inflame · 1 month
"oh, you're pretty fucking delicate." pronounced with an air of don't lie --- and a little bit of wickedness, if only in laura's word choice. "i've seen you go into hysterics over a cigarette." / @readbetween
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ratkiing-a · 1 year
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"hey !! no, man. no !! when you say shit like that you get me all riled up !! all riled up. i'm literally up to here right now !!"
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akuikami · 15 days
the  destruction  hadn’t  yet  settled. shibuya  —  a  once  bustling  city  now  nothing  but  ash  and  death. a  mere  shell  left  behind  by  the  rampage  of  a  King. he  stood , soaking  up  the  feeling  it  gave  him. he’d  escaped  that  prison .  .  . that  brat , his  vessel  was  no  more. he  hadn’t  chased  the  kid  down  nor  had  he  planned  to. not  yet  anyways , in  due  time  he’d  get  the  fight  he  deserved  but  for  now  he  reveled  in  the  feeling  of  pure  bliss. 
he  looks  down  ,  four  arms  as  strong  as  ever. there  wasn’t  a  thing  he  couldn’t  do  now  that  he  was  in  his  rightful  body. the  preparations  uraume  had  made  gone  to  waste  now  as  he’d  taken  matters  into  his  own  hands. normally  he  was  a  bit  more  patient  but  there  was  someone  out  there  who  needed  him .  .  . needed  him  when  he  wasn't  locked  away. he  knew  he  was  superior , he  knew  he’d  thrive  without  anyone  but  his  soul  hadn’t  been  complete  since  he  lost  his  love. 
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sukuna  wasn’t  someone  who  fell  in  love  nor  was  he  someone  who  cared  for  anything  other  than  himself. yet he’d  been  vulnerable  while  he  was  still  human  and  yet  he  considered  his  marriage  to  be  his  greatest  accomplishment  in  life. nothing  mattered  to  him  more  than  that. and  now  .  .  .  he  turned  when  footsteps  were  heard. he  could  feel  the  ache  in  his  soul , the  need  to  move  closer  and  the  desire  to  feel  him  again. 
“  my  dearest  love .  .  .  ”  the  king  stood  tall  as  he  looked  down. no  one  was  around  to  see  sukuna  as  he  dropped  to  one  knee  before  @fjaorhamr. not  once  would  sukuna  ever  be  caught  doing  such  a  thing  yet  this  man  had  a  piece  of  his  heart. no amount of time could change that. he  reaches  out  and  runs  a  hand  through  the  long  hair , pulling  out  the  tie  in  the  process.  “  you’re  as  beautiful  as  the  day  i  lost  you.  ”
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hiiraethus · 11 months
❛  i used to believe in forever but forever’s too good to be true.  ❜ [ have some more angst kekeke ] @humanremained​​
winnie the pooh sentence starters. // accepting
Elvóthien heaved a sigh as she settled more into the couch in Adam’s office. It certainly wasn’t uncommon for them to take their lunch together, but it had become even more frequent following his amicable split with Megan. She didn’t mind, especially if it meant she could provide any sort of comfort or support for her friend. He would have done the same were their roles reversed.
Their conversation had been idle, pinballing from one random topic to another; from work, to weekend plans, to Kubrick, and anything and everything in between. Elvóthien had observed that he seemed broodier than usual, but she didn’t think much of it and attributed it to his current situation. The cards he had been dealt were certainly less than ideal.
Slender arms crossed over her chest as Adam spoke. Of course that was on his mind. She didn’t blame him. The poor man had quite enough to sort through, that was for sure.
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❝ Now, you know that’s not true.❞ Jade hues lifted to those of blue, and ever so did her head tilt to one side, curls cascading down one shoulder with the movement. ❝ You’re going through a lot right now, and... I know it’s hard. It’s going to be for quite some time, but that doesn’t mean that there’s not light at the end of the tunnel.❞
Shoulders animated in a light shrug. ❝ Besides, who’s not to say that you won’t patch things up down the road? Maybe a brief break was the best thing for the both of you right now. I know that you’re both under tremendous stress -- Megan especially with Mr. Sarif’s high expectations, and I know it hasn’t been easy for you with Pritchard breathing down your neck every second you’re here.❞ She didn’t have the heart to say it, but maybe the breakup was a good thing. He deserved better.
