#Tax Accountant in Birmingham
integrityaccountancy · 16 hours
Best Accountants in Birmingham for personal finance
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The best accountants in Birmingham for personal finance provide expert advice on wealth management, retirement planning, and financial optimization, helping individuals secure their financial future.
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affotax · 1 month
Birmingham Accounting Solutions for Your Business
Are you a Birmingham business owner feeling overwhelmed by finances? You're not alone. Birmingham Accounting can be a complex maze, but Affotax (Reliable Accounting Firm) is here to be your friendly guide.
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Birmingham Accounting Solutions
At Affotax, we understand that every Birmingham business is unique. That's why we offer a variety of accounting services designed to meet your specific needs, not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Here's how we can help you:
Bookkeeping & Payroll: Free yourself from tedious tasks like bookkeeping and payroll. We'll keep your books balanced, ensure your employees are paid on time, and allow you to focus on growing your business.
Tax Preparation & Planning: Birmingham's tax code can be tricky, but our Birmingham tax experts are here to simplify things. We'll handle your tax filings, ensure you claim the maximum deductions, and help you minimise your tax burden.
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With so many accounting firms in Birmingham, why choose Affotax? Here are just a few reasons:
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Tax season shouldn't be stressful! Our Birmingham tax professionals will handle the complexities of the tax code and help you minimise your tax burden. Here's what you can expect:
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Don't let Birmingham accounting slow you down. Contact Affotax today and let our friendly accounting experts guide you towards financial success. We'll take the complexity out of finances, so you can focus on what matters most – running your thriving Birmingham business!
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revlyncox · 5 months
Unwise and Untimely (2024)
Drawing from “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” and his 1966 Ware Lecture, we explore what messages Dr. King’s words have for Unitarian Universalists today.
What if Rip Van Winkle had fallen asleep in 1966 (when Dr. King referred to this story in the Ware lecture) and woke up in 2024? He would have fallen asleep when Lyndon B. Johnson was the President of the United States. Maybe Joseph R. Biden wouldn’t have been too much of a shock at first glance, until Rip found out more about who had come and gone from the White House, and about our Vice President. Rip would have fallen asleep before the Stonewall uprising in 1969, and so would have awakened to differences in LGBTQ liberation. Women can have credit cards and bank accounts in their own name now. Smart phones would be new. Rip would have fallen asleep just after the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and returned to a country where voting rights are under constant attack.
In other words, some of the tactics and technology we use to move toward love and justice may have changed. We have made progress in some areas of liberation. And other aspects of our struggle turned out to be long-term fights, generation to generation of lifting up human dignity, economic equality, and voting rights. White supremacy is well-entrenched. It is part of our calling to continue to dismantle it. Dr. King spoke to our movement directly, urging us to remain awake, and his challenge still speaks to us. We continue to require organized responses to oppression so that we can get civil rights legislation in place, keep it in place, and make its results felt in real terms. In 1963, Dr. King said in a television interview:
“I think the tragedy is that we have a Congress with a Senate that a minority of misguided Senators who will use the filibuster to keep the majority of people from even voting. They won’t let the majority Senators vote. And certainly they wouldn’t want the majority of people to vote because they know they do not represent the majority of the American people.”
We’re still dealing with the filibuster, which has gotten even easier to use to block voting rights legislation. And the arguments for the filibuster are similar to the arguments that misunderstand Dr. King’s message. Theoretically, the filibuster helps legislators work across differences and find common ground, except that it can be conveniently bypassed when it’s a question of giving a huge tax giveaway to billionaires. The compromise and common ground are used most often in the service of oppression.
As my colleague Aisha Ansano reminds us, Dr. King was not advocating for merely being nice, or for giving up ground to systemic racism. The people who misuse his message of peace to spread a directive of compliance with oppression have it backwards. Nonviolence does not mean no boundaries. Nonviolence does not mean tolerance for dehumanization or injustice. Nonviolence does not mean convenience for those who uphold an unjust status quo.
We can have love for people who uphold systems of oppression and still believe in the possibility of their transformation without cooperating with their project of dehumanization. Love means telling the truth. It is wrong to misuse the love that Dr. King spoke of as an excuse to allow harm to continue unobstructed. It is wrong to uphold virtues like cooperation and mutual understanding as a cover story for the continued attack on voting rights.
The confusion between transcendent love and tolerance for injustice is related to confusion between boundaries and personal opposition or dislike. Dr. Cornel West, in his book The Radical King, speaks of the power of love and the philosophy of nonviolence. West says:
“Revolutionary nonviolent resistance is directed at the forces of evil rather than against persons who commit the evil. The enemy is injustice and oppression, not those who perpetuate the injustice and oppression.
“This kind of radical love goes against our common instincts and moral institutions. In this sense, the application of radical love in public action requires not only tremendous moral discipline and fortitude but also profound trust in the redemptive power of love … This trust assumes that the unearned suffering of love-motivated nonviolent resisters can educate, transform, and even convert one’s opponents. The aim is not simply to rely on the moral sense or conscience of the adversary but, if need be, to force the adversary to develop such a sense or conscience.”
In other words, Dr. King’s call for nonviolence built on love is not a license to those who uphold oppression to demand silence. It is not an incentive to give up and allow for the kind of back room bargaining that blocks civil rights. And it is definitely not an assurance that advocacy and witness should always be safe or convenient or deferential to power and privilege.
Something else we should keep in mind is that the outspoken adversaries of human rights are not the only people perpetuating injustice and oppression. Those who are half-hearted in their support, those who undermine the movement from the sidelines, those who go back to sleep during a great revolution are also complicit. And I have to admit that, sometimes, I might be one of these, and I might have contact with well-meaning organizations that compromise too much. It is definitely true that any progressive organization large enough to have institutional power is in danger of listing to the side of the status quo. Trying to retain members and donors from among the privileged classes, even when those constituents are well-meaning and say the right things, can cause tension for an organization that values love and justice. Luckily, the philosophy of nonviolence always leaves open the path of correction. When we participate in organized resistance, when we spend quality time listening to our neighbors who are most impacted, when we remain open to the wisdom of love, we, too, can be transformed.
And so it is important that we hear Dr. King’s words directed at us, at our own minds and hearts, and that we reflect on how to respond in this moment. It is not enough to hear his words as confirmation of the values we think we hold in our hearts. Dr. King spoke against systemic racism, economic inequality, militarism and colonization. We see today how closely these systems are intertwined with ecological devastation. The present-day Poor Peoples Campaign takes all of these issues into their broad-based fusion movement. All of these are systems that can be changed, that we have an opportunity to change in our own times, if we can remain awake. We listen for what we can do, for how we can adapt our strategy for the greater cause of justice in these changing times, rather than for assurances that we are some of the good people.
It was so-called good people, people who said they were on the side of integration and voting rights, who wrote an open letter criticizing Dr. King in 1963. In April of that year, Dr. King and some of his co-organizers were arrested in Birmingham, Alabama, for violating a city order against public protest. The letter from eight white ministers and rabbis called the protest “unwise and untimely.” Dr. King’s response was distributed in newspapers and pamphlets, and was eventually revised and reprinted in his book, Why We Can’t Wait. Despite the fact that the original letter from the eight clergymen offered more comfort to segregationists than assistance to the movement, Dr. King believed in the possibility of transformation for those who shared the sentiments of the writers. That’s why he responded. Cornel West put it this way:
“Yet from the cell of a Jim Crow Birmingham jail, King’s love letter to his fellow clergymen is a flickering candle against the darkness.”
