#Test Tube Baby Center in Chennai
sumathihospital · 2 years
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Chennai's Premier IVF Center: Your Path to Parenthood
Are you on a quest to fulfill your dreams of parenthood? The journey to becoming a parent can be filled with challenges, but with the right guidance and support, you can overcome them. In Chennai, the city of temples and traditions, your path to parenthood begins at ART Fertility Clinic, the best IVF center in Chennai. With a team of dedicated experts, cutting-edge technology, and a commitment to your well-being, we are here to make your dreams come true. Let's embark on this journey together, exploring the world of IVF and discovering why ART Fertility Clinic stands out as the beacon of hope for aspiring parents.
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Understanding IVF - A Ray of Hope
IVF, or In Vitro Fertilization, is a medical marvel that has brought joy to countless families worldwide. It offers a glimmer of hope to those facing fertility challenges. At ART Fertility Clinic, we specialize in IVF treatments, bringing together science and compassion to help you achieve your goal of parenthood.
Meet Our IVF Specialists
Behind every successful IVF journey is a skilled and compassionate IVF specialist. Chennai is home to some of the finest fertility experts, and at ART Fertility Clinic, our specialists are renowned for their expertise and dedication. They understand that every patient is unique, and they tailor treatments accordingly.
Exploring IVF Centers in Chennai
When searching for the best IVF center in Chennai, you'll find several options. However, what sets us apart is our unwavering commitment to your well-being. Our state-of-the-art facility, experienced staff, and exceptional success rates make us the preferred choice for couples seeking fertility solutions.
The Science of IVF - Test Tube Baby Center in Chennai
IVF involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body, typically in a laboratory setting. This process, often referred to as a "test tube baby" procedure, allows for precise control and monitoring, increasing the chances of success. At ART Fertility Clinic, we utilize the latest techniques to ensure the highest quality of care.
Why Choose ART Fertility Clinic?
You might wonder why you should choose us over other IVF clinics in Chennai. The answer lies in our unwavering commitment to your success. Our dedication to excellence, personalized care, and innovative approaches to fertility treatments make us the best IVF clinic in Chennai.
Exploring Our IVF Center in Chennai
A visit to our clinic is like stepping into a world of hope and possibility. Our modern and welcoming environment is designed to put you at ease during this emotional journey. We prioritize your comfort and privacy, ensuring you feel supported every step of the way.
Your Partner in Parenthood - Fertility Center in Chennai
Parenthood is a shared dream, and we recognize the importance of involving both partners in the process. Our fertility center in Chennai provides comprehensive support, including counseling and guidance, to help couples navigate the emotional aspects of fertility treatments.
IVF Success Rate - Your Beacon of Hope
One of the most common questions couples ask is about the success rate of IVF. While success can vary depending on individual circumstances, our track record at ART Fertility Clinic is a source of pride. We have helped numerous couples welcome their bundles of joy into the world.
Why Does IVF Fail?
It's essential to acknowledge that IVF doesn't always result in pregnancy. Several factors can contribute to IVF failure, including the age of the woman, the quality of the embryos, and underlying health conditions. However, failure is not the end of the road. Our experts will work with you to explore alternative options and find the best path forward.
Is IVF Painful?
The fear of pain is a common concern among those considering IVF. While discomfort is possible during certain procedures, our team takes every measure to minimize it. Most patients find the experience manageable, and the prospect of parenthood often outweighs any temporary discomfort.
Benefits of IVF Treatment
The benefits of IVF extend beyond achieving pregnancy. IVF allows you to take control of your fertility journey, offering hope when natural conception seems elusive. It also provides valuable insights into your reproductive health, which can be beneficial for future family planning.
Your Emotional Journey - Navigating IVF
Embarking on an IVF journey can be emotionally challenging. At ART Fertility Clinic, we understand the rollercoaster of emotions you may experience. Our support extends beyond medical treatments, encompassing your emotional well-being throughout the process.
The Personal Touch - Your IVF Experience
We believe in the power of personal connections. Our team at ART Fertility Clinic is committed to building a supportive relationship with you. We take the time to understand your unique needs and concerns, ensuring a personalized and compassionate IVF experience.
In Conclusion
Your journey to parenthood begins at ART Fertility Clinic, the premier IVF center in Chennai. We are your partners in hope, dedicated to helping you overcome fertility challenges and realize your dreams of becoming parents. With our experienced specialists, advanced technology, and unwavering support, you are in capable hands. Contact us today to take the first step towards the joy of parenthood.
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selectivf · 8 months
Exploring the Cost for Test Tube Baby in Chennai: Select IVF
For couples struggling with infertility, the journey to parenthood can be a challenging one. However, thanks to advancements in medical science, there are several assisted reproductive technologies available today, one of which is the Test Tube Baby procedure. If you’re considering Test Tube Baby in Chennai, you may wonder about the associated costs. In this article, we will delve into the cost factors for Test Tube Baby in Chennai, with a special focus on Select IVF, a renowned fertility center in the city.
