#Turq watches a cartoon
turqrambles · 4 years
I watched all 26 episodes of an obscure Australian cartoon in one week and I’m not okay - My journey with Wicked! (2001) PART 1
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Here it is, the reason I started this blog in the first place. I need to talk about this cartoon I ran into completely by chance. 
It all started, like you would, with Tubitv.
Good ol’ Tubi, the free streaming service that makes you either an expert at being able to find diamonds in piles of garbage or a connoisseur of said garbage. It’s thanks to Tubi that I put down that I watched Alpha and Omega: Family Vacation on Letterboxd for all to see and judge, but it’s also thanks to Tubi that I finally ended up watching Killer Klowns from Outer Space.
Anyhoo, one day I was browsing their family film selection when I ran into this selection. And that was the day my life changed forever.
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What you see before you, posted to a streaming service accessible in the United States, is the movie adaptation of an Australian TV show that never made it to the United States, which is based off a series of Australian children’s books from the 90′s that also never made it to the United States. It made it to other territories like Germany and the United Kingdom (and it apparently did super well in France but don’t quote me on this) but the TV show ran for one year and then disappeared without a trace after one 26 episode season.
How obscure is this franchise? Well, for starters, at the time I’m writing this in 2020, the books, the TV show, and the movie all don’t have a single Wikipedia page to call their own, and the easiest way to get info about this thing is to find the (rather tiny) TvTropes page. 
Let’s just get right into this shall we.
What is Wicked!?
Before you try to be all cute and make any references to the hit musical, there’s a reason I’m putting that exclamation mark there.
Wicked! started out as a series of six children’s books written by Paul Jennings and Morris Gleitzman. I actually grabbed a kindle copy of all six books (because I’m in this thing too deep and I wanted to see how the cartoon compared with the source material) and I gotta say, they’re very charming.
The best way I can describe them is that they’re in the kid horror genre, but they’re less Goosebumps and more The Weenies book series by David Lubar in terms of gore and child endangerment. Wicked! has some artful depictions of blood and gore, but in a way that can be digested by the grade school crowd.
Being a former child, I can proudly proclaim that I would’ve adored this series when I was younger. Just look at these covers!
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The plot of the books is that there’s a widower with a daughter and a divorced wife with a son who get married, and the two new step-siblings Rory and Dawn absolutely hate each other. They can’t stand the fact that their parents are getting married! Gross!
But then, on the day of their wedding, creepy things begin to happen after Rory receives an appleman doll in the mail, and then, over the course of six books, a deadly single-minded virus that feeds on hate and is targeting Rory’s bloodline begins to spread across wildlife, creating crazed mutant animals that try to kill everyone in the household. It’s up to Rory, Dawn, and Dawn’s grandfather Gramps to stop this virus before it kills Rory and his mother, and to do so, they have to seek out Rory’s father, who seems to be the mysterious cause and/or the solution to the virus.
I’m not sure how well these books did, on account of the whole “not Australian” affliction I seem to suffer from, but they seemed to do well enough to get a TV show adaptation.
And surprisingly, the TV show is a very close adaptation of the books, only they changed the plot in two big ways so that it fits an animated series with a “monster of the week” setup.
The first big change was that, of course, they toned down the blood and gore and removed the deadliness of the virus, choosing to go with a more cartoony mutagenic approach. Rory gets infected by the virus several times in the show, just like how he does in the books, but unlike the books, he never thinks that he’s going to die from it and it’s definitely treated as a more temporary thing. There’s no race against time either. Everyone is trying to live their lives except every so often, the virus shows up. A wacky cartoon virus with cartoony stakes.
That brings me to the other main change that they make in the show. Unlike the books, where the main villain is a mindless virus that feeds off of hate, an invisible foe that can only be defeated at the end of the last book with the help of Rory’s father, the TV show decides that that’s no fun and instead makes a main villain out of one of the main plot points in the books. Say hello to The Appleman. (Apple-Man? Apple Man? Fuck it, I’m going with the first one from now on)
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Instead of having the virus mutate mysteriously and having the main characters constantly hypothesize what’s going to happen next, the TV show made a main villain who constantly reinvents new strains of virus in a laboratory that he set up in an abandoned refinery.
