#WINGS. so Emizel can't throw this one of a cliff this time LMAOOOO
dispotatorulzz · 2 months
Here's my sucksona. If you even care (yes I know his name is my name . it's EASY and I'm TIRED)
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BASICALLY he's a gangrel that got fucked up by Viv and Vex and now his beast form looks like the right and his humanoid one is just fucked up forever to
Me rambling about em under the cut
First this alt of him
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OK ANYWAY. ROUGHLY (may change this later) he kinda like. Works for the Weylin twins ???? He brings in bodies for them and aslong as he keeps up with that he's left to his own devices. Doesn't remember his own last name but he didn't really gaf anyways
I KNOWWWWW he's a masquerade breach.
ONE - it is la people up that late in that city have more to worry about than a gay furry running around
TWO- I do not gaf. I think he looks cool SO WHAT.
Ok beast time :]>>>
His funky little beast form was altered by the Weylin twins and now he's just like that . Since he's a gangrel tho he can shape-shift out of it and all that but they fucked him up a little and it altered his usual form to
The snake head doesn't have a brain also (they thought it would disorientate him to much). The eyes and mouth and everything respond to the tigers brain :]. If you cut off the snakes head it'd keep moving you need to cut off the tigers to go for the kill <3. Snake also cannot digest things ! Whatever it swallows will stay in it's stomach area and be coughed up later on, kinda like owl pellets but with literally everything it "eats".
The yellow bits on his back are a rattle !! It's fused to his spine so whenever he shakes it his whole spine does a fun little shake (could be problematic for him in the long wrong but it sounds cool as hell so . WHATEVER)
All I can remember rn is I didn't finish one of the pages for the beast but it is pretty big :)!!! I think vex would stand a little taller than the bottom line for the second set of pecs he's got (for his double wings <333)
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