the Ra Yellow. “Sorry I was late, I was doing attack mode quantum mechanics and I lost the track of time!” He really needs to thank Stein better later. He felt like someone was looking at him funny when he said quantum mechanics, probably someone from Obelisk Blue. 
Meanwhile he heard Jaden and Syrus singing “Hey, batter batter, hey batter batter, swing!” with an anyoned Celina as they continued with the song. 
“Don’t worry about it, but do you know how to pitch a ball?” asked a random Ra Yellow.
“Well, I think I can pitch the ball far enough.” answered Bastion, “Is that good?” 
“Eh, good enough, your move Bastion.” asked a Ra Yellow the closest to him. 
Bastion walked up to the place where people usually pitch the ball and he saw Jaden with a baseball bat, meaning that he will throw the ball, but he heard him singing “Hey batter batter, hey batter batter, swing!” 
“Knock it off, Jaden! Or I swear I am going to lose it!” yelled out Celina. 
“Sorry!” Jaden then looked at Bastion and pointed his baseball at the Ra Yellow, “This is no written exam, Bastion! I hope you know what you are doing!” 
Bastion smiled, “Trust me, Jaden, I have done all the calculations back at my dorm, and the results of you winning are close to zero. I hope you got a first aid kit, because you are gonna get the heat of my throw.” 
Jaden readied his baseball as Bastion pulled his arm back, “I hope you can handle some fight!” He yelled as he threw the ball at Jaden with the ferocity of a tiger. 
“Oh I can alright, but I hope you can handle my swings!” yelled out Jaden as he swung his baseball at the ball with the ferocity of a dragon, knocking it out of the park and at a certain teacher. 
“There is nothing I can do to expel that pain in the neck, Jaden, I don’t think I can do anything for this semester so I think I should relax for the time being,” walked in Crowler as he looked at the ground, “Besides, a song from one of my favourite movies will help! Hey batter batter, hey batter batter, swing!”  
“SHUT THE FUCK UP!” Celina swore as Crowler was now enraged. 
Crowler turned to the indigo haired duelist, “EXCUSE ME!? How dare you talk to me like that!? I have a PhD in Duelin…oh,” He was then STRUCK by the baseball and hit the boxes behind him. 
He then picked himself up with rage in one of his eyes showing clearly. The other one, well, had a baseball on his eye, “Okay, who threw that baseball!?” 
“Well, that’s a way to keep your eyes on the ball,” muttered Celina as Crowler went up towards Jaden, only for a certain Ra Yellow went between the two people.
“It was me, Doctor Crowler. I was the person who threw the baseball and Jaden used the baseball bat as part of the sport,” said Bastion as he looked Crowler in the eyes, as then from the good doctor had a bulb up on his head. 
“Alright alright I get it.” breathed out Crowler as he looked at the rest of the students, “Alright you slackers away from the gym room. NOW!” The Ra Yellows and Slifer Red, and some Obelisk Blue, exited the gym, except for three students. 
Jaden, Celina and Syrus put their ears on the very end of the door of the room to hear what will happen to Bastion, but unfortunately the only things they heard are, “Baseball…Ancient Gear Golem…IN MY EYE!”
“Wait, Ancient Gear Golem?” asked a confused Syrus as Crowler heard that as he looked at the door. 
“I heard that! Go away now or you three will get detention!” That was enough to make the Slifer Red trio go outside of the room as Crowler looked at Bastion, “Now where we? Oh right, the promotion to Obelisk Blue if you win the next day, how about it?” 
Bastion put his hand on his chin, that offer was tempting and he would love to be an Obelisk Blue, but he wanted to prove himself to be best in the year as he remembered certain words from Jaden before he even came here. 
“You just might be the 3rd best duelist here.”
Bastion wasn’t and will never be a narcissist, but the inner scientist in him wanted to prove that theory right if he duels an Obelisk. If it was true, he would train harder, but if it was false, well he might not know it himself. 
He looked at Crowler, “Interesting offer Doctor Crowler, but sure why not? I always wondered what I wanted to look in blue,” that wasn’t a lie either, yellow was his favourite colour, but he did always wonder that, “I do have 2 questions though. One who will be my opponent and second what time is the duel gonna take place?” 
“Ahh, don’t worry for the first question, Bastion, I will plan a duelist just for you, and the time, does 12 o clock sound good for you?” Bastion nodded, “Great! Now off you go! I need to lecture my students.” Bastion exited the room as Crowler went to his students, the ones that signed up for extra lectures that included even Slifers. And he had the best student for the job. 
Crowler went past many rooms and classes until he found his room where he teaches his students and then he entered it and saw a certain raven haired duelist, Chazz Princeton. He saw him sitting on his seat, “Cold ice tea with a foot rub, please.”
“Get it yourself,” said a random Obelisk Blue. 
“What was that pun- What are you doing here, loser?” Chazz asked in a cold tone, but Taiyou didn’t even flinch. 
“I don’t know. Where do you think you are sitting?” asked Taiyou. 
“Is this guy serious?”  Chazz thought as he looked at Taiyou, “My seat. Now get out of here!”
Raizou snickered, “Oh no you don’t, Chazz, you belong there.” he said as he pointed at the place where the Slifers were sitting. 
“Are you kidding!? I don’t belong there! I belong here! With the Obelisks!” Chazz stood up his seat and slammed his hands on the table and saw Crowler walking to his chair, “Doctor Crowler! Tell them I belong here!” 
“And why should I?” asked Crowler as he looked at Chazz, “You did lose to a Slifer Red, what was his name again? Oh right, Jaden Yuki, so that means that you don’t belong there.”
“You lost to Jaden too!” yelled back Chazz. 
“Quiet down, Chazz or you will automatically go to Ra Yellow!” yelled Crowler as that shut Chazz down for a minute, “Now I will announce that you will be dueling for your spot in Blue as you will duel Bastion Misawa for it. If you win, you stay here, if you lose, well let’s just say goodbye to your spot in Obelisk.”
That…destroyed Chazz’s world. This can’t be true! He can’t be a Ra! He couldn’t! His brothers will…he doesn’t want to imagine what will happen to him if he does go to Ra. “N-no. I can’t be a Ra!”  
“Oh you won’t,” assured Crowler, until, “unless you win against Bastion that is, but if you do, well bad news to you.”
Chazz needed a breath, a deep one, but unfortunately to his terrible luck, the Obelisks decided to ruin his confidence, “Ha! In Ra of all places?! He deserves to be in Slifer Red!” 
“No way, he doesn’t deserve even that place!”
“He doesn’t even belong here!”
The Obelisks started laughing at Chazz as he looked at Crowler, but he didn’t do anything, almost like he was encouraging this. “I won’t be a Ra!” He started running to the door and exited, laughing he could still be heard outside of the classroom. 
He ran and ran shouting, “I won’t be a Ra!” he yelled out as he passed through Jaden, Syrus, Celina and Bastion. He didn’t even glare at them as at the corner of his eyes, tears began coming down his face. 
“What was his problem?” Jaden asked his group as no one knew what just happened, all except one. 
“So my opponent is Chazz...” Bastion muttered, feeling bad for Chazz as it was clear that something was going through with him. 
Chazz didn’t care if he would get in trouble if he skipped class, he needed to be somewhere away from them. He needed to be somewhere safe he could feel. He ran towards the Obelisk Blue dorm, opened the door and ran straight towards his dorm, not noticing Zane narrowing his eyes, he could tell something was wrong. 
He opened the door and slammed the door shut. Chazz doesn’t want to feel like this. He doesn’t want to feel like he would be in danger if he goes to Ra, because of them.  
He walked towards the wall and, without a second thought, started punching the wall with tears flowing down his face like a river. “I” he punched again, “won’t” he punched again, making a small crack on the wall, “be” he didn’t notice his hands bloodied, “a” he punched for the last time making the sound be heard across the dorm. 
He fell down and he began crying, covering his eyes with his hands and knees, “Ra”.
Meanwhile at the Ra Yellow dorm
“So…why do you need us to be here, Bastion?” asked Celina as she, Jaden and Syrus walked down the Ra Yellow dorm hall towards his dorm room. 
“Well, Doctor Crowler told me that I would be dueling an Obelisk Blue so I wanted some help with deck building and strategies. And I do need some place to stay after I am done cleaning all of my studies,” Bastion claimed as he reached for his doorknob, “You don’t mind if I stay with you all for a night, do you?” 
“Nah, of course not Bastion!” said Jaden, “Although, why do you need us to clean your studies? Don’t you use paper for that?” 
“Yeah, I know paperwork can be tough, but not enough to ask help to clean it.” added in Syrus as Bastion chuckled. 
“Is something funny?” asked Celina.
“Oh nothing, just that I ran out of paper when I started writing my calculations so,” Bastion opened the door of his dorm room and their eyes widened at the scene, “I used it everywhere in my dorm room.” He wasn’t wrong in the slightest, not one bit. He wrote it everywhere you can think of. 
The tables, the floor, the mattress, on the goddamn windows and even on the walls were covered by calculations with every math formula you can think of. It looked like something out of a serial killer’s house. 
“Now I need to explain where I was going with,” Bastion pointed at a wall that had a table beside it, “That one is for monsters,” then he pointed at the wall opposite to it, “That one if for Spell cards,” he then pointed at the damn ceiling, “That one is for well you get the picture.”
“Holy cannoli, does everything have formulas, Bastion?” asked Jaden as he looked around the place.  It looked something out of his nightmares, math. 
“Oh no, why do you-”
“Don’t lie! You have it on your baseball bat as well!” Celina pointed out as she was holding a baseball bat with formulas all over it. 
“That explains that you did every calculation.” Syrus said as he looked at the Ra Yellow, “Why did you do all of this?” 