What then happens is a basic plot set-up that the show follows pretty consistently in every episode. The family is trying to do something, we get the theme for the episode, and The Appleman, who is a spiteful bastard who is trying to ruin this one family in particular (and I’ll get to that), decides to make a virus that will infect the theme of that episode.
Pretty standard cartoon stuff, right? Ah, but then you don’t realize the beauty of this show. But first, I gotta introduce the main stars of this show.
The Characters
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(quick note: this bus is incredibly important to the plot, but only in the books)
First we have Rory (the boy holding up the tin) and Dawn (the mad red head).
Dawn is the step-sister who lost her mom, a bus driver, in a gruesome bus accident, Rory is the step-brother whose parents got a divorce and then his dad went missing, believed to have run away from his whole family. Both of them are meant to be the dual protagonists, but I feel that there’s just a tiny bit more focus on Rory. There’s a reason for this that I will mention later.
What is interesting to note is that they make Rory the smart, non-athletic little nerd that gets picked on a lot at school for being a dork while Dawn loves sports, is failing science, gets made fun of for not being as girly as the other girls in her class, and likes violent computer games. I wouldn’t exactly call them “fleshed out” but they did enough to make these kids feel like actual kids.
Also, they fight. Constantly. This is the main complaint of anyone who actually looks into this show judging by my brief skimming of Internet comments because these two constantly bicker and insult each other and that makes up like 40% of the dialogue in any given episode. While this is one of the main story conflicts and they’re like this in the books too, it just feels super exhausting to see these two constantly at each other’s throats in every single episode.
They get mean too. Which, surprisingly, makes them both more realistic (I babysat multiple times and kids can be pretty verbally awful to each other) while also making them just a tiny bit unbearable at times. Here’s some actual dialogue.
"My dad sent it to me!" "Gee, he must think a lot of you to send you a doll full of worms." "Your mum thought so much of you she drove this bus over a cliff and into the river to get away from you."
GEEZ, guys...
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Eileen, Rory’s mom.
It feels out of the three adults in the family, she gets the least amount of character development, but she does get a fair amount of screentime, so you can’t really say they’re intentionally ignoring her. She divorced her previous husband and works as a mail courier. Instead of owning a car, she drives a motorcycle, and, in the first episode, even drives it to her own wedding while dressed in a bridal gown. Rory’s mom rules.
She tries to bond with Dawn because she always wanted to raise a daughter, but Dawn clearly doesn’t like her new stepmom very much. Dawn is also afraid of the motorcycle and it comes up a couple times in the show.
Eileen is the adult that gets targeted the least by The Appleman’s schemes. There’s a very pointed reason for this, and I swear, I’m getting to it soon.
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(quick note: yes, the show uses real photos to put in picture frames in the backgrounds and it’s real weird and never addressed)
Jack, Dawn’s dad.
Jack is a sheep shearer, just like in the books, and he’s a big easy-going dope that is hard not to love. Look at him hammer in this carpet. A true champ.
Out of the three adults in the family, he seems to be the one that nearly dies the most, with The Appleman going out of his way to specifically target Jack in some episodes. If you know Appleman’s backstory, this reads as absolutely petty spite and I love every minute of it.
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Gramps, Dawn’s grandfather and Jack’s dad.
He’s an aging WWII veteran (one that has killed people in combat no less) who radiates constant Boomer vibes and, unlike Eileen and Jack, he actually sees some of the crazy shit that happens and will sometimes sense when something is infected with virus when the other two adults can’t.
In the books, he’s suffering pretty badly from dementia, but thankfully the cartoons drop that completely. I’m glad too, because I don’t have the confidence that they would’ve written it with enough sophistication to make it not seem ableist. Instead, he’s just your typical kooky cartoon grandfather.
He’s probably the adult that gets the most screentime because he will actually help Dawn and Rory out. Again, this ties into the books, where he was the main adult ally for the kids.