❝ What I mean to say is... Things won’t always be so bad, Adam. Keep your head up, keep doing good work. Things will get better.❞
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vesselmade-a · 2 months
satoru won’t lie : part of his gift would’ve only been possible thanks to nanami’s cooperation, somewhat surprised he’d entertain the more… spontaneous sort of ideas, even though a surprise party wasn’t all that unheard of for a child yūji’s age. still, it’d have to wait until evening ⸻ among the inevitable abundance of toys & sweets already prepared for him, six-eyes decides to offer him his own present in the meantime.
it’s far from extravagant or conventional, its value hardly likely to be properly grasped by the boy that’s still too young [ … ] but he’s quick to catch up on his knowledge of curses even outside of an environment that swarms with them. a talisman from one of his trips overseas, the most potent one in his arsenal to boot, tinkered with by none other than gojō himself to further strengthen its ability to keep even the most harmless of curses at bay. for the rare occasions he may not be around. sitting the boy down on one of his thighs, satoru makes quick work of tying it around the kid’s wrist & gives his hair a ruffle. “ ice cream & a movie of your choice? ...dad’s treat, of course ! ”
the  boy  had  been  brimming  with  excitement  all  week , eagerly  anticipating  the  20th  of  march — his  birthday. it  was  a  day  he  looked  forward  to  every  year , much  like  any  other  kid. while  gifts  held  little  allure  compared  to  the  cherished  moments  spent  with  his  dad  and  the  indulgence  in  sweets , he  relished  the  simple  joys  of  being  surrounded  by  loved  ones. despite  having  almost  everything  he  wanted , nothing  compared  to  having  his  father  by  his  side. he  was  a  modest  child , content  with  little , despite  his  abundance.
as  he  glanced  at  his  wrist , a  wide  smile  painted  across  his  face , his  eyes  sparkled  with  excitement. "  thanks , dad !  "  small  arms  wrapped  tightly  around  his  guardian's  neck , holding  on  with  a grip  stronger  than  intended , as  if  unwilling  to  let  go. yuji  believed  that  this  embrace  was  the  best  gift  he  could  receive  on  his  birthday. at  the  end  of  the  day , yuji  deemed  this  simple  moment  as  the  pinnacle  of  his  birthday  celebrations. with  boundless  energy , he  leaped  up , unable  to  contain  his  excitement , tugging  on  satoru's  sleeve. "  ice  cream  and  a  movie ?  "  he  practically  squealed , already  poised  to  dart  out  the  door  before  even  changing  into  something  new. "  this  is  already  the  best  birthday  ever !  " without a doubt this was something he said each and every year.
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starvesel · 6 months
──── @ungest said ❛ sorry to put you through that . i guess i owe you one now . ❜ *
avoiding  eye  contact  ,  fingers  play  with  the  flower  in  her  fingers  ,  absently  picking  at  petals.  ❛❛  i  think  i’m  the  one  who  owes  you  something.  ❜❜  the  scar  remained  etched  upon  her , a  constant  reminder.  the  memory of  kuroi’s  unblinking  eyes  ,  flashed  in  riko’s  mind.  she  jolts  suddenly  ,  opting  to  take  a  seat  on  the  bench  nearest  to  her.  it  was  a  new  feeling  to  be  on  her  own.  the  newfound  solitude  felt  unfamiliar , with  the  woman  who  raised  her  now gone , leaving  only  the  two  sorcerers  who  had  saved  her.  
❛❛  if  it  wasn’t  for  you  and  gojo-san  .  .  .  i  wouldn’t  be  alive.  ❜❜  her  voice  trailed  off , laden  with  a  sense  of  helplessness. she  feels  the  weight  of  their  near - loss , a  burden  she   couldn’t  shake , yet  knew  she  had  no  control  over  the  circumstances. her  young  shoulders  bore  an  unwarranted  guilt , a  heavy  burden  she  shouldn’t  carry.  before  the  gun  had  been  fired  she  thought  she’d  made  the  right  choice. ( no  matter  what  decision  you  make  ,  satoru  and  i  will  guarantee  your  future ).  those  words  echoed , a  promise  she  clung  to  despite  doubts  about  the  worth  of  her  own  life  in  the  balance. 