West calls Letter from a Birmingham Jail a love letter. It is a message of truth, and a message of confidence in the humanity of the reader. Those who are half-hearted in the cause of justice can be heartened. We can be strengthened in our resolve to rise up for human dignity.
Some of the most famous of Dr. King’s quotes about our interdependence, about how our liberation is tied together, come from this letter. In it, he wrote, “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. We are caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly.”
In other words, oppression that is happening on the other side of an arbitrary border is still our business. If we don’t live in the District of Columbia, DC Statehood is still our business. If we don’t live in one of the states rushing to pass voter suppression laws, voting rights are still our business. If our local university isn’t being targeted with attempts to ban critical Critical Race Theory (are you sure?), academic integrity and accurate history are still our business. If our local school board isn’t being taken over with those who would endanger and harass transgender and nonbinary students (are you sure?), the inherent worth of every teenager and child is still our business.
Another part of “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” responds to questions about the methods of the civil rights movement. Dr. King writes:
“You may well ask: ‘Why direct action? Why sit-ins, marches and so forth? Isn’t negotiation a better path?’ You are quite right in calling for negotiation. Indeed, this is the very purpose of direct action. Nonviolent direct action seeks to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community which has constantly refused to negotiate is forced to confront the issue. It seeks to so dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored. My citing the creation of tension as part of the work of the nonviolent-resister may sound rather shocking. But I must confess that I am not afraid of the word ‘tension.’ I have earnestly opposed violent tension, but there is a type of constructive, nonviolent tension which is necessary for growth.”
In our community, we might think the value of nonviolent direct action is a settled matter. I’m not so sure. I have spoken to UU’s, though not in this congregation, who think blocking traffic to call attention to the urgent need for police reform is counterproductive and we should only protest in ways that don’t inconvenience people. My hope is that we can return to Dr. King’s words and remember that the people who are most impacted know something about the urgency of the issues they face, and it is not up to those who are most privileged to decide which nonviolent strategies are proportionate to the level of oppression.
Dr. King expressed disappointment with those who claimed to support the goals of civil rights, but did not support the movement. He named, “the white moderate, who is more devoted to ‘order’ than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice.” He refers to the moderate “who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man’s freedom.” Dr. King went on to observe, “Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.”
The writers to whom Dr. King was responding thought they were some of the good people. I imagine they were secure in their identity because they knew segregation and voter disenfranchisement were wrong. Having certain opinions does not put our actions above reproach, and it does not automatically confer wisdom or objectivity about the strategies needed to achieve justice.
I often think of this passage when I hear those who carry privilege attempt to silence activists by criticizing their “messaging” or “optics.” I think about it when I hear someone claim to be a staunch ally, then threaten to withdraw their support because a person who experienced marginalization spoke harshly to them, or went too far in making demands for justice. If a group of people who experience a form of oppression that I do not share use a nonviolent slogan or a hashtag that makes me uncomfortable, I think of this passage from “Letter From a Birmingham Jail” and I seek out more information about their experience rather than assuming I know best. It’s not up to me to set the timetable for another person’s freedom. It may be that someone else can imagine a world rooted in justice, a world that does not give me unfair advantages, more easily than I can.
Those of us who have lay or professional leadership in communities of conscience also have a responsibility to help our communities mobilize. Dr. King expressed disappointment in communities that were “more cautious than courageous and have remained silent behind the anesthetizing security of stained-glass windows.”
Though the architecture of our UU faith communities more often features natural landscapes rather than stained glass, Unitarian Universalists still need to wrestle with the temptation to make conversations within our walls non-confrontational. I have been asked, on occasion, to take care not to alienate those whose political leanings are poised against economic justice and voting rights. Happily, these requests are rare, and are overwhelmingly outnumbered by those who ask for more resources and discussion about dismantling white supremacy. Even so, the lure of negative peace is ever-present, and it is up to us to keep each other awake.
I do wonder if our current world with ever more insidious propaganda and deep fakes makes it more difficult for us to have those tough conversations. People wish to say the right things, to show that they are on the right side, but don’t have the tools or the understanding or perhaps the motivation to take meaningful and organized action. That’s the same position those critics who called Dr. King “unwise and untimely” were coming from. Add to that the way social media heightens the feeling that people have to say something about all things at all times, and say it in a pithy way that uses outrage and fear and disgust to drive engagement, and we have a recipe for escalating arguments. Trading slogans on social media feels like action but sometimes actually disrupts meaningful dialogue or real organizing. Perhaps things have always been polarized and it is my own perspective that has changed. But I think that the polarization that has long been part of American society is being used more effectively by the opponents of equality than by its champions. Dr. King said, “More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than have the people of good will.” Dr. King’s observation can be extended to the creative use of a sense of urgency. So, while I believe in the value of speaking the truth in love, even when the truth is risky, I also look for the places where speaking in harmony with other organizers has the leverage to make a meaningful difference.
Here is my experience: I feel more hopeful after two hours in an organizing meeting (even on Zoom) than I feel after two hours of doomscrolling. Working through differences in community is the sandpaper that smooths out rough edges and gets us ready to work together for change. That’s where I find the strength for the “constructive, non-violent tension” that Dr. King spoke about. When we take the time to be in community and to really engage with our differences and our vulnerabilities and our hopes and our limitations, we are better equipped collectively to show up in the halls of power and effectively communicate our demands.
Sometimes people are not asleep, but lay silently awake in shock and worry, unable to move past the walls that divide justice-minded people from each other. I have been there. Panic and despair are easy places to get stuck. This is where I go back to Dr. King’s explanation of the movement’s methods. In “Letter from a Birmingham Jail,” he explained: “In any nonviolent campaign there are four basic steps: collection of the facts to determine whether injustices exist; negotiation; self purification; and direct action.”
Implicit in Dr. King’s outline is that all of these are done with others, in the company of other organizers in your community and usually with coalition partners who are bringing their own experience and talents and perspectives. Being with people who help us to find our spiritual center and direct our energy toward shared goals helps us get out of that stuck place of panic and despair. Besides that, it’s more strategic to be in a group. We need people and infrastructure to collect data, to get to the negotiating table, to ground ourselves in spirit and practice, and to take effective action. None of these steps are taken by individuals alone. And so we lean into the wisdom and resources of the larger bodies of which we are a part. As a member congregation of the Unitarian Universalist Association, we can access that power through the UUA’s Side With Love campaign, including the Thirty Days of Love that starts tomorrow. Check sidewithlove.org every Monday through Valentine’s Day for spiritual nourishment, political grounding, and shared practices of faith and justice. The best way to move into action is together.
As we reflect on the legacy of Dr. King this weekend, I hope we are asking ourselves about the next moves toward justice, and that we are strengthening the relationships with our partners in the work for justice. Let us strengthen our rootedness in our mission to rise up for human worth and dignity. Let us listen to the call for transformation with humility. Let us renew our connections with our partners and friends moving with love and justice. Let us awaken each other to (as Dr. King said in the 1966 Ware lecture) “the new attitudes and outlooks that the new situation demands.”
May it be so.
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Sun Myung Moon’s death as reported at the time in Korean media (9.2012)
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Unification Church Founder Moon Sun-myung Dies at 92
Chosun Ilbo Sep. 03, 2012 08:09 KST
One of the most prominent and controversial Koreans in the world has died. The Unification Church says its founder, Moon Sun-myung, succumbed to complications from pneumonia on Monday at the age of 92, in a church-run hospital east of Seoul.  