He says a lot of army-themed catchphrases. It’s a tad overplayed but it never really gets to a point where I would call it “annoying”. Also, instead of living in the house, he lives in a tiny granny flat on the property. Sometimes Rory spends the night there.
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Last but not least, we have the star of the show, and the reason why the easiest way to find information of this show is to google “Wicked The Appleman”.
The Appleman, as explained, is the main villain of the story. Dressed in a very fancy suit complete with dress shoes and a nice blue tie, he lives in an old refinery full of rats, bats, and giant worms (called Slobberers), and he’s rocking a voice that can be best described as “Australian Mark Hamil” with an absolutely heavenly evil laugh. He has gross clawed hands, a rotten apple for a head, and likes making people miserable, because he’s basically the living puppet for a virus that feeds off of negative emotions. The main goal of each episode is to either defeat him or to stop the mess he’s made. Usually both.
Since all of his minions are non-sentient animals, a lot of his dialogue is him lurking behind something while he monologues to himself, sometimes turning it into a creepy little rhyme. He’s a pretty lonely guy, so him hanging out with this family can be seen as a very non-subtle cry for help.
The best episodes are the ones where he tries to lurk about in public with a very poor attempt at disguising his hideous features. Somehow it always works, you know, despite the fact that he has yellow eyes, the skin like a moldy apple, and no ears.
What Makes Wicked! Unique
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(no, The Appleman doesn’t actually use that axe)
The first thing this show does that most of the formulaic shows don’t do is that it does, in fact, have a beginning, a middle, and an end. That’s why this show was packaged into a full-length movie - you can glue scenes together and actually make a pretty decent narrative, even if the resulting movie definitely had a “glued together TV show episodes” feel ala some of the bad Disney sequels like Cinderella II and Atlantis II. 
This show even has some plot-heavy episodes that dive into just why this whole Appleman situation is going on and why he seems to have it out for this one family in order to flesh out the characters more.
Because that’s a thing that this show does. The Appleman is a cartoon-y villain who cackles in his lab and constantly invents new strains of viruses that can mutate things like animals and household appliances, but he doesn’t do it to take over the city or to “destroy the world”. He does it purely to inconvenience this one Australian family, who he stalks pretty regularly. This is a thing that comes from the books and honestly, it’s a thing that elevates Appleman from “ugly-looking cartoon villain” to “pretty damn creepy, if also still cartoony in execution”.
Sure, a lot of cartoon villains target the main protagonist in their evil schemes, but this one is definitely more personal.
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He regularly follows Rory and Dawn to school and, when the family goes on a camping trip, he comes too. If Rory decides he’s going to hang out in the wrecker’s yard, The Appleman will be cackling and hiding behind totaled vehicles. If Gramps takes the kids out to the bay to go fishing, The Appleman will pull an ice cream truck out of his garage and follow them there. That’s how the main conflict is really set up.
I think if a scarier cartoon tried, they’d make him out to be this grotesque stalker, but instead, since this show is kinda goofy in execution, he’s like the shittiest cryptid in the world, constantly crouching behind trash cans and on top of rooftops while constantly cackling about how clever he is and how, miraculously, no one notices anything’s amiss.
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This alone would make this villain interesting, but then they set up something about this show at the beginning if you watch the intro and the first episode and put two and two together.
Right from the start, the opening shows that The Appleman was once human by depicting his transformation by the virus. They don’t even try and pretend that he’s some demon or some sort of supernatural monster - he’s specifically a blue collar worker who had a nasty run-in with fate and mutated into this hideous apple-headed creature that now has to hide out in an abandoned refinery. You see why he’s dressed like that - he’s still wearing his work uniform.
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Right after you watch that intro, the first episode of the show has Rory receiving a mysterious package from his father on the day of his mother’s wedding. It’s the first time that Rory and his mom Eileen have heard from their dad after he mysteriously vanished years ago. 
What’s inside? An apple-headed doll, which contains the first virus-infected monsters, The Slobberers.
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When The Appleman makes his first dramatic appearance, he never says Dawn’s name, but he does know Rory’s name.