Bastion sweatdropped, “Well, in my theory, science, geometry, statistics play a role in everything we do in life. Even in the tiniest examples and things, we can all determine what will happen.” 
“Huh, never looked at it that way,” Celina put down the baseball bat, “So how can we help?”
“Oh don’t worry about that,” Bastion opened his closet and took some paint cans and brushes from it, “We have to clean the walls and windows to how they were back before, so will you help? Afterwards, I will treat all of you with some food in the cafeteria.”
“Sweet! I always wanted to clean a room on my own. And I am starving!” 
“Sure, I have nothing better to do.” 
“Okay, I will help!” said Jaden, Celina and Syrus all at the same time as they grabbed paint cans and went to their respective places to paint. 
Jaden grabbed a ladder that Bastion had in his closet also and painted the ceiling, Celina started painting in the beginning of the room, Syrus was at the left side of the room while Bastion was on the right side of the room. Well after they got everything out of the room first, they didn’t want to get the bed dirty, despite being covered by calculations. 
“Hey, look guys, I am Leonardo Dicaprio!” Jaden painted all over the ceiling, “Get it? Cause I am painting the ceiling!” he laughed at his joke. 
Celina glanced at Jaden, “First, it is Leonardo Da Vinci, second, Michelangelo was the one who painted on the ceiling.” 
“Uh, yeah I kneeew thaaat,” Jaden looked at Celina, which made him tremble all over the ladder and then accidently hit Syrus on the head, “Uh oh.” 
Syrus then glared at Jaden, “You know that this means war, right Jay?” Jaden tries his hardest to apologize, but Syrus ignored it as he threw the bucket at Jaden, but it missed and hit Bastion straight to the face.  
“You know, I agree with Syrus here. This means warfare!” Bastion grabbed his paint brush, put the brush inside of the bucket and used it as a dagger. 
It was a free for all battle between the two Slifer Reds and one Ra Yellow as they battled on who would win this fight, acting like teenagers…oh wait. Making splashes all over the room, doing their jobs correctly, with the wrong way. They didn’t want to do anything to Celina, they didn’t want to die, and said indigo haired girl was still painting the walls, minding her own business. 
Unfortunately, Syrus stumbled on a ladder that Jaden used, and hit Celina right on the left side of her body, ruining her uniform and making her look like a part of Two Face’s face. She glared at all three of the duelists, and they gulped when she reached her paintbrush inside of her bucket and pointed her brush at them, before charging at them. 
A few hours later
They are now finally done with colouring the room after the incident and they looked like the literal definition of white. They all looked at each other and without a word, they went to the showers to clean themselves. 
After a half an hour, they decided to eat at the Ra Yellow cafeteria. They felt safer here than if they ever went in Obelisk Blue, since the Ra’s were way nicer than they could be in a lifetime.  
The Slifer Red trio sat down at the table as they looked at Bastion on why he wasn’t sitting down, but he assured that he would get them the food. Since he knew to a certain degree, he could guess on what they would like. 
He walked up to the lunch lady, ordered the meals, waited a couple of minutes and went back to the Slifer Red trio, who were talking about how nice the Ra Yellow dorm was and slightly telling Jaden that he should have stayed here rather than the cockroach infested dorm. 
“Aww, come on guys, if I did I would never be with yo- Oh, what is this smell,” something was in Jaden’s nose, he can smell something delicious. He looked over and his mouth started drooling. 
“Here you guys chaps, I don’t know if you liked it, but I made sure so you all could enjoy it.” said Bastion as he held a tray with a lobster, fried shrimp, some delicious looking french fries, some lemon and tomatoes with a smell that it came from France itself. 
“Man that looks delicious!” Before any of them could take a bite of it, Jaden remembered what Bastion said a few hours ago. “Wait, didn't you say you would go to Obelisk Blue if you won tomorrow?” 
“Oh yeah, is that the reason why you made us clean your dorm?” asked Syrus as he looked at the Ra Yellow. 
“Well, if you are, you deserve it.” Everyone turned to see Celina eating some french fries, she swallowed as she continued, “I saw some of your duels and how much, how Jaden would say, kick their butt, and I have to congratulate you.” 
“Thank you, Celina, those were great words to encourage me today, but I have a question.” said Basiton. 
“Well, I was testing a Water styled deck and I have been meaning to ask you if I could test it with you.” said Bastion as he wanted to test if she really was that good. He saw her reaction, and his question was answered by a grin. 
“Sure, don’t go easy on me.” she said 
“I don’t plan on it.” he said as he saw the meal he ordered a few minutes ago, “Anyways, I think its time to finally eat the meal-'' He couldn’t even finish his sentence as they started eating like there is no tomorrow. 
Meanwhile in the Obelisk Blue Dorm
Chazz sat down on a couch with the TV open as he was on a call with two people. One was a guy in a dark maroon outfit with a dark tie in it with dark pointy hair that was similar to his hair. That was his older brother, Jagger Princeton, the top of the financial world. “So, we heard that you lost to a Slifer Red.” he said with a cold tone. 
“Ye-yes I did, Jagger,” Chazz said shakily, almost like he was afraid of them, 
“Look at us when we are speaking, CHAZZ!” yelled out the other person. He had long dark hair with a small chin in a black business suit with a darker tie than the other person. He was Slade Princeton, the oldest brother of Chazz. He was at the top of the political world.
“I’m sorry, Slade!” Chazz lifted up his head, trying his best not to let out any tears, “I am sorry!”
“You BETTER be!” yelled out Slade, “The amount of money we wasted on your pathetic ass to be in this school is astronomical! Be thankful that we even spend money on you!”
“And don’t you DARE forget about our plan! Remember it!?” yelled out Jagger as Chazz tried to straighten his back. 
“Of cou-course I do! Be the best duelist here so I can rule the dueling world!” Chazz as his brothers sighed.
“Finally you did something useful for the Princeton name.” Jagger rubbed the temples of his forehead.
Slade glared at his youngest brother, “Now you listen to us VERY carefully, Chazz you got it?!” Chazz nodded his head, “GOOD! If you lose this duel against some random Ra and go to Ra Yellow, you are gonna be DISOWNED by us! You got that!?” 
Chazz was only a few seconds away from bursting out of tears, and even if he did, he doubted they would even care for his own feelings, “Yes, Slade and Jagger.” 
“Good!” and that was the end of the call and that was when Chazz fell down to his knees, breathing like he went through a tough battle and then tears when down his face.
“Why? Why are they like this to me?” Chazz thought, as all that he could remember from his family, was that his father was never home, and even if he was, he would only care about his brothers. His brothers always wanted to rule the world and they used him like a toy. The only people in his family that even cared for him was his mother and his pet dog, Spot, who tragically died a few years ago. 
All of that attitude of him and the way he treated everyone around him was all fake. What he really wanted were people that cared for him, treated like they would any other person and not use his money and hang out with him because of how popular he was. 
What he really felt towards Jaden, wasn’t hatred, it was envy. He was surrounded by people that genuinely cared for him and when he was knocked down, he would always get right back up and didn’t care what people thought about him. 
He looked outside and saw Jaden and his group, including Bastion, walking towards the Slifer Red dorm with almost no care in the world, he wanted that too. He wanted to be with them, but he couldn’t. He needed to be the best. 
He needed to win. 
He thought about an idea, an idea that not even he would ever make, but he needed to do this, otherwise, he won’t be accepted by his brothers. He grabbed his Obelisk Blue jacket and went outside to make a decision that would later be his worst mistake. 
At the Slifer Red Dorm
Celina was stretching her muscles as she awaited for Bastion to come, ready for her duel with the Ra Yellow. She looked at her deck, “He said he was using his Water deck, I wonder what type of deck would that be. Legendary Fisherman?” she thought as she heard footsteps on the stairs coming down. 
“Sorry for the little delay, Chumley was asking questions on why a Ra was here and did some last minute deck building that I lost the track of time.” explained Bastion as he got his duel disk and deck out. 
“Oh don’t worry about that,” Celina got out of her deck and duel disk, “Just be prepared to lose.”
“We’ll see about that!” Bastion inserted his deck inside of his duel disk. 
“C’mon, Sy! We’re gonna miss the duel!” yelled out Jaden as Syrus was behind him, close to the door of their dorm room since Syrus was taking forever to change into his pajamas. 
“I’m coming, Jay!” Syrus yelled out as he got to the railings and saw that they haven’t started yet, “Look I think they are gonna start!”
“DUEL!” both of them yelled out as they took the cards out of their decks as the duel began. 
Celina: 4000 lp
Bastion: 4000 lp
Turn 1. 
“So, who is gonna start first?” asked Celina as Bastion took a good look at his hand. 
“Well, since my deck could go first or second pretty well, your deck could only get good if they are second,” stated Bastion as he looked at Celina, “So you can go first.”
“Cocky, aren’t we? But sure, I will show you how wrong you are. I draw!” she drew her card and took a good look at it. It was a good hand, but what Bastion said was correct, this deck is amazing going second, going first, on the hand, isn’t really her style. 
But if you think that will stop her, you are wrong as she took out a card from her hand, “I summon Lunalight Blue Cat!” A blue feminine cat was summoned onto the field.
(Lunalight Blue Cat: Level 4 - Dark Beast-Warrior - Attack: 1600. Defense: 1200.)
She then took a card from her hand; “I end my turn with a face down!”  a card was set vertically behind the Blue Cat. 
Turn 2. Bastion - 4000 lp - 5 cards
Bastion drew his card and looked at it, he had a perfect hand for this. He took out one of the cards, “I send Duoterion to my graveyard so I can activate his effect,” a dinosaur made out of dirty water appeared as an after image behind Bastion, “I can add a Bonding card from my deck to my hand.” Bastion took out his deck, took a certain card from his hand and returned his deck into his duel disk.