Moon leaves behind not only an apocalyptic religious movement, but a global empire possibly still worth billions of dollars. Its businesses are involved in publishing, education, real estate, the hospitality industry, health care and even gun-manufacturing. A church-controlled seafood conglomerate is believed to supply most of the fish for sushi eaten in America.

Moon was born in 1920 in what is now North Korea. He started his church in 1954. His followers became known as "Moonies" with the church gaining a reputation as a cult with deceptive tactics in recruiting followers and maintaining tight control over their lives.

The group gained notoriety for mass weddings where couples, who had never met, were married to other church followers selected by its founder, who presided over the ceremonies in a robe and with a crown atop his head.

Honorary research fellow in contemporary religion at Britain's University of Birmingham, George Chryssides, says Moon and his church were shunned by established Christian organizations.

 "Within mainstream Christianity there is an absolute rejection that anyone should produce new scriptures or claim to be a new messiah. It is certainly something that does not go down well in religious circles," he said. 

Professor Tark Ji-il, who teaches religion at Busan Presbyterian University, contends that in the Unification Church's theology the ultimate goal was to establish a heavenly kingdom on the Korean Peninsula with Moon as king. Tark said this did not deviate since the church was established and its vast business activities were focused on this goal. 

Japan was once considered to be a primary source of the church's wealth, in part derived from persuasive door-to-door peddling of religious icons. But there were more nebulous allegations there from late 1960s when numerous Japanese ultra-nationalists and gangsters joined the church.

Over the years Moon sought to influence politics in both South Korea and the United States. In the 1970s he was the target of U.S. government investigations.

In 1982, Moon was convicted of tax fraud [and document forgery] and spent 13 months in a U.S. federal prison. He denied allegations his attempts to influence lawmakers were done in collusion with South Korea's intelligence agency, an allegation raised during a subsequent congressional investigation.

Even though he once was an ardent anti-communist, Moon later put ideology aside to do business with Kim Il-sung, the founder of North Korea, where he had once been imprisoned in the late 1940s [and sent to Heungnam for bigamy with a married woman, Kim Chong-hwa, who had three children. Her husband complained to the authorities].

Chryssides, author of "The Advent of Sun Myung Moon: The Origins, Beliefs and Practices of the Unification Church," predicts money, rather than theology, will be Moon's lasting legacy. "It is also something that will keep his organization going in whatever form the new leadership sees fit," he said. 

Leadership roles in the church's sprawling empire in recent years have been split among several of Moon's children. Some of the businesses have struggled amid reports of infighting among the heirs. It is unclear if the family-run empire will be able to remain intact without its charismatic founder who regarded himself as the Messiah.

Professor Tark, who is also editor-in-chief of South Korea's Contemporary Religion magazine is skeptical. Tark said the conflict among Moon's sons over financial assets is becoming serious. He notes media accounts of it referring to the in-fighting as "the rebellion of princes."

Moon officially handed over the presidency of the church to his youngest son, Hyung-jin, also known as Sean. But Chryssides says Moon's widow, Han Hak-ja, retains a critical position within the church.

"Theologically she is the Messiah, as well. In Unification thoughts, there is not just one messiah there are the two – there's the male and the female. So what role she is going to have is not at all clear. And I think anything could happen," he said.

Professor Jo Eung-tae, in the unification theology department at the church's Sun Moon University in Asan expects the children to remain subordinate to their mother. 

Jo says, overall, Han will now lead the entire church while her children will have their own roles with the youngest son responsible for religious activities.

Moon was quoted in his teachings predicting "a big commotion" after his death, but promised he would continue to lead his church from the spirit world.
Moonie Founder Laid to Rest
Chosun Ilbo Sep. 17, 2012 13:18 KST
The funeral of Unification Church founder Moon Sun-myung, who died on Sept. 3, was held on Saturday at the church's Cheongshim Peace World Center in Gapyeong, Gyeonggi Province. 

The funeral was attended by Moon's family including his wife, Unification Church devotees, and some 40 representatives from 31 denominations from the American Clergy Leadership Conference.
The church said 35,000 people attended the funeral, including some 10,000 people from Japan, but the Moonies have a history of inflating such figures.

Moon Hyun-jin, the third and the eldest surviving son of the founder, who leads the Unification Church International, was absent, apparently because he is at loggerheads with his siblings and mother over the succession. 