And, in case you didn’t pick up the hints from the first episode, the fourth episode really drives it home without spelling it out. Then the last episode of the series decides to say it out loud.
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That’s right. Rory’s father, the man who mysteriously vanished from Eileen and Rory’s lives, is still an important part of the cartoon’s storyline, but instead of being the man who appears in the last book that knows how to cure the virus while also being the first victim of the virus, he’s the main antagonist.
The Appleman is Rory’s father.
And honestly, because of this little plot point, this show becomes a much richer experience once you look at the unhinged appleman who keeps unleashing horror on these kids and realize that he’s a divorced dad who constantly keeps tabs on his ex-wife's unstable dysfunctional family in order to make them more pissed at each other because that feeds the virus that mutated him.
This is a very cool concept. This is where Wicked! shines when, for all intents and purposes, it is otherwise a pretty average turn-of-the-century Australian cartoon that can be best described as “it’s okay, I guess” in terms of quality.
Because that’s really the rating I can give this show. It’s Okay.
It’s a very solid Okay, but I think any adjective more powerful than “Okay” is really pushing it. It’s not Great, it’s not Amazing. It’s Okay. Alright. Kinda Good.
But man, is it a wild ride.
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Next time, I’m going to start discussing the actual episodes as well as this show’s pros and cons. Dividing this up into multiple parts partly because I feel like these things are more easily digested in smaller chunks and partly because I’m pretty sure tumblr now has a size limit on posts soooo...yeah.
Follow this handy link for Part 2 - The Actual Review!
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atlasifyllm · 3 years
For your softest OC: F1, J5, S2, Y3
Ty so much for sending something in! I'll do this with Rose
F1: What do they do for fun?
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I honestly think she likes kicking back eating pink candy while watching cat videos on Youtube, watching cartoons, or playing video games! I think she'd be into stuff like Animal Crossing or something
J5: What brings them the most joy in the world?
That's a tough one, she has a lot of love for the things around her. At the top of my head I'd think she'd say the other Paladins accepting her as an equal, hanging out with her friends, and protecting others as a sentry-in-training AND a Paladin.
S2: Would they give money to someone on the streets?
Y3: Were they different when they were first created?
I think she wasn't really DIFFERENT per say, but definitely not as developed as she is now. I'm surprised her (PLATONIC) relationship with Turq hasn't changed either!
Her design has definitely had some tweaks though (this pic is from 2017)
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Most changes are minor, her last name used to be "Tourmaline" instead of Morganite (which I honestly wanna change too but :/) and she was aged up from around 13 to 16 so she's young but not too young.
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atlasllm · 7 years
tagged by @pastel-rainbow-galaxy , thank you! rules: tag followers that you want to know better name: Mana nicknames: idk Mana Works gender: Female star sign: Scorpio height: 4'10. I mayyy be getting to 4'11... sexual orientation: I'm an ace lesbian favorite color: Cobalt blue, desaturated purples, pastel pink, periwinkle favorite animal: DOGS. SPECIFICALLY SAMOYEDS average hours of sleep: Around 5-7 cat or dog person: DOGGOS favorite fictional characters: Zetto from TOME, Party Poison(?), Shiro in Voltron, Tybalt in Romeo x Juliet, and basically a whole lot of my OCs tbh- favorite bands/singers: MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE,,,, dream trip: meeting lily ;u; dream job: As a simple answer I'd say animator/show runner but I... lowkey wanna have my own animation studio. I wanna make my own stories into cartoons but I also don't wanna have executives warping my ideas into meaningless cash grabbing "buy the toys" bullshit when was this blog created: June 2015 current number of followers: 256 when did your blog reach its peak: I guess during the more active TOME fandom days? June-July 2015 where shit didn't go down and everyone was screaming about TOME and getting TOME content time right now: 9:50 pm song stuck in my head: Safe and Sound by Kyosuke Himuro feat Gerard Way last movie i watched: I'm willing to bet it was mcfuckin. Sponge Out Of Water last tv show i watched: I wanna say Spongebob or Steven Universe? Possibly Rugrats? what i am wearing right now: Worn out sky blue v neck, basketball shorts, and a hoodie tied around my neck like I'm mcfuckin Joseph from Dream Daddy, what kind of stuff do i post: I post a large amalgamation of fandom bullshit, OC art n rambles, and shitposts do i have any other blogs: sighs as I tag @lapis-and-lazuli @netking-zetto @ask-danger-turq @color-agent-shade @ruri-mana and @dots-danger-days do i get asks regularly: god i wish lmak why did i choose my url: I love Ruri from TTA and I wanted to use my previous alias "Mana" (which I got from wizard101 sifnwk), and sooo lapis-lazuli-mana~ lucky number: 4 following: 117 ^^ I would tag peeps but I'm lazy af rn, but if you want y'all can do this!