“Ahh, the Chemical archetype.” thought Ceilna, “Heard that they added a new monster and a Spell card to the deck to make it more viable, but I have heard that it could be a difficult deck to play.” 
Bastion then took a card from his hand, “I think it would be the appropriate time to play it! I activate Bonding - Combustion!” a couple of test tubes appeared onto the field in front of Bastion, “I have to tribute 2 Oxygeddons and 1 Carboneddon so I can make a chemical reaction and get the result of the two monsters!” 
Two dragons covered in green water and a small dragon made out of carbon both appeared onto the field, only for them to be sucked in one of the test tubes. For a split second it looked like everything was in control and then it exploded, making a huge dragon made out of living fire, “The monster that caused this reaction is the Fire Dragon!”
(Fire Dragon: Level 8 - Fire Dragon - Attack: 2800. Defense: 2600.)
“Woah, that is so cool!” yelled out Jaden as he looked at the dragon with sparkles in his eyes. 
“No, Jaden, that is hot.” joked Bastion, but sadly, no one thought that was funny, not even the dragon he summoned a few seconds ago, giving him a disappointing look. “I need to work on my jokes,” he muttered while taking a card from his graveyard, “Anyways, I activate Carboneddon’s effect.” 
A card appeared out of his graveyard to which the Ra Yellow took, “I can banish it so I can special summon a Level 7 or lower normal Dragon monster from my deck.” Bastion took out his deck, took a specific card and placed it on his duel disk, “I summon Hyozanyru in defense mode!” 
A diamond appeared onto his field, a massive one in fact, bigger than Syrus. The diamond started to hatch, like an egg, before exploding in dramatic fashion and revealing the dragon that Bastion summoned. The dragon had light blue skin with decent sized wings and a massive horn on the head of the Light Dragon, but was in defense mode due to the effect of Carboneddon. 
(Hyozanryu: Level 7 - Light Dragon - Attack: 2100. Defense: 2800.)
Celine bit her lip, in her opponent’s field were two powerful monsters that had either 2800 attack points or defense points, and both of them covered offense and defense. Bastion knew what he was doing. 
“I think it’s time to attack! Fire Dragon attacks your Blue Cat with Hellfire Storm!” yelled out Bastion as Fire Dragon shot a powerful beam of fire that caused a massive storm that engulfed the entire Slifer Red dorm which destroyed Lunalight Blue Cat. 
Celina: 4000 - 2800 life points
Bastion: 4000 lp
“Now the Fire Dragon’s effect activates! When it destroys a monster, like your Blue Cat for example. and he deals you damage equal to the destroyed monster’s attack points, just like the Flame Wingman!” The fire storm continued as it went all in on the only female Slifer Red. 
Celina: 2800 - 1200 life points 
Bastion: 4000 lp
The fire was now cleared and everyone got a good look at Celina, who was looking at the ground with her hair covering her eyes, but then quickly raised her head with a grin, “Thank you for destroying my Lunalight Blue Cat, since I activate her effect when she is destroyed, I can special summon a Lunalight monster from my deck, but I chain it with Lunalight Resurrection Dance!” Her set card was then activated, “When a monster was destroyed, I can add 2 Lunalight monsters from my deck to my hand!”
Celina took out her deck, took two cards from it and she showed them to Bastion. They were Lunalight Emerald Bird and Wolf. She wasn’t done as she took a card from her deck, put the deck back to the duel disk, “I summon Lunalight Crimson Fox!” a red crimson feminine fox was then summoned onto the field. 
(Lunalight Crimson Fox: Level 4 - Dark Beast-Warrior - Attack: 1800. Defense: 300.)
“So she managed to make an advantage out of the destruction of her monster, remarkable.” thought Bastion as he looked at his hand, nothing could help him in this turn so he looked at the his opponent. “I end my turn.”
Turn 3. Celina - 1200 lp - 5 cards
Celina drew a card from her deck and she looked at the newly drawn card. “I am about to pop off. I activate Polymerization! I fuse my Emerald Bird and Wolf from my hand so I can Fusion summon!” On her field appeared a feminine emerald bird and a wolf with green hair and a barbaric style uniform, only for them to be sucked into a Red-Blue Spiral Vortex. 
“Come out, Lunalight Cat Dancer!” as then from the vortex came out a black and blue dancing cat with blue light robes around her hips with purple leggings and red bra. It had long red hair down to her shoulders. 
(Lunalight Cat Dancer: Fusion - Level 7 - Dark Beast-Warrior - Attack: 2400. Defense: 2000.)
Bastion looked at the Cat Dancer, but he remembered something she said earlier, while Syrus tensed up remembering all the times she summoned that thing and beat him in a duel. All 106 times. 
Jaden was the only person who was not nervous about this. In fact he was pumped up the entire time. 
Celina then took a card from her graveyard, “And now Emerald Bird’s effect activates! When sent to the graveyard, I can special summon a Level 4 or lower Lunalight monster from my graveyard!” She took the card and placed it, “And I summon Lunalight Blue Cat!” A feminine blue cat reappeared onto the field. 
“Blue Cat’s other effect activates!” she yelled out, “When she is summoned onto the field, I can target a different Lunalight monster on the field and her attack is now doubled!” It was no question on what monster she was using that effect on. 
Lunalight Cat Dancer: 2400 - 4800 attack points
“If she uses her effect…” 
“Bastion will lose!” yelled out Jaden and Syrus, but Celina wasn’t done. Oh no. She wanted both of Bastion’s monsters to be destroyed, “I activate Lunalight Mischievous Dance! I can target one of my monsters and then one of your monsters,” she pointed at Hyozanryu and her Crimson Fox, “And my monster’s stats have increased by 1000 points while yours are now decreased! And it gives my monster piercing damage!” 
“Wait, WHAT!?” yelled out Bastion. 
Lunalight Crimson Fox: 1800 - 2800 attack points/ 300 - 1300 defense points
Hyozanryu: 2100 - 1100 attack points/ 2800 - 1800 defense points
Celina didn’t say a word, all she needed to do was point at her Lunalight Blue Cat, “I activate Lunalight Cat Dancer’s effect! I tribute one monster so she can attack a monster twice in a row!” Her cat disappeared as she then thrust her hand towards Hyozanryu, “It’s time to battle! I attack Hyozanryu with my Lunalight Crimson Fox!” 
Crimson Fox started running on all four legs on the diamond dragon, the dragon tried to stop it with fire, but to no avail, Crimson Fox jumped towards the dragon and crushed it by a single attack. 
Celina. 1200 lp 
Bastion: 4000 - 3000 life points
Before Bastion could get his footing back, Cat Dancer already ran towards his Fire Dragon, “And now Cat Dancer attacks your Fire Dragon will Full Moon Mayhem!” Cat Dancer jumped at the dragon, the dragon was tough, but a quick kick and a knee down was that it took to take the dragon down to its knees. 
Celina: 1200 lp 
Bastion: 3000 - 1000 - 0 life points
 All of the holograms disappeared, meaning that it was over and the Slifer Red won. Bastion looked at his opponent with a smile on his face, “I guess I have a lot of room to improve.” He walked over towards Celina and gave her a hand shake, to which she accepted, “Next time, I plan on winning.”
Celina, “We will see about that.” she said as she heard her friends coming towards them. 
“Yo, that was amazing!” yelled out Jaden. 
“Yeah, especially on the Fire Dragon and Hyozanryu defense and offense combo!” complimented Syrus. 
“Hey, what about me? I won the duel!” she was fake offended. 
“You were cool, but we never saw Bastion duel in full.” said Jaden as Bastion rubbed the back of his head, while the rest agreed to that. 
“Yeah, you are smart so the deck really fit you.” said Syrus. 
“True that, but I heard that the deck isn’t really consistent and could be a brick most of the time,” said Celina, “Although it fixes that by having extreme power and attack points.”
“Well, all of my decks are good and bad at certain parts of a deck so I can prepare to duel any opponent,” said Bastion with confidence. 
“Wait, decks?” asked Jaden, with a reasonable question. Most players he knew only played one deck, and he was no exception to that rule. 
“It isn’t that shocking.” everyone turned towards Celina, “I have numerous decks back in my home with the main gimmick of Fusion. I picked it out since it was my favourite one.” 
“I get it.” yawned Syrus, “Hey guys, don’t you think this is getting a little late. We don’t want Banner to put us in detention  or suspended.” he looked at Jaden. 
“Yeah you’re right, Sy.” he said completely unaware that he was looking at him, “But where would you sleep, Bastion?” 
“I did say that I was sleeping in your dorm, didn’t I?” asked Bastion as everyone ‘ahh’ed at that, “So do you mind if I sleep in your room, Jaden?” 
“Man I would love to, but Chumley would probably lose it if someone other than a Slifer would go inside of the dorm and I don’t want to deal with that close to midnight,” Syrus and Celina nodded to that, remembering the last time Alexis was here, and it was a disaster, but they didn’t blame them for his reaction, “Celina you cool if he sleeps in your room?” 
Celina sighed, “I won’t mind, but” she turned around the Ra Yellow, “touch me once and I will break your bones, got it?” Bastion looked at Jaden and Syrus, thinking she was kidding, but their faces literally said “She is not kidding,” so he looked back and nodded, “Good.” 
“Alright, well good night everyone.” said Bastion as he went towards the far right side of the Slifer Red dorm, while the rest followed suit. He entered the room and every rumor about it was true, down to the floors. 
The walls were practically made out of cardboard, the beds were made from the late 1970s, there were even cockroaches all around the place. The fact that this place wasn’t taken down earlier is a horrible miracle. 
Despite this he climbed the bed and slept on his back, “Alright, I know this place is bad, but it is worth living in if you really don’t care about your place in this scho…huh.” 
Celina was in shock. That was the quickest time someone has ever slept, but honestly, that really didn’t bother her, the less time speaking, the more time sleeping. So she went to her bed and dreamt about beating the everlasting shit out of an Obelisk Blue. 
