#Special Mentions! || fallen-phxtxgrapher
hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🤍 Moved from ask for @wcndcrcr​ 💫
It had been a while since Hope donned her disguise and had gone to any version of Teyvat, but she had promised she’d find something for her brother Joel and that led her on an adventure far different than her usual kind. One that just so happened to allow for the doctor to come across someone trapped and bound.
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Of course there’s a small gasp given, before she’s running over and working on undoing the bindings, keeping an eye out for whoever would think to even do this to someone. “Quite the mess you’ve gotten yourself into- Hang on, I’ll get you outta here. You’re not hurt are you?”
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@strawberry-barista​ replied: {Every time she gets around Espresso it just goes off the charts.}
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I like to think Hope learned her lesson VERY early on thanks to such an early exposure to Composers in multiple universes. 
Folks like Highness (kingsmedley), Aleph (fallen-phxtagrapher), Espresso, Requiem (abstractreign) and Nocturne (the-composer)? She ABSOLUTELY suppresses her aether half on purpose because she knows that’s a more powerful energy that she shouldn’t be purposely absorbing. It can have a HUGE effect on her otherwise.
I can imagine this applies to the angels as well.
Of course for all of these, how much she’s holding back depends on who exactly she’s around. Last thing she wants is for her hair and markings to start lighting up like a glowstick in front of other people after all.
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hopeful-hugz · 1 year
🥚 Hope in the group chat this morning, giving wing updates and talking about her adventures here like.
She loves her new friends your honor 🥺🥺🥺 Choice Screenshots from the RP server under the cut.
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@the-composer​ asked: someone who taught them a valuable lesson
send me a number for my muse to talk about someone || Accepting
“Another one I’ve been learning on my travels, recently. One I’m still kinda learning, honestly. Individuality and creativity aren’t something that should be suppressed for the sake of others... If there’s something that you are or want to be, it should be embraced. Within reason of course, there’s still common sense to bring into play as well as. Y’know, not freaking the public out.”
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“But... yeah. There’s several people that fall into this category... Pops and Highness, Joel and my family... Requiem, Hikaru and Espresso- Luna and his Hanekomas, especially- Or well, the one I know and the one I catch the occasional presence of and... prooooooooooooobably should actually talk to more.” A sheepish chuckle. “Dorian’s fallen into this category too, even if we’ve only spoken briefly- There’s just been a lotta people that I’ve gotten bits and pieces of this lesson from, recently.”
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
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“S- speaking of timelines... I should probably figure out where I’m staying this week. I know Aleph’s okay with me crashing in his and I stayed with Espresso this week... What are my other options?”
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hopeful-hugz · 2 years
@abstractreign​ asked: “✉”
Text and DM Prompts || Accepting
Send “✉” for a text that WASN’T SENT.
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[ Text ➡ DELETED: ] I don’t think we can meet there... I’m not exactly welcome at home at the moment. It’s a long story...
[ Doctor Raymond is Typing... ]
[ Text ➡ Requiem: ] Sorry Requiem, I’m not able to get over there, right now. I’m in Aleph’s timeline at the moment though if you want to come meet me here. [ Text ➡ Requiem: ] What’d you wanna ask that requires you to see me in-person?
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