#WOW respecting Ace juice is flowing freely today!!!
xamaxenta · 2 years
Ok I saw your post about Ace going toe to toe with an Admiral and I just need to GO OFF for a sec here…
Ace is goddamn hard as fuck because even tho ice and flame are opposing powers, for them to cancel each other out exactly implies that both users have the exact same skill, stamina, and power levels. Given the fact that Ace is a) younger than Aokiji, b) less experienced in fights than Aokiji, and c) injured and likely fairly weak from prison, this is INSANE. Like. Think about how well ace would’ve done if he was fully rested and hadn’t just been released from an execution platform by his brother whom he has to look out for.
He could probably beat Aokiji. Definitely in a few years he could, because given his relative youth and inexperience compared to an Admiral; this means he improves much faster than a goddamn Admiral! All this to say Ace is one of the strongest characters in One Piece and people need to put some respect in his goddamn name!
(Not you obviously you drink your Respect Ace juice regularly)
Ok I’m done now, rant over.
THANK YOU!!! Pls I would award you the PhD in Aceology but you clearly don’t need it because you’re already a decorated master in this field 🙏🏽
more under cut bc i went off too dont worry i love your rant im just screaming over how you summarised it so well
I’d like to reinforce point c) about him being injured and weakened after his capture and further incapacitation… Up until this point of his being freed from the shackles and fighting Aokiji, Ace went through the following:
- travelled great distances under the influence of driven anger and immense grief, to bring the man who killed his friend to justice
- had an intense fight once caught up with the murderer who happened to have Ace’s element’s natural opposite (light/fire vs Darkness) - but put up a tough fight which was endorsed by Teach himself three times (who also complimented on Ace’s battle sense), once when he tells his new crew they’re no match for Ace, secondly when he invites Ace to join his crew (the fucking nerve) and third when they’re actually fighting and there’s that deranged obsessive look on Teach’s face, there’s a reason he so desperately wanted the Mera Mera in Dressrosa — but ultimately was defeated due to inexperience and zero knowledge of his opponents abilities
- after this we learn Ace was captured and sent as a bargaining chip, give Ace to the marines and Teach becomes a Warlord - but Ace most definitely wasnt treated for his wounds (maybe a little) and was thrown into Impel Downs sixth layer and apparently withstood the boiling water trial all prisoners had to endure without crying out in pain
He took it like a champ, wounded and cuffed by seastone thats thats beast level holy shiiit
And after that he was just thrown into his jail cell and left to rot , chained up in an uncomfortable postion until his due execution date…
Fast forward, Ace has been kneeling on that wooden platform for at least an hour before he’s freed, that probably hurt a lot - im reaching here pushing my own headcanon a little but I doubt he was well, im certain from all the crying and dry prison air he’s probably got the migraine of the century, his lungs and eyes and throat must hurt
(yeah im just infatuated over this ask now lol dont take this too seriously )
The war is a live emotional rollercoaster for him, his family the whitebeard pirates charging headlong into enemy home territory to save him? Is it even worth it, is he worth it?
And then he’s free and his muscles are aching he hurts all over and moves probably mostly on adrenaline and then he comes face to face with Aokiji who we know is powerful, dangerous and kind of a wildcard and youre so right - ice and fire have the potential to overwhelm the other but for them to cancel out like they did?
Ace is suffering from wounds new and old, hes exhaused af versus Aokiji who more or less got fresh into the fight ? Maybe people will argue Aokiji wasn’t going all out, so?????? Ace still went toe to toe with an Admiral
Actually Ace fuckin stalemated an admiral and if he was healthy and rested Youre right I think he would’ve been able to take Aokiji head on and win
And this is what people forget about Ace!!! The reason the marines and wg wanted to get rid of him was not just because of his lineage but also because Ace is powerful, a fast growing threat
If Ace had that same two year timeskip as the strawhats ? He would’ve been unstoppable imo 😳 (now i will imagine Rayleigh mentoring Ace...)
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