The attendees laid down roses and lilies, Moon's favorite flowers, instead of traditional chrysanthemums.
Sun Myung Moon’s second wife – Kim Chong-hwa in Pyongyang
Moon’s first wife, Choi Seon-gil, and Kim Deok-jin interviewed
Dong-sook, born in 1955 and listed as a ‘True Child’, was married to Sung-jin Moon
6,500 Japanese women missing from Moon mass weddings
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ukrfeminism · 2 years
2 minute read
"It feels like we are punished for having children."
Mums are sharing just how much they’re forking out for childcare before their children start school and honestly, some of the figures will make you want to cry.  
On October 29, tens of thousands of parents are set to join Pregnant Then Screwed’s March Of The Mummies, a national protest to demand government reform on childcare, parental leave and flexible working.
Ahead of the march, the charity has urged parents to share selfies holding pieces of paper showing just how much they are spending on childcare before their kids start school – and some of the figures are eye-watering. 
The lowest figure is £12,200, but this climbs to £80,900 for one mum [pictured below] who has three children.
“You know how outraged people are by the notion that energy costs could be £4,000 a year,” wrote Pregnant Then Screwed’s founder Joeli Brearley in an Instagram post. 
“Just wait until you add up what you have spent, or will spend, on childcare before your child is five years old.
“The government and much of the public are completely oblivious to the amount of cash money we are forking out just so we can go to work – this is literally your work tax, on top of your actual work tax.”
To bring this to the nation’s attention, protests will be taking place in London, Glasgow, Manchester, Leeds, Belfast, Cardiff, Exeter, Norwich, Bristol, Newcastle and Birmingham on Saturday. 
The UK has one of the most expensive childcare systems in the world, according to data from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), with a full-time place for one child costing around £12,000 a year on average.
All parents are entitled to 570 free hours of childcare per year when their child turns three – usually taken as 15 hours a week for 38 weeks of the year – but many still have to pay extra charges to nurseries and childminders to account for food and supplies. 
Hannah Harriman said she’d love to have another child, but she simply wouldn’t be able to afford it. Her total childcare bill is £36,000, despite her child not even being full-time at nursery. “This is more than a year’s salary for me,” she wrote in the caption of an Instagram post sharing her childcare bill.
“This is an absolute disgrace, people literally cannot afford to have children anymore and our government do not care in the slightest,” she added.
“It feels like we are punished for having children.”
She said she would love to have another baby, but if she did become pregnant, it would force her into poverty.
Figures show that 43,000 women left work to look after family in the last year, according to a Guardian report. This is a 3% increase on the previous year and part of an ongoing decline.
Caitlin, who preferred not to share her surname, is a mum of twins. The 38-year-old who lives in London has a PhD in population health but decided it would not be worth re-entering the workforce because the cost of childcare would be more than she would earn.
“It’s a loss for the economy,” Caitlin wrote in a caption on Instagram, next to a photo of her holding up a sign explaining her situation. “It’s time for things to change.”
Elena Rubiu, a Sardinian ceramist based in Leeds, said she’s spent almost £38,500 on nursery fees in the past three years – and her children didn’t even attend full-time. “In Italy it would have been for free,” she added. 
Replying to a comment on her post, Rubiu revealed her partner had to quit his PhD last month as the nursery bill was higher than his salary – yet the family still aren’t eligible for benefits because they are European with pre-settled status.
“I am self-employed,” she added. “All of our savings are gone.”
Samantha Sweetman, 34, from Herefordshire, worked out she’ll pay £46,000 in childcare fees for her two sons before they start school – and that’s just for term time, as she has the school holidays off. 
“For me to be able to continue my career and my husband to continue in his full time job, we have to pay for the boys to be in nursery from 7.30am to 5.30pm for four days a week,” she said in the caption of her Instagram post.
Some people might suggest she works part-time or give up work completely, but that’s not an option for her. 
“The truth is I need to work. I am a better mum for working,” she said. “I need something for me. I LOVE being a mum and I LOVE my children dearly but I also deserve the chance to continue in a career that I worked really hard for and I do love my job too. Why should I have to give up work? Or my husband?”
She suggested the government needs to do more to support parents. “The tax-free childcare takes the edge off, but nowhere near enough,” she said.
The free hours entitlement when children turn three “is a joke”, she added, as lots of nurseries need to charge a top-up fee to bridge the gap between money from the government and what it actually costs to provide the free hours.
“So many parents are in a situation where they have to give up work because it just isn’t viable to pay the extortionate bills,” she said. “It shouldn’t be this way.”
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mariacallous · 2 years
As part of his latest U-turn, misunderstood genius Kwasi Kwarteng is now going to get the Office for Budget Responsibility to cost his debt plan and publish it this month instead of on 23 November. That’s good. I am going to get Jordan Pickford to save Leonardo Bonucci’s goal in the 67th minute of the Euro 2020 final. In Birmingham, it turns out the government’s massive mini-budget was actually a “before” photo, with ideas yet to reach their final form. Elsewhere in this larval cinematic universe, Liz Truss is still suggesting she isn’t going to raise benefits in line with inflation, which will be the next thing she folds on. There are currently radioactive nuclides with longer half-lives than her policies. We keep hearing Truss “needs a reset”, which sounds like the sort of solution Moscow would have proposed for the Chornobyl reactor shortly after the core had ruptured, destroyed the reactor building and caught fire in the open air.
Anyway: the Tory party conference. An event so cracked that Michael Gove can credibly turn up to it and act like it’s on drugs. Gove is doing more gigs than Ed Sheeran at the Birmingham gathering, but Truss’s cabinet is already nearing the “separate limos” stage of a monster band’s implosion. Be advised this is a conclave that a huge number of Conservative members of parliament found simply too distasteful to attend. Which certainly puts things into perspective. I’m trying to picture a Star Wars spinoff in which the rebel alliance was run by Gove and Grant Shapps, and it’s possible even Disney+ wouldn’t make it. Which, again, certainly puts things into perspective. Priti Patel is now spoken of as some kind of grandee. Which certainly takes perspective, and does something absolutely unmentionable with it.
British politics runs on about 10 knackered cliches, which is why we had to refer to the chancellor’s surprise abolition of the 45% tax rate in his maxi-budget as a “rabbit”. Ten days ago, the magician pulled this rabbit out of the hat and – as you may dimly be aware – has since detected some kind of adverse reaction to the trick. What you’re watching this week is the rabbit being brutally killed and dismembered in front of the horrified children, while the magician and his assistant (the prime minister) scream: “Stop crying, kiddies! JUST ENJOY THE SHOW!”
As for why it took so long for them to move to bunnycide, accounts vary. According to the chancellor: “We were absorbing the reaction.” Righto. I hope that Kwarteng and Truss are very absorbent – at this rate they’re going to need both thirst pockets and a dry-weave topsheet. Speaking of characters who practise extreme emotional suppression, Kwarteng’s turnaround recalled Leonard Nimoy’s first autobiography, which was called I Am Not Spock. That title caused a Star Trek fan furore so intense that it informed the title of Nimoy’s second autobiography: I Am Spock. Hey – he got it, he listened.
But did Kwarteng? His supposedly make-or-break speech screamed: “I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to you.” Unfortunately, the chancellor is no Jack Nicholson. And yet, he did seem to be unwisely attempting some form of acting, walking deliberately slowly to the lectern to set up his opening line: “What a day.” Kwarteng moves like an MDF kitchen dresser, but the delivery is pure woodchip.