Meanwhile in the lighthouse
This was the place that Zane could relax the most as he looked over the beautiful ocean hitting the docks, the light from the lighthouse going around and showing the beauty of the Moon. It was the best place where he could feel free. This was also the best place for him to talk to Honest without looking like a sociopath. 
While he did like the silence and the conversations with Honest, there was also a person that he liked talking to, and that was the younger sister of Atticus, Alexis. 
They are at the lighthouse talking about the academy, the students and all of the important things. Until they saw a figure with large pointy hair wearing an Obelisk Blue jacket. In his hands was a deck and contemplating doing something. 
Their eyes widened with Honest gasped as the person threw the deck in to the ocean. The figure took a deep breath as he went back towards his dorm, but the figure was shown as a familiar figure and duelist. 
 The Next Day
Bastion, and the rest of the gang, were woken up early in the morning by the sounds of someone knocking on the other side of the wall, aka Jaden’s room. It was Miss Dorothy, the owner of the card shop, “Jaden! Jaden! This is an emergency!” 
Both doors were opened at the same time, Jaden first asked, “What is it, Dorothy, it’s like extremely early.”
Syrus looked at his phone and saw that it was only 10:21, “Jay, it’s almost half past 11.” 
Dorothy ignored Syrus’ comment as she looked at Jaden straight ahead, “I am sorry boys to wake you up, even you Celina, but this is urgent! I was unloading some goods at the shore when I saw cards in the ocean!” she exclaimed as everyone gasped, even Chumley who was half asleep. 
But one thing was Celina’s mind more than anything, “Wait, why are you informing Jaden of all people?” she looked at Jaden, “No offense.”
“Is cool, but to answer your question, I told her if there is anything bad happening around Duel Academy, she notifices me.” explained Jaden as he then started running, “But we don’t have time! We need to see this!” 
The rest of the gang followed suit, leaving Dorothy in a worry. It only took them around 10 minutes for them to get to the lighthouse. aka the shore, and they gasped. Vorse Raider, Ring Of Destruction, Axe Raider and even more powerful cards that Bastion used in the entrance exam.
“Vorse Raider!?” yelled Syrus as he continued looking at the cards, “Ring of Destruction!? Ring of Defense!? These are all of your cards, Bastion!”
“Yes, quite unfortunate, whoever did this must want me not to progress into Blue,” said Bastion as he knew who did it, but didn’t want to reveal his identity.
“How are you gonna duel now!? You only have an hour to get there! There is no wa- Wait didn’t you say you had decks?” asked Jaden. 
“I was about to point that out, but good eye, didn’t you say you had an extra deck?” asked Celina, “Hell, I dueled you last night.”
Bastion only smiled, “Correct, but I am still shocked that someone would do this to someone’s deck. A deck is the core of their spirit, as some theories like to say, so it isn’t very moral for someone to do that.”Bastion walked to the shore and picked up his Vorse Raider. 
“As soon as I found out who did that, I will kick their ass!” proclaimed Celina. 
“Yeah, why are we still here!?” Jumped up Jaden, “We need to get to the Duel Arena as soon as possible!” The gang then started to run towards Duel Academy, not noticing Zane in the forest, unhappy like he couldn’t find anything somewhere. 
It only took a couple of minutes to enter Duel Academy, ran past several classrooms and got into the Duel Arena only to see Doctor Crowler and Chazz Princeton waiting for them. 
“Hmph, I thought you would never show up!” yelled out Chazz as the gang try their best to stop Celina attacking him, “After all, a Ra dueling an Obelisk like me wouldn’t be fair, would it Doctor Crowler?” 
“Yes, quite.” nodded Crowler as Bastion glared at Chazz. 
“Those were some bold words coming from you, Chazz.” started Bastion, “I mean you did throw my cards into the ocean!” 
“What?!” yelled out Crowler, and Chazz while faking it. 
“I would never!” protested Chazz, but unfortunately for him, two people showed up to ruin his plan, they were Alexis and Zane, who looked much more serious then a few moments ago. 
“Don’t you dare lie, Chazz! Both me and Zane saw it both of our eyes!” yelled Alexis as Zane nodded, as an angel appeared as an after image beside The Kaiser shaking his head. Chazz tried his best not to react to the angel so he tried to protest, but she continued, “Now normally I don’t snitch on people, but you don’t mess with someone’s deck!” 
Chazz scoffed, “Okay, even if I did throw them away, who said I didn’t do it with my own deck?” he argued back. 
“I wouldn’t think so,” Bastion then opened one of his pockets to reveal Vorse Raider, and in true Bastion fashion, it was written in formulas, “I always write formulas on everything, including my very own cards! Explain that!”
“Who said that I don’t do that also? You can ask me any formula, and I would answer it.” said Chazz. 
“What’s the Pythagorean Theorem?” asked Zane. 
“Come on my math skills, don’t fail me now.” thought Chazz as he answered, “A2 + b2 = c2“
“What’s the quadratic formula?” asked Syrus. 
“X equal to minus b plus or minus on D divided by 2a.” answered Chazz as that was his favourite formula to solve. 
“Eisenstein’s theory of relativity?” asked Celina. 
“Please even Slacker knows that, it's e=mc2 '' answered Chazz as Jaden sweatdropped, before thinking of a ‘hard’ question.
“Oh, I got it! What’s 2 + 2?” Everyone turned to Jaden with disbelief, can he really be that dumb? Jaden quickly laughed, “I was joking!” he lied, “Umm, 25 x 13?” 
Chazz did some math in his head, “Hmph, 325.” “Okay, he is just flexing at this point.” everyone thought. 
“You know what!? I am tired of these math equations,” said the Math teacher before looking at Chazz and then Bastion, “How about this? Whoever loses the duel, gets expelled? Those that sound fair?” Both of them nodded at each other, “Good. Now both of you get to your parts of the Duel Arena.”
Bastion got up the stage with the gang including Zane cheering him on. “Yeah, beat him with your spare deck!” cheered Celina. 
“Spare deck!?” thought Chazz as Bastion left out a small laugh. 
“Spare deck, I am sorry Celina for misleading you, but I have more than just a Water deck, instead,” Bastion unzipped his jacket revealing 6 different decks with an element symbol on each deck box, “For you see, I have a deck for each attribute! Wind, Water, Fire, Light, Dark and Earth! But since I want a quick victory,” he said as he took out his Water deck and placed them in his duel disk. 
Chazz growled as he took out his deck and put it in his duel disk, “Fine, I will still beat you!”
“We’ll see about that!” yelled out Bastion as both of them yelled “DUEL!” 
Chazz Princeton: 4000 lp 
Bastion Misawa: 4000 lp
Turn 1. 
Both the Ra Yellow and Obelisk Blue drew their top 5 cards, “I’ll go first, you Ra!” Chazz yelled as he drew his card and looked at it, and grinned. He took his newly drawn card, “Time to start this duel by summoning Mystic Tomato!” 
A dark mystic tomato with a creepy smile was summoned onto the field which freaked out everyone watching this duel. 
(Mystic Tomato: Level 4 - Dark Plant - Attack: 1400. Defense: 1100.)
He then took a card from his hand, “I’ll finish this turn with one card face down!” a card was set vertically behind the dark tomato. 
Turn 2. Bastion - 4000 lp - 5 cards 
“A card that could summon a Dark monster with less than 1500 attack points when destroyed, what is he planning?” Bastion thought as he drew his card and then discarded a card, “Due to Duoterion’s effect, when discarded, I can add a Bonding Spell or Trap card from my hand,” Bastion took of his deck, took a specific card and put the card back at his duel disk. 
“Huh, it started off the same way with my duel with him,” said Celina, but then she looked at the card, it was a Trap card, rather than a Spell card. 
Bastion then took out a card from his hand, “Let’s see how you could the water pressure, I summon Hydrogeddon!” a dragon made out of dirty water was then summoned onto the field.  
(Hydrogeddon: Level 4 - Water Dinosaur - Attack: 1600. Defense: 1000.)
“Now, let’s see how you could handle the pressure of my monster!” yelled out Bastion as he pointed at his dragon, “Go Hydrogeddon attack his Mystic Tomato with Hydro Gust!” 
Hydrogeddon then charged a powerful water beam inside of his mouth and then shot the powerful dirty water attack at the dark tomato, exploding it, but somehow stayed on the field. 
Chazz: 4000 - 3800 life points
Bastion: 4000 lp
“Hey wait a minute! How did Mystic Tomato stay on the field despite being attacked?!” asked Syrus as Alexis looked at the short Slifer Red. 
“Because, Mystic Tomato’s effect is when he destroyed by battle, he can special summon a Dark attributed monster with 1500 or else attack points.” explained Alexis as Syrus ‘ahh’ed. 
“Chazz, don’t think you are the only one who can be summoned during the Battle Phase,” Bastion then pointed at his dirty water dragon, “Hydrogeddon’s effect allows me to summon another copy from my deck when he obliterates a monster by battle.” He then took a card from his deck and placed it on his duel disk, “Show up, yourself, Hydrogeddon.”
On the left of the first Hydrogeddon, another copy of Hydrogeddon appeared onto the field, roaring as soon as summoned. 
“Now, let’s replay the action, shall we?” Bastion yelled as Hydrogeddon shot the water beam at the dark tomato, but still stayed on the field. 
Chazz: 3800 - 3600 life points
Bastion: 4000 lp
“Nice try! But don’t forget Mystic Tomato’s effect!” yelled Chazz as Mystic Tomato grinned, but Bastion already then took a card from his deck and placed a card to his duel disk. Another Hydrogeddon appeared onto the field, staring the dark tomato down. 