Test Tube Baby Cost in Chennai
The cost of Test Tube Baby in Chennai varies depending on several factors, including the fertility center you choose, the complexity of the case, and the specific treatments required. Select IVF, a leading fertility center in Chennai, offers competitive pricing and comprehensive services, making it a popular choice for couples seeking IVF treatments. Let’s explore the cost components and factors associated with Test Tube Baby in Chennai at Select IVF.
Initial Consultation
Before beginning the IVF process, couples are required to have an initial consultation with fertility specialists. At Select IVF, this consultation serves as a crucial step to assess the couple’s infertility issues and develop a personalized treatment plan. The cost for this initial consultation is generally affordable, making it accessible to a wide range of patients.
Diagnostic Tests
Another important cost factor is the diagnostic tests that help determine the cause of infertility. These tests include blood work, ultrasound, and various other assessments. The cost for these diagnostic tests can vary depending on the complexity of the case. Select IVF ensures transparency in pricing, allowing couples to understand the costs associated with these tests.
IVF Treatment
The main cost component for Test Tube Baby in Chennai is the IVF treatment itself. Select IVF provides state-of-the-art facilities, experienced fertility specialists, and advanced technologies to ensure the highest chances of success. The cost of the IVF treatment covers procedures such as ovarian stimulation, egg retrieval, fertilization, and embryo transfer. This cost can vary depending on the specific treatment plan tailored to the individual couple’s needs.
The medications required during the IVF process can also contribute to the overall cost. These medications help stimulate egg production and support the growth of a healthy embryo. The cost of medications may differ from one couple to another, depending on their medical requirements. Select IVF offers guidance on affordable medication options to help manage this aspect of the treatment cost.
Additional Procedures
In some cases, additional procedures like intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) or preimplantation genetic testing (PGT) may be recommended to increase the chances of a successful pregnancy. These procedures come with additional costs, but they can be integral for couples with specific infertility issues. Select IVF provides a transparent breakdown of costs for these additional procedures so that couples can make informed decisions.
Fertility Preservation
For couples who wish to preserve their fertility for future use, egg or sperm freezing may be a consideration. Select IVF offers fertility preservation services, and the cost of these procedures can vary based on the number of eggs or sperm samples being preserved.
Donor Egg or Sperm
In cases where the intended parents face challenges with their own eggs or sperm, using donor eggs or sperm may be an option. The cost for these services includes screening and compensation for the donor. Select IVF can provide detailed information about the costs involved in using donor eggs or sperm.
Embryo Freezing and Storage
If there are surplus embryos after the IVF procedure, couples may choose to freeze and store them for future use. Select IVF offers embryo freezing and storage services, and the cost is typically an annual fee.
The Cost for Test Tube Baby in Chennai varies based on individual circumstances, the complexity of the case, and the specific services required. Select IVF, with its reputation for excellence in fertility treatments, offers competitive and transparent pricing for couples seeking IVF procedures. While the cost for Test Tube Baby in Chennai may seem like a significant investment, it is important to remember that the joy of welcoming a child into your life is priceless. Select IVF’s commitment to providing comprehensive care and support throughout the journey makes it a top choice for those pursuing their dreams of parenthood in Chennai.
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modernscan33 · 8 months
ultrasound scan in ayapakkam
Ultrasound Scan, Types and Pregnancy
Ultrasound uses high-frequency sound waves to create images of structures inside a person's body. Doctors often use ultrasound to study the development of a person's fetus (fetus), abdominal and pelvic organs, muscles and tendons, or heart and blood vessels. Other names for ultrasound include ultrasound or (when imaging the heart) echocardiogram.
Ultrasound creates real-time images of the inside of the body using sound waves. Ultrasound is generally painless and non-invasive. Ultrasound works differently from X-rays in that it does not use radiation. Looking for ultrasound scan in Ayapakkam?
Types of ultrasound scans
Abdominal ultrasoundexamining the internal organs of the abdomen, such as liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and spleen
Obstetric/pregnancy ultrasound for a routine scan to assess a baby's development and health
Female pelvic ultrasound used as transvaginal ultrasound (with a probe in the vagina) or external pelvic ultrasound to examine the pelvis, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, and ovaries of women
Doppler ultrasound monitoring blood flow in major arteries and veins
Echocardiogram or heart examination
3D ultrasound shows three-dimensional images of the inside of the body
4D ultrasound creating moving three-dimensional images
Ultrasound has a wider use in pregnancy, including assessing gestational age, monitoring progress, and screening for complications. It is usually performed between weeks 8 - 13 and between weeks 18 -20 – ultrasounds in the first and second trimesters. Additional ultrasound is only necessary in certain cases. 3D and 4D ultrasounds are sometimes offered during pregnancy for non-medical purposes. You should discuss these tests with your obstetrician or general practitioner.
𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐋𝐚𝐛&𝐗-𝐑𝐚𝐲𝐬, a leading centre for ultrasound scan in Ayapakkam. Although ultrasound images are not as detailed as those obtained from CT or MRI, they are effective because they can quickly and safely obtain images of specific soft tissue disorders that are difficult to detect with X-ray.
As a top ultrasound scan in Ayapakkam, we have partnered with other diagnostic centers offering ultrasound in Chennai. You can contact the scan centre about the ultrasound process, prices, and range of scan procedures.
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tirusulwirerope · 11 months
Best Gynecologist Doctors In Chennai
Gynecology, Female Reproductive Problems and Pregnancy
A gynecologist doctor is specialized in treating the female reproductive system and its problems. Gynecologists diagnose and treat many diseases and conditions associated with female gynecological conditions. A gynecologist is a medical professional who specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases related to female reproductive system. The reproductive system is involved with pregnancy and menstruation. The female reproductive system includes organs such as –
·         Vulva
·         Uterus
·         Ovaries
·         Cervix
·         Vagina
·         Breasts
·         Fallopian tubes
Gynecologists diagnose and treat problems with the female reproductive system. They handle all aspects of sexual health including screenings, cancer screenings, and physical exams. For this you need to consult best gynecologist doctors in Chennai. There are some of the medical services and examinations offered are –
·         Pelvic examination and external genitalia examination
·         Pap test and cancer screening
·         Testing for sexually transmitted infections (STIs)
·         Diagnosis of diseases and conditions of the reproductive organs
·         Contraception in family planning
·         Problems with menstruation or menopause
·         Resolve issues related to same-sex couples and transgender people
Complications During Pregnancy
Complications during pregnancy include physical and mental illnesses that affect the health of the woman, the baby, or both during or after pregnancy. Physical and mental illnesses can occur before, during, and after pregnancy, leading to complications. High blood pressure, or hypertension, occurs when the arteries carrying blood from the heart to the organs become compressed.  
The problems during pregnancy include=
·         High Blood Pressure
·         Gestational Diabetes
·         Infections
·         Preeclampsia
·         Preterm Labor
·         Depression & Anxiety
·         Pregnancy Loss/Miscarriage
Consult the best gynecologist doctors in Chennai!
Some obstetricians and gynecologists are also obstetricians (OBGYNs). Gynecologists may also specialize in certain aspects of gynecology, such as - menopause, reconstructive surgery, or reproductive cancer.
Maaya Specialty Hospitals – Best Gynecology Hospital in Chennai
We at Maaya Specialty Hospitals offer a comprehensive range of services that address women's reproductive health and gynecological needs in a comprehensive, caring, sophisticated and dedicated manner, with the utmost focus on patient safety. The entire hospital team works with patients, families and partner healthcare providers to ensure quality treatment, therapy and care. Maaya Specialty Hospitals is a tertiary care center. Consult Dr.Inthu M, the best gynecologist doctor in Chernnai!
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IVF Centers and Artificial Insemination
Born in England in 1978, Louise Brown was the first baby to be conceived outside the womb. In vitro fertilization (IVF) is actually a buzzword. But not so long ago, it was a mystery fertility treatment that gave birth to babies what were then called "test-tube babies." In in vitro fertilization, the egg and sperm are joined outside the body in a laboratory. Once one or more embryos are formed, they are placed in the uterus.
When it comes to artificial insemination, the doctor inserts sperm directly into the woman's cervix, fallopian tubes, or uterus. The most common method is called "intrauterine insemination (IUI)," in which a doctor inserts sperm into the uterus. If you want IVF services, then you consult at the best IVF centers in Chennai.
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When a couple would be fit for IVF procedure?
·         Endometriosis
·         Low amount of sperm counts
·         Problems in the uterus or fallopian tubes
·         Problems during ovulation
·         Antibody issues that harm sperm or eggs
·         Incapability of  sperm to penetrate or survive in the cervical mucus
·         Low-quality egg
·         Genetic problems in mother or father
·         An unexplained fertility problem
In vitro fertilization is never the first step in fertility treatment unless there is complete blockage of the fallopian tubes. Instead, it is reserved for when other methods such as fertility drugs, surgery, and artificial insemination have not worked. Maaya Women’s Hospital & Fertility Centre, a subsidiary center of 𝐌𝐚𝐚𝐲𝐚 𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐬 is the among the best IVF centers in Chennai. Dr. Inthu M is involved in delivering standardized and ethical fertility care and meeting the urgent need of patients suffering from infertility problems. The hospital is specialized in almost all aspects of assisted reproductive technologies and delivers wide-ranging services in IUI, IVF, IVF & ICSI, PESA, Surgical Sperm Retrieval, and Donor Egg & Surrogacy.