Optics-wise, it probably wasn’t great that beneath the conference hall lights; the chancellor was sweating like … well, he was sweating like a free marketeer whose clever plan has just wiped hundreds of billions off the free markets. This type of sweating is probably the only thing that could make a glassblower’s arse/a paedophile in a prison riot/a Marine in a maths test break off from their own benchmark perspiration to observe: “Man alive, that guy looks insanely sweaty.” Still, at last we have an entity more annoying than the first person ever to think they’ve had a baby: it’s the chancellor who thinks he’s the first person ever to try to grow the economy.
By now, you may be judging that a period of silence would be most welcome from the many, many commentators who were only last month droning on about how you underestimate Liz Truss at your peril. How do you like this peril, guys?! Don’t underestimate Liz Truss, we kept hearing. And yet, why not? It saves time. I underestimated her, and you know what: I still overestimated her.
Any amusements this week? Watching Treasury chief secretary Chris Philp becoming aware in real time that he is being lined up for the human sacrifice role. But we’ve already heard way more than enough from emerging shithouse Jake Berry, the Conservative chairman who on Sunday expanded on the government’s brilliant plan for struggling people to simply make the choice to stop struggling.
As Berry put it: “People know that when their bills arrive, they can either cut their consumption, or they can get a higher salary, higher wages, go out there and get that new job. That’s the approach this government is taking.” Oh I see. If that’s the case, mate, could you – you personally – simply be better at your job? Could you either cut your own mic, for ever, or make the choice of getting up one morning and landing somewhere in the same postcode as adequate? That’s the approach this country is taking, Jake.
Regrettably, the party is still at denial stage, so other delusions are available. Truss is the UK’s fourth prime minister in not much over six years, yet many Conservatives are reacting to the latest horror show by suggesting they’re on some kind of accumulator. Take Peter Cruddas, a Boris Johnson crony who went through a cash-for-access scandal but was still ennobled by the previous PM as part of the latter’s post-democratic commitment to making the upper chamber literally 10% useless-bastards-he’d-personally-picked (with even more to come from him in some absolutely fetid lavender list yet to get its airing).
Anyway: here’s his lordship yesterday: “I believe the best option for Truss is to work with Boris,” hallucinated Cruddas, “to allow Boris to return as the leader with Truss getting a key job in the new cabinet. There could be a runoff between Rishi and Boris Johnson for the members to decide. There would only be one winner, Boris.”
Sorry, what? We’ve all been there, haven’t we, in a pub while our most chaotic friend unleashes another monologue about the latest toxic guy she’s into, thinking that if we have one more drink we’re finally going to be the one to say it: “For the love of God, for your sanity and for all of ours, HAD YOU THOUGHT ABOUT JUST BEING SINGLE FOR A WHILE?!” This really is starting to look much the same. I don’t mean to state the fist-gnawingly obvious here, but … has the Conservative party thought about just being single for a while?
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ydeudsen · 2 years
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hemasnhu69 · 13 days
How Accountants in Birmingham Can Help Your Business Thrive
In the bustling city of Birmingham, businesses of all sizes are constantly seeking ways to optimize their operations, improve financial management, and drive growth. One of the most effective strategies for achieving these goals is partnering with a professional accounting firm. Accountants in Birmingham offer a range of services that can significantly enhance your business's financial health and overall success.
Expertise and Local Knowledge
Accountants in Birmingham bring a wealth of expertise and a deep understanding of the local business landscape. Their knowledge of regional tax laws, regulations, and economic conditions allows them to provide tailored advice and solutions. This local insight is invaluable for businesses looking to navigate the complexities of the Birmingham market and capitalize on opportunities for growth.
Comprehensive Financial Management
Effective financial management is crucial for any business. Accountants in Birmingham offer comprehensive services that cover all aspects of financial management, including bookkeeping, payroll, tax planning, and financial reporting. By maintaining accurate and up-to-date financial records, accountants help businesses make informed decisions, manage cash flow, and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.
Strategic Tax Planning
Tax planning is a critical component of financial strategy. Accountants in Birmingham are well-versed in local and national tax laws and can develop strategies to minimize tax liabilities. They provide guidance on tax-efficient business structures, available deductions, and credits, ensuring that your business remains compliant while optimizing its tax position. Effective tax planning can result in significant savings, freeing up resources for reinvestment and growth.
Business Advisory Services
Beyond traditional accounting functions, many Birmingham accountants offer business advisory services. These services are designed to help businesses identify opportunities for improvement, streamline operations, and achieve long-term objectives. Accountants can assist with budgeting, financial forecasting, risk management, and performance analysis. By providing strategic insights and actionable recommendations, they empower business owners to make informed decisions that drive growth and profitability.
Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity
Outsourcing accounting functions to a professional firm can lead to enhanced efficiency and productivity. By leveraging the expertise of accountants, businesses can reduce the burden of administrative tasks, allowing owners and managers to focus on core business activities. This streamlined approach not only improves operational efficiency but also contributes to better financial outcomes.
Access to Advanced Technology
Modern accounting firms in Birmingham utilize advanced technology and software to deliver their services. These tools enable real-time financial reporting, seamless data integration, and enhanced accuracy. By adopting these technologies, businesses can gain a clearer view of their financial health and make data-driven decisions.
Support During Growth and Transitions
Whether your business is expanding, undergoing a merger, or facing other significant changes, accountants can provide crucial support during these transitions. They offer guidance on financing options, regulatory compliance, and strategic planning, ensuring that your business remains stable and poised for growth.
In conclusion, accountants in Birmingham play a vital role in helping businesses thrive. Their expertise, comprehensive services, and strategic insights enable businesses to manage their finances effectively, optimize tax positions, and achieve long-term success. By partnering with a professional accounting firm, businesses in Birmingham can unlock their full potential and navigate the path to sustained growth and prosperity.
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constacct845 · 29 days
Construction Accountant
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The Crucial Role of a Construction Accountant: A Guide for Contractors
In the intricate world of construction, where every nail, beam, and invoice matters, financial management stands as the backbone of success. For general contracting or specialty trades construction businesses, navigating the complexities of finances can be daunting without the right expertise in place. This is where the invaluable role of a construction accountant comes into play. In this article, we will delve into why having a construction accountant is essential for businesses in the commercial and industrial sectors, particularly for those with annual revenues ranging from $5 to $50 million.
The Importance of a Construction Accountant: At the heart of any successful construction venture lies meticulous financial management. From budgeting and cost control to cash flow management and compliance, the construction industry demands a unique set of accounting skills. Here’s why a construction accountant is indispensable:
Specialized Knowledge: Unlike traditional accountants, construction accountants possess specialized knowledge tailored to the intricacies of the industry. They understand construction-specific financial processes, such as progress billing, job costing, and retention, ensuring accurate financial reporting and compliance with regulatory requirements.
Cost Control and Budgeting: Managing costs and adhering to budgets are paramount in construction projects. A construction accountant utilizes their expertise to track expenses, analyze variances, and forecast future costs, enabling contractors to make informed decisions to keep projects on track financially.
Cash Flow Management: Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business, and construction is no exception. Construction accountants monitor cash flow meticulously, identifying potential bottlenecks and implementing strategies to optimize cash flow, ensuring smooth project progression and timely payments to suppliers and subcontractors.
Job Costing and Profitability Analysis: Every project entails numerous costs, from materials and labor to overhead expenses. A construction accountant employs sophisticated job costing techniques to allocate costs accurately to each project, providing insights into profitability margins and areas for improvement.
Compliance and Risk Management: The construction industry is subject to a myriad of regulations and compliance requirements, including tax laws, licensing regulations, and industry-specific standards. A construction accountant ensures that contractors remain compliant with these regulations, mitigating risks and avoiding costly penalties.
Consultancy for Commercial & Industrial Contractors: For commercial and industrial contractors with annual revenues ranging from $5 to $50 million, navigating the financial landscape can be particularly challenging. This is where consultancy services from firms like FW Consulting, based out of Birmingham, AL, can make a significant difference.
FW Consulting specializes in providing tailored financial solutions for contractors operating in the commercial and industrial sectors. With a team of seasoned construction accountants and industry experts, FW Consulting offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to optimize financial performance and drive business growth.
Their services include:
Financial Analysis and Reporting: FW Consulting conducts in-depth financial analysis to provide contractors with actionable insights into their financial performance, enabling informed decision-making and strategic planning.
Budgeting and Forecasting: By developing accurate budgets and forecasts, FW Consulting helps contractors anticipate future financial requirements and identify potential challenges, allowing for proactive measures to be taken.
Cash Flow Management: FW Consulting assists contractors in optimizing cash flow through effective cash flow forecasting, expense management, and debt restructuring, ensuring financial stability and liquidity.
Compliance and Risk Management: With extensive knowledge of regulatory requirements and industry standards, FW Consulting helps contractors navigate compliance issues and mitigate risks, safeguarding their reputation and bottom line.
In the dynamic world of construction, where financial management can make or break a project, having a construction accountant is not just advantageous—it’s essential. For commercial and industrial contractors with revenues ranging from $5 to $50 million, partnering with a reputable consultancy firm like FW Consulting can provide the expertise and support needed to thrive in a competitive market. With their specialized knowledge and tailored solutions, FW Consulting empowers contractors to achieve financial success and realize their business goals.
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gcautocentre · 1 month
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Accountants in Shirley for payroll processing
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Accountants in Shirley specializing in payroll processing offer streamlined services that ensure accurate and timely payroll management, helping you comply with regulations and satisfy employee expectations.
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affotax · 19 days
Birmingham Accounting Solutions for Your Business
Are you a Birmingham business owner feeling overwhelmed by finances? You're not alone. Birmingham Accounting can be a complex maze, but Affotax (Reliable Accounting Firm) is here to be your friendly guide.
Birmingham Accounting Solutions
At Affotax, we understand that every Birmingham business is unique. That's why we offer a variety of accounting services designed to meet your specific needs, not a one-size-fits-all approach.
Here's how we can help you:
Bookkeeping & Payroll: Free yourself from tedious tasks like bookkeeping and payroll. We'll keep your books balanced, ensure your employees are paid on time, and allow you to focus on growing your business.
Tax Preparation & Planning: Birmingham's tax code can be tricky, but our Birmingham tax experts are here to simplify things. We'll handle your tax filings, ensure you claim the maximum deductions, and help you minimise your tax burden.
Financial Guidance: Need a clear roadmap to achieve your financial goals? Our Birmingham accounting firm can provide insightful financial advice to help your business flourish.
Business Consulting: Get valuable insights on everything from budgeting and cash flow management to financial risk mitigation.
Why Choose Affotax for Birmingham Accounting?
With so many accounting firms in Birmingham, why choose Affotax? Here are just a few reasons:
Local Expertise: We are a Birmingham accounting firm with deep knowledge of the local business landscape. This allows us to tailor our services to your specific needs and challenges.
Proven Track Record: We have a history of helping Birmingham businesses of all sizes achieve financial success. We understand the city's economic climate and can guide you through both good and bad times.
Cloud-Based Technology: We leverage cutting-edge cloud accounting software, giving you easy access to your financial data anytime, anywhere. This fosters better collaboration, informed decision-making, and a clear view of your business health.
Clear Communication: We believe in clear and concise communication. We'll explain everything in plain English, so you understand the financial implications of every decision.
Flexible & Affordable: We offer a variety of pricing plans to suit your budget. We know cash flow is crucial, so we'll work with you to find a solution that meets your financial needs.
Empowering Birmingham's Small Businesses
We are passionate about helping Birmingham's small businesses thrive. Here's how we can support your entrepreneurial journey:
Startup Support: Launching a business in Birmingham? Let us be your guide. We'll help you navigate legal aspects like choosing the right business structure, so you can focus on bringing your dream to life.
Cloud Accounting Made Easy: Ditch the piles of paperwork! We'll set you up with user-friendly cloud accounting software, simplifying your financial management.
Birmingham Budget Experts: We'll create a customised budget tailored to Birmingham's market, considering factors like local rent prices. We'll also develop strategies for effective cash flow management.
Stress-Free Tax Season: Taxes shouldn't be a burden. Our Birmingham tax specialists will ensure your tax returns are filed accurately and on time, maximising your deductions and minimising your tax liability.
Fueling Birmingham's Startup Growth
Birmingham is a hub for innovation, and Affotax is here to propel your startup's success:
Winning Business Plan Development: A strong business plan is essential for securing funding. We'll collaborate with you to craft a compelling plan that showcases your startup's potential and its unique fit within Birmingham's landscape.
Fundraising Expertise for Birmingham Startups: The world of investors can be daunting. We'll guide you on preparing financial documents that grab their attention and can even connect you with Birmingham-based investors familiar with the city's startup scene.
Financial Forecasting: Understanding your startup's financial trajectory is crucial. We'll create clear financial models that consider Birmingham's economic trends and industry benchmarks. This will equip you to make sound decisions about growth, investment allocation, and potential funding needs.
Conquer Birmingham Tax Season with Confidence