“Who said I was? Don’t forget my monster’s effect! Hydrogeddon attacks your monster with Hydro Gust!” Bastion said as Hydrogeddon shot a powerful water beam from its mouth, destroying the Mystic Tomato with one shot, creating a small explosion. 
Chazz: 3600 - 3400 life points
Bastion: 4000 lp
Chazz grinned, “Thank you, for starting my combo! My final Mystic Tomato’s effect allows me to summon my main monster!” Chazz then took a card from his deck and placed the card down his duel disk, “Welcome the leader of Dark Scorpions himself, Don Zaloog!” 
When the card was summoned onto the field, the dust settled and showed itself. The monster had an amulet on one of his eyes, over his purple hair. The monster had a tattoo on his right shoulder and wields two guns. He wore a dark brown tank top like armour with dark red jeans. 
The monster looked at everyone and greeted them, “Good afternoon, everyone. I am Don Zaloog! The leader of the legendary crime organization known as the Dark Scorpions!” The monster then posed dramatically as everyone sweatdropped. However, Jaden and Zane were shocked that the monster actually talked while the others didn’t seem to react, almost like he was mute to them. 
Winged Kuriboh and Honest appeared as transparent images between their respective masters, the little furball cooed as Jaden’s eyes widened while Honest spoke in a quiet manner so no one else could hear him, “Zane, I think this Chazz has duel spirits and I am not sure if he can see them or not.”
Zane’s eyes narrowed as he looked at Don Zaloog’s every movement. 
(Don Zaloog: Level 4 - Dark Warrior - Attack: 1400. Defense: 1500.)
“Hmm interesting monster, Chazz.” Bastion said as he looked at his hand, he had heard about the Dark Scorpions and their strategy so he took two cards from his hand, “You can go ahead after I set two cards facedown.” two cards were set vertically behind the three Hydrogeddons. 
Turn 3. Chazz - 3400 lp - 4 cards
Chazz drew his card and got a cocky smirk on his face, something is going to happen, “Well, what good is a leader, if there is no team, right?!” Chazz yelled as he inserted a card from his hand, “I activate Mustering of The Dark Scorpions! If I control Don Zaloog, I can summon any number of Dark Scorpions from my hand!”
Don Zaloog turn towards his master, “Really, Boss? It’s been forever since we have the entire team together!” Don Zaloog then cleared his throat and looked at Bastion, “You are in so much trouble now. Alright team, rolecall!” 
Chazz got an anime style tick mark on his forehead as he placed all of the monsters in his duel disk. The first one to come out was a man with two closed eyes and a scar on his right. He had muscles that not even Don Zaloog could have in a million years. On his right shoulder had the same tattoo and the same gear as Don Zaloog. He wielded a mace. However, he seemed not the brightest tool in the shed, “Roles? What roles? Where are the roles?” 
(Dark Scorpion - Gorg The Strong: Level 5 - Dark Warrior - Attack: 1800. Defense: 1500.)
The second one revealed herself. She seemed to be the only female of the group. She had long brown hair, red crimson eyes and a red scarf. She had the same uniform and tattoo as Don Zaloog, but this time she wore a whip. She looked at Gong, “He means say your name, Gong. I’m Meanae the Thorn.”
(Dark Scorpion - Meanae The Thorn: Level 4 - Dark Warrior - Attack: 1000. Defense: 1800.)
The third one revealed himself. He had no muscles compared to Don, but he did have glasses. He had short brown hair. He wore the same uniform and tattoo as Don Zaloog, but he wore a small dagger. He looked at everyone, “I’m Cliff The Trap Remover. Guess how I remove em’.” 
(Dark Scorpion - Cliff The Trap Remover: Level 3 - Dark Warrior - Attack: 1200. Defense: 1000.)
And then the final one revealed himself. He was the smallest of the group, meaning that he was the youngest one in the group. He had short pointy yellow hair, wore a red headband and wore a mallet of all weapons. He wore the same tattoo and uniform as the rest. When summoned, he started jumping, “I am Chick The Yellow. I am five feet, when I jump up.”
(Dark Scorpion - Chick The Yellow: Level 3 - Dark Warrior - Attack: 1000. Defense: 1000.)
“The Dark Scorpions!” all of the members of Dark Scorpion posed dramatically, as everyone sweatdropped and Chazz facepalmed. 
“Okay, I am just asking this,” everyone turned to Jaden, “Am I the only one hearing voices coming out of the monsters?” He looked at everyone, but only Zane and Chazz didn’t shake their heads, “Strange, it feels like they are…real.”
Cliff blinked and then cheered, “Guys! There is finally someone other than the boss that can understand us!” Every other Dark Scorpion cheered as Crowler thought he drank too much last night. 
“Wait. Chazz can understand you?” asked Zane as Honest was also intrigued on what are the limits of humans and their capability to talk to spirits, while everyone thought, sans Chazz and Jaden, thought they were crazy. 
Before any of them could answer that question, Chazz snapped, “NO I DON’T!” He shook his head, he needs a breather, “Alright and now due to my Trap’s effect I ca-”
“What Trap?” asked Celina. 
Chazz blinked, “The Trap I have on the field.”
“Okay, but where is it?” asked Alexis. 
Bastion looked at Chazz, “Chazz, I am the closest person here, and even I can’t see it. Where is the Trap?”
“What do you mean it’s here…” he looked at his field and saw Chick The Yellow in its way, “GET OUT OF THE WAY, CHICK THE YELLOW! THEY CAN’T SEE MY TRAP CARD!” 
“Oh, sorry Boss!” Chick moved out of the way. 
“I told you to stop calling me that!” Chazz took a breath, “Whatever, Dark Scorpion Combination allows all of my monsters to attack you directly if I control all Dark Scorpions on my field, but they deal 400 damage for every one of them. Now go!” 
Bastion’s eyes widened as all of the Dark Scorpions charged him with their weapons. 
“Take this, Thorn Whip!” yelled Meanae as she whipped Bastion. 
“Hammer Hammer!”  yelled Gorg as he smacked Bastion with his mace. 
“Scorpion Slice!” yelled Cliff as he slashed Bastion. 
“Mallet Mash!” yelled Chick as he bonked Bastion on the head. 
“Double Blast Attack!” yelled Don Zaloog as he blasted Bastion with his two guns. As soon as they were all finished, they went back to their master. 
Chazz: 3400 lp
Bastion: 4000 - 3600 - 3200 - 2800 - 2400 - 2000 life points
Bastion stood up from all of those attacks, but Chazz wasn’t finished, “Oh and you think I am done?! All of them have effects when they deal you damage! First Gorg’s effect activates, one monster is now sent to the top of your deck,” Bastion took any of the three Hydrogeddons and placed it on the top of his deck. 
“Then Chick’s effect activates! One card is now sent back to your hand, and I pick one of you Hydrogeddons,” Bastion then took one of the two Hydrogeddons to his hand, “And then Cliff can destroy one Trap on the field and I pick your far left one!”
Cliff then jumped and threw one of his daggers at Bastion’s set cards, and shame too. That was his Bonding - DHO, a card that could make a powerful Water Dragon, a counter to his Fire Dragon. 
“Meanae The Thorn’s effect activates! She allows me to add a Dark Scorpion card from my deck to my hand,” Chazz took out his deck, took out a specific card and returned his deck to his duel disk, “The card I added was Dark Scorpion Leader’s Surprise, but I will activate that later…after Don Zaloog’s effect that is! His effect allows me to send a random card from your hand to your graveyard. Show him how its done!” 
Don Zaloog nodded as he shot one of the cards in Bastion’s hand to which the Ra Yellow had to send it to his graveyard.
"This is my final move! I activate the Quick-Play Spell card, Dark Scorpion Leader's Surprise!" yelled Chazz as he inserted the card into his duel disk, "During the Battle Phase, Don Zaloog is allowed to attack once more!"
"I got ya' Boss!" Yelled Don as he took his pistols and shot them at Bastion, "Double Blast Attack!" 
Chazz: 3400 lp
Bastion: 2000 - 600 life points
“You already know his effect so go!” yelled out Chazz as Don Zaloog shot another at one of Bastion’s cards, to which the Ra Yellow discarded. 
Chazz smirked, “I end my turn.” 
Turn 4. Bastion - 600 lp - 2 cards
“Man this is horrible,” commented Jaden as he couldn’t see his friend get destroyed like this by Chazz of all people, but deep inside of him, he knew a miracle is gonna happen. 
Bastion looked at his hand and saw nothing he could do, but his face down card would change his duel, so he drew his card. He didn’t bother looking at the card, as he knew it was Hydrogeddon due to Gorg’s effect so he pointed at his set card, “Nice try Chazz, but I am afraid your reaction will be negative. I activate my set card, the second copy Bonding - DHO!”
Borosilicate Glass appeared onto the field, “I can shuffle 1 Hydrogeddon, 1 Oxygeddon and 1 Duoterion from my hand or graveyard, I choose graveyard, so I can create a reaction that will overflow it from my hand!” The dirty water dragon and dinosaur with the green watered dragon appeared onto the field, only to be sucked into the borosilicate glass.
The glass could only take about a second or so of the materials, before exploding creating a dragon with two heads and created by heavy water, “This monster will overflow you and your deck, Water Dragon Cluster!” 
(Water Dragon Cluster: Level 10 - Water Sea-Serpent - Attack: 2800. Defense: 2600.)
“So what?!” asked Chazz, “That water doesn’t scare me, even if you did attack my weakest monster, I would still sur-” what Chazz didn’t prepare was that the water of the Water Dragon Cluster went towards the Dark Scorpions, and almost drown them. When they survived the heavy water, they fell on their knees, “Wha-What happened?!”
“That’s the ability of my newly summoned monster, when summoned all of your monsters lose all of their attack points.” stated Bastion. 
