#Thank you so much Chio!!! ♥♥♥
miru667 · 2 years
16, 25, and 26 <3
16) Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it?
Back when Audrey was lerkim-hopping, she collected truffula seeds if there were any lying around in the lerkims and kept them in her backpack. Now that she's settled down she's growing all those seeds into trees. :) She's also restarted her boot collection like she used to have in Thneedville. I also think she has a seashell collection; she takes regular trips to the abandoned haunted local beach and brings back seashell souvenirs just to decorate the house with and also because they usually demonstrate the Fibonacci sequence, which she finds really fascinating (she is a woman of science). And of course it makes sense that she must have a collection of weapons by now. Still working on acquiring a flamethrower.
25) What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Audrey's greatest weakness is the word "roly poly", she will start thinking about that bug and start laughing and never stop. She also laughs at puns, dirty jokes and unfortunately also laughs at her BFF Johnny's "deez nuts" type of jokes. 😅 She's a lighthearted person most of the time though if she's with a friend, and will laugh at almost anything, and if she's drunk that just doubles. Whether she has a good sense of humour is probably subjective but I like to think she's very funny. She's "fundrey" haha
26) How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions?
She's a very physical person and will do anything like twirl on the spot, do a little dance, jump for joy, give you a hug, give herself a hug, roll around on her bed, hold her face in her hands, etc. When she's happy, she's REALLY happy. ^v^ Of course this is assuming she's been having a good day. Sometimes she has bad days where past trauma plagues her thoughts and on those days she's much more subdued. Oh and also sometimes during a happy moment she mentally takes a step back to take it all in and practice mindfulness and gratitude, and this is when she might even cry if she feels really touched.
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