tamarawatson20 · 11 months
Did you know there are different types of yeast that your body can benefit from? Saccharomyces boulardii or S. boulardii is a kind of yeast that helps the human body in multiple ways. S. boulardii has a very interesting story behind its discovery. In 1920, the French microbiologist Henry Boulard visited Indochina in search of a yeast strain to use in the fermenting process. In the meantime, he found the native people preparing a kind of liquid or tea with the skin of lychee and mangosteen. At that time, there was an outbreak of Cholera. Henry observed that the people who used to drink that liquid were not affected by the pandemic. He researched and succeeded in identifying the agent responsible for it. And that was the strain of saccharomyces boulardii.
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tamarawatson20 · 5 months
Did you promise yourself a better, healthier, and happier version of yourself at the beginning of this year? If yes, how many promises did you fulfill? As this year comes to an end, many people are caving in to spend time self-introspecting their life status, choices, experiences, and new goals. Most people set New Year resolutions to get the best out of their lives, but their excitement and desire to follow these resolutions fizzle with time. To make things easier and help more people stick to their resolutions, this article lists seven easy-to-maintain resolutions that can make you happier and healthier in 2024. They aren’t huge resolutions, but their impact is powerful and transformative. So, let’s quickly explore all the resolutions you must follow to make 2024 your year.
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tamarawatson20 · 1 year
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, said, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. When you cannot get enough nutritional value from food sources, a nutraceutical supplement can be an effective solution for you. In earlier times, people preferred consuming simple foods with fewer varieties and spices. During these times, individuals used to follow a healthy schedule, consisting of enough sleep and fewer distractions. However, as time passed, life started getting a little more complex. Since today there is no lack of resources, people around the world are preferring unhealthy food. Some of them can be difficult to digest. And that’s why, most people lack essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals. In this article, you’ll get to know how nutraceutical supplements benefit your health in multiple ways.
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tamarawatson20 · 1 year
Probiotic” is quite a buzzword these days, especially at supermarkets when you walk past the dairy section. So, what are probiotics anyway, and why are they important? Simply put, a probiotic is a name given to live bacteria in several food items, such as yogurts. But don’t be alarmed at mentioning the word “bacteria” because probiotics are essentially the good bacteria that fight off bad bacteria, ensuring a healthy, functioning gut. And one such good bacteria is Saccharomyces boulardii, or S. boulardii, a prominent probiotic. However, there’s a rub. S. boulardii is not a bacteria but a yeast and has been recommended by gastroenterologists over the years to help patients cope with symptoms of diarrhea. From regulating the intestine, protecting from pathogens, and modulating immunity, Saccharomyces boulardii acts as an effective barrier against several gastrointestinal disorders. Read on to find out more about Saccharomyces boulardii and how it can help you strengthen your gut.
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tamarawatson20 · 1 year
Digestive enzymes are proteins existing right within the human body, assisting in breaking down the food that we eat into smaller components. Essentially, it’s about breaking down the proteins, fats, and carbohydrates to a size that the small intestine can absorb. Without these enzymes, a significant portion of the nutrients in the food we consume would not be utilized effectively. Like several others looking to embrace a way of well-being, digestive enzyme supplements are a newfound way to boost the digestive system. In this post, we will learn more about correctly using digestive enzyme supplements. Read on to find out more.
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tamarawatson20 · 1 year
If you stay updated with the latest wellness trends, you must have seen people widely accepting nutraceutical supplements to improve their overall health. For the uninitiated, the term is a combination of the words ‘pharmaceutical’ and ‘nutrition,’ and is used to describe food items or supplements with certain medical or health benefits. A nutraceutical supplement is used for various purposes, not limiting itself to nutritional purposes. For example, some may use it to cure a chronic illness or for physiological purposes. Nutraceutical products are broadly categorized into traditional and non-traditional nutraceuticals, and some even classify them based on their food source. Food additives, herbal products, phytonutrients, probiotics, vitamins, herbs, and minerals are some commonly used nutraceuticals. Most neutraceuticals are now used with other traditional methods/medicines to treat certain ailments. If you were planning to incorporate them into your daily diet, ensure you’re well aware of their benefits. To make it easier, we have listed five potential benefits you must be aware of, so let’s explore each benefit shared below.
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tamarawatson20 · 1 year
Has your gastrologist prescribed saccharomyces boulardii probiotic supplements for treating gastric issues? Or did one of your friends suggest this as a solution for your digestive problems? You must be wondering what this product is and how it can help you improve your gut health. Then, this article can solve all your queries.
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