Don Zaloog: 1400 - 0 attack points
Gorg: 1800 - 0 attack points 
Meanae: 1000 - 0 attack points
Cliff: 1200 - 0 attack points
Chick: 1000 - 0 attack points
“Lucky,” muttered Chazz as Bastion smiled. 
“Lucky? No Chazz, this is no luck, this was strategy. Even if I hadn’t pull this off, the rest of my deck could have finished this duel without these monsters “ said Bastion as he glared at Chazz, “Face it, Chazz! You are not only a liar, a cheat, a sore loser, but a person that couldn’t have faced his problems. This is over. Water Dragon Cluster and Hydrogeddon, attack Gorg and Cliff.”
Both of the water dragons nodded in command as they used their powerful beams made out of powerful water and destroyed both Dark Scorpions, making Chazz being knocked out of his feet. 
Chazz: 3400 - 0 life points
Bastion: 600 lp
As soon as the duel ended, Chazz heard the Dark Scorpions trying to cheer him off, but nothing was going in his head, not even cheering for Bastion or Zane walking off out of Duel Arena. All he can hear was his brothers laughing, yelling at him, swearing at him, or worse. 
He wanted to win, he really wanted to win, but due to his cockiness, and him breaking one of Duel Academy’s rules, he not only isn’t an Obelisk, but expelled. He is doomed. 
Crowler walked up to him, “Well well well, look who lost again.” Chazz looked up and glared at the teacher, “You do remember what happens when you lose this duel, what you both agreed on?” 
Chazz stood up, not looking at Doctor Crowler, but the ground in shame, “I know. I am expelled.” said in a cold tone, “I am leaving tomorrow.” He left the room with a tear in his eye. 
Crowler shook his head and looked at Bastion, who was currently currently being congratulated by his friends, he coughed in his hand, catching their attention, “Well, Bastion, I have to congratulate you on becoming an Obelisk Blu-”
“I am sorry to cut you off, Doctor Crowler, but I have to refuse that offer,” everyone took a step back on what he just said, why would he decline that offer?! He won against Chazz and would be respected by everyone, “Before you ask me, I have to prove myself as the best one in this year, but since there are 2 worthy competitors, I have to wait until the time is right. What do you say, Jaden, Celina?” 
Jaden and Celina both looked at each other and then at Bastion, before grinning like mad men, “You’re on, Bastion!” Celina said with fire in her eyes. 
“Yeah, you better get your game on when we duel!” Jaden yelled. 
“Good,” Bastion looked at Crowler, “Do you understand, Doctor Crowler?” 
“I understand,” He begrudgingly said as he walked off the Duel Arena. 
Bastion then looked at the Slifer Reds and fire appeared in them, like they set their hearts ablaze, red fire on the Slifer side while yellow fire was on the Ra side. Both Alexis and Syrus looked at each other with slight fear in their eyes. 
This will be interesting for both sides. 
Authors Note: 
Alright, done with the Bastion focused chapter! While Bastion isn’t in my top 5 favourite characters in GX, the way he was treated in the show was just agonizing. He went from one of the best characters in the show with an active role to a person that stayed in a different dimension because of his tiger girlfriend. That just doesn’t sit right with me. 
In here, almost every time he duels, he plays a different deck with a different attribute, somewhat like in season 1, but was quickly shafted for new Magnet Warrior monsters. I already have plans on Fire, Earth and Light so do you guys have any suggestions on the Dark and Wind attribute?
I decided to write Chazz having the Dark Scorpions here because I loved their episode and the duel, and I was disappointed that they were never used. Also this will show that I already have a different Shadow Rider roster. 
I really feel bad for Chazz here, since he is my 2nd favourite character in GX and in Anime in general (Jaden is first), but I do plan on him Chazzing it out in every season he is in. 
Next chapter, I plan on not writing any duels since I want to try writing a slice of life, but with little plot thrown in there to make it interesting. Anyways, hoped that you enjoyed and see ya later!
Made up cards: 
Bonding - Combustion: Based on a card in Yugioh ReGX (Sorry about using this), so I can summon a fire dragon.��
Fire Dragon - Based on that one dragon in both sub and dub openings where Bastion/Daichi is shown with Water Dragon and the other Fire Dragon, but they were never shown. 
Lunalight Mischievous Dance - Just wanted to give Lunalights more support.
Dark Scorpion Leader’s Surprise - A way to make Don Zaloog attack directly
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YGO! Questionnaire
Tagged by @cipher-wise
Pleasantly surprised to be in one of these, so let’s go
Favorite series: *Gestures to icon* Is it any surprise I’ll be picking GX? I love GX with all my heart and soul. The story’s pacing is very good and never feels like it’s dragging its feet to get to where it’s going, most duels are over in less than a full episode with the longest one being three, there are so many good characters to get invested in, and this boy right here is your protagonist.
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Look at him blow kisses to the audience after beating Crowler, how could anyone not love Jaden Yuki? I care him so much. Even the filler episodes in GX are pretty fun to watch most of the time, and it’s the good kind of filler that may not advance the plot much or at all, but it’ll give you plenty of good memories to take with you. Who could possibly forget the eggwich thief? Not to mention the soundtrack fucking slaps.
Favorite protagonist: I mean...
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Yeah it’s Jaden. GX hooked me immediately when I started watching it because of how much I loved this boy. He’s that perfect mix of cocky and sweet when it comes to dueling because he’s confident in his own abilities, but he never stops having fun and being amazed at what his opponent can do, he cares about all of his friends and does his best to help them with their problems, he’s kind to strangers, and he has exactly half a brain cell. 
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I feel the gif speaks for itself, but Jaden’s dialogue when he turns around here is “I’m such a sucker for things like this! I’ll help you, ma’am!” Dorothy says “No, you’ll be late... Don’t you have a test today?” And Jaden replies with “Who cares if I’m late? I couldn’t leave a lady in trouble!” Jaden Yuki is my absolute favorite protagonist.
Favorite rival: Oh man is that a tough one. Am I allowed to pick two? It’s a hard call to make between this dumb edgy bitch-
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And this dumb gay bitch
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Honestly they’re tied for favorite rival in my book. I absolutely loved Chazz when I watched GX, and I thought his arc about breaking through his inferiority/superiority complex and learning to accept loss as a part of life without letting it define him was wonderfully written, and seeing him grow as a person throughout the show just made me feel happy for him. Shark... I really thought I wasn’t going to end up liking Shark at first, but god he just gets so much better as Zexal goes on, starting out as this mean spirited middle school bully in episode one, and slowly ending up as Yuma’s boyfriend closest friend. It’s incredible to look back at how Shark acts when he’s first introduced and compare it to... season 3, I think it was, where just hearing the words “Yuma’s in danger” is enough to send him running to his rival’s side. Chazz and Shark. They are my favorites.
Favorite BFF: Him
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Crow Hogan is an absolute treasure and he was my favorite part about watching 5Ds. This little bird man first gets introduced by stealing cards for his kids and clowning on Sector Security, and he’s a source of so much good throughout the show. Excellent best friend (technically brother but I’m counting him), wonderful father, 10/10 person all around. Plus the fact that the only thing stopping him from berating his bitchass brother even more was Yusei having to literally pick him up and pull him away is definitely extra points in my book. What a powerful little bird. His only weakness is people that are taller than him, which is unfortunately most people.
Favorite GFF:
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Yuzu. Have I actually watched Arc V yet? No, but I’m still picking Yuzu for my number one here. Tea and Tori are just awful characters, I’m neutral towards Alexis, and Akiza... Did have potential to be something interesting on her own, despite how uncomfortable she made me in seasons 1-2 of 5Ds, but her relevance is alllll downhill from there. I’ve seen one clip of Yuzu yelling at a man eating pie and calling him a 100th rate duelist, and that was all I needed to know she would be my favorite. (Clip here) 
Favorite villain: Oh boy
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The fuckin carrot is my favorite villain, and I say this as someone who fully believes he didn’t deserve to be in the last episode. Vector did some fucked up shit in his day, and he only continued to do fucked up shit in Yuma’s day, but I have to say he was pretty effective when it came down to his goals. He got things done and went right for what he wanted by taking direct action to seize Don Thousand’s power, and he manipulated Yuma perfectly by preying on his kind nature and love for Astral to use him to further his goals. 
...Plus I mean just look at his subbed dialogue God he’s such a slut. Evil slutty alien.
Tl;dr Vector was a horrible horrible person, but he was a good villain, and he was so entertaining whenever he was on screen that it was impossible not to like him. Still kinda wish he got what he deserved though, and what he deserved definitely wasn’t another chance.
Speaking of Don Thousand though, can we talk about how unfairly pretty he is? If I had to pick a runner up villain in terms of looks alone, it would definitely be him.
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God it was not fair how pretty the big bad of Zexal was. He’s fucking gorgeous, and in my opinion, the best looking villain at the very least.
Favorite card: *Sweats in Duel Links* Favorite? There’s so many cards out there to pick from, but since I’ve already broken the rules with my two favorite rivals, I’ll be picking two of each card type: Spells, traps, and monsters. One for the aesthetic, and one for how often I make use of it.
First up, the Aesthetics group
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What can I say, Vampiric Koala is such a cutie, Dwimmered Path has some really pretty card art, and Rainbow Life is an eternal flex on any heteros I may encounter while playing Duel Links. Nothing better than a gay trap card.
Now for usability
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Dragon Knight of Creation is suuuper helpful in any dragon themed deck and has a permanent slot in my decks for Mokuba and Kaiba, PoG is always a fun way to boost up weak monsters to ridiculous heights, and Dark Bribe just lets you block your opponent like “Okay I know you wanna hurt me but I will let you draw another card if you do not do that thing”, and they can’t refuse you.
Favorite episode: I’ll be copying cipher’s format here and picking one for each series, but this will still only total out to five for me since I’ve yet to watch past Zexal ^^; Soon I’ll get to Arc V! One day...