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turqrambles · 4 years
I Found Dr. Buttock’s Body in the Original Pac-Man Cartoon
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Okay, this is going to be an extremely deep pull for a Pac-Man and the Ghostly Adventures headcanon, so bear with me here. In the Pac-Man universe, there are exactly two blue-skinned scientists rocking a German accent - Dr. Pacstein from the original 1982 Pac-Man cartoon, who is a high school professor, and Dr. Buttocks from Ghostly Adventures, who is Lord Betrayus’s handy-dandy mad scientist he regularly keeps at his beck and call. We never saw what Buttocks looked like when he was alive, nor did we know his previous occupation while he was a PacWorlder, so therefore, I want to throw out the theory that these two images depict the same person. I’m assuming none of you have recently seen the episode "Hey, Hey, Hey... It's P.J." from the original 1982 cartoon (and honestly, why would you, P.J. as a character is one of the reasons why The Simpsons made the Poochie episode) but at one point, Pac-Man decides to hang around in a high school class in order to teach P.J. to stay in school.
There, the science teacher decides to demonstrate the law of gravity by having Pac-Man balance on a seesaw until the teacher sends him flying upwards into the ceiling. This science teacher is only on screen for one scene but he’s...pretty cruel to his students, if we can learn one thing from this.
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Remember, we know nothing about Dr. Buttocks’ past life the way we know about his brother’s life as a spy, but wouldn’t it be a great cover if another spy, working against the Pac-Government, also had a job as a high school science teacher? He’d certainly have access to some pretty volatile chemicals if he really wanted to help Betrayus with the war effort.
Imagine how fucked up it was to be a high-school aged kid during the years that this gruesome war was taking place and, at the end of it, one of the most prominent war criminals dragged out to get executed by the newly elected president was also a well-known science teacher in your school district and graded your chemistry lab assignments.
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turqrambles · 4 years
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Real quick, since I can’t fit this in any other post involving this show, but I absolutely adore the goofy image that Amazon Prime UK uses to promote the show Wicked! (2001) on their video streaming service.
The bright, sunny color palette is nothing like the colors they actually use in the show - the area depicted here is always in shadow - so it looks more like The Appleman is really excited to give an extended tour of the abandoned refinery to a class on a field trip. I guess that’s what he’s been doing since the divorce.
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turqrambles · 4 years
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The best part about the show Wicked! (2001) is that I can post any screencap I want and it’ll be out of context by default since no one else watched this show.
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turqrambles · 4 years
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Wicked! (2001) episodes, graded
Before I write up blog posts on my favorite and least favorite episodes of this wacky obscure show, here’s my quick cliffnotes version of my final verdict on all 26 episodes in Wicked! (2001).
I decided to go full-out nerd and make a handy visual chart. I’m probably going to try to do this with every show I finish because hey, I like having something visual like this.
I’m going to quickly throw it out there that I am, in fact, grading this show on a bell curve and that when I say that an episode is “required viewing”, I mean it in the “if you’re going to commit to watching the show Wicked!, these are the best episodes” way and not the “this episode ranks among the greatest cartoon episodes ever” way.
I think this show has a fairly decent spread of fun episodes, honestly! I didn’t even need to bust out any reds for Awful-ranked episodes because even the Kinda Boring episodes had something fun to them. I’m definitely going to run into shows that need it unfortunately...