Tax season shouldn't be stressful! Our Birmingham tax professionals will handle the complexities of the tax code and help you minimise your tax burden. Here's what you can expect:
Effortless Tax Preparation: Whether you're a solopreneur or a growing company, we'll ensure your tax returns are filed accurately and on time, maximising deductions and keeping your tax bill low. We are familiar with Birmingham-specific tax benefits that can save you money.
Proactive Tax Planning: We go beyond just filing tax returns. Our tax advisors will develop a customised tax plan considering your industry, growth goals, and long-term financial aspirations. This proactive approach will help you minimise your tax payments throughout the year and boost your profits.
Your Trusted Birmingham Financial Partner
At Affotax, we believe in building strong relationships with our Birmingham clients. We're more than just accountants; we're your financial advisors in Birmingham. Here's what sets us apart:
Dedicated Accounting Team: You'll have a team of Birmingham accounting professionals who understand your business thoroughly.
Always Accessible: We're just a phone call or email away whenever you need a quick answer or in-depth financial guidance.
Regular Financial Check-Ups: We'll keep you informed about your business's financial health and any Birmingham-specific tax or accounting updates that might impact you.
Industry-Specific Knowledge: Our team has experience working with a variety of Birmingham businesses across different industries. This allows us to provide tailored financial advice that addresses your specific challenges and opportunities.
Don't let Birmingham accounting slow you down. Contact Affotax today and let our friendly accounting experts guide you towards financial success. We'll take the complexity out of finances, so you can focus on what matters most – running your thriving Birmingham business!
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marryjohn123 · 2 months
Expert accountants in Birmingham offering a range of services for small businesses including tax advice & compliance, payroll & payslip, digital bookkeeping, VAT, cloud accounting,CIS, HMRC tax investigation, company annual accounts & more.
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Tailored Financing: Your Guide to Contractor Mortgages in Birmingham
Contractors in Birmingham often face unique challenges when it comes to securing financing for property purchases. Traditional mortgage lenders may be hesitant to offer mortgages to contractors due to irregular income streams and varying contract lengths. However, Contractor Mortgages Birmingham provide a tailored financing solution designed specifically for self-employed contractors, freelancers, and independent professionals. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the concept of contractor mortgages, discuss their key features, and provide valuable insights to help contractors in Birmingham navigate the mortgage process with confidence.
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Understanding Contractor Mortgages
Contractor mortgages are specialized mortgage products designed to cater to the needs of self-employed contractors and freelancers who may not meet the criteria for traditional mortgages. These mortgages take into account contractors' unique financial circumstances, including irregular income streams, varying contract lengths, and limited employment history with traditional employers.
Key Features of Contractor Mortgages
Before delving into the benefits of contractor mortgages, it's essential to understand their key features:
Flexible Income Assessment: Contractor mortgages typically involve a flexible income assessment process that takes into account contractors' average earnings over a specified period, rather than relying solely on recent pay stubs or tax returns. This allows lenders to assess contractors' affordability based on their overall income and financial stability.
Specialist Lenders: Contractor mortgages are offered by specialist lenders who have experience working with self-employed individuals and understand the complexities of contractor income. These lenders are more familiar with contractors' unique financial circumstances and may be more willing to offer mortgages tailored to their needs.
Variety of Contract Types Accepted: Contractor mortgages accept a variety of contract types, including fixed-term contracts, freelance work, consultancy agreements, and umbrella company arrangements. This flexibility ensures that contractors from diverse industries and professions can access mortgage financing tailored to their specific circumstances.
Higher Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratios: Some contractor mortgages offer higher loan-to-value (LTV) ratios compared to traditional mortgages, allowing contractors to borrow a larger percentage of the property's value. This can be beneficial for contractors who may have limited savings for a deposit or wish to purchase a higher-value property.
Proof of Income Requirements: While contractor mortgages are designed for self-employed individuals, lenders still require proof of income to assess affordability. Contractors may need to provide tax returns, contract documents, bank statements, and other financial documents to demonstrate their income and financial stability.
Benefits of Contractor Mortgages for Birmingham Contractors
Contractor mortgages offer several benefits for contractors in Birmingham, including:
Access to Mortgage Financing: Contractor mortgages provide contractors with access to mortgage financing, enabling them to purchase property and enter the housing market despite their self-employed status. This opens up opportunities for homeownership and property investment that may otherwise be inaccessible through traditional mortgages.
Tailored to Contractor Income: Contractor mortgages are tailored to contractors' unique income streams, allowing lenders to assess affordability based on contractors' average earnings over time. This ensures that contractors with fluctuating income levels can still qualify for mortgage financing based on their overall financial stability.
Flexible Contract Types Accepted: Contractor mortgages accept a variety of contract types, including fixed-term contracts, freelance work, consultancy agreements, and umbrella company arrangements. This flexibility accommodates contractors from diverse industries and professions, providing financing solutions tailored to their specific circumstances.
Higher Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratios: Some contractor mortgages offer higher loan-to-value (LTV) ratios compared to traditional mortgages, allowing contractors to borrow a larger percentage of the property's value. This can be beneficial for contractors who may have limited savings for a deposit or wish to purchase a higher-value property.
Streamlined Application Process: Specialist lenders offering contractor mortgages often have streamlined application processes tailored to contractors' needs. This includes simplified documentation requirements and faster turnaround times, ensuring a smoother and more efficient mortgage application experience for contractors.
Considerations for Birmingham Contractors
While contractor mortgages offer numerous benefits, contractors in Birmingham should carefully consider the following factors before proceeding:
Proof of Income Requirements: Contractors will need to provide proof of income, including tax returns, contract documents, bank statements, and other financial documents, to demonstrate their earnings and financial stability to lenders.
Contract Length and Stability: Lenders may consider the length and stability of contractors' contracts when assessing mortgage affordability. Contractors with longer-term contracts or a history of consistent work may be viewed more favorably by lenders.
Financial Planning and Budgeting: Contractors should engage in careful financial planning and budgeting to ensure that they can comfortably afford mortgage repayments, especially considering potential fluctuations in income.
Professional Advice: It is essential for contractors to seek professional advice from mortgage brokers or financial advisors specializing in contractor mortgages. An advisor can provide personalized guidance, recommend suitable mortgage products, and assist with the application process.
Long-Term Financial Goals: Contractors should consider their long-term financial goals and how homeownership fits into their overall financial plan. This includes assessing the potential impact of mortgage repayments on their cash flow and retirement savings.