Season 0: Episode 16:  Turnabout by a Hair's Breadth - The White-Robed Crisis I’m a sucker for my son Joey, and this was a good Joey episode about him and his sister, plus it was nice seeing that doctor get what he deserved :) Duel Monsters: Season 5, episode 12-14:  The Deciding Match for Duel King - Yugi vs. Leon/Golden Castle of Stromberg/KC Grand Prix Ends  Probably a weird batch of episodes to pick, I know, but a lot of DM was kinda forgettable to me, and these are some of the few episodes I do recall. I just... really felt for Leon’s situation, and I wanted good things for that boy. I care him. GX: Season 3, episode 34: Dark Fusion! Inferno Wing!! Jim. Jim Jim Jimmmmm. This was the episode that finally made me understand why saviorshipping was a thing because it hits you with all these memories Jim has of Jaden and shows how they bonded before all this Dark World shit happened, and the whole thing was very emotional. 5Ds: Season 4, episode 2-3:  Recollections, Entrusted with a Friend's Dying Wish God Crow, my precious bird son. I really liked the backstory they gave him, despite how much it hurt. It was probably the best character development he got in the whole of 5Ds, and let you see a side to him you probably wouldn’t expect. I loved watching him get his justice. Zexal II: Season 2, episode 5-6:  Alito the Silent Fighter - Reunion of the Passionate Duelists!/ Be Revived! The Duelist Soul That Transcends Life!! I picked these episodes for Nistro and Nistro alone. He was one of my absolute favorites in Zexal, and seeing how well he and Dextra were doing was good for the soul. Just look at this good lion man right here.
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Look at him!!!
Favorite decks to use: Elemental Heroes, Aromages, Red Eyes, Six Samurai, and Crystal Beasts.
Fusion, Ritual, Synchro, Xyz, Pendulum, or Link: I’m a simple girl, I love fusion/tributes for how easy they are, but synchro can be pretty fun, too
Years in fandom: ??? Even I don’t know the answer to this one, friends. I used to be in the fandom when I was in middle school, wrote/read a few fanfics here and there, but then I fell out of it for... Well I’m 22 now and only got back into things 6 months ago? I started rewatching the abridged series of Duel Monsters in March, and from there I just wanted to consume actual Yugioh content and never went back.
Who am I tagging: @finding-fallen-petals @dizziedaikonn​ @chazzaroo​ Go wild y’all
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ygocollablove · 4 years
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@augustwritingchallenge‘s 2020 monthly prompts have come to a conclusion, and YGO Collab Love would like to present all its members who participated this year!
Before that, I would like to give thanks/applause to @cieryuu for creating the banner above (and another round to @darkmagiattack/@crshrs for making the template). Look how adorable it is! <3
There are many pieces still in progress even after the challenge’s end day, and we are excited for the day that the fics will all come to completion. Otherwise, please give love and comments and feedback to the pieces listed below!
For Art submissions...
scemo vampire yami Bakura by @crshrs Vampire AU Rating: Teens and Up Blood warning
For General Audiences...
Step One College, Step Two Take Over the World by Souless_Robot ( @soulessrobot ) Status: COMPLETE College AU Characters: Chazz Princeton & Ojama Brothers Summary: “Step one: get into Neo Domino University,” Chazz lifted one finger and waved it in his spirit partners’ faces. “Step two: get a Ph.D. in dueling. Step three: get hired to teach at Duel Academy. Step four: take over the school.”
Dueling Royalty by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Modern AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba will block you on Twitter.
Diagnostic Don’ts by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Hospital AU Characters: Jack Atlas, Seto Kaiba, Alexis Rhodes, Duke Devlin, Atem Summary: Dr. Seto Kaiba very much does not want any fellows in his diagnostic department. Unfortunately the hospital administrator Atem has different ideas. That's how Kaiba ends up with three fellows in his office. It's a good thing Kaiba doesn't plan to keep them for very long. He'll bet Wheeler he can get them to quit by the end of the week.
Mr. Jounouchi Will See You Now by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Role Reversal AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: The CEO of Jounouchi Corp. is known for being charming and lucky—not just a shrewd businessman who bravely took over the company for his alcoholic dad. Seto Kaiba is a bright kid who really needs to pay for his brother’s eye surgery.
Succ's to be You. by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Flower Shop AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba is the worst at office plants.
For Teens and Up...
Cafe Nervosa by Elexica ( @elexica ) Status: COMPLETE Coffee Shop AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Good morning, Domino! Dr. Seto Kaiba runs a call-in psychiatry radio show, and whether he wants to or not, he's listening. His sound engineer, Joey Wheeler, unfortunately has to listen too.
All the King's Men by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Soulmate AU Pairing: Rivalshipping (Chazz Princeton x Jaden Yuki), Spiritshipping (Jesse Anderson x Jaden Yuki), Supreme King x Chazz Princeton Summary: Or Chazz is the Supreme King's soulmate but not Jaden's.
Wasted by Elexica Status: COMPLETE College AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba gets drunk at Mokuba's fraternity initiation party and does the cute orientation leader's calculus homework. He's bad at flirting, but he's good at math.
Blank Slate by KitsunePhantom09 ( @kitsunephantom09 ) Status: COMPLETE Soulmates AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Everyone has a mark signifying their soulmate. Yusei doesn't.
The Voice in My Head by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Soulmates AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: The month leading up to when you meet your soulmate is the only period in your life where you will hear another voice in your head, their thoughts streaming through your mind. For Jounouchi, it's hell.
Demon Days by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Angels & Demons AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Joey never meant to be permanently assigned to earth after the events that take place in the Garden of Eden. Still, now that he is he really wishes he would stop running into his least favorite demon. Unfortunately, it seems the creator has other plans.
Cancelling the Apocalypse by Elexica Status: ONGOING Chapters 1/3 Post-Apocalyptic AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Are Joey and Kaiba drift compatible?
Straight to the Top by Souless_Robot Status: COMPLETE Band AU Characters: Joey Wheeler, Seto Kaiba, Yuugi Mutou, Chazz Princeton, Jaden Yuki Summary: Joey is a folk singer trying to break into the mainstream with her childhood friend Yugi. Too bad she gets nothing but problems most from the Kaiba corp record label run by the young CEO and music prodigy Seto Kaiba.
A Good Match by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Superheroes/Superpowers AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Or, Kaiba and Jounouchi can't wait for the whistle to start fighting.
Good Eggs by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Farm/Ranch AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba is forced to work as a farmhand the summer before college. Joey doesn't mind the company.
Mercy by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Crime AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba's a bit tied up at the moment.
Who You Gonna Call by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Treasure Hunters AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Ghost hunter Joey and skeptic Kaiba enlist Yugi's help in answering the question: Are ghosts real?
For Mature audiences...
And Quoth the Raven, “Nevermore.” by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Vampire AU Characters: Yusei Fudo Summary: Rule #1: Never answer when you hear them knocking.
Dark Web by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Pirates AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: You wouldn't download a car. Kaiba would.
The line that stands between us is 100 lives worth living by SwordsAndSwongs ( @blue-eyed-priest ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 8/32 Pairing: Prideshipping (Seto Kaiba x Atem), Rivalshipping (Kaiba x Yuugi Mutou), Stoicshipping (Kaiba x Priest Set), and Puppyshipping (Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: In a world full of multiverses, who will Kaiba meet? Is it his Pharaoh, his enemies, his few friends? Or is it himself, waiting at the end of every step taken?
Demon in a Bottle by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Angels & Demons AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Kaiba overdoses.
Addicted (You’re My Favorite High) by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Crime AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Yusei has never felt like this before, and he desperately doesn't want it to end.
Netflix and Chill by auroraXborealis ( @xauroraxborealisx ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 11/? Pairing: Puzzleshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Atem) Summary: When the department of Human Resources from Kaiba Corp decides it is in the company’s best interest to send some of its employees on a team-building seminar for a whole weekend, Atem does not think his bonding experience with his colleagues will turn out to be this intense. Especially when he is thrown into a downward spiral of strange events with the one coworker he dislikes the most: Yugi. Now, they must work together to survive and figure out all the clues to make it back home.
Enemy Fire by KitsunePhantom09 Status: ONGOING Chapter 5/? Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Jack has just escaped a horrible alpha, but is in dire straits – heavily pregnant and out on the streets in the middle of winter does not bode well. But as his darkest hour arrives, so too does his savior.
Catalysts for Kindling by bewdofchaos ( @atems-leather-pants ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 11/? Pairing: Puzzleshipping (Yuugi Mutou x Atem), Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: In the eight months that Yugi and Atem have been roommates, they have formed a fast friendship over their fondness for coffee, late-night study sessions and video games. But recently, something has not been quite right. When Yugi receives a mysterious parcel, he is sent on an unexpected journey where each new step makes him reconsider everything he ever knew to be true… but mostly his relationship with his roommate.
The Dark Woods Circus’ Monster by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Circus AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Once, the circus was meant to wow and inspire its audience with feats of grandeur. Now it horrifies and terrifies them with unholy creatures of man's own design.
Time to fight fears, for once and for AUll by Seiyofira ( @seiyofira-doesntknowshiet ) Status: COMPLETE Chapters 11/11 Summary: These will be some scattered works for AU-gust 2020, which will either revolve around Yu-Gi-Oh! DM or JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, I will put the used AU prompt as well as either YGO or JJBA at the beginning of each chapter. They do not build a consistent story!
For Explicit audiences...
Forgiveness by KitsunePhantom09 Status: COMPLETE Angels & Demons AU Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: An angel is offered as a sacrifice by a cult to appease their lord.
Scrubs by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Hospital AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: The door to the supply closet doesn't lock, but that doesn't stop Drs. Kaiba and Jounochi from having an intimate moment.