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How To Go About Fertility Treatments: Picking the Best Option for You and Your Family
Fertility treatments can be a stressful time. You have many questions and concerns, from the practical to the philosophical. How will this impact my family and future? What are the risks involved? Which treatment is right for me? Does my insurance cover any of it? Picking the best fertility treatment option for your situation requires careful consideration of what you want out of a procedure and how much risk you’re willing to take. Thankfully, there are a number of options available that can help you overcome infertility, provided your doctor agrees they’re right for you. The key lies in understanding how different therapies work, and which is most likely to be successful for you. This article covers everything you need to know about going about fertility treatments, including types of treatment, success rates, costs, risks, side effects, pros and cons, as well as alternative options if necessary.
 What is infertility?
 Infertility is a general term for the inability to conceive or carry a child to term. Best fertility hospital in Chennai can affect women or men. Infertility is often caused by problems with sperm or eggs, which can’t form a fertilized egg. Poor sperm quality (not enough motility, abnormal shape, etc.) or blocked tubes are common causes of male infertility. Problems with the ovaries, such as those caused by polycystic ovary syndrome, can also cause infertility. Male factors are usually the main cause of female infertility. In women, the cause of infertility is more often found in the fallopian tubes, which connect the ovaries to the uterus. If the tubes are blocked or damaged, conception is impossible.
Types of Fertility Treatments
In-Office Fertility Treatments - These treatments are done in an office environment, with minimal discomfort and risk. They include routine ultrasounds, blood testing, biopsies, and other diagnostic tests that your doctor might do to determine your fertility status. For some women, these tests will be all your doctor needs to diagnose and treat your fertility problem. - IVF and Surrogacy - In-vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a standard treatment for conceiving with eggs. It can be done either as a single-embryo transfer (where the eggs are removed from your ovaries and combined with sperm from a partner and then fertilized in a lab) or a multiple-embryo transfer (where several eggs are removed from your ovaries and combined with sperm from a partner and then fertilized in a lab). In-vitro fertilization can be done in a clinic, at home, or at a hospital.
The egg retrieval process can be done in many places, including a doctor’s office or a hospital operating room. When you choose to have your eggs retrieved by a doctor, you can have the procedure done in a clinic’s operating room or at a hospital’s medical center. Surrogacy is a process by which a woman (or a man) contracts with a surrogate to carry a baby for someone else. It may be an intended parent seeking to have a child, an intended parent’s gay partner, a sibling, an unrelated couple, a friend, or even a celebrity.
Conception Retrurn to Ovulation (CRCA)
Brining Home Eggs and Batch Process - If the goal is to overcome infertility through the use of your own eggs, you may be able to achieve this through a process known as “conception retrurn to ovulation.” This simply means that you collect your eggs and make a plan for when you’ll retrieve them  if you have access to an in-office fertility treatment, or you can use an at-home fertility treatment to get your partner’s sperm and then return the eggs to your cervix.
Other In-Office Treatment Options
Conception via Donor Egg Retrieval (Derek Cohen Reproductive Technology) -Ivf treatment in Chennaiis a relatively new approach to overcoming infertility. You have your partner’s sperm injected into an empty egg retrieval system. The egg retrieval system is then sent to your partner’s doctor, who retrieves the eggs and fertilizes them in a lab. A few weeks later, your partner receives a fertility treatment that transfers the resulting embryos to her uterus.
Conception via Artificial Insemination (I.M.® Artificial Insemination)
In this treatment, you have your partner’s sperm and I.M.® sperm artificially inseminated into your partner’s eggs. A few weeks later, your partner receives a fertility treatment that transfers the resulting embryos to her uterus.
Conception Via Stem Cell Therapy
 This treatment is used to help men with infertility issues. After a few rounds of I.M.®, the resulting embryos are cryopreserved, or frozen, and thawed for use through a process known as “stem cell therapy” should you choose this option. ## Conclusion While the process of overcoming infertility can be difficult and uncertain, there are plenty of options available. With the right doctor and some hard work, you can conceive. Make sure to understand what you’re getting into before you take the plunge.
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Test Tube Baby Hospital in Chennai
Being the best test tube baby hospital in Chennai, Palani Bajaj delivers top notch In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatment to childless couples to achieve the fertilization of an egg at affordable cost. Find us http://www.palanibalajifertility.com/test-tube-baby-hospital-in-chennai
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jollyinternetpoetry · 5 years
Test Tube Baby Hospital in Chennai
What is test tube baby?