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finally  discarding  the  now  picked  apart  flower  she  finally  met  his  gaze , tears  glistening , struggling  to  be  contained.  such  a  gentle  smile  ,  a   calming  presence   —  a  pillar  of  support  despite  the  turmoil  she’d  caused.  they  were  her  only  remaining  constants.  ❛❛  i  don’t  think  i’ll  ever  be  able  to  pay  you  back  for  what  you’ve  done.  for  what  you’ve  given  me. ❜❜  a  second  chance  at  life.
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ovdovetyeye-a · 8 months
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@smertzimy asked: ❛ why can't you just act like a normal person? ❜
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Was that some sort of a 𝑻𝑹𝑰𝑪𝑲 𝑸𝑼𝑬𝑺𝑻𝑰𝑶𝑵? It had to be...He of 𝑨𝑳𝑳 𝑷𝑬𝑶𝑷𝑳𝑬 should know just how 𝑵𝑶𝑻 𝑵𝑶𝑹𝑴𝑨𝑳 she really was. She hadn't been normal a day in her life. It was more likely that he was just 𝑩𝑬𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑷𝑳𝑨𝒀𝑭𝑼𝑳, which was what earned him the smirk as she turned to look at him with a faked 𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑹𝑬𝑫𝑼𝑳𝑶𝑼𝑺 look. "I'm sorry...have you met me? Who are you? And what have you done with Bucky?" She smirked, before winking and getting up to walk into the kitchen for another coffee. "Don't think you'd like me as much if I were normal."
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inflame · 3 months
re: yellowjackets au.
there's already a lot in yj that's influenced by tp / just laura herself! for the most part, it's not very deep --- so this isn't that kind of post --- but i do want to point some of it out for people who haven't seen peaks, because i think it goes a ways to show how easy it is to just throw her in there.
character tribute 1: laura [palmer; sheryl] lee. christian but not in That Way. the episode about laura lee's flight/sacrifice was originally titled 'fire walk with me' after the 1992 film about laura's, so i know for SURE that those parallels were not accidental.
character tribute 2: van. this one's really kind of just 'she's gay and they have the same surname, and every time a girl in horror has the name palmer it's for the same reason' but they'd get along really well. so she gets a mention, anyway.
lottie's powers, if you believe they're powers, are pretty much the same as laura's. the thing is, though, that laura's are tied to a specific group of Beings that i don't especially care to drag into this (even though they live in the pnw, which funnily Is Where They Are). i imagine she'd be able to be useful in surprising ways, though, she's bad to have dreams / premonitions about her own situations. if she tells you you should look over there for food, etc., you should probably do it.
(she is more likely to just go after it herself, though. she definitely isn't going to broadcast That Shit.)
the mall/mirror universe (ft. misty's dreamscape) is all From Peaks. misty's dreamscape is an actual set from peaks --- it's the black lodge/red room/basically the spirit house (where laura 'lives' after she dies, and one of the places she visits in her dreams beforehand). there's a lot of interesting stuff to get in here in the sci-fi of it all, BUT i don't know how much farther they'll take the concept of tulpas/doppelgangers, so i will not. do that.
about actually throwing her in there:
she actually knows a lot about #survival and i would imagine that's true even if she's been stranded in jersey for some ungodly reason, though she might not have so much hands-on experience. i always say laura was a boy scout and i kind of really mean it.
if there's something that may or may not need doing, and half the group is like "hell, no, i don't have a death wish", laura will be in the other half. every time. i'd say she'd be king of the other half, but that spot is already taken. so thanks for taking that off our hands, tai.
they're kids here so it's not like she's running around with EMT certification or whatever, but she will be at least as knowledgable as misty and has probably had more practice, as she is pretty used to being responsible for children. and i hope. misty is not.
i don't really have thoughts about her surviving or not; i kind of assume that if this takes off and i'm doing a lot of development with other survivors, she will, and if not, it's anybody's guess. but i just really am amused by the Very Real Thought that she at least wouldn't be one of the first to die. which is, like, nice for her. once.
and it's kind of... well. obviously not a vacation. but she would be at all times very aware that she dodged a bullet by not being home / from her abusers assuming she's dead. so i think she'd be able to be present in a way she usually isn't, especially when she's [gestures vaguely] that age.
she has tarot cards. sorry to all of you.