Embrace me, Love. It's been a long day. by Cleopatra ( @writelovetomeempress ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 20/33 Pairing: Flareshipping (Seto Kaiba x Atem x Yuugi Mutou) Summary: Atem is gone, back to the Afterlife when the Ceremonial Duel was complete. A piece of Yuugi's heart went with him. Kaiba, with all his genius and all his tech, has found a way to use the Quantum Cube to claim the victory he was denied. Per a reluctant deal, Kaiba brings Yuugi along. All the bravado in the world couldn't prepare Yuugi for that final goodbye, and with shaky hands, he broke their world completely.
Porcelain Wings and Shattered Dreams by Life_0r_Death ( @life-0r-death ) Status: ONGOING Chapters 11/17 Pairing: Kingcrabshipping (Jack Atlas x Yusei Fudo) Summary: Paradox has come to take his revenge against Yusei Fudo, but a former king will sacrifice himself for the love of the greater good. Too bad sacrificing doesn't mean death, but a perpetual prison of different worlds, different dimensions where Jack gets to witness what could have been.
For fics Not Rated...
Doin’ Time by Elexica Status: COMPLETE Childhood Friends AU Pairing: Puppyshipping (Seto Kaiba x Joey Wheeler) Summary: Joey is trying to get a contraband cell phone in Juvie Hall. Kaiba is a little more ambitious.
A huge round of applause for everyone who participated and who are still fighting the good fight of completing their fics! We hope to join again next year and provide a plethora of amazing YGO-related fics for you all to read! Congratulations everyone!!
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proshipping either 20 or 42
#42: a kiss out of pride 
Aster Phoenix had never been bothered by rumors. As a professional duelist he had to contend with the tabloids and paparazzi, with people digging their way into his life, making something out of nothing and dissecting the most mundane aspects of his life. First on the chopping block was the nature of his relationship with Sartorius, second his sexuality–being outed at the age of sixteen and having to stand in front of a crowd, announcing his bisexuality like it was some sort of crime–none of that bothered him more than an inconvenience, like a bug on the windshield. The third, and latest, attempt for some fresh-out-of-college journalism major to get their fifteen minutes concerned Zane Truesdale. 
It had been two and a half years since Zane had reinvented himself, started wearing all black and practicing winged eyeliner in the mirror until it made professional makeup artists jealous. Aster, though he had lost count of the times he’d teased Zane about how much time he spent with his nose a half inch from the mirror or filing down his glue-on nails, he was usually the one noticing when his boyfriend’s favorite eyeliner was running low or accompanying him and Alexis to Sephora to swatch eyeshadows. The headlines at the time were all wondering how Duel Academy’s golden boy had traded in his school uniform for smoky eyes and black lipstick, and since they were dating, Aster found himself having to tell fully grown adults to make their own lives more exciting so they wouldn’t get so excited over a wardrobe change. 
At first, Aster thought that was the end of it. He wore his suits and Zane wore his faux leather, dueling all over the world, the gossip limited to praising them as a power couple, often in magazine spreads next to Bastion and Jaden or Alexis and Chazz. 
Three months later, Aster found himself with a very worried Sartorius at his door, his manager brandishing a magazine in his face. A real magazine, not one of those sources of ill-repute read by people looking for a good laugh or shown to undergrads as an example of how not to be a journalist. It was an expose–on Zane and his ties to illegal gambling and organized crime, plus a nasty dig at his sexual proclivities, an unnamed “doctor” in the article confirming that the scars on Zane’s neck and wrists were electrical burns, self-inflicted. 
Now, Zane had a bit of a checkered past, dragged down by Mr. Shroud–if Aster found out his actual name he was going to have several words with him for getting Zane into that in the first place. It was true that Zane had dueled in unofficial leagues, but it wasn’t illegal to bet on duels. If it were, there would be a lot of people in trouble, Aster included–he’d lost enough money to Jaden Yuki in college to get a life sentence. 
“Fuck,” Zane had grumbled, placing his coffee cup heavily on the table, tapping his black fingernails against the ceramic. A sigh, a roll of his eyes. “If it was tied to crime, I didn’t know about it. Shroud was tight-lipped and I didn’t ask,” 
“They checked your background when you got back into the major leagues, correct?” Sartorius asked, calm, but Aster had known him too long not to see that he was about to start picking at his split ends. 
“I assume so,” Zane answered. “If the police come banging down the door and accusing me of being in the mob, then just let them in.” 
“Look at you Zaney, a real stand-up guy,” Aster snorted. 
“Shut it, kid,” Zane sipped his coffee, pushing away the magazine like it was contagious. “Let them talk–it’s cute to think they can get under my skin.” 
That was a week ago, and Aster had mostly forgotten about it. The story hadn’t gained any traction, and Aster wasn’t about to pry into his boyfriend’s past–Zane said everything was above board, even if only by a hair, and he believed him. 
It had bothered Zane much more than he’d let on. The older man had been hyperfixated on covering his wrists and neck, checking in every reflective surface to see if the scars were visible, driving five miles below the speed limit even though Aster knew him to absolutely hate people that did that, avoiding the appearance of illegality. Zane hadn’t put on his signature eyeliner for the past two days, and not even Aster’s teasing about how he needed the spider lashes and foundation to cover up his aging skin got no more than an exasperated huff. 
“Hey, kid–we have to leave soon,” 
Aster looked up from his book and slurped on his smoothie loudly. It was a Friday afternoon, and he was rather enjoying having a tournament-free weekend. “For what, old man?” 
“Gala. Tonight. Sartorius put in on the calendar–you probably didn’t even check it, you irresponsible little shit,” 
“Huh, it’s alright. I don’t have to fill in my wrinkles,” Aster’s nose was back in his book, and he smiled at Zane’s retreating back. 
Zane had finally put his makeup back on. Aster could breathe easy now. 
Arriving at the function an hour later, Zane berating him on how boring his suit was compared to his own outfit the entire ride over, Aster found out how wrong he was. 
“Dammit, Alexis was supposed to be here already,” Zane grumbled as they walked in. His leather and silver jewelry and purple lipstick (Zane didn’t normally wear that color but Aster liked it, not that he would tell his boyfriend of course). “We were going to play a drinking game the whole night.” 
“What am I not good enough for your drinking game, grandpa?” Aster teased. 
“Kid, you get sick from the carbonation in beer. I don’t want to drink with you,” Zane responded. He looked over Aster’s head, eyes fixating on something behind him. “You’ve got company, get ready.” 
“Mr. Phoenix, how lovely to see you,” 
Aster heard Zane’s platform boots clicking as he walked away. Aggravated at being accosted, he schooled his face into a pleasant, neutral expression and turned around. “Good evening.” He couldn’t remember this one’s name. They all blended together. 
The man smiled, offering a flute glass full of champagne to him. Aster accepted it gingerly. 
“I see you brought your partner with you,” he said. 
Aster took a sip of the alcohol, knowing he’d need it if he had any idea where this was going. “He was invited, I didn’t need to bring him. Might I remind you he’s one of the top-ranked duelists in the world?” 
The man chuckled, his eyes crinkling. Aster almost felt bad for comparing Zane to an old man given how this actual old man was giving him the heebie-jeebies. “I remember, of course–he’s quite an excellent duelist. Though I must ask, if you’ll allow me, how a man of your caliber would allow himself to associate with someone with organized crime ties,” 
Aster Phoenix had never been bothered by rumors. Until now. 
Draining the flute glass, Aster offered it back to the man, who looked confused, but took it anyway. Aster would’ve dropped it on the ground, let it break for the entire ballroom to hear. 
“Excuse me,” he hissed, turning on his heel, locating his boyfriend a few yards away. He recognized Jaden’s two-toned hair, an arm, Bastion’s, surely, around his shoulders. 
“And then–” Jaden was waving his arm, his drink dangerously close to sloshing out of his cup. 
Aster felt something wet on his elbow as he knocked Jaden out of the way to get to Zane–an expletive confirming that he’d indeed knocked Jaden’s drink out of his hand. Zane–giraffe legged fucker–looked down, surprised, as Aster yanked him down by the lapels of his trenchcoat, forcing their lips together in the middle of the ballroom. 
His hand left Zane’s coat to grab his hair, stiff with spray to keep it perfect–Zane would certainly be angry he’d dared to mess it up, but he’d deal with that in a moment. As he stood on the balls of his feet, he thought of how nothing, short of Zane outright murdering someone (and even then, depending on who it was, Aster might just help hide the body), could change the way Aster felt. He–oh god, this was mushy and gross and he knew Zane would laugh at him if he said it out loud–loved Zane, loved his image, his incessant teasing, the way he’d be up with Alexis at two in the morning painting each other’s faces, how he treated Jaden like a second little brother when Aster knew he was nothing but a nuisance. 
And he wasn’t ashamed. There was no way, no chance that some stupid, good-for-nothing actual old man was going to shame him into feeling like Zane was beneath him. Aster felt Zane’s hand on the small of his back as he pressed into the kiss, and he hoped that someone would take a goddamn picture and plaster it on every billboard and magazine cover and that every talk show host would analyze every pixel to live vicariously through the two of them. 
Pulling away, Aster landed back on his heels, looking up at his boyfriend. “You have lipstick on your chin.” 
“You have it on your nose. All over your face, actually,” Zane huffed, his skin a shade darker despite the artificial blush already on his face. “Go clean it off.” 
“Hmm, I don’t think I will,” Aster said. “I think purple suits me.” 
He heard Jaden teasing him, but Aster wasn’t hearing it. He locked eyes with the old man that had opened his mouth and spewed his unwarranted opinion all over the place. 
Aster found himself standing in front of the man, plucking the empty champagne glass out of his fingers, reveling in the shocked expression on his face. 
“Thanks for holding that, buddy. I think I’ll go get a refill.” 
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