Test tube baby is a term that refers to a child that is conceived outside the women’s body by a scientific process known as In-Vitro fertilization or IVF treatment. This entire process is done in a laboratory. In this process the eggs are taken from the mother’s ovary and fertilized by the sperms from the father. The fertilized egg is cultured for 2–6 days and allowed to divide in a Petri-dish. The resulting embryos are then returned back to the woman’s uterus where they continue their further development just like a natural pregnancy. The test tube baby procedure has greatly helped women having infertility problems that are untreatable to give birth to healthy babies.
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What is the procedure test tube baby center followed:
There are various procedures are performed for test tube baby:
·        Suppressing the natural menstrual cycle: The woman receives a drug, usually in the form of a daily injection for about 2 weeks, to suppress their natural menstrual cycle.
·        Super ovulation: Fertility drugs containing the fertility hormone follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) are given to the woman.
·        Retrieving the eggs: The eggs are collected through a minor surgical procedure known as follicular aspiration.
·        Embryo transfer: After a few hours, the sperm should enter the egg and one or two of the best embryos are selected for transfer. Sometimes, more than one embryo is placed in the womb.
Why choose us?
Palanibalajifertility center is the Test tube baby hospital in Chennai which offers top quality service and helps the clients to feel the experience of baby in their life. With years of experience this clinic is top rated clinic provides proper medicine and injections to stimulate the ovaries to produce many eggs and opposed to a single egg forming in a natural cycle. Manned with expert proficient specialist this clinic brings the best solution to its client. Backed by the years of experience this clinic is the trusted hospital which brings the latest equipment to handle your problem and help the client to real happy ness in their life.
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sumathihospital · 10 months
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Art Fertility Clinic: Where Dreams Begin - Your Top IVF Center in Chennai
Introduction: In the bustling heart of Chennai, amidst the rich cultural tapestry of the city, lies a place where hopes are nurtured, dreams take shape, and families are born. Welcome to Art Fertility Clinic, your haven for assisted reproductive solutions. If you're on the journey to parenthood and seeking the best IVF center in Chennai, your search ends here.
Discovering the Art of Parenthood: At Art Fertility Clinic, we understand that every family's journey is unique. Our team of dedicated experts, led by renowned IVF specialists in Chennai, is committed to guiding you through the intricate paths of fertility treatments. With a track record of turning dreams into reality, we proudly stand as a beacon of hope for couples looking to embrace parenthood.
Unveiling Excellence: What sets Art Fertility Clinic apart as the best IVF center in Chennai? It's our unwavering commitment to excellence. Our state-of-the-art facilities, equipped with cutting-edge technology, create an environment where science and compassion merge seamlessly. From the moment you step into our clinic, you'll sense the warmth of a supportive team that's ready to stand by you at every step of your journey.
Meet the Visionaries: Behind every success story at Art Fertility Clinic are the skilled hands and compassionate hearts of our IVF specialists in Chennai. Their expertise is matched only by their dedication to turning your dreams into reality. Our specialists bring together a wealth of experience and a deep understanding of the emotional rollercoaster that fertility treatments entail. With personalized care and evidence-based practices, you're in the best hands possible.
A Spectrum of Services: Art Fertility Clinic isn't just an IVF center; it's a holistic hub of reproductive solutions. From IVF to ICSI, IUI, and beyond, our comprehensive range of services is designed to cater to diverse needs. Our test tube baby center in Chennai is equipped to handle the most complex cases with compassion, expertise, and a touch of artistry.
Creating Success Stories: Every family that walks through our doors is a testament to the success stories etched within the walls of Art Fertility Clinic. Our journey is painted with stories of triumph over adversity, joy amidst challenges, and the birth of cherished little ones who light up lives. Your dream of parenthood is our mission, and we're dedicated to scripting your success story with the hues of happiness.
Embrace the Art of Parenthood: As you embark on this transformative journey, Art Fertility Clinic invites you to embrace the art of parenthood. With our unwavering support, advanced techniques, and a nurturing environment, your dreams of holding your bundle of joy are closer than you think.
Conclusion: Art Fertility Clinic isn't just a place; it's a canvas where dreams are brought to life. With a legacy of excellence, a team of dedicated specialists, and a commitment to turning dreams into reality, we proudly stand as the best IVF center in Chennai. Join us on this journey of hope, resilience, and the beauty of new beginnings. Your dreams begin at Art Fertility Clinic - where hope takes shape and families are born.
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Best IVF Centre in Delhi
Seeds of Innocence -- your reply for IVF Centre in Delhi NCR
Having a toddler is a blessing, a present of existence for life. But now not all are capable to get to parenthood naturally as infertility may additionally have an effect on a man or a girl or both. According to estimates 10-15 per cent of Indian couples hostilities to grow to be dad and mom naturally. Seeds of Innocence, headed via famend fertility professional Dr Gauri Agarwal, are one of the best IVF center in Delhi that helps guys and female emerge as dad and mom to their children.