0 notes
turqrambles · 4 years
I watched all 26 episodes of an obscure Australian cartoon in one week and I’m not okay - My journey with Wicked! (2001) PART 2 - The Actual Review
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Hello again! I just checked my watch and I noticed that it was time to talk about the cartoon with the apple-headed guy some more!
When I last talked about this delightful piece of obscure media, I went over the origin story of how the show was created, introduced the cast of characters, and then talked about the main draw of the cartoon that makes it unique of other cartoons of its quality.
And then, at the end of the blog post, I mentioned that I think that the cartoon is merely “Okay” rather than anything Amazing. It has a great idea but ultimately, it really is just an alright show.
So now, after introducing this beautiful cartoon and explaining to everyone just what the hell is going on, it’s time to break this whole thing down.
The Good, The Bad, and The Apple-Flavored
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Wicked! is a weird show to grade. The animation itself fluctuates in quality and there’s some very obvious cut corners from how frequently animation is recycled in some of the episodes, scenes can have weird editing or continuity errors, and sometimes they’ll even recycle sound bytes like insults that Dawn and Rory shout at each other or Gramps reminding everyone about Normandy. I feel like I heard The Appleman mention that something was “100% real nightmare” like five times while watching this whole thing in quick succession.
Information for this cartoon is practically nonexistent, but my theory is that this happened because the animation was all produced in a single in-house Australian studio rather than shipping bits of it overseas to get tightened up. Again, I could be wrong, and if anyone has any better information, please send me an ask, but a lot of the techniques that Wicked! use reminded me of Filmation, which also famously kept everything in one studio.
Just be warned, similar to when someone watches He-Man and go “oh hey, I recognize that talking animation from the second episode”, there are shots that get reused often to save time. Get used to that one scene where Appleman is laughing and running across the steel walkway suspending over the refinery vats, it’s used a ton.
That being said, when they give them the budget to add a little polish to the show, they do a pretty good job!
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Don’t be fooled by my talk of He-Man - this show actually looks pretty great. Most of the time the animation is pretty fluid and the decision to constantly use shadows to wrap around the characters really works in its favor and gives it an extra layer of moodiness.
It just reuses animation on top of that.
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I think that, in many ways, Wicked! is carried more by the strength of its ideas over its actual execution. Even if this show gets super goofy at times (this is a show where the Appleman literally infects the Internet by taking a piper and dropping glowing green goo on a CD-ROM), there is a definite horror undertone to the show that gets carried through its entire season.
Dare I say it, the show actually gets a little scary at times. That scene where the kids discover that their pets are nothing but empty skins with all the organs and bones sucked out in the first episode actually sets the mood really well and feels extremely faithful to the original books.
Plus the concept of The Appleman being able to tinker around with a living virus and create something that can mutate literally anything is a fun as hell idea, even if it doesn’t make sense most of the time and seems like a weird mutation (hah) of the conflict from the books. It’s just fun that this guy can create literally anything out of thin air as a weapon just so long as he goes to his lab and makes something that allows him to do so.
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The Pros
*The Appleman. Yeah, there’s a very good reason why the only thing people remember about this show is The Appleman. He’s just a fun character and a fun villain. His design does takes a bit to get used to on account of how uncanny he can be, and there are times when they draw him off-model and make him look just horrendous, but once you see how far they go with the apple-theming, you kinda start to vibe with the apple headed monster.
Sure, he’s basically your run-of-the-mill cartoon villain but with a bonus tragic backstory, but his vocal performance by Bill Conn really sells the whole package. You can tell that he’s greatly unhinged and that he’s not exactly playing with a full deck. It’s only until the last episode that they flat-out say that he’s being controlled by the same virus that he’s been using to infect other creatures, but I’m pretty sure your average cartoon-watching kid is able to guess that just from the small hints that they drop.
Also all of his vehicles are apple-colored and I love a villain that takes the time to make sure he has a proper theme.
