#There would be something kind of funny about Crocodile spoiling his kid rotten and then realizing later that it may have been A Mistake
moongothic · 4 months
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So Option B is that Crocodad's Real and Oda was intentionally trying to throw us off by making that Theoretical Child the absolute opposite of Luffy so we wouldn't suspect a thing
Option A (which doesn't debunk B for what it's worth, they could both be true) is that... Honestly, Crocodile could just be a really overprotective father? Like? Maybe he'd be openly affectionate to the child he'd be raising? He'd spoil the kid absolutely rotten, encouraging them to study lots to get Real Smort and murdering anyone who dares to even look at his baby funny. His Perfect Baby Boy doesn't have to do any heavy lifting, daddy's here to handle it etc etc At least, knowing Oda's tropes and seeing That Theoretical Child, I can't help but to assume Croc would be the overprotective type. Like I don't know how else the kid would turn out like that lmao
What's curious to me though is that Crocodile does respect being powerful too. Like yes he's a cunning criminal mastermind, and making sure his small child grows up Big Brained makes sense (especially because, arguably, it's what a small child should focus on anyways, and not like lifting weights lmao). But like. Would Crocodile keep on spoiling the child rotten forever until the kid turns out like fucking Helmeppo/Charlos/Stelly/the other spoiled, weak-ass rich kids we've seen? Or would he eventually tell the kid to hit the gym? Would he demand his child to learn to defend themself so that daddy doesn't have to keep on taking care of them forever? Like either Crocodile would love his Perfect Baby no matter how they turn out, or even Crocodile would have enough shame to know he doesn't want his kid to grow up into an absolute loser. And there is absolutely no telling which it'd be lmao
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