Nowadays many couples are battling with the problem of infertility and for such couples IVF treatment is nothing less than a boon. When a woman is unable to conceive naturally, in this situation, she is conceived with the help of IVF process.
Couples thinking of getting IVF treatment also have this question in their mind that how much does IVF cost. Let us tell you that compared to other countries, IVF technology is a bit economical in India.
Further in this article we are going to tell you what is the cost of IVF treatment in India.
About Centre
Seeds of Innocence, are pioneers in Infertility treatment, delivering the best of results with a success rate of up to 78%. We are India’s first fertility clinic with in-house genetic labs. We are not only the best IVF Centre in Delhi but also have our clinics at various other locations across the country.
What is IVF Treatment
IVF treatment is a type of assisted reproductive technology. In this, the egg is removed from the woman's ovary and it is fertilized with sperm in the lab. This fertilized egg is called an embryo. After this egg matures, it is inserted into the woman's uterus.
When is IVF done?
If the woman is not able to conceive naturally, then in this situation the help of IVF treatment is taken. In women after the age of 40, in case of low fertility, blockage or damage of fallopian tubes, ovarian failure, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, low sperm count in men, or inability to understand the cause of infertility The help of IVF is taken.
IVF treatment cost
Seeds of innocence is the best IVF treatment Cost in Delhi.
IVF treatment costs differently in every city in India. The cost per IVF treatment cycle in each city is as follows:
.Mumbai: Expenditure of two to three lakh rupees.
.Bangalore : 1,60000 to 1,75000 rupees.
.Chennai: Rs 1,45,000 to Rs 1,60,000.
. New Delhi: 90,000 to 1,25,000 rupees.
.Nagpur: Expenditure of Rs 75,000 to 90,000.
It has an effect on the price
Several factors influence the cost of IVF treatment, such as:
.Age and how often treatment is needed.
.Cost of donor egg or sperm (if needed during treatment)
.donor embryo cost
.testicur sperm aspiration cost
.intracytoplasmic sperm injection cost
.embryo freezing cost
Also depends on the doctor
The cost of IVF varies from hospital to city in India. You should choose a good hospital for getting IVF treatment. For this, you can also talk to the couples who have taken treatment before the hospital. Along with this, also try to know how experienced the doctors giving the treatment are.
About Dr Gauri Agarwal
Dr Gauri Agarwal (MD, DNB, FDGSI) is an internationally-acclaimed infertility and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) specialist, pioneering genetic screening applied sciences to assist couples come to be mother and father to a healthful baby. She is the Founder-Director of Seeds of Innocence, a chain of infertility and IVF centres unfold throughout 12 places in 7 states. Founded in 2015, Seeds of Innocence is the solely IVF Centre in north India with an in-house genetic trying out laboratory, Genestrings Diagnostic Centre supplying reproductive genetic and genetic diagnostic offerings such as preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) and preimplantation genetic analysis (PGD) that dispose of the opportunity of a genetic sickness in the toddler even when each mother and father are carriers. Get tested for your reproductive problem at the best IVF Centre in Delhi.
How to reach us?
We are at Malviya Nagar, New Delhi. To book a free consultation at the best IVF Centre in Delhi, write to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 9810350512
Best IVF Centre in Delhi
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Best IVF Centre in Delhi
Seeds of Innocence -- your reply for IVF Centre in Delhi NCR
Having a toddler is a blessing, a present of existence for life. But now not all are capable to get to parenthood naturally as infertility may additionally have an effect on a man or a girl or both. According to estimates 10-15 per cent of Indian couples hostilities to grow to be dad and mom naturally. Seeds of Innocence, headed via famend fertility professional Dr Gauri Agarwal, are one of the best IVF center in Delhi that helps guys and female emerge as dad and mom to their children.
Nowadays many couples are battling with the problem of infertility and for such couples IVF treatment is nothing less than a boon. When a woman is unable to conceive naturally, in this situation, she is conceived with the help of IVF process.
Couples thinking of getting IVF treatment also have this question in their mind that how much does IVF cost. Let us tell you that compared to other countries, IVF technology is a bit economical in India.
Further in this article we are going to tell you what is the cost of IVF treatment in India.
About Centre
Seeds of Innocence, are pioneers in Infertility treatment, delivering the best of results with a success rate of up to 78%. We are India’s first fertility clinic with in-house genetic labs. We are not only the best IVF Centre in Delhi but also have our clinics at various other locations across the country.
