#TPN S1e03
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This is another unintentional funny line because Norman is like “I clocked your dumbass the second Krone showed up” to sort of rub in how could Ray ever even think to betray them. As if he wouldn’t notice.
And for the most part, he keeps his cool about it during the two weeks prior to confronting Ray.
But when he lets the mask slip the tiniest bit—
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Canon-divergent AU concept inspired by:
Me hating that Andrew’s visit to Grace Field in chapter 100 amounted to nothing after he antagonized the kids in chapter 111 about how he talked with Phil.
Feeling like out of the full score trio, Norman interacts with Phil the least
So instead, Andrew brings Phil to Lambda, mostly as a security measure to keep the secret of Grace Field a secret if Phil does know anything while doubling as a way to keep Norman in check, but also for any potential data they could acquire from him (he was scoring around where Don and Gilda usually are in the 190s/200s while just starting the tests at four) and not wanting potential premium-grade meat to go to waste years before he turns six. The detrimental effects of Lambda on one’s psyche would be bound to affect him, but they’re outweighed by the benefits of keeping him there.
I imagine they would still would still keep the two largely isolated like Norman is in canon, but once or twice a week they would have one-hour observed visits with each other (I default to them playing chess during this time) to keep Phil’s spirits up and as a reminder for Norman the leverage they have over him without having to say a word.
So then on top of the hatred already festering inside of Norman in canon, you have the added layer of them bringing his four-year-old brother into this living hell which he wouldn’t wish on any of his fellow cattle children, not even with the knowledge that Phil brings about the escape being a success and Ray’s suicide attempt being thwarted. Seeing the loving, youthful ebullience drained from Phil, no matter how hard he would try to keep up the same cheerful facade he put on at Grace Field after the escape for Norman because he didn’t want to make him worry, would gnaw at him and solidify his resolve even more.
When Lambda is finally destroyed, Phil is much more subdued and doesn’t talk much, even when he’s alone with Norman, so details of Norman’s life pre-Lambda remain a mystery to the rest of the cattle children who have been freed, but the Lambda gang does have another child to adore and protect at all costs.
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tl;dr underexplored dynamic would like to see more of it and like the thought of the Lambda gang being their overprotective selves toward Phil
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