In conclusion, contractor mortgages offer a tailored financing solution for self-employed contractors and freelancers in Birmingham, providing access to mortgage financing based on their unique income streams and financial circumstances. With flexible income assessment, acceptance of various contract types, higher loan-to-value (LTV) ratios, and streamlined application processes, contractor mortgages empower contractors to achieve their homeownership goals and enter the property market with confidence. However, contractors should carefully consider proof of income requirements, contract stability, financial planning, and seek professional advice before proceeding with a contractor mortgage. With careful consideration and informed decision-making, contractor mortgages can help Birmingham contractors unlock their potential and secure their dream homes.explain in 1500 words with conclusion and without any company name and headings and section division and also give helpful and plagarism free content with bold headings"Investing in Birmingham: A Comprehensive Guide to Commercial Mortgages
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sigmataxbirmingham · 2 months
Maximizing Efficiency and Accuracy: The Role of Locum Accounts in Birmingham
Are you a business owner in Birmingham striving for seamless financial management? Look no further than Sigma Tax! Our cutting-edge solutions, including locum accounts, are tailored to meet your specific needs while ensuring compliance and efficiency. Let’s delve into how Sigma Tax’s locum accounts can elevate your business operations in Birmingham.
Unlocking Flexibility with Locum Accounts
In today’s dynamic business landscape, adaptability is key. Locum accounts, also known as temporary or substitute accounts, offer unparalleled flexibility for businesses across various sectors. Whether you're in healthcare, hospitality, or any other industry in Birmingham, Sigma Tax understands the importance of having a financial system that can adjust to changing demands.
Tailored Solutions for Birmingham Businesses
At Sigma Tax, we recognize that every business in Birmingham is unique. Our locum accounts are meticulously crafted to suit the specific requirements of your enterprise. From managing fluctuating workloads to covering employee absences, our bespoke solutions ensure uninterrupted financial operations, allowing you to focus on what matters most – growing your business.
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Ensuring Compliance and Accuracy
Navigating the complexities of tax regulations and financial compliance can be daunting. With Sigma Tax’s locum accounts, you can rest assured that your financial transactions are handled with precision and integrity. Our team of experts stays abreast of the latest legislative developments in Birmingham, ensuring that your business remains compliant while minimizing the risk of errors and penalties.
Efficiency Redefined
Time is of the essence in today's fast-paced business environment. Sigma Tax’s locum accounts are designed to streamline your financial processes, saving you valuable time and resources. By outsourcing your temporary accounting needs to us, you can optimize your operational efficiency and focus on core business activities, ultimately driving growth and profitability.
Partner with Sigma Tax Today
In Birmingham’s competitive marketplace, staying ahead requires innovative solutions and strategic partnerships. Sigma Tax is committed to empowering businesses with tailored financial services that foster growth and success. Discover the difference our locum accounts can make for your Birmingham-based enterprise. Contact Sigma Tax today to learn more about our comprehensive range of services and take the first step towards financial excellence.
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mariacallous · 2 years
Watching the Conservative party self-destruct after 12 years of near-untouchable power while the economy tanks is akin to seeing your racist neighbour’s house flood with sewage. It’s delightful schadenfreude – until you realise that stink is heading straight for you. If there is one positive to the Tory party conference this week, it is that these people have been at least temporarily contained. A kind of Alcatraz for Eton alumni. I would say “how much damage can they do?” locked in a conference hall in Birmingham; but based on the last few days, this group would see that less as a question and more as an active challenge.
Enter the levelling up secretary, Simon Clarke, who kicked off conference by touting a new age of austerity in the middle of a cost of living crisis. Britain had, Clarke said, been in a “fool’s paradise” for too long with a “very large welfare state”, which must come as news to the people queueing in the utopia of their local food bank. Early figures suggest public services will see cuts of up to £18bn a year, while benefits are being lined up for real-term cuts.
Pulling money from the poorest to further enrich the wealthy is the sort of agenda so cliched in its evil that by all rights it should be delivered by a minister twiddling a tiny moustache. With even Tory backbenchers feeling an urge to do the right thing and dissent, the chancellor, Kwasi Kwarteng, took to Twitter just hours before his speech on Monday with a screen-grabbed U-turn on the 45p rate of tax, like a reality TV star apologising via the Notes app for inappropriate touching in the villa.
Unfortunately for him, the other contestants seemed as though they may have been drinking as they broke ranks, creating the kind of unhinged chaos in which you find yourself listening to Nadine Dorries and thinking, “good point”. It was all very last days of Rome, albeit with less dignity.
The only thing the Tory party could seemingly unite around was the need to find a scapegoat. The education minister, Andrea Jenkyns, targeted (entirely made up) “Harry Potter degrees”. GCSE ethics experiment Suella Braverman announced it would be “my dream” to get migration flights to Rwanda by Christmas, channelling Mariah Carey’s less popular B-side All I Want for Christmas (Is to Deport Torture Victims). As one cabinet source told the Daily Mail of impending revolt: “The trouble is, there are so many bastards in the party.” Quite.
Not that any of this bothered Truss, whose keynote speech had the air of a coma patient who had woken up with scarce memory of the last fortnight. Any economic crisis was caused by Putin and Covid, she implored. Her government would keep an “iron grip” on the public finances. Even Greenpeace protesters couldn’t jar her back to reality. The speech was 35 minutes short, though you couldn’t say it felt it. The only thing longer than Truss’s cadence is the current wait for an ambulance.
Tellingly, the “sensibles” of the Conservative party were missing from the audience, like rats fleeing the proverbial. When Boris Johnson is being referred to as “the sensible” era of Tory governance, it certainly gives a perspective on the depths of the particular barrel we are now scraping.
One notable absentee was Rishi Sunak, who has reportedly stayed in his constituency in Yorkshire, presumably unable to travel to conference on account of physically laughing too hard. As one Sunak ally reportedly put it: the former leadership candidate wished to “give Truss all the space she needs to own the moment”.
If there is one group currently suffering more than the select Tories who warned about Truss, it is those who supported her. As one Tory MP who voted for Truss lamented to the Times: “We’ve ended up with a perfect storm of problems.” If only there had been some sort of warning any of this was going to happen. Much like the MPs who supported Johnson only to feign surprise when he turned out to be a liar, there is something remarkable about seeing MPs who backed Truss in the leadership campaign one month ago now claiming shock at her shortcomings. A woman whose sole qualification for the post appeared to be “looks a bit like Margaret Thatcher when sitting in a tank”.
The truth is, of course, Tory MPs supported Truss not because they didn’t realise what she would do, but because they did. Just like their cheerleaders in the rightwing press, it suited them to get tax cuts for their own class and chums in the City and they cared nothing for the consequences – until they were found out. If recent polling is to be believed, “consequences” for Tory MPs may finally be on the way, specifically in the form of a ballot count at 3am in a cold school hall. It could not happen to a more deserving group. The question, though, is just how much more harm they can inflict on the country in the meantime. That isn’t a challenge – more an omen.
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