What is IVF Treatment
IVF treatment is a type of assisted reproductive technology. In this, the egg is removed from the woman's ovary and it is fertilized with sperm in the lab. This fertilized egg is called an embryo. After this egg matures, it is inserted into the woman's uterus.
When is IVF done?
If the woman is not able to conceive naturally, then in this situation the help of IVF treatment is taken. In women after the age of 40, in case of low fertility, blockage or damage of fallopian tubes, ovarian failure, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, low sperm count in men, or inability to understand the cause of infertility The help of IVF is taken.
IVF treatment cost
Seeds of innocence is the best IVF treatment Cost in Delhi.
IVF treatment costs differently in every city in India. The cost per IVF treatment cycle in each city is as follows:
.Mumbai: Expenditure of two to three lakh rupees.
.Bangalore : 1,60000 to 1,75000 rupees.
.Chennai: Rs 1,45,000 to Rs 1,60,000.
. New Delhi: 90,000 to 1,25,000 rupees.
.Nagpur: Expenditure of Rs 75,000 to 90,000.
It has an effect on the price
Several factors influence the cost of IVF treatment, such as:
.Age and how often treatment is needed.
.Cost of donor egg or sperm (if needed during treatment)
.donor embryo cost
.testicur sperm aspiration cost
.intracytoplasmic sperm injection cost
.embryo freezing cost
Also depends on the doctor
The cost of IVF varies from hospital to city in India. You should choose a good hospital for getting IVF treatment. For this, you can also talk to the couples who have taken treatment before the hospital. Along with this, also try to know how experienced the doctors giving the treatment are.
About Dr Gauri Agarwal
Dr Gauri Agarwal (MD, DNB, FDGSI) is an internationally-acclaimed infertility and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) specialist, pioneering genetic screening applied sciences to assist couples come to be mother and father to a healthful baby. She is the Founder-Director of Seeds of Innocence, a chain of infertility and IVF centres unfold throughout 12 places in 7 states. Founded in 2015, Seeds of Innocence is the solely IVF Centre in north India with an in-house genetic trying out laboratory, Genestrings Diagnostic Centre supplying reproductive genetic and genetic diagnostic offerings such as preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) and preimplantation genetic analysis (PGD) that dispose of the opportunity of a genetic sickness in the toddler even when each mother and father are carriers. Get tested for your reproductive problem at the best IVF Centre in Delhi.
How to reach us?
We are at Malviya Nagar, New Delhi. To book a free consultation at the best IVF Centre in Delhi, write to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 9810350512
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seedsofinnocence02 · 3 years
Best IVF Centre in Delhi
Seeds of Innocence -- your reply for IVF Centre in Delhi NCR
Having a toddler is a blessing, a present of existence for life. But now not all are capable to get to parenthood naturally as infertility may additionally have an effect on a man or a girl or both. According to estimates 10-15 per cent of Indian couples hostilities to grow to be dad and mom naturally. Seeds of Innocence, headed via famend fertility professional Dr Gauri Agarwal, are one of the best IVF center in Delhi that helps guys and female emerge as dad and mom to their children.
Nowadays many couples are battling with the problem of infertility and for such couples IVF treatment is nothing less than a boon. When a woman is unable to conceive naturally, in this situation, she is conceived with the help of IVF process.
Couples thinking of getting IVF treatment also have this question in their mind that how much does IVF cost. Let us tell you that compared to other countries, IVF technology is a bit economical in India.
Further in this article we are going to tell you what is the cost of IVF treatment in India.
About Centre
Seeds of Innocence, are pioneers in Infertility treatment, delivering the best of results with a success rate of up to 78%. We are India’s first fertility clinic with in-house genetic labs. We are not only the best IVF Centre in Delhi but also have our clinics at various other locations across the country.
What is IVF Treatment
IVF treatment is a type of assisted reproductive technology. In this, the egg is removed from the woman's ovary and it is fertilized with sperm in the lab. This fertilized egg is called an embryo. After this egg matures, it is inserted into the woman's uterus.
When is IVF done?
If the woman is not able to conceive naturally, then in this situation the help of IVF treatment is taken. In women after the age of 40, in case of low fertility, blockage or damage of fallopian tubes, ovarian failure, endometriosis, uterine fibroids, low sperm count in men, or inability to understand the cause of infertility The help of IVF is taken.
IVF treatment cost
Seeds of innocence is the best IVF treatment Cost in Delhi.
IVF treatment costs differently in every city in India. The cost per IVF treatment cycle in each city is as follows:
.Mumbai: Expenditure of two to three lakh rupees.
.Bangalore : 1,60000 to 1,75000 rupees.
.Chennai: Rs 1,45,000 to Rs 1,60,000.
. New Delhi: 90,000 to 1,25,000 rupees.
.Nagpur: Expenditure of Rs 75,000 to 90,000.