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(The “starting out with an island with apple trees on Animal Crossing: New Horizons” moodboard)
*The Family. I liked that, since this show is about terrorizing one particular dysfunctional Australian family, all five family members of this show get enough character development that the mom and dad feel like they’re more than “the mom and dad character”. Save for that one episode where Gramps was constantly bragging about how back in his day, he didn’t need electricity, he was a fun, lovable grandpa, and I like that the kids get someone to talk to about mutant frogs and such.
They’re definitely dysfunctional and, as I mentioned in the previous post, Rory and Dawn constantly insulting each other in every single episode can be grating at times, but I like that their level of dysfunction is not because of the mom and the dad having an emotionally abusive relationship. If anything, the mom and the dad have the most stable relationship in the whole show! Eileen and Jack love each other and I hate that I’m at a point where I see this husband and wife genuinely enjoying each other’s company and I go “Yes, this is something refreshing”.
Also, gotta give the show points for having the family be two single parents from past relationships finding each other and getting married and for having Eileen be totally cool with her new in-law Gramps. 
*The Slobberers. Expanded from the first creatures from the books, I like that the apple-headed monster has giant worms for pets (again, gotta aggressively keep to the apple theming) and, while there’s a couple episodes where they’re just something to give The Appleman something to talk to, their designs are fun. Gives the animators an excuse to draw slime.
In a later episode, he mentions that he considers them his only friends and boy...that’s rough, buddy. 
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*There’s an episode where characters travel into the Internet and fight a buff video game avatar of The Appleman in a late 90′s dungeon crawler computer game. I looooove late 90′s Internet imagery in cartoons, what can I say. You even see the dial-up pop window and a clunky late 90′s webcam!
*This is a show where a divorced man keeps bugging his own son and ex-wife while sometimes trying to kill his ex-wife’s new husband - all while keeping to a strict apple and virus theme - and honestly, this is a pro on its own. The Appleman is such a petty bitch at times and I love it.
*The Appleman is allergic to medicine. Minor touch, but I like that, since he’s a virus-themed bad guy, they apply “Revive Kills Zombie” logic on this guy and he literally can’t take painkillers because it’ll only cause him more pain and agony. This comes up in an episode where he’s screaming in pain and wishes he could make the pain go away but just can’t.
*The Title Cards. This is one of those shows that freezes on eye-catching artwork for each episode title before they continue with the rest of the episode and they’re really nice.
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*The Accents. Forgot to mention this anywhere else, but since this is an Australian produced cartoon that aired primarily in Australia, everyone is rocking a very noticeable Australian accent and say things like “Oi, you two! Come and get a wriggle on!”. It’s fantastic.
They were definitely at the level where, if this show ever did make it to the states, they would’ve dubbed it to sound more American. And probably flip the animation so that the characters are driving on the opposite side of the road.  
The Cons
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*The Reused animation and sound clips. This is unfortunately the show’s biggest strike against it. Once your brain picks out which scenes get reused and which voice clips get reused, you’ll notice that some of the episodes have a noticeably smaller polish than others. The episode “Decayed” in particular felt like 50% footage from previous episodes and boy, did it stick out like a sour thumb because of it.
That being said, I didn’t mind too much (watching a lot of B-list anime and Filmation shows will do that to you) and I feel like you would’ve noticed this a lot less if you weren’t blazing through all 26 episodes in a short period of time like I was. But it is definitely a bummer that they had to cut corners like this because again, when they don’t cut corners, this show looks utterly fantastic.
I guess the lesson here is that the animators of this show didn’t get paid enough, but really, you can say that about literally every animated project in existence.
*Weird continuity inconsistencies. This goes into a weird nitpicking “you probably only noticed this because you’re an adult with too much free time/boy I sure hope someone got fired for THAT blunder!” territory, but sometimes this cartoon does a thing where something minor is established and then the cartoon subtly retcons it.
Mostly I’m using this space to complain about how Dawn explicitly mentions that they don’t own a cat, but then in the “character shrinks to the size of an ant” episode, they have a pet cat! They have a pet cat that lasts a grand total of one episode and no one says anything!
What happened to the cat, Rory? What happened to the cat?!
