#Udin Lorathyes
bexisanartist1 · 3 months
Species✨️(long ass lists)
Lorathyes overall:
A human-like species that contains animal-like traits and can even have mythical traits but only on rare occasions. Some are born more human-like, and some are born more animal-like. They can be based on many different animals, their personality, and their type of Lorathyes. They are known to have more feline traits than anything else. Depending on which type of lorathyes, they can live anywhere in the world. They are commonly born with special abilities based on their family line and it is often for them to show powers at birth or when they're in ages of 4 to 10, any higher could possibly mean they have no abilities, which is very rare. These species are commonly almost immortal after they randomly stop physically aging. The ages can stop randomly when they get their powers, but it's usually when they reach their adulthood (19-30 years old). They have 4 different subspecies ; Lubat and Mospir. Udin and Ateran.
Sometimes, these species can crossbreed with other subspecies or even different species. It can be considered rare since it is common for the Lorathyes to believe it as taboo, and some tend to believe their species are superior to others. Not all Lorathyes believe this.
Lubat Lorathyes:
Commonly found in deserts or any dry section. They often rely on the water in cactus' and any possible scrap or rotting animal left in the sand, and each other. They are considered the 1st smallest subspecies of Lorathyes due to their lack of resources in the desert; the average male Lubat Lorathyes are between 5’4” and 5' 11”. The females tend to be 6’0” to 7’3”. They usually have the powers to camouflage with their surroundings, create small tornadoes using the dust and sand around them, and some of them can even create light. Due to their evolution, they tend to be vampire-like creatures that handle being in the sun for a certain period of time if the sun is ever shown where they commonly are.
Mospjr Lorathyes:
Commonly found in forests or anywhere naturalistic. This subspecies of Lorathyes are commonly loners, relying on specific birds of their choice for information. They can rarely obtain the ability to use photosynthesis with their skin, but they can also eat normally and almost anything as long as it doesn't harm them. The Mospir Lorathyes that use photosynthesis commonly have extra fragile yet soft skin due to their skin basically being their lungs. Unlike the other subspecies of Lorathyes, they tend to live longer due to their nearly endless source of sunlight and water. This form of Lorathyes is more commonly female than male. Rarely ever males show up in this subspecies . This is the 3rd smallest species of Lorathyes, males usually reaching 7'4'' to 15'8". Their powers usually, of course , are nature related. The ones with photosynthesis can even create any form of plants from their skin and can create pollen from their pores.
Udin Lorathyes:
Commonly found in ice-cold environments such as mountain tops, snow biomes, icebergs, and occasionally cold seas or lakes. They can sustain extreme amounts of cold and be fine with not eating for weeks to even 4 months. They usually only come down to normal towns in this wintertime instead of spring or summer due to heat being extra overwhelming to them. They can be easy to spot anywhere else but tend to be difficult to spot in the snow/ice areas due to their pale-white and sometimes even light blue skin. Usually, they are albino, the blue skin is rare or only seen with those living in icebergs. These are the 2nd smallest form of Lorathyes, males at around 5'6" to 7' 2" and females around 5 '8 to 8 ft. Their powers are anything water, ice, and snow. And on occasion, lightning
Atren Lorathyes:
Commonly found in radioactive areas or volcanos. This form of Lorathyes can withstand intense amounts of heat and radiation. They can be considered immune. Some can even walk on lava just fine. They are the largest form of Lorathyes and can reach 16 feet to 22'5" and maybe even the strongest one naturally. Having the ability to create immense temperatures of fire and even an intense amount of radiation from their pores on command or even based on their emotion(s). Raising one can be incredibly dangerous if you are not an Ateran Lorathyes or any radiation immune species due to higher risks of not being able to control their radiation or fire and since the Lorathyes usually get their powers young they will have outbursts of emotions (aka, tantrums). These species tend to be chaotic or even crazy by nature, but it’s sometimes just a stereotype.
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