It has an effect on the price
Several factors influence the cost of IVF treatment, such as:
.Age and how often treatment is needed.
.Cost of donor egg or sperm (if needed during treatment)
.donor embryo cost
.testicur sperm aspiration cost
.intracytoplasmic sperm injection cost
.embryo freezing cost
Also depends on the doctor
The cost of IVF varies from hospital to city in India. You should choose a good hospital for getting IVF treatment. For this, you can also talk to the couples who have taken treatment before the hospital. Along with this, also try to know how experienced the doctors giving the treatment are.
About Dr Gauri Agarwal
Dr Gauri Agarwal (MD, DNB, FDGSI) is an internationally-acclaimed infertility and in-vitro fertilization (IVF) specialist, pioneering genetic screening applied sciences to assist couples come to be mother and father to a healthful baby. She is the Founder-Director of Seeds of Innocence, a chain of infertility and IVF centres unfold throughout 12 places in 7 states. Founded in 2015, Seeds of Innocence is the solely IVF centre in north India with an in-house genetic trying out laboratory, Genestrings Diagnostic Centre supplying reproductive genetic and genetic diagnostic offerings such as preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) and preimplantation genetic analysis (PGD) that dispose of the opportunity of a genetic sickness in the toddler even when each mother and father are carriers. Get tested for your reproductive problem at the best IVF Centre in Delhi.
How to reach us?
We are at Malviya Nagar, New Delhi. To book a free consultation at the best IVF Centre in Delhi, write to us at [email protected] or call us at +91 9810350512
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Visit the Best Hospital for Test Tube Baby in Chennai
Women who face infertility issues would now be able to exploit the best hospital for test tube baby in Chennai. Today, loads of married women from India as well as abroad come to Chennai for a test tube baby. Helped Reproductive Technology, as pregnancy called over the world, is referred to as innovation as Test Tube Baby Procedures. The Invitro Fertilization, which sets up labeled on which despite everything progressed. Introduction Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection which further formed into various types of structures has given a beam of would like to the infertile couples around the world. 
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 Presently, their strategies, on account of media which gave all need in populating them by news inclusions and symport on Test Tube Baby techniques overall got all the social acknowledgement and should coming extremely close to all segments of society. Test tube baby is another name for IVF the technique, where sperm and eggs are gathered, prepared in the research center, and the subsequent solid incipient organism is then moved into the uterus. In the event that the female has both fallopian tube blocked or missing, in the event that she is experiencing serious endometriosis or the male accomplice has low sperm check, unexplained barrenness or some other explanation by which the treatment which happens in the external piece of the fallopian tubes don't occur. 
What is finished? Right off the bat some richness drugs are endorsed to female accomplices to build the creation of eggs. At the point when eggs are delivered, it is taken out from her ovaries with the assistance of a fine needle under the direction of sonography and kept in a dish with a domain imitating within the cylinder. At that point the best quality sperms (given by male accomplice) are joined with the eggs (we can keep the treated egg till day 5 up to Blastocysttransfer) and set in a machine called a hatchery. Span of treatment will take around 10 days for the procedure, no requirement for a medical clinic remain as there is no activity, and can remain in the city in any lodging close to the center. 
 The Test tube baby treatment begins for the most part from the 21st day of the cycle (first visit). The specialist either gives you one parcel of subcutaneous infusions for 15 to 20 days or he may give you one station infusion and call you following 15 days. Following 15/20 days (second visit) one sonography and barely any blood tests are done to see the status of the uterus covering and ovaries. The doctor starts the second gathering of infusions called Gonadotropins which proceeds for 10-12 days. In the subsequent convention, physician prescribes one Oral prophylactic for 21 days, going before the real treatment cycle. 
 He/She begins the Gonadotrophin infusions from the second day of the menstrual cycle. As a rule, it goes for 10-12 days. Following 7/8 days, sonography and blood tests begins for assessment for the development of the egg-containing follicles. At the point when the eggs are developed, hCG is infused and following 36-38 hours, eggs are recovered. Recovery of eggs is performed under sedation and it takes ordinarily 5-10 minutes, consequently the female accomplice must be unfilled stomach for the time being. The semen sample is taken from the male accomplice and sperms are readied. A couple is permitted to go for the most part after 2-3hours. Following 3-5 days, the couple is approached to report for incipient organism move which is an easy methodology. 
 The female accomplice needs to take rest for 2-3 hours and furthermore exhorted not to accomplish overwhelming labor for a couple of days. Moreover, the female is given either infusions or vaginal cases for progesterone beginning from the day of egg recovery and till the pregnancy test is done, which has been performed 12-14days after incipient organism move through the blood test or pee test for beta hCG. Hence, what are you sitting tight for? Visit the best lui focus in Chennai. Today!
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