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ratkiing-a · 1 year
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"would you still like me if i was a worm ??"
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oddlies · 7 months
@grandgrief from here!
“You’re telling me I should’ve left ‘em all alone? I was just doing what was right.”
Tony, or Knockout, as her vigilantism made her dub herself, furrows her brows. Tension melted into confusion at the sound of her own voice echoing back at her, even if it was one word, it was enough to have her stomach drop. "My deal? What's YOUR deal?!" She's defensive, fists clenching. "I'm getting criminals that nobody else seems to touch. You working with them or something?"
Eyes narrow as he stares him down. "I'm not sure I wanna tell you who I am. Not when you can use my voice like that. What the hell is this?"
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moonspower · 7 months
you are beautiful, truly. sometimes we're silent, sometimes we're not. independence is the theme of what we have. i'll cook for you if you tell me the concept of art therapy. it works. i think of you as a breeze - cool, calming, and the remnants of it are felt on the skin. i'd never try to contain you.
✨ anonymous. meme. still accepting!
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❝You promise? I don't think you'd want to hear about what I have prepared for a keynote I'm presenting in two weeks… Like the newest trends in art therapy and navigating the field in the digital age. It's a lot of notes and stuff,❞ Virote mused—now, he felt borderline insecure about being boring. Was he boring? He was probably overthinking it. ❝Thank you for respecting me. And… If you want to talk to me about something, I'm listening. If you want me to help you find the chili pepper paste, I'll do it. Tell me about your day! And, gossip about the stupid co-worker two floors down from you.❞
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vesselmade-a · 6 months
on this rare day off , a welcomed respite from the usual whirlwind of chaos , he found himself bothering his fellow first year instead of engaging in his typical activities like visiting shops or diving into manga. boredom had taken over his mind — the worst thing imaginable for someone who couldn't sit still. shoulders slump forward as he dares to reach out and poke megumi's cheek.
❛ whatever you’re going to ask, the answer is no. ❜ / @diaboelic
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❛❛   fushigurooo. don't be like that. ❜❜ he anticipated retaliation for his impish behavior but persisted nonetheless , a question lingering at the edge of his tongue. settling beside his fellow student , he briefly considered stepping away ( a fleeting thought , really ). he felt fortunate not to have been chased off already.
❛❛   I was going to ask if you could summon the dogs. ❜❜ the grin he flashed carried a persuasive edge. his motives were a mix of seeking a challenge — testing his ability to outrun them — or perhaps just a genuine curiosity to witness the shikigami in action. ❛❛   don't say no yet just think about it. ❜❜
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ratkiing-a · 1 year
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"so ..." he leans against the wall, hand raising to run against it for a moment before dropping his arm back at his side. "... what ... in theory ... would it mean if someone called you a 'babygirl' ??"
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braveburned · 10 months
“Stop being such a drama queen!” ( from vanny ! )
Argumentative Sentences, Vol. 1
★ — What Gregory wants to do is scream, and kick, and throw as large of a fit as he can possibly manage. A tantrum brewing beneath the surface, barely contained within the boy — it's not far. They're asking too much of him, and he knows anything aside from perfection would be considered unacceptable. He's clever, but he isn't some sort of genius. There's too large of a potential for error, and truth be told, Gregory is scared of what would happen if he were to mess something up.
But he doesn't want to prove Vanny right — not when that could also be used against him, not when he knows she won't let it go. So he's holding himself together. Could be described as pouting, if it weren't for the frightened edge to it. Arms folded over his chest, shoulders hunched to make himself smaller as he glares at the woman. His eyes are glossy, watering, but he refuses to let it turn to tears.
"Just leave me alone, alright?!"
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inflamearc · 1 year
"frasier? really?" / @aspirinqs asked for, and therefore Is Receiving, a one-liner
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