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(my theory is, like his father, it ran away from this family)
*Some episodes use stock cartoon plots. There is an episode where the main characters shrink to the size of an ant. There is a camping episode. There is a school dance episode. There is a Halloween episode. There is an episode focused on teeth. There is an episode that talks about the dangers of too much fast food.
Like the reused animation issue, depending on the episode, you end up not minding too much about this on account of how utterly bonkers The Appleman is when he’s concocting his evil schemes. The “characters teleport into the Internet” episode ended up being one of my favorites, as did the school dance episode.
But at the same time, two of my least favorite episodes are the stock episode plot episodes, so it’s definitely a mixed bag.
*They use real photographs in background shots and it bugs me. Come on, guys. Just have the blank wall or scribble in some posters. Anything will look better than this cartoon character standing right next to a still image from Alfred Hitchcock’s North by Northwest, especially when you clearly had the time to draw that cartoon skull on the door.
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*The three plot-heavy episodes unfortunately have weaker animation. This just seems like weird planning on their parts, but Episode 1, Episode 4, and Episode 26 are all episodes that deal with backstory of The Appleman and this wacky dysfunctional family and, for some reason, they didn’t bring their A game in regards to actually animating these episodes.
I feel like if you’re dealing with heavy backstory, you need to make the episode look good, because that’s going to be the stuff that the audience remembers. You need to have the flashback of The Appleman’s horrific transformation while he was working at the old refinery look amazing, but instead it just....doesn’t.
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(picture unfortunately related)
Just to make a note, the episodes with the most fluid animation are the following: The one with the mutant plants, the one with the mutant sheep, the Halloween episode, the episode with the dinosaur bones, and the episode where The Appleman learns how to make clones. None of these episodes are important to the overarching plot. 
*One of the episodes is unfortunately popular because it depicts animation that caters to the inflation fetish. Just...noting this for posterity. It makes google image searches of this cartoon a bit awkward. I’m not going to elaborate much further.
*There’s a minor transphobic joke in one of the episodes. In the episode “Decayed”, The Appleman dresses up like a nurse, tries to adopt a more feminine voice, and puts on makeup and fake eyelashes. Thankfully, this only happens for like three seconds and is never mentioned again.
The rest of the show otherwise passes the “can this still fly in 2020″ test. I’m just making a note here because it is pretty shitty. 
Closing Thoughts
Wicked! is not the best show in the world, and I struggle to call it “great”, but it is a solid and enjoyable one and honestly, the things that it has going for it are unique enough that I recommend giving it a shot despite its shortcomings.
If anything, my main takeaway from watching this whole show is that this show does not deserve to be as obscure as it is. At the very least, the concepts and characters introduced here are strong ones - the villain is a bitter divorced man transformed by a hate-feeding virus after all - and I feel that, in a more fair world, this show got the small but dedicated fanbase it so woefully needs. It doesn’t deserve a huge following of fans, but I say it definitely deserves a Fanfiction.net tag with 200 fanfics total and a lot more fanart than what it does.
While I’m not sure I could recommend it as one of the great obscure cartoons that everyone missed, I think it’s definitely worth checking out for anyone looking for a fun time. It’s definitely a hidden gem, even if the hidden gem has a few imperfections. If anything, this show is a definite wild ride and I think it’s time for everyone to give this cartoon a shot.
Anyway I got to see The Appleman playing Second Life and moving the muscle slider all the way to the right, so I obviously had a blast.
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Next time, I talk about the actual episodes!
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turqrambles · 4 years
Since I called The Appleman “Australian Mark Hamil” in my review, I better back up my words with some concrete proof since, again, no one watched Wicked!. He’s voiced by Bill Conn who, according to IMDB, is most known for something called “The Miraculous Mellops”. Sure. Fine.
I feel like saying that his vocal performance is like The Joker from Batman: TAS is, honestly, completely fair, especially since he will do the whole “maniacal laughter as the camera pans away from a building” thing that Joker is prone to do.
But seriously, The Appleman has a great voice and is definitely the voice acting highlight in this whole show.
0 notes